Unchangeable Heart (Bleach re...

By ghostsmonaca

44.9K 931 176


Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 1: Recruits
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Ichigo meets the Visored
Chapter 4: More training?
Chapter 5: Lieutenant Kyōraku
Chapter 6: Garganta
Chapter 7: Baraggan
Chapter 8: Aizen and Tōshirō
Chapter 9: Aizen Sōsuke
Chapter 10: (Y/n) VS Aizen
Chapter 11: Inner World
Chapter 12: Awoken
Chapter 13: Muken
Chapter 14: Human world
Chapter 15: House Kurosaki
Chapter 16: Mayuri's experiments
Chapter 18: Xcution
Chapter 19: Ginjō Kūgo
Chapter 20: The Third Division
Chapter 21: Kira Izuru
Chapter 22: Life as a Captain?
Chapter 23: Duties of a Captain
Chapter 24: Ichigo's decision
Past Chapter 1: Hollowfication

Chapter 17: Kurosaki Yuzu

709 20 2
By ghostsmonaca

"Yo Kisuke." You greeted the Shinigami.

Urahara chuckled, putting his fan away. "It's been a while... How have you been?"

You smiled, standing against the shop. "I've been well. Glad to be back in Soul Society. I didn't realize how much I actually missed it. You?"

Urahara smiled as well. "Like usual. Kurosaki-san's sister has been showing up often though. She buys my products like it's nothing."

A small vein popped in your head. "You've been selling Karin-chan your stupid products?"

"What could you possibly mean by that?" Urahara asked in a pained tone. "My products are the best!"

You chuckled, getting back on topic. "I came here purely because I need something. Otherwise I would've come tomorrow."

"Oh? A favor?"

You shook your head, sitting down to look at the stars. "Remember that cape you made once. The one that conceals all reiatsu."

"Yes? Why would you need something like that?"

The black sky was painted in beautiful white dots. Those dots emitted light. Just small light. "Something will happen and if I want to move in the shadows, I'll need it."

Urahara hummed, opening the shop. "You owe me."

You chuckled again, following Urahara into the shop. "Fine, I'll repay you when I have the time."

"No need! If you fill me in on everything that's happening everywhere then that'll be enough." Urahara stated, walking to the back of the shop to rummage through some boxes.

"You want me to play as an informant?" You questioned, leaning against the wall. "Why do you need that? You're no longer a wanted criminal."

Urahara opened a few more boxes. "Well, I'm staying in this candy shop and I'd like to know what's going on. Ah!" He said, taking out a black cape. "Here it is."

As he stood up and handed it to you, he straightened his clothes. You took the cape and looked at it. "I thought they destroyed this. Is this the prototype?"

"No, they took the prototype. I had a few more in stock. Yoruichi-san took the others from my lab when we escaped." Urahara explained exiting the back area.

You followed him with the cape in your hands. "Makes sense. I'll be staying at Ichigo's place for a while. When they kick me out, I'll be back here."

Urahara chuckled, opening the door to his shop. "Well, I'll hear from you then. Before you go."

You stood outside Urahara's shop. "Hmm? What is it?"

"When exactly did you wake up?"

"A month ago. Why?"

Urahara turned around, putting his hat even more over his eyes. "I didn't expect it to be so fast."

You turned around as well. Urahara's back was bow facing yours. "Well, the damage inflicted on myself was less than that other time."

He chuckled slightly, taking the door. "Have a good night, (Y/n)." With that, he closed the door.

You shunpo'd all the way back to Ichigo's house. It seemed like Ichigo expected you back because his window was still opened.

You entered through the window, waking Ichigo up. "Yo, Ichigo."

Ichigo rubbed in his eyes before sitting up in his bed. "Where did you go?"

You put the cape and your Zanpakuto on Ichigo's desk and sat down on his chair. "Well, Ishida's reiatsu suddenly spiked so I went to check it out. I watched Ishida get stabbed, I caught him and called an ambulance. Afterwards I went to Kisuke's place because I needed something."

Ichigo's eyes widened when you got at the point of 'watched Ishida get stabbed'. "What do you mean watched?!" He yelled.

You chuckled, putting your hand on your Zanpakuto. "Even if I had protected him from it, the assailant would just run away. I don't think he was after Ishida."

"And what's that black cape?" Ichigo asked, pointing at the cape on his desk. "Is that the item you needed?"

You nodded, standing up from the chair. "It is. Also do you mind if I leave my Gigai when I sleep? I don't have spare clothes and I don't have money so I don't want them to smell."

