Supermarket is a Cupid [On Hi...

By piana_staric

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"Don't you talk to me like that. Do you have any idea who I am?" "Oh yeah, you must be the prince of jerks be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36

Chapter 30

33 8 30
By piana_staric

Sunday makes you feel like you have the whole world ahead of you, and then the rug is pulled out from under your feet once the sun goes down. You try so hard not to focus on the fact that Monday is coming for you. But, then before you know it, Monday is right there, waiting for you with a gun to your head. It's time to go back to jail... I mean school.

Trudging through the hallway I finally reached my locker.

"You got this champion, one more period then lunch." Laura patted my back smiling at me. God only knows how grateful I am to have Laura and Bree.

My phone buzzed in my pocket but I ignored it because I have to get to class, ain't nobody getting detention for being late here.

I took out my maths book and close my locker. Groaning I took out the phone from my pocket which wouldn't stop buzzing.

"Hello. Jeremy I am in school-"

"Nyla, Nyla listen to me carefully. You need to get out of the school right now and don't talk to Jake and George. Get out of there fast."

"Wait wait hold up you are not making sen-" I started but Jeremy cut me off.

"Nyla Jesus Christ, for once listen to me." he snapped.

"What happened?" I whispered, now a bit scared because of his frantic voice.

"You know that second biggest mafia group, Jake and George are a part of it. And from the information I gathered looks like Jake is the leader."

"Wait what. Noooo." I gasped.


"No way"

"Yes way"

"Shut up, no."

"Cut it out Nyla, not the time."

"But Jer isn't he like seventeen?" I questioned.

"Yeah so am I." He counters.

"But you don't run it, you are not the leader or some shit that's your dad." I whispered looking around to make sure nobody hears me.

"Maybe that's the case with him too we don't know but still he can be dangerous so get out of there."

"Well if he is anything like you, then we have nothing to worry about." I chuckled.

"Nyla baby listen to me, this is not the time for you to do that thing of yours." Jeremy sighed.

"What thing?"

"You know the one where you joke around in serious situations because you rather pretend that everything is okay and funny than deal with it." He deadpanned.

"Now that you put it like that, it makes me sound weird."

"Well you are weird but Nyla GET OUT OF THERE NOW. And, take Bree and Laura with you if you can." He said with exasperation in his tone.

"Yeah yeah okay I'll do that bye." I said hanging up the call. I looked around to see the hallway was almost empty. I leaned back on my locker trying to process and take in the bomb Jeremy dropped on me.

And there they were Jake and George by their lockers looking anything but like a part of the second biggest gang in whole North America. What caught my eye was them fractionally talking and then walk away quickly. But Jake and I have maths next which is in opposite direction from where they went.

"Bree give me your car keys." I fretted.

"Huh? What happened?" She asked confused.

"Just give them. And listen carefully Laura, Bree until Jeremy or I don't get back to you stay away from George and Jake, no matter what. Don't go anywhere with them and go straight home from school." I said and started running down the hall.

"What? Where are you going?" Laura asked.

"Please just do as I say, trust me. Go straight home and don't talk to them." I said quickly before following the path that two newly discovered mafia boys did. I wasn't quick enough so lost sight of them.

I looked out the window and saw a Bugatti reversing from the parking lot. Oh I know that car and shit they are fast.

I carefully ran out, do not want to be seen by any teacher and specifically those two boys. I buckled up and look up to see them already out of the main gate.

I sped after them but had to hit the breaks hard because the gatekeeper stopped me and is now giving me pointed looks.

"Hey please let me go." I shouted, rolling down the window.

"Where do you think you are going miss? The school is not over." He dismissed me with a hand wave.

"B-but you just let those two go." I said dumbfounded.

"What's your point? I can't let you out unless you have a slip, which I see you don't have."

"I know for sure they didn't either and if you don't let me go I will file a complaint and you could lose your job." I threatened.

"Go on I have principal's orders to let them go." He retorted.

Shit, they must have gotten away far by now I have no time to argue anymore. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath whispering "sorry mom and dad cause your good girl is about to turn bad". I stomped on the pedal hard, brushing past the gatekeeper, praying to God that I didn't hurt him.

I sighed in relief when I heard him shout asking for me to stop, well at least he is okay. Adrenaline rushed through my veins as I stepped on the peddle and sped towards where I think the boys drove.

Fortunately, I caught up with their car before the intersection, thanks to traffic. I maintained a good amount of distance to not get caught.

Why are you doing this?

Doing what.

Following them when you should clearly go home as Jeremy said.

I don't know, I feel like I should and I am curious about what was so important that they have to rush out of school in such a hurry.

Ever heard of curiosity killed the cat.

Come on it's not that bad.

Ahan, whatever you say but if you get killed bitch that's not on me.

I was bought out of internal battle when my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID to see it is Jeremy, knowing very well how he is going to react, I didn't pick up.

