My Dearest Ex Wife

By scorpioshe

342K 9.2K 1.4K

Lisa is the CEO of one of the biggest companies. She was told that she needs to have a child, an heir. Due to... More

Chapter I
Chapter II- come back
Chapter III- encounter
Chapter IV- truth hurts
Chapter V- rival
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII child
Chapter IX-
Chapter X- changes
11- rosie
13- unexpected
14 years ago...
15- meeting
17- drunk
18- karma
19- failure
21- Jisoo
22- masquerade party
23- car accident
24- miserable
25 - in love
26- Hatred
27- tears
28- deja vu
29- promises from our past
30- villain
31- returned
32- tell while i'm foolish
33- unexpected kissing
34- pissed
35- known
36- drunk
37- Lisa
38- bad dream
39- Jennie
40- Xavi
41- him
42- Taehyung
43- reunite
44- Missing
45- choose
46- decision
47-be okay
48- Pt. A
48- Pt. B
49- anonymous donor
50- it is what it is
51- Kangaroo's farewell
52- courage
53- timing
54- fix
55- Just the two of US

12- confuse

5.9K 181 46
By scorpioshe

"J-Jendeuk?" She stuttered.

My smile fades. I'm confused. Did she just called me Jendeuk?

An awkward silence enveloped us suddenly. No one decided to break that silence.

We are all looking at her with a frowned plastered in our faces except Rosie, she looked clueless.

Then I saw sparkling tears in her eyes that will escape any second.

All of us panic inside because she's about cry!!!

But Jessi unnie slapped her back that causes the tears in Jisoo's eyes escape "Yah! Why are you suddenly being teary eyed! Are you that star truck with my sister?"

"Ehh??" Rosie blurted. She's still sitting while exchanging her gazes to the three of us.

"Your sister?" Jisoo ceased her forehead, i can say that she's not okay.

"Are you deaf? I just said it." jessi unnie scoff, she turned to me so i shrugged my shoulders.

My god i'm confused too!?

This weird Kim Jisoo glance at Jessi then to me. She looked puzzled, it's visible on her face.

She nuzzled her hair and put her hands to her both side.

"Are you really?" She asked that made Jessi and I shut up.

Why do i feel like she knows something?

I can even feel my heart starts beating fast. It's not normal. Do i feel nervous? Excited? Scared?

I look down at Rosie who's currently munching her bread, she drank her juice while watching us. Wow seriously? What is that? Netflix and chill?!

"Jisoo-yah, is there a problem?" Jessi asked with a frown, i turned my head to them. Maybe she already notice that her friend is strange right?

Jisoo exhaled from her mouth. She's breathing heavily.

"Uhm?" I uttered that causes them to look at me even Jisoo.

"Jendeuk...Jennie, isn't that you?" She asked staring straight through my eyes. I feel like she can even see my soul because of how deep her gaze.

I looked back to Jessi unnie. She's staring to Jisoo, her brows knitted.

"Is that what Jessi unnie told you about me?" I asked and chuckled.

She looked heavenward and shut her eyes close.

My brows puckered because of her...weird actions.

"So it's really you?" She questioned as soon as she landed her eyes on me. I don't know if they are pulling a prank or what but even Jessi's face can't paint now. Jisoo's reaction is so freaking serious! that it made me nervous somehow because i feel like i'm being interrogated.

I mean what did i do?!

"No, she's not." Jessi unnie answered her.

Rosie and I looked at her in sync but Jisoo is just staring at me, blankly.

Now, i'm totally confused! Why would Jessi unnie say that? Didn't she told me that she talked about me a lot with her? Isn't that Jennie Kim included?

Oh my god, my head is aching. What the fuck is wrong with these people.

"She's my younger sister, she lived with us in America and we are here temporarily to handle the business. I think I clearly told you that, Kim Jisoo." Jessi unnie sound so serious this time. Her arms is crossed over her chest and staring intently with her friend.

