ROOMMATES larry stylinson

By imtheproblem133

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i wrote this 3 years ago so im sorry if u feel second hand embarassment while reading its a story abt 2 roomm... More

13 (smut)


337 9 6
By imtheproblem133

Louis' pov

The rest of week wasn't really good. Some people keep calling me faggot, but Harry was always with me and helped me being calm. We spent nights with watching movies, most of time falling asleep together.

"Morning Lou" I heard Harry whispering in my ear.
"Let me sleep a little more, please?" I asked
"Okay but is 10am"
"Yes but its Saturday"
"Okay. Sleep then. I will just go on a walk, see you later" he said, leaving the room.

Harry's pov

I left room and walked out of school building. I wanted to enter smaller café but a some strenger's hand touched me. 
I turned around and saw Emma, my ex-girlfriend, standing behind me.

"Hi Harry. Missed me?"
I looked at her. Her sometimes long, light hair, were now cut to shoulders, coloured on light shade of brown.
"Hi Emma"
"Really nice to see you. We haven't talked in about four months now"
"Yeah" i answered, clearly letting her know that i don't want to talk with her.
"Look, I know that you are still mad at me but, could you, please, give me another chance?" she asked.

I was waiting outside the cinema, on my girlfriend, Emma, to come. Because she was late I started to walking around when I saw her with another guy they were holding hands and drinking from the same glass. It broke me and i had no clue what to do. I called her name silently, just in case if  that would be someone else. When she saw me she fast dropped the boy's hand and pushed a drink away.
"Harry, what are you doing here?" She asked
"I was waiting on you to come on our date, well i guess we won't have it! And who the hell is this guy?!"
"I can, um, explain"
''Oh, really? That you forget to cancel our date for hanging out with some other boy? You both can fuck off. We are over, Emma.''
[End of flashback]

"I don't know. Come in on tea or coffe with me so we can talk about it?" i sighed and followed her inside. Maybe i should give her a chance? To forget about my weird feelings for Louis.
We entered the Cafe and sat to table. Then we ordered our drinks.
"Why are you not anymore with this guy" I asked
"Harry, I know that you're the one from me"
"Will you please give me another chance and go once out on a date with me?"
"Umm, alright." It can't be that bad? It would help me lose those strange feelings for Louis, I don't have a chance with him anyway.
"Thanks you Harry here here you have my phone number call me later"
We drank drinks to the end. And she hugged me before I left.

When I came back to room Louis was already awake.
"Hi Haz, how was outside? You vere gone for pretty long, actually'' he asked
"I ugh met my ex and she asked me if, um, I would give her another chance, we are going on date today's evening."
"Ah, amm, that's nice" 
"So what do you want to do today we still have time it's just morning" he asked.
"I don't know it's 12am we should go on lunch somewhere?"
"Okay then we can go in cinema or something I haven't been in one in forever." Louis suggested.
I nodded in respone.

After lunch we went on the bus and ride to the cinema. We selected random horror movie, Louis said he liked them. I don't know for myself, I am not a huge fan of scary movies.
There was on a scene which was kind of scary and I just wanted to hug Louis and he saw that and opened his arms for me.
"Oh come on, Harry, is not that scary"
"But it is!"
He hugged me even tighter.
"You look so cute when you're scared"
I smiled and laid my head on his shoulder. 

When we finished with watching the movie we went back to our room it was 4pm, so I still had 2 hours to my date with Emma.
"Louis could you please help me to chose the outfit?"
"Yeah sure but you know, I have never been on a date with a girl" 
"It's okay just help me choose what to wear" I pouted and sat on bed next to him.
''Okay maybe you should wear one of your skinny jeans and a bottom up shirt?"
"Yeah that's good idea but what colour?"
"Blue or gray would look good!"
"Okay thank you Lou"
"No problem. So we still have time... Wanna play monopoly?"
"Yes, sure!"

We are playing Monopoly until half past 6.00. Then I had to go to the restaurant because I wanted to be 5 minutes earlier than Emma.

She showed up at about 6pm, wearing short red dress and high heels.
"You look so pretty Harry"
"Umm... thanks, you too"
Her hair were in almost same shade as Louis', also her eyes were blue. She kinda reminded me on him.

After few minutes waiter came to us.
"What will you drink and eat young men and lady?"
"I would have red wine if I can" she said.
"What about man?"
"I woul-"
"Give him same as me". She cutted me off.
"Don't be scared Harry, I'm going to pay."
Waiter gave us menus and we started to choosing the dinner.

