Open up (kda x male reader)

By I-Try-everyday69

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[ON hold] Alright this is the new story I've been thinking for a while and well it's [Y/N] but he has powers... More

Just a little bit about this story
Chapter 1 (How??)
Chapter 2 (The concert)
Chapter 3 (day with kda)
Chapter 4 (The offer)
Chapter 5 (The protection)
Chapter 6 (WHY JASON!)
Chapter 7 (Not bad jason)
Chapter 8 (Oh great)
Chapter 9 (Who?)
Chapter 10 (What the fuck)
Chapter 11 (Wow love problems)
Chapter 12 (The party)
Chapter 13 (What are these....feelings)
Chapter 14 (BINGO!)
Chapter 15 (I got you)
Chapter 16 (I support you)
Chapter 17 (The sunset looks nice)
Chapter 18 (What the hell)
Chapter 19 (Get outsmarted)
Chapter 20 (Now i see you)
Chapter 21 (Im here)
Chapter 22 (Just this one favor)
A good announcement
Chapter 23 (Whats his name)
Chapter 25 (Fuck it ill join)
Chapter 26 (Ill be your third)
Chapter 27 (THIS IS SO STUPID)
Chapter 28 (Nolat is WHAT!)
Chapter 29 (Thats gonna leave a mark)
Chapter 30 (just old stories)
Chapter 31 (To bandle city it is)
Chpater 32 (BOW BEFORE ME!)
Chapter 33 (Shut up and do it)
Chapter 34 (Im sorry but LETS DO THIS)
Chapter 35 (OH SHIT...I....JUST HAD SEX)
Chapter 36 (Back to that city it is)
Chapter 37 (ASSERT DOMINANCE...........Nevermind)
Chapter 38 (And you didnt catch him why?)
Chapter 39 (Ok.....My turn)
Chapter 40 (Wait Extra friends?)

Chapter 24 (All is in plan)

1.2K 25 19
By I-Try-everyday69

*[Y/N] POV*

Hmmmm nolat......seems really familiar......I just can't put my finger on it

[Y/N]: So his name is nolat huh....

Seraphine: Yea....why?

[Y/N]: Something about him........

Nolat: So I move like like right

Kai'sa: Yea ummmm how many times must I remind you??

Nolat: Alot because im a terrible dancer haha

Just seems off....and I can't quite put my finger on it

Seraphine: I mean what's off is that he is wearing a hoodie and well we told him to freshen up but he wouldn't take it off so we didn't complain since they needed to dance for the competition and apparently the hoodie helps him in dancing

[Y/N]: Hmph....sounds a little edgy to me

Seraphine: Yea it is

Still this nolat guy.......something tells me that he screams danger....but for me....not the girls.....hmmmm....i gotta to take a better look at him 

[Y/N]: Hey seraphine.....why don't you leave for a few

Seraphine: Why??

[Y/N]: Because....i want to watch in peace 

Seraphine: what??? since when did you like watching other people dance

[Y/N]: I don't im only asking since i need some time alone to decode this guy

Seraphine: *sigh* do you but im telling you this guy is just a ordinary guy so....

With that she gets up to leave.....*click*......still...that....swain lookalikes words still haunt me.....but why would he target kda.....they didn't do anything...its me they want not them......*sigh*....i gotta figure it out soon because i got the feeling that the moment he said those words......i knew it would be the start of something bad happening to each of them 

Kai'sa: OK from the top again ready 

Evelynn & nolat: Yes

Well....i guess its time for me to come in and see who he is 

*click**closing doors*

Kai'sa: What the.....[Y/N]....what are you doing here??

[Y/N]: You thought i left....please.....i was just getting comfortable in my seat but i had to get up for a reason

Evelynn: And that is??

[Y/N]: Him

I pointed at nolat but he didn't hesitate or panicked....he remained calm.....strange guy

kai'sa: Whats wrong with him?

[Y/N]: Something about him just....isn't right

Evelynn: What do you mean...kai'sa trusts him

[Y/N]: I know but......Hey nolat don't you cover yourself let me see your face 

Kai'sa: [Y/N] relax.....he is shy....