Jisoo finally averted her gaze from Jessi. They stared to each other until Jisoo shook her head lightly. She rubbed her face using her palm and sit down on the couch again.

"I'm sorry" she mumbled, still in that position.

I inhaled, i didn't notice i almost forgot to breath because of the intense feeling.

"I just....mistook you with someone very important to me. I'm sorry R-rubyjane." She said and look up to me.

I gave her a warm smile, telling her that it's okay.

I understand. I know that feeling so it's fine.

"I understand Kim Jisoo, but you can call me rj to make it shorter haha" she smiled when i said that.

I cleared my throat when I heard Xavi's weeping. Jessi unnie is about to stand up but I tap her shoulder.

"I'll do it" i force a smile and left them

"Oh no wait! Let me come with you" i heard rosie's voice so i gestured her to follow me.

We let the two to talked. I think they need it.

Once I open the door, Xavi is trying to crawl down the bed so I rushed to him and carry him carefully.


I saw his teary eyes and pouty lips.

Oh god, my baby!

I kissed his temple and hugged him tight. I miss him so fucking much.

His hiccoughing nonstop so I'm stroking his back gently. I grab his water while carrying him with my other hand against my side waist.

I kissed his forehead and made him drink his water using his baby formula. He's still hiccoughing but some other time he stopped. I sighed in relief.

When I remember Rosie, i immediately turn my body on the door just to see her smiling while leaning on the door frame, her arms crossed over her chest and her feet is crossed too.

"What are you smiling at? Come inside Rosie" i called and rolled my eyes.

She chuckled and walked closer "nothing, i just can't believe i'm witnessing mommy mandu" she uttered softly.

"Gosh stop with that mandu mandu now" i hissed while swaying my hips.

She laugh and caresses Xavi's hair.

"Your son looks like you." She whispered.

I smiled, she's the first who said that to me. Tiffany and Jessi unnie are teasing me most because i don't look like him. Yeah that's kinda harsh but it's the truth.

"Really?" I asked and glance to my son, I can't erase the smile on my face because of what she said.

She hummed "can i carry him?" She asked and extend her arms.

I was about to but I remembered "do you know how to carry a baby?"

"Of course! What do you take me for? I'm fond with kids" she said, she's a bit offended but she smiled. I nodded and reach her arms to carry my son.

Xavi didn't whined, he smiled as soon as he felt Rosie's warmth. That made me smile somehow.

"See? He likes me" she bragged then chuckled. I shook my head and smile

"He do."

I just watch her carry him and play, come to think of it i always annoy Rosie as a kid now that i'm seeing them both i can't help but to feel right. She easily gets my son's wants maybe that's why they get along well. They talked like they are in the same age, i won't deny that Rosie is really different...and weird.

"Is it true? You're staying here temporarily and not for good?" She asked, we are now laying side by side of my son. Her index finger were wrapped by Xavi's small hand while i'm stroking his hair softly.

"Hm-hm, we came here for business so there's no reason for me to stay here longer if i'm already done handling the hotel" i said, i know she's looking at me but i still fixed my eyes towards my son.

I remember Jisoo and Jessi unnie, are they done talking? They didn't knock or what.

"By the way, that woman outside.."

"I know she's weird" i said and chuckled softly, i really like it when xavi is just here laying beside me peacefully. No tantrums. No cries. But it's not a problem for me if he does that ok.

"And your unnie. Jessi, she lied didn't she?" She whispered, scared that Jessi might hear her.

I chuckled. I'm actually thinking about that, why didn't she tell her? Jisoo is her friend right? She's so happy that she met a new friend but why did she lie like that? It's not a big deal to me even if she tell her anyways.

"Yeah i guess. I'm confused too" i whispered. I leaned forward to kiss my son's lips and caresses his cheeks.

I can't believe he can be this cute and i can't believe even more that he's my son! Like what the fuck?

"Hays, that's disappointing. I will miss you guys" she said. I look at her sad face and laugh

"We're still here Rosie, leaving is not yet on our schedule because you know, the hotel is not doing good" i mumbled.

