Tears of Gold: House of Anubis

By houseofsecret

11.4K 517 279

After finding out about her father and the secrets Mara and Jerome had been keeping from her, Poppy calls in... More

Prologue: Poppy
Liliana I
Liliana II
Liliana III
Liliana IV
Alfie V
Amber VI
Alfie VII
Liliana VIII
Nina IX
Jerome X
Patricia XI
Amber XII
Jerome XIII
Liliana XIV
Jerome XV
Amber XVI
Amber XVII
Liliana XIX
Jerome XX
Amber XXI
Fabian XXII
Patricia XXIII
Amber & Liliana XXIV
Jerome XXV
Jerome XXVI
Liliana XXVII
Nina & Joy XXVIII
Patricia XXIX
Amber XXX
Liliana XXXII
Patricia XXXIV
Liliana XXXV
Patricia XXXVII
Jerome & Joy XXXVIII
Poppy & Liliana XXXIX
Liliana XL
Amber XLII
Liliana XLIII
Eddie & Nina XLIV
Patricia XLV
Amber XLVI
Patricia XLVII
Eddie XLIX
Alfie L
Nina & Liliana LI
Eddie & Liliana LII
Alfie/Amber/Liliana LIII
Jerome & Amber LIV
Mara & Patricia LVI
Patricia LVII
Liliana LIX
Amber LX
Amber LXI
Patricia LXIV
Jerome LXV
Amber LXVI
Mara Interlude
Patricia LXVIII
Eddie & Joy LXX
Jerome LXXI
Patricia LXXII
Eddie & Joy LXXIII
Amber & Lili LXXV
Jerome LXXVI
Liliana LXXVII
Patricia LXXVIII
Patricia LXXIX
Amber LXXX
Nina/Patricia LXXXIX
Eddie & Alfie (bonus: Vera) LXXXX
Liliana LXXXXI
Patricia LXXXXII
Winds of Change Preview

Amber & Piper & Patricia LV

66 4 4
By houseofsecret

Summary: Alfie talks to Amber and Mr. Millington comes to visit. Piper talks to Mr. Sweet while the Sibuna Club get ready for Gustav Ziestack's visit.

Evie's Notes: Happy Wednesday! Longer chapter than normal today, let me know your favorite part in the comments!


Amber's POV:

Amber would give just about anything at this point to make her head stop hurting. She was sick and tired of having to wear her sunglasses to block out the light, and earmuffs to stifle loud sounds.

Her sulking was interrupted by a knock on the door. Nina stopped getting ready for class to hurry over and open it. "Hey Alfie!" she greeted.

"Hey Neens. Can I talk to Amber for a second?"

"Sure. I'm headed over to school anyways. She has the day off classes to recover since her father is flying in to see her. Feel better Ambs!" called the American girl before dashing out the door to meet Fabian.

"Hey Amby, how are you feeling?" asked Alfie as he made his way over to her vanity.

"My head hurts... but it's better than yesterday" she admitted.

"That's good to hear. Have you already taken the pain killers Nurse Johnson gave you?"

"Yeah. I'm just waiting for them to fully kick in".

"That's good... that's good..." mumbled the boy.

Amber watched concerned as he nervously bounced his leg.

"Alfie? Is something wrong?" asked Amber nervously.

"No! Well yeah... kind of..."

"Ok... Is it something I can help with?"

"I have something I need to tell you... but you are not going to be happy about it" whispered the boy brokenly.

"Alfie, you are worrying me. Whatever it is we can get through it together" promised Amber spinning to face the boy fully.

"That's just the thing A. This isn't something that we can do together".

"Oh" muttered Amber, her mind flashing back to last November when they had had a very similar conversation.

"Amby, you know that I love you and that I would never want to do anything to hurt you?" asked Alfie.


"And I am so grateful for all of your support these past few months as I've been working with Dr. Delarosa on my trauma".

"Of course. I am so proud of all of your progress over the last couple months and how hard you have been working" encouraged Amber.

"Thank you. We talked in November about putting our relationship on hold while still not seeing other people. I felt though that it would not be fair to you to not let you know that I have decided to see someone else"

And with those words, Amber's world shattered.

"I haven't spoken to her about it yet, but I am interested in pursuing a relationship with her. I hope that we can remain friends, but I understand if you need some space".

Amber's mind raced as she tried to hold back her tears. "You can definitely consider us broken up" she spat. "Please get the fuck out of my room and give me some of that bloody space you so desperately want".