Ichigo shrugged, going back to sleep. "Do what you like."

You smiled, using one of those gloves that can pull a Soul out. The Gigai you were using fell on the ground and you laid down on the mattress in your Shinigami form.

Without the Gigai it was a lot lighter. You had forgotten how it felt before coming back to Soul Society.

Eventually you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

Next day

You woke up earlier than Ichigo. Looking through the window, it was around 6 AM. You got into your Gigai and clipped your Zanpakuto to your belt.

Soon you went downstairs. "Morning, Yuzu-chan."

Yuzu, who was preparing breakfast looked up surprised. "Kyōraku-san? Good morning!" She said with a soft smile on her face.

You smiled, walking up to her. "Just (Y/n) is fine. Can I help with the breakfast preparations?"

Yuzu's eyes sparkled. "S-Sure! Do you know how to cook rice?"

You nodded, washing your hands. "I've done that before. My brother doesn't know how to cook."

"You have a brother?" She asked, taking out the sack of rice. "Is he older than you?"

You hummed a 'yes' ad you were drying your hands. "He can be pretty stubborn but he's a good guy. Even though we might not be together a lot, I know that he cares about me, same goes for him."

Yuzu smiled, putting the rice in a pot. "Sounds like you two share a nice relationship! I'm going to cook the vegetables. Can I leave the rice to you?"

You put the right amount of water in the pot and put it on the fire. "Don't worry Yuzu-chan, focus on your parts I'll do this."

"Thank you! Also, um... Can I ask something?"

You nodded, watching the rice as the water began cooking. "Ask away. I'll answer anything if I can."

Yuzu smiled as she put the vegetables in a pot. "Why do you carry that katana around?"

"Self-defense." You answered. "This katana is very special to me. I can't bear to lose it."

"Oh... Did someone important give it to you?"

You chuckled, looking over the almost-boiling water again. "Not really... But you can look at it that way. Also, how much salt do you usually put in?"

Yuzu took the salt out of a cupboard. "Doesn't matter. It's your rice, your choice!"

You took the salt. "Alright. I hope it's to your liking."

Yuzu then began cutting the dried seaweed. "I'm sure it'll turn out great! You're handling it exactly as I was taught!"

You smiled, adding a big pinch of salt to the rice. The water was boiling and you put the fire a little lower. "Do you handle the cooking every day?"

Yuzu nodded. "Yeah. It's not that big of a deal! Don't worry!"

You chuckled softly. "The rice should be done soon. Do you have a cellphone?"

"Yes, why?" She asked, taking out the cellphone out of her pocket.

"I'll give you my number." You took your Denreishinki out and went to contacts. The Denreishinki you carried around wasn't just for Hollows, you had altered it so it worked as a human cellphone.

Yuzu smiled, putting her number in your Denreishinki and you did the same in her cellphone. "(Y/n)-san, what kind of phone is this?" She asked upon giving the Denreishinki back.

You chuckled, putting it back in your pocket. "It's self-made." It wasn't a lie, you did alter it yourself. "Well, I just altered the original a little."

"A little? This is amazing... it looks so cool." Yuzu beamed. "Oh the rice is ready!"

Then Karin came downstairs. "Hmm? Kyō— I mean (Y/n)-san? You're up early."

You smiled with a nod, getting the rice out of the pot and pouring the water away. "I woke up early so I decided to help Yuzu-chan out with breakfast."

Karin nodded, sitting down at the table. Soon you and Yuzu put everything on the table and you walked over to the stairs. "Ichigo! Wake up!"

No response.

You sighed. "Is he always this slow?"

Yuzu chuckled awkwardly and nodded. "It may take a little bit."

You grinned, walking upstairs. "Don't worry."

Soon you reached Ichigo's room. The orange head was still asleep. You opened his window and pointed at a rock in the street. "Hadō #4 Byakurai."

A white lightning beam came out of your finger and destroyed the rock outside. It was loud enough for Ichigo to wake up.

Ichigo opened his eyes in shock. "(Y-Y/n)?! What are you doing?!"

You closed the window again and grinned. "Well, Yuzu and I prepared breakfast and we'd like for you to join us."

Ichigo sighed, sitting up. "Alright. Say, are you going to school?"

You shook your head. "Nah, I don't feel like going. I have some things to take care of."

"Things to take care of?"

You sighed, walking to the door. "Don't worry about it and hurry up. The rice'll get cold."

"Alright, alright. Tell Yuzu that I'm coming."

Word count: 1532

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