For the next 15 minutes he kept on calling non-stop. I do not want to pick up because I know I am in trouble but if I don't pick up I will be in more trouble.

"It's okay just explain to him how this is what your guts are telling you. He can't kill you from the phone so don't panic." I mumbled to myself.

"Hey Jeremy. What's up." I said in a cheerful tone.

"Where are you?" It was not his usual bright voice.

Damn didn't know Jeremy's voice could be this deep.

"Is everything okay?" I gulped.

"I don't know why don't you tell me, I mean it's your phone which is heading away from the school and not in direction of your house." I can practically see his eyes closed and fist clenched.

"Jer I know it looks risky but I am just following them and trust me they have no idea that I am. I will not do anything stupid, promise and-" I started explaining.

"Wait hold up, YOU ARE FOLLOWING WHO?" He questioned. I winced, he is so going to kill me once I get home.

"Jake and George." I whispered.


"But jer-"

"NOW MEANS NOW." He ordered.

We both stayed quiet for some moments. I contemplated about turning around but then my running away from school and driving this far will all be at waste.

"I don't see the car turning around Ny." He voiced.

"I am sorry Jer but I am not turning around now."

"It's not about what you want, now turn around before you get yourself killed." He sounded calm but I know he is freaking out because he knows well that my stubborn ass would not listen to him.

"Jeremy please trust me, there was something weird about the way they reacted after talking on the phone with someone." I reasoned.

"Nyla please this is dangerous don't do it." He sighed.

"Jeremy please, either I do this alone or you can help me." I said as I parked the car seeing that Jake's car is slowing down.

"I am already on the way dumbass, don't you know me at least that much." He replied making me smile.

"Did you tell Bree and Laura to go home?" He asked.

"Yes, I warned them and told them to go straight home. Can you see what place is this, I have no idea about this part of the town." I ducked down when I see them getting out of their car.

"They are going in a run-down restaurant." I informed.

"Dad will shoot me when he hears about this so you better make it worth it. And of course, you are in Walker street because you couldn't find any less shady place to go to." He winced.

"Okay so here is the plan listen carefully Nyla. I have some man in that place, I am contacting them so stay in the car for now and no matter what don't leave their side. They will go in and report what is going on and then you will drive back home." He said.

"Do you think I am dumb? I came all the way here and you want me to do nothing. You are highly mistaken if you think I will do that." I snapped.

"You are not going to do anything, so lock your car and stay there." He remarked.

"You have two options Jer. First, I go in there alone or second your man accompany me when I go in there." I stated firmly.

I climbed in the backseat and pulled out the bag from the trunk. Bree always keeps extra pair of clothes in her car. I rummage through it to find something good but there was just a light brown overcoat, marron colour dress, black high heel boots and makeup bag.

"Ny, the restaurant is not really a restaurant it is a cover up for illegal pub." Jeremy informed me.

"How long will it take for your man to get to me?" I asked and he replied with 5 minutes max. I looked down at my plain blue top and black shorts.

There is no way you are going in there wearing those basic bitch clothes.

I hurriedly took off my top leaving me in my white camisole and put on the overcoat. I look out the window to see a middle-aged man looking at me.

I rolled down the window a bit and shouted, "What you looking at perv." He looked away and I continued putting on a belt around my waist.

(A/N: the outfit is the picture above)

"What was that?" Jeremy questioned.

"Nothing just a pervert ogling." I responded while putting on boots. I silently thanked God for making Bree and me the same small sized.

"Nyla will you drop your stunt if I tell you something that I was never going to tell you." Jeremy offered.

"What are trying to say Jer? You know, we both know everything about each other."  I decided to put on some foundation and eye make too till his man are coming.

"Yeah but there is one thing, I was going to keep it a secret. I will tell you if you promise to not go anywhere."

"Jeremy you better not be kidding with me right now."

"In my defence, I was very scared about how you will react once you get to know." I could tell by his voice that he is nervous.

"I am listening." I said sceptically.

"Uhm...okay so...I...just...uhm oh God here goes nothing. I kissed Aubree." He breathed out.

"Holy shit when the heck did this all happen." I gasped.

"I know I am sorry it happened 2 days ago when Bree was crying because of her parents and when I dropped her off at her home she was looking cute as ever with her face all red and I couldn't hold myself so I kissed her. I am sorry."

"Oh wow, but how did she react? What did she say, details Jer." I questioned.

"Well when I kissed her I know I fucked up cause I did it without her permission, so I panicked and didn't know what to do. I apologised and I couldn't look at her because I had no idea how bad she will react so I left. She is never going to speak to me ever again, I ruined everything." He ranted.

"Does that mean you haven't talked to her after the kiss?" I asked.

"No, after that day you know I have been out doing this stuff."

"Oh God Jeremy you dumbhead I-" I jumped in my seat and squeaked when someone banged loudly on the car window.


I will understand if you'll don't wanna read anymore because I have been MIA for so long.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Don't forget to comment and vote love you. Byeeee

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