"Okay. I will not ask that you be happy for us, nor will we rub our relationship in your face" promised the boy who had just broken her heart. "I hope that you have a good day with your father and please remember to take your meds".

His piece said, Alfie turned and exited the room leaving a crying Amber on her bed. How dare he break her heart?!

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Amber allowed herself 20 minutes to mourn her broken relationship. The beeping of her alarm signaled the end of her meltdown. Wiping away her tears Amber pulled herself together and pieced the jagged shards of her heart temporarily back in place. It wouldn't do to have daddy see her in such a state. If he were to see what a mess she was, he might actually go through with his threats of pulling Amber from the Academy. Nothing, even Alfie Lewis, was worth leaving her friends behind.

She had just finished fixing her make up when there was a loud and familiar knock on her door. "Coming!" called Amber as she leapt to her feet and rushed to open the door. "Daddy! You made it".

"Of course, I did love. Oh, it's so wonderful to see you. How are you doing pumpkin?".

"Oh, I'm slowly recovering" explained Amber leading her father into the room.

"That's good to hear. I was so sorry to hear about your fall. I will definitely be speaking to Mr. Lewis".

"Oh, daddy please leave Alfred out of this. He was the one who call the medics".

"Well, if he had been there, maybe the medics wouldn't have been needed".

"Daddy, there's no way of knowing that". protested Amber, "He was extremely helpful in getting me to the hospital and back home. The doctor said that there shouldn't be any lasting damage and I should be fully recovered in two weeks". There was no way she was letting him talk to Alfie. Who knows what that heartbreaking jerk face would spill?

"All right I will leave the young man out of it for now" he promised her. "Now tell me everything, it's been far too long since we had a good catch-up".

Amber giggled happily and began to tell her father all of the Sibunaless tales that had occurred so far that year.

All too soon it was time for her father to go, apparently, he had only been able to get out of his meetings for a couple hours. He made Amber promise to stay in better touch and announced that he hoped to return for spring break.

Giving her father a tight hug Amber walked him down to the door. She waved goodbye until his car was out of sight and then headed inside to find Vera and whip up some lunch.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Piper's POV:

After being publicly exposed as Patricia's twin to the headmaster, her time to hide had officially run out. Headmaster Sweet had given Piper the rest of the weekend to spend with her sister, but now she found herself standing outside of the headmaster's office awaiting her fate.

Looking at the many students bustling through the hallway, a certain sweet boy caught her eye. Jerome and Alfie were talking by their lockers and Piper swore that her heart skipped a beat when her eyes locked with his.

Alfie Lewis... she couldn't help but think that she had found the boy of her dreams. Funny, sweet, and creative, Alfie Lewis seemed to have it all. Piper watched as Alfie seemed to give himself a short pep talk before moving towards her. Piper blushed excitedly, was he psyching himself up just to talk to her?

Unfortunately, their first talk with him knowing her true identity was not yet to be as Edison Miller-Sweet slotted himself in between the pair, cutting off Alfie's approach.

"So" he began "little Miss Stand In. Can I speak to you for a sec? You know when we... smackerooed... I didn't know."

"Neither did I!" agreed Piper.

"So should we tell her?" asked Eddie

"No!" shrieked Piper. "Have you met Patricia? She will go ballistic!".

"Okay, I know. I just feel bad, I don't want to keep secrets from her".

"Well, you couldn't feel worse than me, but we have to keep it a secret".

"All right Piper, ready for you now" declared Mr. Sweet stepping out of his office to call her in. Taking a deep breath Piper plunged in after him to hear her fate.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Patricia POV:

Patricia loved her sister! Of course, she did, but she couldn't help but feel claustrophobic with Piper around all the time. The pair rarely spent large amounts of time together... so her visit was already closing in as one of their longest periods of time together since they were seven. So, she secretly was relieved when they got caught.

It was a shock for Patricia, and not a pleasant one, when Mr. Sweet announced that Piper would be remaining at Frobisher Academy for the foreseeable future. Piper was obviously over the moon as she bounced over to sit with her, but Patricia sank down in despair.

As soon as class ended Patricia grabbed her sister's hand and dragged her out of the room. She had to stop at the art room to pick up some supplies for her latest project, before heading back to the house.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Patricia's anger bubbled over as they reached Anubis house. "We agreed that you could stay here while you figured out if you were going back to the Academy or to mom and dad. Why on earth would you want to come here? We have the worst music program. Heck, our guitars are all stringless we use them as drums".

