Blood Butterfly

By SophieSwan3925

193K 4.2K 1.3K

What happens when Angelina finds the news of her parents death and has to move in with her brothers and fathe... More

2. Angel
3. new start
4. I am afraid of everything
5. he is back
6. A Friend?
7. what the hell!?
8. The Truth
10. she is somewhere safe
12. twine twine
13. new friends
14. mafia ball
15. caught
16. "Matty I need your ...FUCKIG HELL YOU FREAK"
17. First Day of School
18. sorry about that
19. stay away from me!!
20. don't you dare close your eyes
21. Xerxes
22. A Christmas morning
23. no mess no fun
24. The Brightest Star
25. Surprise!
27. Crystal and Cole
28. Sophia
29. "SIMPLE?!?!"
30. I am killing them, no exceptions?
must read if you want to continue this book
31. I miss you Sophia
32. "What? When? How? Where?
33. reunited
34. happy ending
bonus chapter
35. life is what it is

9. The Concert

5.1K 119 31
By SophieSwan3925

Angelina POV

They told me that my other relatives will be here at 7 in the morning and usually stay till 4 in evening but as I am here this year (which they don't know as papa decided to surprise them) they will most probably stay for days

Now time is 6 am and I am told to put the grand outfit on

"we are done" I shout from inside of our room

"we are coming out" twinny yelled



"wait a minute" were all the replies

"what are you boys doing? papa?" I asked hopping he would say me

They just said us to get ready and not to come out till they say

"sorry princess I cant expose my boys" papa replied

"not even for your cute little princess?" I asked with my special weapon

'using baby voice'

"boys I can't hold it I am telling her..." he got cut of by gorgy

"ok now come on out both of you make sure you step out hands in hands"

With that we opened door slowly and stepped only a foot out when all of a sudden there were pose petals falling on top of us

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TWINS" they shouted together

"thankyou guys" we both replied and then did a group hug

"ok so now we have a few minutes before every one come any idea what to do till then" Noah asked

"I know what" I replied jumping on my feet "how about a concert you guys told me you have a music room here"

"ok baby what ever you want music room here we come" harry said picking me up and sprinting towards music room

All the boys excluding papa started to race me and harry towards music room while papa was just walking

By the time I and harry reached music room papa was already present I was shocked

"papa how did you come first it was supposed to be me and harry" I asked shocked

"I came through the lift where as you guys climbed all stairs" he shrugged

"next time I am coming with papa" I declared earning a pout from harry

"I am first" twinny yelled bursting in

"no, me" Noah

"I think it's me" Gorge

"its dad or harry and angel" Oliver said making them turn head in our direction

"when did you get here?"

"before you" I said getting out of Harry's hand

I stood up and said "soldiers positions" I said acting like a commando

"yes mam" they did a mock salute except papa and Oliver

Then papa put a mic stand with mic near my mouth, twinny went to the drums, Noah went to guitar, gorge sat on piano and Jacob start to record it in his camera

I noticed it a lot Jacob loves photography he took a lot of photos in the last one week may it be me siting on Oliver's lap while he pet my hair, harry giving me a piggy back ride, twinny and me with face full of flour while making brownie, Noah kissing my cheek, papa throwing me in air and catching me again and at last selfie of me and him in his bedroom with me in his clothes which drowned me

Anyway, back to present now that everyone were ready I quickly did a mic check by saying

"so, my dear audients which are papa and Oliver and my favorite cameraman Jacob today you are going to hear 'you don't know' which I am singing piano is going to be played by my cuddle brother gorgy, the drums are going to be played by my amazing twin, the guitar is going to be played by my sweet brother Noah and last but not the least my brother harry is going to be in charge of spotlight so please take your seats gentlemen" I said in a perfect British accent

After I completed my speech papa and Oliver sat on the couch opposite of us and Jacob started to set up hi camera

"ok so three two one and start" Jacob said starting his camera and immediately lights were off

Then the spotlight was turned on, on top of gorge first who started to play the piano then followed by me who started to sing closing my eyes, followed by Noah on guitar and at last my twin with drums

as I opened my eyes I saw more than ten unknown people looking at me in total adoration and pure love

I immediately blushed like a crazy person hid behind the person closest to me which happened to be Noah who covered successfully with his big muscles but not my huge ass dress

"that was amazing princess" papa said picking me up and kissing my forehead

And of course, my "4'8. Height is protected by my father who is "6'9.

