Pretty Boy Diggory

By slut4cedricdickory

50.2K 1K 2.9K

Strong language and may contain smut. Maddison Weasley, Fred and Georges younger sister, had adopted a cert... More

Water day
"One Or Two Drinks Couldn't Hurt"
Heart To Heart
letters, lies and lasts
Drugs, Alcohol And More Drugs
Tomorrow, Same Time
Broken Boy Diggory
Over and Over again
The Nightmares
Week Alone
"Piss Off, You Wanker"
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another A/n (sorry)
Party Time
The next morning
The Tie
Hannah Abbot
'Reds So Your Colour'
Confession Time
The Piercings
The Note
Head Masters Office
'No! It's not!'
The Ministry
The 'Truth'
Last Chance

24th of November

723 17 115
By slut4cedricdickory


Hermione jumped up, turning to face Maddison at the stairs "Yeah?" She knew she was in trouble 

Maddi stormed down the stairs "my dorm" she demanded "now." 

The two boys looked up at Hermione who now had a lump in her throat "if I'm not back in twenty minutes, tell everyone it was Maddison" she whispered to the boys who nodded in agreement and understanding 

When they got to Maddis dorm, she shut the door behind them "WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME WHEN WE WERE IN HERE?!" she shouted at the younger girl 

Hermione wanted to calm her down as bets she could "I wanted to, I really did but Harry didn't want us to" she defended herself  "you're my best friend, you know that I would have but I couldn't" she sat down on the bed "theres things I can tell you and things I can't and that was one of the thinks I couldn't" she reassured her "I promise you" 

Maddi thought for a minute "fine, fine!" she rolled her eyes "Just seriously, I could kill you right now" she rolled her eyes again "now, give me a hug before you're six feet under" she chuckled. Once they pulled away Maddi spoke once more "ugh" she groaned "Feel like Cedrics going to put his head through a wall" she joked 

Hermione couldn't help but feel guilty for not  telling Maddi about what had happened between Harry and Cho, but she was sworn to secrecy, she couldn't break the boys trust, he was her best friend "Madds, you know I'd have told you if I could have" she smiled

Maddi placed her hand on Hermiones shoulder "don't worry, honestly, it's okay, just worried if this'll hurt Harry and Cedrics friendship" she thought back to how things have been for the past year, they spent more time together then the twins, and that was something they didn't think was possible

Hermione smiled back at her friend "sooo.... forgiven?" she asked

Maddi laughed and rolled her eyes "forgiven" she kissed the top of her forehead, pulling her in for a hug again "Now, lets go try sort this between the two bell ends" she laughed, standing up and helping Hermione up after her 

Maddison walked into the twins room, expecting to see angry Cedric and Fred, instead, she seen an angry Cedric and a Fred who had his tongue down Harrys throat "what the bloody hell happened here?" Maddi and Hermione puzzled in unison 

Cedric stood up, he was shaking "it was Cho, she kissed him, he didn't want to, he tried to tell her about Fred but she wouldn't listen to him" he was bright red from anger 

Maddi felt her blood boil "I'm gonna go have a little conversation with her" she fake smiled "set this bitch in her place" she stormed 

Cedric caught her arm "no, baby, don't, you won't be able contain yourself, her friends will be there, they'll start a fight and I don't want you to get hurt" he begged her 

Maddi thought for a minute "Gin, Luna, 'Mione, come with me, there. That enough protection?" she looked Cedric dead in the eye 

His face was straight, he took a deep breath in, holding it for a minute before exhaling "No, I'm going with you" his voice was firm and his face was straight "or you're not going" he added with a fake to match Maddisons 

She just laughed and tapped his chest a few times "funny one pretty boy" she laughed in a breath "but not happening" her face straightened "I'll see you later, if a fight starts, I'll leave, I swear" she lied

Cedric looked over at the boys for a minute, they all had the same look on their face 'drop it, she's going to win' he turned back to Maddi "fine, but if you come back with one hair out of place, I swear, to Lucifer, I will break her face" he smiled, placing a kiss on her forehead "I love you, be careful" 