"I'm going to take vegetarian pasta. And salad." Emma said when waiter came back to our table.
"I am gonna take pasta with bacon, and also some salad" I said.

"So Harry thank you for giving me another chance did you, you know, meet someone in this time when we are apart?"

"Nah, i didn't date anyone. And if you don't mind how did you broke up with this man I mean this boy which was with you when we were broke up?"

"I just realized that he's not the one for me you're the one for me you know I still love you" she said, with smile on her face.

We were talking about some random stuffs when my phone rang. I looked up who call me, and I saw Louis' name. Emma gave me weird look but I answered.
"Yes Louis?"
"Harry I know you're on a date but can you please come back to room he did it again" Louis cried on other side of phone.
Was he talking about Cooper? What did he do again?

"Sorry Emma, but I have to go"
"Where? We are on date"
"Look Emma I will call you later but I need to go now"
"But can I ask you then just one more thing?"
"Will you be my boyfriend again?"
It kinda shocked me. I didn't even know, but if we will date maybe Louis will be jealous if he loves me too, so this could me show me if he has feelings for me too like I have for him.
"O-okay" I said, and she pressed soft kiss on my lips. Not gonna lie, but it wasn't even close to Louis' kiss.

I finally came out of the restaurant and went on the bus, and ride back to back to our school.

I first looked at in my and Louis' room but no one was there. Since last time I went with Louis to Cooper's room so I remember the number. I waited a few seconds next to the door and I heard familiar voice from inside.
"Who the hell let you be on your phone?! Give it back!!" I heard someone yelling, probably Cooper.
"But- yes here you have my phone" I heard Louis. I was so mad. No one is gonna hurt my Louis!
Did I just said my? My Louis?
I wanted to open the door but they were locked.
I knocked on door once, there was no answer I knocked for second and third time when I heard Cooper yelling again.
"Who the hell is this?!" I heard steps near the door when they suddenly opened and I saw guy just in boxers are standing here.
"Who are you, are you like Louis' new boyfriend or a fuck buddy?"
"No but please leave him alone or I will call the fucking teacher!" I said, trying to sound nice.

"No one is gonna call me, because I am already here" I turned around and saw Mr Smith standing here.

"Harry why were you just knocking on the door of not your room if no one answered?"
"But mister my roommate was in there and Cooper was trying to get i bed with him, although he clearly said no!"
Louis was slowly starting walk to the door.
"Is that true?" Teacher asked.
"Yeah" Louis said.
"Cooper why did you want to do this?"
"I didn't, i don't wanna have nothing to do with this disgusting faggot!"

"Louis, please dress back up and go in your room. And you two will go with me because we will talk about what happened!" Mr Smith said, leading me and cooper to his office.

I just rolled with my eyes. I haven't do nothing wrong.

When we came in teachers office he sat us down.
"Harry you should exactly know that after 8pm you can't yell at hallway, I'm not going to give you a suspension, because it was for a god reason, but don't do this again."
I nodded.
"But Cooper, you're going to be suspended for next 2 weeks because of things you have done it's not only this with Louis. There is also some things from the past. I will call your parents now."

I was still sitting here. Cooper gave me a lot of dare looks.

"Okay Harry you can leave now" Mr. Smith said and gave me a smile.

I leave the classroom and went back to my and Louis' room.
He was sitting on bed, crying.
"Lou, are you okay?"
"I- I am so sorry, because I get you in trouble, Haz."
"I'm not in trouble, just to Cooper got suspended"
"Yes, for 2 weeks. But Louis, what were you doing at Cooper's room?"
"He sent me message, again. And I had to go. I had no one to ask what to do"
"What about Liam and Zayn?"
"They go home at weekends"

"But never mind, how was your date?"
"Good, we are back together"
Why he looked so, sad?

"I will take a shower now, I am feeling so dirty because of Cooper" he said
"Ok, just don't hurt yourself or whatever, okay?" I said looking at his wrist where were still scars from cuts.
I will shower at morning, I guess.

"Let's go sleep now, okay?" I suggest when he stood out of bathroom. He was just in short joggers, shirtless. Damn, he looks so good .

"Ok, but can I, please, sleep with you, I am feeling so bad"
"Sure" I said, making place in my bed for him. I rested my head on his. His hair was so fluffy and smelled very nice.

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