"Yeah I know, it's just...i can't imagine myself without annoying the president mandu daily and now that I met your son, i think it will be hard for me not to miss his face. You are all nice to me, all of you, even if i didn't visit the other places of Seoul i don't regret spending my time with you. I can't imagine how boring my vacation here if i didn't met you. You guys made my vacation memorable to be honest." her voice was so angelic and sincere.

I start remembering those days that she suddenly bragged in my office, always carrying foods. And the first time she took me to the rooftop, when she introduce me to her parents while on face time, she's always there to cheer me up. She became my human diary because she's always inside of my office and all of my problems will just slip in my mouth everytime she asked me.
Thinking that, no more Rosie will annoy me in the morning and until the end of the day, no more rosie will ask about my problems, no more rosie will care for me. It's hurts, i didn't realize i'm already attached with her. And she is too.

We got used to each other, now that we are talking about being apart. We are hurting.

I remember when i told to myself that she's the type of friend that i want to be with until we grow old together.

We became best friends in just a short span of time.

I can't also imagine my daily life without Rosie.

What now?



rubbed my eyes and yawn. I gaze at my fiancé's back, she's just naked earlier?

"Going somewhere?" I asked in my hoarse voice which i can't help cause i just woke up.

I'm still laying on bed and my eyes is halfway open staring at her back.

"Yes baby, remember I have a business trip?" She ask back while wearing her boots. Yeah she told me that, that's why we end up doing that thing because she will be gone for three or more days.


She look so elegant as always.

She turned her head to me, she bend forward to kiss my lips and i felt her smile when I kissed her back.

You're too whipped for me, Bae Joohyun.

"Will you miss me?" She asked sweetly, her face is just inches away from my face so i turned sideways and sit up.

"Yeah" i replied, just like a whisper but i think she heard it.

"I know you will. I'm going now baby, behave okay?" she gently squeezed my right shoulder as she said that. I hummed as a response.

I didn't bother to drive her to the airport, that's why she has a personal driver right?

When she closed the door. I sighed. I pick up my phone and called Jackson.
It took him five rings before he finally answered.

"What's up man?" He greeted, i can still hear the loud music.

"Are you at the Infernal?" I asked casually. I get up from the bed that causes the white comforter to fall through the floor. Looks like my buddy here is up for another round?

"No dude. I'm at KJ's Bar." He said in his gravelly voice, the loud music fades.

KJ's Bar? That's Kai Jong-in's Bar we are talking about?

"Okay." I said and about to end the call when i heard him talk again.

I on my speaker and place it on the mini table inside the bathroom. I step inside the bath tub and lay down comfortably. I open the faucet and fix the temperature then i let the water flow from my feet.

"Dude! I met a girl and fuck! she's totally my type man!" I heard his curse is hard as a rock.

I rolled my eyes "you said that too many times Wang" i said, sounded like uninterested.

"Nah, this time this is real man. That brat with diapers hit me really fucking hard!"

I want to laugh because of what he said but i stop my self.

"She's older than me and tan-skinned... it's a turn on for me."

I stayed quite

"And her melons really fits in my hand, and man despite of being tan-skinned her nipples are pinkish haha!"

I nodded while biting my lips.

I want to smack this guy right now. I don't know if he's serious or not, but of course that's Jackson Wang we are talking about, everything is just a past time. Later on, he'll get tired with that woman and find another else.

"And she have this bitchy attitude, her rebut are fucking turning me on! You know almost of the girls are chasing me but this one? She's making the opposite.."

"So you're chasing her?" I asked.

The water already half the tub so i turn it off and relax for a bit.

"Do you think I will do that?" He scoff like he can't believe I told him that.

I'm just asking bro...

"I don't know...maybe?"

He answered that made me press my lips.

"If you become a dog Jackson Wang, i will cast you off!" I joke in a serious tone.

"Psh as if."