Yes this stupid change of me because I am princess of Hazel falls reduced my height by that much so now I look like a Lilliput in front of these Giants

"is this who I am thinking brother?" a lady asked who came while I was singing I guess

"yes Gina meet Angelina my daughter" papa said placing me down but I stood beside him catching his pants

"princess meet Gina and Marcus your first aunt and uncle then meet Michael and Sera your second uncle and aunt Gina and Michael are my sister and brother" papa said

"hello I am Angelina nice to meet you" I said and noticed that apart from uncles and aunts there are more boys too

"hello dear I am Michael your uncle and my wife Sera and my sons Liam, William, Elijah, James, mason, Elias and Adrian" uncle Michael said

(A/N: Liam and William are twins)

"hey princess I am your aunt Gina and my husband Marcus and they are my sons Ethan, Ryan, Colton, Caleb and john"

(A/N: Ryan and Colton are twins)

"so, you are saying I have 18 big brothers now?" I asked shocked

"its 15 princess not eighteen" uncle Marcus said

"yes princess you are stuck up with 18 brothers" papa said making everyone confused

"who are the other three cause clearly she has six own brothers and twelve cousins which totals up as fifteen not eighteen" aunt Gina asked

"Blake, Alex and Axel they are my brothers too back at my old house" I said "and they always wished me first on my birthday for past three years and today too" I add

"what! I taught we wished you first" Noah said placing hand on his heat pretending to be hurt

"wait you said they wished you first for four years straight" Liam says and I nod

"where were you before that?" William askes and I go into a flashback

"why are you doing this" I asked him

He smirked and said "you know darling when you are sixteen we can have double the fun we are having now as I will make you mine when you are sixteen by marring you"

"But why are you ding this please unlock my chains my hand and legs are hurting I never went out in one whole year please you cant keep me locked up more time I will die this way" I said trying to break free from the chains that kept me tied to wall

"well, you wot leave our room till you re married to me so you will now either let me feed you or I am going to call Conner" he threatened me

It has been like this since last year if I did not let him spoon-feed me or did not listen to him it would earn a punishment and it was not good but it was way worse when Conner would come

"no please not Conner" I cried remembering the last time Conner decided to discipline me

"good now open your mouth darling" I obeyed

''''''' (END OF FLASHBACK) ~~~~~~

I flinch as a hand touched me at the same place of my face he used to kiss if I was 'good girl' and behaved

"don't touch me" I slapped the hand away but soon realized who it was and regret washed over me


"sorry papa I just,.... I mean... it was,..... a sensitive area of my skin I really did not mean to snap it at you" I said immediately

"it's ok princess" papa said

"you did not reply where were you before you were ten?" Ryan asked

"foster care?" it came out as a question

"it's a question or an answer dear?" uncle Marcus asked

"it's an answer" I rushed out

"leave it now tell me is Alexzander coming" Noah said sensing that I did not wanted to talk about my past but it made me freeze in my spot

Don't overreact there are at least a million Alexzander's in this world

"yeah he said he will get here late" said john

"who is Alexzander?" I asked

"he is my best friend and is close to us" said Elijah

"ohh how old is he?" I asked

"23 but he will turn 24 in two days but why?" Elijah asked

So many Alexzander are born on 25th November I taught

"nothing just curious" I replied just on time doorbell rang

"he is here" twinny ran to get the door

"Alexzander and Charlie are kind of close" papa asked

As we all went downstairs I froze in my spot

It was him

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