Maddi smiled at his lips touching her forehead "I love you too." The girls left the common room, heading for the Ravenclaw ones "I meant absolutely none of that" she laughed "If a fight starts, the bitch is going down" she smirked as she headed for the common room, her friends by her side 

Ginny seen the look on her sister face, the look she'd seen so many times before, the look she knew meant trouble. "Maddi, remember, if mum finds out we've been in a fight she'll kill you and me and then the boys for letting it happen" she laughed

Maddi flipped her hair over her shoulder, her walk had one main affect. Venom. She laughed "Oh don't worry, I'll be fine if she learns I won" another evil smile peered on her face. Cho didn't stand a chance, nobody fucked with Harry, especially if they were taking Fred and Cedric down with them 

When they got to the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room they were met by the Eagle, everyone turned to look at Luna who stepped forward and answered the riddle, allowing them to go in "CHO FUCKING CHANG!" her voice echoed through the entire tower "I NEED TO SPEAK TO YOU!" she shouted once more, this time with a fake sweet tone 

Then Charlie came down the stairs "Maddi, I have a headache, can you stop fucking shouting, please?" he laughed, hugging the very angry girl "whats wrong anyway?" he asked his new friend. They'd gotten a lot closer since they started speaking in potions 

Maddi looked at the calm Ravenclaw "Cho decided to kiss Harry, knowing he was" she thought again, it'd been so long and she still had no clue what Harry and Fred were "whatever they are and knowing it'd cause some shit between Cedric and Harry!" 

Charlie seemed shocked, his eyes were huge and he was stuck on what to say "uh- well, I-" he gave up even trying to make sense of anything "yeah, I don't have a clue on what to say, she's at practice, she'll be back in twenty, you can wait in her room if you want" he pointed up to the stairs, kissing her forehead "see ya later, bubbles" he tapped her on her back 

Maddi laughed and rolled her eyes "wow, sticking with the nickname, fun" she joked, watching him sit on the couch as she walked to Cho's room 

Luna looked to her, soon, one day, sister in law, "soo... bubbles" she teased at the nickname "something going on between you and Charlie?" she smiled

Maddi looked at Hermione who was just smiling to herself "nope, he's uh-" she giggled at the thought of people thinking something about her and Charlie "he's gay" 

Thats when Ginny chimed in "no, she fucked his brother though" she laughed, walking ahead of the others

Maddi hung her head, slightly laughing "yup, I did, and isn't it correct you fucked Su-" before she could finish her sentence Ginny threw her hand over her mouth, making Luna raise an eyebrow 

Ginny gave a death stare to her sister "Drunken mistake, not to be mentioned, okay?" she smiled at her girlfriend, kissing her cheek, taking her hand in her own "anyway, Cho's dorm, ew" she shuddered at the door. As the girls walked in, it seemed normal, just like Lunas room, well, Cho's didn't have their friends group pictures in, or the bright pink bedding, instead, Cho had pictures of her and her own friends, the usual Ravenclaw bedding and half a picture on the floor, which Maddi was standing on. 

Noticing she was doing so, she picked the picture up, seeing the back first, it had Cho's writing on the back, however, she couldn't make all the words out, half of them must have been on the other half of the picture. 'Me and the others at Hogsmeade' written in her neat writing , Maddi turned the picture around, wondering what it was, then she seen it. It was her face, a picture from last year, Cedrics arm around one of her shoulders. She remembered that day as if it were yesterday. 

Cho and Cedric had just began getting closer, it was the week before the first task and they had all decided to go to Hogsmeade. It was Chos idea to take a picture. Cedric had one of his hands around her shoulder and the other around Chos shoulder, yet, he was standing closer to Cho and Maddison was on the end. Just after the picture was taken, Cedric had a foam moustache, and of course, Maddi went to wipe it off, just like she always did, but Cho got there before her. Maddison will never forget the words Cedric to her the day of the first task, just one week later 'I love you more then anyone' 

As a single tear rolled down her cheek, she was brought back to reality by Luna, nudging her shoulder "you okay there?" she asked "Bubbles" she giggled, remembering the nickname

She shook away the tear, not letting anyone see her weak "me? Yeah, of course" she fake smiled, placing half of the picture on the dresser by the door "lets just wait for Cho, yeah?" she sat down, her mind still completely consumed by Cedrics words to Cho 'he loves her more then anyone' she knew she was probably being over dramatic, but once she had something on her mind, she began to overthink, constantly. It made it worse that she found the picture.