After that nonsense call, I decided to take a bath in our shower. I still have board meetings to attend but here i am being lazy again. I should've told my secretary to cancel that shit.

I wore a black sports bra inside and a black suit, black pants and black heels. All black. Black represents evil, darkness, night, and despair. That's why I like it. Because that's how people see and describe Lisa Manoban.

I made my way to my company, as usual everyone will gather to aligned their selves to show their respects for me.
Respect my ass. For i know they are talking behind my back. That's why i don't initiate to talk to anyone to be friendly and be nice especially if it's connected to businesses. I don't trust people that much. Trusting the person i loved the most is the biggest regret I have. Trusting and got betrayed once is enough. Let's not make the thing they called love make you stupid.

The meeting didn't take long, 30 minutes and it's done and another 30 minutes for the second batch of the meeting. I leave the room first, because that's how it works here. I don't like it when they leave me like that, i always want to do it first that's why i came up with that rule.

While driving, i received a text from Irene. She already landed in N.Y for her business trip. Well that was quick?
Truth be told, I like it more when Irene is not around.

That's it. I don't want to spoil you with my relationship with my fiancé.

I pass by the mall so I decided to stroll around. I'd like to buy my niece a gift for her upcoming birthday. Actually, she's jackson's niece but i am attach to her so i love to see her happy with the present she will receive from me.

I'm on the area for babies toys and stuffs and etc. When a little human being caught my attention, he's on the other counter but since i'm tall i get the chance to see him.
He's also wearing all black which makes me smile. He's wearing a bonet, sweater, jogger pants and shoes remember that it was all black. He's sitting in front of a black car which i think is a human size? I don't know but i'm sure he can ride that.

Oh Jesus, he looks so cool! Someone stop me from kidnapping this kid please?

I looked around to see if he's with someone but luckily- yes luckily, it's just me and this young man right here. The other people were on the other part so yeah i should approach him.

I walk to the back of the counter and saw him looking to his back. I can't help but to smile. I fish out my phone and took a picture of him. I know if they found out what i'm doing they might sue me but who cares, they left him here and i can sue them for being irresponsible. Lol can i?

I cleared my throat to get his attention but he was so caught up to his car so I slightly pulled up my pants so I can squat without hearing a creak on the center. I hold the car side by side that cause him to turn his head at me.

My smile fades when I slowly get to recognized his face. Those big eyes and long eye lashes, his cute pointed nose and soft lips. He has a fair white skin and..and a pluffy cheeks. Those cheeks reminds me of someone I used to know.

He's staring at me so i force a smile but then he smiled more and it reaches his eyes. The way he smile is like a disease, i won't mind getting affected because damn! How can a little boy like him makes my heart melt?

He looked at me innocently and that makes me feel like i'm an innocent too.


He's caressing my cheeks!


He's making me soft!!!

Just with his small hands, he cupped my cheeks and squeezing it that's causing him to giggles. He keep doing that but I don't care, seeing him smiling like that because of me makes me happy too.

I'm just really soft for kids.

"Aysh krim~" he mumbled, since my face is just inches away from him. I smiled and held his small hands.

I put them in my palm and stared at them in awe.

Woah! His hands are so fucking cute! seeing his little hands on my hand gives tingle in my heart. I can't believe that this kind of hand really exist? And the feeling, i suddenly felt sad remembering the supposed to be our first child. I wonder if he's like this little boy in front of me.

"You like ice cream?" I asked softly, he smiled again while nodding his head. He extend his arms so i carried him slowly. I'm a bit nervous because first, i don't know how to carry him properly and second i'm not fond to his weight but i can carry him and third he's not my fucking child.

I literally forgot why i came here, when i saw him and make me feel things like that. I just want to spend my time with him, if i can just borrow him with his parents.

I chuckled, how can i do that? She's Jennie's son

is he really?

Well if ever i saw them, then i'll just said that i saw this little human being wandering around. So i carried him and wait for you to find him.