"This isn't my fault Trix. Eric called mom and dad".

"Ohhh, Eric now is he. I know you always trying to weasel your way in here. Well not this time. This is my school! My family! My friends!" screeched Patricia.

The loud clearing of Victor throat cut off the rest of Patricia's rant and alerted the twins to the fact that they had an audience. "That is quite enough Miss Williamson. Patricia, please join the others" directed Victor pointing to where the other residents were lined up before Vera. "Piper you are free to go".

"Gustav Ziestack is coming to visit the academy tomorrow and we are throwing a dinner in his honor. We need volunteers for service" explained Vera.

Nina's hand flew up as soon as the housemother finished speaking along with Lili's. Patricia caught a pointy elbow to the stomach from the American girl when she didn't volunteer fast enough. Rolling her eyes, Patricia reluctantly raised her hand.

"Very well" stated Vera before hesitantly continuing. "We have also been told to find volunteers for entertainment..."

"I play a little guitar" offered Fabian.

"Ok... Anyone else?" asked Vera noting Fabian's name down.

"I can do magic!" volunteered Alfie. "Liliana? What's that behind your ear?" inquired the boy as he revealed a silver coin.

"Marvelous!" laughed Vera. "Victor, love. Perhaps Alfie should top the bill?"

The caretaker grumbled a bit before nodding his approval.

"Wonderful, those who volunteered to help please report back here directly after classes tomorrow" instructed Vera before dismissing them.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

The Sibuna Club all gathered in Nina and Amber's room to plan their next moves.

"You do magic?" asked Amber after Lili had finished telling the story of their afternoon.

"You're starting to regret breaking up with me aren't you now?" asked Alfie jokingly.

Patricia watched in shock as the girl's back become ramrod straight. "Oh please" spat the beautiful blonde spitefully, "Clearly it was the best decision I ever made. And FYI you are more than welcome to Patricia number two".

The room's occupants all froze at the chilly argument between two of their most loving members. Clearly something major had gone down sometime today, Patricia would have to ask Amber about it later.

"Alfie, you haven't done it in years. Remember that rabbit he tried to disappear before it bred out of control in Victor's rose garden" protested Fabian.

"Well, I did eventually get Bilbo back!" argued Alfie, "But I could never really sure it was her".

"Well good luck Alfie. The rest of us need to figure out a way to get that Amulet off Victor" ordered Nina.

"I just had an awesome idea!" gasped Alfie. "You know how a table magician uses object from the audience... Well, I can just do the old disappearing amulet trick on Victor!".

"Do you think you will be prepared enough to pull it off tomorrow night?" asked Lili.

"Oh yeah! Heck I could it now. Fabian, give me your watch" ordered Alfie.

"Oh, well... no" protested the boy.

"It'll be fine. Just pass it over please... Thank you".

Taking the watch from the boy, Alfie wrapped it in a handkerchief and placed it up one sleeve. He then placed a handful of coins in another handkerchief and slipped it also up his sleeve. He then waved his hand in a showy way over the sleeve stating "Watch carefully as I swap the watch for the fake one".

"Okaaaaaay" mumbled Nina skeptically.

"Now the next bit is theatre" explained Alfie. "Lils, please cover Amber's ears, this is going to get loud".

Taking off his shoe, and ignoring Fabian's many protests, Alfie repeatedly smashed one of the handkerchiefs he pulled from his sleeve.

"Relax. Relax!" laughed Alfie as he shook out the handkerchief. "It's just a bit of magic, observe the loose coins". Unfortunately for both Alfie and Fabian, the objects that tumbled out of the cloth were not coins, but smashed pieces of Fabian's watch!

"No!" cried out Fabian leaping to his feet at the sight of the damage. "Alfie Lewis I am going to kill you!".

"I know I can do it!" rambled Alfie as he jumped on Amber's bed to get away from the enraged boy. "It is just a straight swap... I've done it many times before!".

"Alfie we're desperate here so we will let you do the disappearing act with the amulet. But no smashing!" ordered Nina as Alfie raced out of the room with Fabian hot on his heels and Jerome cackling like a hyena at the scene.

"Well, I think that's enough for the time being" declared Patricia rising to her feet. "Amber do you want to go sit on the back porch before dinner? The light shouldn't be too bright now".

"Sure, just let me grab my sunglasses" agreed the beautiful girl.

"Remember the Sibuna Meeting tonight after curfew" instructed Nina. "We are going back down to the tunnels to look for more clues".