Not long went bye before Cho returned to her dorm, laughing with her friends who went into their own dorms, they were lucky in that way, because they were all prefects, they had their own rooms, "oh, this is a surprise, what can I help you with?" she smiled, in her usual sweet tone. It made Maddison sick. 

She stood up, walking over to Cho, not to intimidate her, just to make it clear "yes, why did you kiss Harry? you knew it'd mess up him and Fred and hurt Cedric" she asked, not in a rude or bad mannered way, in a nice tone

Cho gestured to her bed for Maddi to sit back down "listen, this rivalry with us has gone on for far too long,  I didn't realise things were still happening with Fred and Harry, and as for Cedric and Harry, I never really thought about it hurting them, I promise you, so, please, can we just agree to be civil? I don't like arguing with you, Maddison. After all, you have Cedric now, correct?" She knew exactly what she was going to do, make sure everyone knew about their friends with benefits deal. But what she didn't know? They were actually dating again, just in secret, so if Cho were to try expose them, she would actually be lying "I mean, aren't you two having a casual hook up?" she smiled

All of the girls looked at Maddison with a shocked expression on their face, of course, Hermiones was fake, she smiled and took a deep breath, exhaling shortly after "no, actually, we're not, I don't know where you've heard that, but, whoever told you, was lying" she shrugged

Cho tensed her jaw, taking a deep breath in, "right, well, anyway, all behind us?" she smiled, holding her hand out to shake Maddisons 

She quickly took the offer "Sure, but, that means, you leave us all alone, especially Cedric and Harry, go anywhere near them, and I'll make you wish you were never born" she smiled after speaking "love your necklace, see you later" she fake smiled again, in a very sweet tone 

As they walked out, all the girls looked at Maddi again "You fake bitch" Ginny laughed, basically worshipping her sister 

Maddi flipped her hair again "I know, great isn't it?" she laughed, heading back to the Gryffindor Common rooms "right, I need to speak to Cedric when we get back" she spoke again

Hermione tried her hardest to get the smile off of her face "and whys that?" she smirked "sneaky lit-" 

Maddison has never threw her hands over someones mouth quicker "no, need to speak to him about something he said last year" she tried her hardest to keep the information the three girls got, especially since Hermione was the only one who knew about them, but, not even Hermione knew they were back together, and they wanted it to stay that way for a while 

Ginny rolled her eyes "Oh, Merlin!" she laughed "Something he said on the 2nd of March 1993" she joked 

Maddi snapped her head to her sister "Excuse me, it was the 24th of November 1994" she smirked back "showed you" she chuckled 

As the girls walked back into the twins and Lees room, they were used to the sight of Fred pinning Harry against a wall, so at this point they could just walk past it as if it were normal "Ced" Maddi whispered, gaining his attention "I need to speak to you" 

Cedric stood up from Georges bed where he was rolling a joint for Lee "Sure, Oli, can we use your room?" he smiled, it was the easiest to get to and the only one where they could have privacy, since it was right next door and Oliver had it to himself, since he was a prefect 

Oliver managed to pull away from Georges chest, where he was fastened into a bear hug from George himself "Sure, just don't look at our Quidditch sheet!" he shouted as they walked out the door 

Cedric wasn't sure what he was expecting, but he definitely didn't expect what she was about to say when he shut the door "do you love Cho more then me?" 