That's easy right?

"What flavor does a little man want?!" I ask cheerfully but in a low tone of voice. I kinda feel a bit awkward and shy around these people because they are already looking at me. I shouldn't care.

"Hmmm" he put his little finger on his chin like he was thinking. Oh shit, he's so cute!!! I giggled softly

"Xavi wants other fwivor" even his pronunciation sounds cute.

Now i can't stop my self from smiling because of this little brat.

Are children really like this?

"Why tho? May I know what's Xavi's favorite flavor?" I asked softly while choosing at the freezer.

"Hmm" yes he did it again! I shook my head, i can't believe i'm talking to a little human like he's not a little human at all! Do you get me?!

"wookies and kwim" he exclaimed as he jumped suddenly.

Oh shoot i almost drop you kid!!!

I inhaled a deep breath, i feel nervous because of what he did. I don't know what will your mother do to me if you hurt yourself!

I nodded to the seller and wait for him to hand me the different flavors. "Why?"

"Mwami wavs white!"

My mouth opened "oh"

"But cookies and cream has two colors, what about black?" I asked. The seller smiled at me and for the first time, i smiled back at him!

Hey kid, look what you made me do!

When i received the plastic, i put back my wallet inside my coat pocket. I saw an empty table in front of the ice cream house so we headed there and make him sit beside me. Good thing he's behave the whole time except for the part where he jump suddenly, that shit almost kill me.

I opened the plastic wrap and handed him the yellow ice pop which he happily accepted.

Seriously? Is he a kid?

"How old is Xavi?" I asked while i open the plastic of my ice pop.

He lick his ice pop first before he lifted up his two fingers. Pft, cute.

I nodded my head.

I really can't stop thinking, my first child could be just like him too if he or she just survive.

I just hope Jennie or that Kang won't see us yet. I know i don't have the right to ask for this but please just this once? Give me more time to spend with this little human being.

With him, i feel like i'm forgetting all of my problems. How lucky you are for having this boy, i'm sure you are happy...

I looked at my side and saw him looking at me while licking his ice pop, i'm also licking my ice pop. So he's copying me now? I smirked

And hell yeah, he smirked HAHA

I laugh a bit while shaking his head. I felt my phone vibrating so i answered it when i saw the caller id.


"Where the fuck are you Manoban?"

"I'm in the fuc--" i didn't continue to curse because i remember i have an angel beside me.

I shook my head and speak "i'm at the mall Bam what do you need?"

"Yeah i'm fucking watching you. Who's that kid beside you?" He said that made me roam my eyes around. I saw him beside of the ice cream house, walking to our direction so i ended the call and just wait for him to reach us.

"Hey young man" he shouted and raised his hand for a high five but the boy just nod his head because his holding the ice pop with his two hands.

I smiled. He's really active and smart.

Bam exchanges his gaze to me and to this kid beside me.

I slid the plastic that full of ice pop towards him on top of the table. He's also wearing a suit so i assumed that he came from his company.

I looked down when i felt a small hand tapping my arm. He closed and open his hand, i was confuse at first but when he pressed his index finger and thumb like he was disgusted i chuckled and get the handkerchief from Bam's suit to wiped his hand. He handed me his unfinish ice pop, maybe he got sick of the taste. I put it on it's wrap and wipe his other hand again. He smiled at me so i smiled back at him

"Woah!" Bam exclaimed as he tapped the table a bit loud which made this boy flinch, he's eyes became teary eyed in an instant and his lips arched.

Oh fucking shit!

No way he's not gonna cry right?

"The fuck did you do?!" I whispered hiss to bam he just tilt his head and force a smile.

"No it's okay calm down little boy. Xavi do not cry, right?" I asked softly while rubbing his head. He look at me and his smile slipped through his face. He nodded and shake his head several times, to make his tears disappear?

His indeed Jen-



A/n; lisa and xavi lil bonding?😳
What do you think is Jennie's part to Jisoo's life? Hmm

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