[Y/N]: Oh don't give me that excuse....nolat....let me see your face real quick

Nolat: N...NO....stay away from me

Evelynn: [Y/N]....stop....your scaring him

Kai'sa: [Y/N]...shouldn't you be somewhere else??

[Y/N]: I would love to but i can't.....and why are you defending him??

Kai'sa: Because he is our partner in our dance championship now please just go and don't bother us....we have a lot of work to do...

[Y/N]: Ughh fine i didn't come here to watch your garbage anyways.....but just know...i will be watching him......

kai'sa: Hmph.....

With that i just leave....dammit....this is going to be harder then i thought....still.....the moment i left i could have swore he was smirking or giggling to himself behind that hoodie.....GRRR.....ill have to get to the bottom of this one way or another....

*Kai'sa POV*

Kai'sa: *sigh*.... sorry nolat....hes just like that sometimes with new people 

Nolat: Don't worry.....just that he scares me and its my first time meeting him so

Evelynn: Don't worry he won't be bothering us for a while

Kai'sa: He will be watching but not us.....but you nolat

Nolat: *sigh*...what did I do to deserve this

Kai'sa: I don't know but I'll talk to him about it later

Stupid [Y/N] how dare he scares nolat I mean he's a friend of mines and we have talked for a he even agreed to helping me get number 1 dancer in the world...too bad I needed a male partner for this dance and the championship....otherwise it would have been me and evelynn......but...surprisingly he can dance pretty well....still...we have a lot of work to do so....

Kai'sa: Ok ready to begin guys

Evelynn: Ready

Nolat: yes I'm ready....and kai'sa

Kai'sa: Yea?

Nolate: Thank you.....*whisper*....and...I'm sorry

Kai'sa: Ummm what was that last part?

Nolat: Oh nothing just random nonsense haha anyways lets begin shall we

Huh....strange....well doesn't matter we have a dance to practice

*[Y/N] POV*

Goddamit I have to figure out who he is but how?....Kai'sa and evelynn won't let get near him....ugghh.....

Kai'sa: Ok lets start again lets go

And now I have to watch them do this stupid dance.....whatever....I have to remember the mission because this nolat guy is suspicious....and I'll stay for as long as I can just to find out anything about him.....

*Timeskip 2 hours*

Kai'sa: You see your getting better

Nolat:Haha thank you

Dam he's good at hiding and is that really good....he's missing some footwork really...


[Y/N]: Hmph....what brings you here?

Seraphine: Came to check up on you and see what's up

[Y/N]: Well im clearly watching our guest of honor and well he's hiding himself and his Body Language VERY.....well

Seraphine: Ugh [Y/N] you should probably give up I mean how long have you been here?

[Y/N]: About.....2 hours....I mean there just dancing for there stupid championship that Kai'sa wants to win

Seraphine: I mean they have to since it is Kai'sas dream and evelynn and nolat want to help her reach that dream

[Y/N]: hmph.................say......when is this championship again?

Seraphine: Like in a few days

[Y/N]: Hold on a few days....I thought championships are like right away

Seraphine: Well what I forgot to mention is that the championship is like a week after that since what they are doing is practicing to be candidates....of course there will be other people over there that will compete

[Y/N]: Huh...........and after that week is my birthday

Seraphine: Oh really....tell me....when is it

[Y/N]: Not telling

Seraphine: But whyyy?????

[Y/N]: Because I don't feel like it.....

Seraphine: *sigh*........alright

My birthday is after this stupid dance championship huh.....interesting....well hopefully my birthday goes smoothly...and what i mean by that is that i want to be alone for my birthday....

kai'sa: ok we can stop.....we can continue tomorrow ok guys

[Y/N]:*sighhh*.....i guess there done

Seraphine: You better not follow that nolat guy

[Y/N]: Why?