"Sounds good. See you at dinner" agreed Patricia waving goodbye to the others before heading downstairs.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Fifteen minutes after ten found the Sibuna club gathered in the latest task chamber once again staring at the zodiac, this time looking for the differences between it and Victor's version.

"Ugh! It is extra dark in here, I can barely see anything" snapped Lili after she walked into her twelfth spiderweb of the night.

"The sun's rays are not reflecting right now so the only light coming through is from the moon" explained Fabian.

"What I don't get is why the zodiac in Victor's notebook had twice as many symbols" wondered Nina.

"Well, if you look at the symbol on the wall it is the hieroglyphic for mirror. On Victor's drawing though it is across from the symbol for music" showed Fabian.

"So, the completed zodiac gives us two clues to find the reflectors, instead of just one" deduced Lili.

"Right, and the two clues we already used are mirror and music, aka the mirror in the music box" recapped Alfie.

"So, all we really have to do is figure out one symbol, see what it is across from and then locate a reflector similar to the phrase" cheered Nina. "And the best part is that we already found one so there are only five more to go!"

"Let's get to bed then, tomorrow is going to be hectic enough already with Gustav coming to visit" suggested Patricia.

The group started to exit the chamber before pausing in concern as Nina froze in fear before whipping around to face the empty wall. "We're trying our best" cried Nina to the invisible ghost.

"Look! Just leave her alone!" screamed Fabian, ever coming to the rescue. He pushed Nina behind him, seemingly placing himself between the girl and their torturer.

Once Nina had calmed down, the group started to leave again, only to be stopped by Lili's exclamation of "Nina! You are glowing"

"Thanks" replied the girl, clearly taking it as a compliment.

"No, she means your locket" explained Patricia pointing to the eye shaped necklace which was glowing red.

"Huh, I wonder what for?". Patricia watched as Nina began to move about the room to find whatever was causing the locket to glow.

It was Jerome who ultimately spotted the locket shaped hole in the wall. "I think I found it! That crack right there maybe it's like the one on the oven and in the attic".

"It looks to be a door" remarked Nina as she pressed her necklace against the wall. "My locket doesn't open this... the shape looks more like one of our amulets".

"Maybe it's mine!" squealed Amber excitedly. "Maybe I'm a chosen one too!".

Unfortunately, the door remained closed after Amber used her amulet. "Ugh... not even a door recognized my talent" sniffed the fashionista.

"Wait!" cautioned Fabian. "It looks like there is something carved here". After scraping away several layers of dirt, dust and cobwebs he exclaimed "It's the ibis! Who has the ibis amulet?".

Everyone checked their amulets, but they failed find the ibis in their collection.

"Nobody here has it" complained Nina. "The amulet that opens that door is Victor's".

Discouraged at hitting another dead end, the Sibuna crew headed back to their rooms for the night.

*Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold – Tears of Gold*

Nina was holding court at the breakfast table once again, making Patricia glad that Joy, Mara and Eddie had offered to show Piper around school early that morning.

"We need that amulet now more than ever" bemoaned Fabian through a mouthful of bacon.

"Well luckily we have a plan for that," replied Nina, shooting the boy sickening heart eyes. "Alfie, please run us through your trick one more time".

"Okay, I'm going to take the fake amulet and place it up my sleeve ahead of time. Then I take the real amulet from Victor and I wrap it in a handkerchief. After that I take off my shoe and SMASH IT!" yelled the prankster. "But don't worry, that part is just an illusion. While Victor is panicking, I do a switch and give him the fake amulet back in one piece. That way Victor will think that he's got the real amulet. But he hasn't, because the Amazing Alfredo has kept the real McCoy. Tada!"

"Yeah... no" shot down Nina. "Just do a standard switch with no smashing. That way Victor's happy, Gustav's happy and we have our amulet back!".

"Yeah, if you want to be boring" sulked Alfie.

"Oh, I'm sorry..." mocked Fabian while pointing to his bare wrist, "What time is it?".

Alfie simply stuck his tongue out at the dark-haired boy before going back to reading his magic book.

Finishing her bowl of cereal, Patricia waved goodbye to the others and headed off to her first class of the day.


Evie's Notes 2: Hope you enjoyed the new chapter!

Next Week: Gustav Ziestack comes to dinner!

Question of the week: Who do you want to hear from next?

I love hearing from y'all! Let me know what you think of the chapter and the story so far in the comments or my Tumblr House-of-Secrets! Have a great week and stay safe! - Xo Evie💕

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