Cedrics reaction wasn't getting mad, or annoyed at her or flipping and storming out, instead he sat down on Olivers bed, pulling her onto his knee "princess" he began "there is absolutely nobody I love more then you, you're my whole World" he kissed her head "You're always going to be my baby girl, nobody could ever replace you, especially Cho" 

She looked up at him "I love you" she smiled, kissing his lips softly

He pulled away slightly, resting his forehead on hers "I love you too" 

He kissed her again, a little more... passionate, lets say, this time, then she pulled away again "Ced, we can't, not here, it's Olivers bed" she whispered

Cedric stood up and walked her over to his desk "Okay, can we do it here?" he smiled, gently kissing her neck "i mean, after George and Oliver done it in your bed, its only fair" he smirked to himself, knowing she didn't know, before kissing her neck again

Maddi pulled his head up to look at her "WHAT?! WHEN?!" 

Cedric smiled on the inside "you didn't know? Dam, like a few days ago when you were watching me at practice, I thought he told you" he smirked, knowing full well he never

Maddi put her arms around Cedrics neck "This wall is the one the twins share... right?" she gave him a devils smile to which he nodded in confusion. Maddison pulled him back in for a kiss once more before pulling away "then, I want you to fuck me on this desk, right now. They just aren't knowing" she smiled, casting the silencing spell, wrapping one of her legs around his waist, pulling him in closer 

Cedric wasted no time before he pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it on the floor, doing the same with hers shortly after, before he began kissing her chest and neck "you'll regret that, Weasley" he smiled into her skin, grabbing her thighs, pulling her closer to him "behave for me, princess" he whispered into her ear

Maddi pulled Cedrics face up to hers "mhm" she hummed, kissing him deeply as he unbuckled his belt, pushing her skirt up her thigh and her underwear down her legs 

Cedric didn't break the kiss, he stayed attached to her, he moved one of his hands to her throat, one back on her thigh. As he pushed into her he let out a small moan into her mouth, making it all the more better for her "good girl" he mumbled as he slightly pulled away from her lips 

Her hands went back to his hair, tugging lightly, as she moaned into his lips again, pulling him closer with her legs which were now wrapped around his waste. As his pounding got harder her moans got louder "Fuck, Ced, keep going" she practically screamed. The desk began to rock where she was sitting, banging into the wall 

At this point in time, with all the thoughts in their head, they both had a few thoughts the same, one being 'thank fuck for magic' 

Maddison moved her hands to his shoulder, gripping tightly, definitely leaving bruises, but neither of them cared. Her hands slid down to his back, digging her nails into his skin as he pushed into her once more. She was definitely drawing blood, yet  neither of them cared, Cedric seemed to enjoy the feeling if anything. 

He moved his lips to her neck, sucking lightly in the shape of a 'C' he moved his head up once more, moving the hand that was on her neck to grab her face, making her look at him "You're. Mine." he gritted his teeth "Got it?" he smirked. Maddi couldn't talk, instead she nodded her head, "Use your words, Baby Girl" he smirked, kissing her neck again 

Maddi felt fireworks go off in her body "Y-Yeah" she managed to stutter. Her legs began to shake, she could feel every part of him "fuck, Ced, keep going" she moaned, leaning her head against his chest

At the same time, the rest of the group were still in the twins and Lee's room "What the fuck have they been talking about?" Fred laughed, throwing a gummy bear into Georges mouth from across the room 

Ron was sitting next to Harry, who seemed to be curled up into Freds lap. His feet on the floor, legs spread apart with his elbows resting just before his knees "Bet you she's screaming at him" he chuckled, technically, he wasn't wrong, she was, he just didn't know in what way... and he probably wouldn't want to seen as though it was his sister and the older brother he'd always wanted, yet, despite having five, never seemed to get 

Hermione rolled her eyes, hitting Ron with the book she was reading "Would you shut up!" she shouted, hitting him between words

Ron rolled his eyes, rubbing his arm as comfort where Hermione had just hit him "That hurt!" he growled 

"I'll go check on whats going on" one of them said, standing up, walking to the door to go into the other room, not knowing what they'd be walking in on "I'll be back soon" they smiled, walking out of the room

"Merlin, Maddi" Cedric moaned, feeling her sucking down on his neck, still making the desk shake as well as Maddis legs 

"What. The. Fuck." 

Maddi and Cedric turned to look at the person who'd walked through the door, finding nobody but the worst person it could be "Shit" Cedric whispered

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