Seraphine: Because your gonna get kai'sa and evelynn mad a since your gonna ruin kai'sas chance to win by scaring him

[Y/N]: Oh please you think i care

Seraphine: No but the others will 

[Y/N]: Hmm??\

Seraphine: they......sometimes worry about you when you leave un announced and well....even i worry sometimes so

Huh....since when did i have people worry about me....i can take care of myself

[Y/N]:Hmph cool

Seraphine: Yea......


Kai'sa: *sigh* what a long day

Evelynn: Yea......Im surprised he can keep up

Kai'sa: Yea.....

[Y/N]: Well where is he right now?

Kai'sa: OH hes

[Y/N]: ummm....where??

Evelynn: Huh....he was just here 

Kai'sa: Hmmm strange......still.....its [Y/N]s fault

[Y/N]: What....why me??

Kai'sa: Because you scared him when you tried to get close to him....honestly you should be more nice like him

More nice.....MORE NICE....AND.......LIKE HIM.....HIM!!!!

[Y/N]: Hmph i don't care....i only wanted to take a closer look at him but well you bitches wouldn't let me so 

Evelynn: Watch your tongue [Y/N]

Kai'sa: out of here 


Hmph...changing....yea right still the same guy so deal with it 

Evelynn: *Sighhh*..........anyways ill see you tomorrow 


Seraphine: Really [Y/N]

[Y/N]: What?....she wanted me to be more nice so i did become more nice 

Seraphine: But that's not what she meant...she meant like be more open or like express yourself a little more like what they do in dancing 

[Y/N]: Please do you think i don't.....That serves jason right about me changing 

Seraphine: But....this change could be good for and perhaps....purpose wise you know

[Y/N]: What do you mean purpose wise

Seraphine: Like in your battles that you fought in......have you ever had something to fight for?

[Y/N]: Yea i did and it was for myself....not for anyone 

Seraphine: But think about it.....have you ever had something precious that you wanted to protect or save??

[Y/N]: shit makes you weak....thats called love.....and i hate it 

Seraphine: *Sighhhh* day you will understand [Y/N]........


and when that day comes............You will have a purpose in your life other then killing......

*closing doors*

Hmph.....purpose....who needs that only purpose is to stop that lookalike swain....and get the other members back for intel......not that i care about them....but i want to see if i can get any type of information out of them..................yea

.....thats all i want......


is it really what i want???...............

*Nolat POV*

Good....i managed to escape and in a swift manner too....thank god 

*footsteps**click* *closing doors*

????: So......did you meet him

Nolat: Yes sir..

????: Does he know who you are??

Nolat: No...he doesn't....he was almost close but the kda girls defended me 

????: *evil laughter* So they took the bait....haha....good is a good thing you got her number at the party they went the dancing??

Nolat: Very horrible.....dancing is not my specialty

????: i hate dancing....but you must endure it for a few days because the moment they start to compete...........Is when you leave and make there dreams be crushed.....and with that crush will start a chain reaction to which 1 by 1 the kda girls will fall and then they won't be able to do the music video of there's since they will all be depressed and once they do thats when there downfall will begin....with no motivation the kda will be forced to seperate because of money problems and well there depressive nature will have spread to each of them and thus they won't be kda anymore after this............and once they aren't kda anymore..............

[Y/N] and the others........will be ours *evil laughter*

Alright boys ive tried to make the chapter as best i can but well i couldn't think well so tell me the feedback of this chapter plz because i want to know where i fucked up so i can address any issues or anything i have missed in the next chapter so............

Also imma take a 1 or 2 day break because my fingers and palms are fricken hurting alot from typing on my Computer and phone like how do wattpad authors do this like goddam alot of time on there hands really but i hope yall understand and well i really really REALLY want to type the next chapters because bro trust me...its gonna be so GODDAM beautiful and im gonna love it.....but i can't because of pain so.....anyways peace and cheers and thanks for understanding kiddos 

P.S.. before you say why does the swain lookalike want the kda to fall is because he wants them to fire [Y/N] because well money problems and make him go back to piltover so he can launch a full scale attack on piltover for them then ionia since well you know....ionia got some crazy shit so.......and his main focus is [Y/N] since.....he has something that he wants so.....anyways small sneak there but still anyways cheers..

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