Prisms | Stray Kids AU | Seun...

By LostRfromStay_skz

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Seungmin is about to graduate high school and go to a community college nearby his house. He finds a letter a... More



571 39 91
By LostRfromStay_skz

TWS: Minor violence and PTSD

The rest of the orientation groups recuperate in the cafeteria where Seungmin's group patiently waited. He saw Minho pass by with the group of guys who pushed him down earlier. Seungmin stepped behind Jeongin clutching his hand for comfort. He averted his eyes from the group, hoping to lose any thoughts of his presence. Jeongin only shrugged, eyeing the group of guys passing by.

Seungmin looked back to see Chan finishing up paperwork with the proctors, submitting the forms his group filled out.

The rest of the groups made their way into the cafeteria letting the orientation leaders continue with their business. The atmosphere went cold but full as a wave of energy pulsed from the cafeteria doors. The once-bustling cafeteria filled with colorful conversation went gray, diverting their attention to the new figure making its way towards the stage.

Seungmin noticed the orientation leaders all were kneeling on one knee with their heads down as the man walked past.

"Students!" The man's voice sounded warm, but it still radiated with intimidation that had everyone paralyzed.

"I am the dean of Prism University, Song Ha Joon, and I am very happy to have you guys here today. I would like to sort you all by your house color to count the turnout." He waved his hand through the air where sparks of green blossomed into thick vines that created four thick pillars with the spirit of each house plastered on them. "Please line up behind the pillar where you were sorted into."

Seungmin let go of Jeongin's hand and made his way to the vine pillar with the Sun Spirit on it. He was tossed around in the crowd feeling his previous wounds getting struck at the worst places.

Seungmin stood in front of the pillar with a sigh hanging in his breath. He looked up to see Chan and Minho standing in front of him.

"Called it." Minho nudged Chan's arm with his elbow.

"You act like I wouldn't know either." They shot each other a look and only nodded before the dean started to approach the group of three.

"Wow, I'm surprised we got one person sorted into the Yellow house this year! Welcome to Prism University!" Seungmin looked behind him to find no one else there feeling the weight of the dean's words hover over him ready to crush him.

Seungmin bowed deeply, forgetting how to speak Korean to the man waiting for a response.

"Th-thank you Ha Joon-nim." Seungmin bowed again, earning a laugh from the dean.

"No need to be so formal." He batted his hand to the side and started to make his way to the Leaf Spirit pillar.

"Man it's like we are getting fewer and fewer people in the Yellow house as the years go on."

Seungmin looked over at Minho, still mortified by his altercation with the dean.

"Well, at least we got the best one this year."

"No! The two we got last year were great too."

"Well, he is the only Healer in the Yellow House."

Seungmin almost fainted when the words struck his face head-on.

"W-wait what?" Seungmin's voice cracked mid-sentence and was shaky as the words came out.

"Out of the now seven people in the Yellow House, you are the only Healer within them." Seungmin only could nod before lowering his gaze in a frantic haze that began to cloud his mind again.

Orientation officially ended where Seungmin received his schedule and what courses are required for his sub-class training and general studies of his color. Seungmin promised to spend his lunches with Jeongin so they can talk to each other about their first days at school. He made his way towards Minho's car and stepped inside the car with uncertainty pulsing through his veins.

"You good Seungmin? You look a bit shaken up." Minho met Seungmin's eyes in the rearview, only breaking contact every few seconds to focus on the road.

Seungmin murmured something only he could understand leaving silence resonating in the car.

They returned to Seungmin and Chan's dorm where the two left Minho to get some rest. Seungmin asked Chan for another pair of clothing to sleep in where Chan happily accepted. He apologized numerous times and swore to pay him back whenever he got a job.

"No need Seungmin, I have too many clothes so you can just take them whenever."

"But, they are expensive!"

"They are not that expensive..." Seungmin could tell he was lying. The two articles of clothing Chan gave him the other day cost more than his outfit he came to Prism in.

"Yes, they are! I promise to pay you back."

"Seungmin!" Chan's voice was cutting and harsh, making Seungmin shut up. "It's fine alright?" Chan let out a breath before walking into his room.

Seungmin felt like a burden to Chan, he didn't feel like he was providing enough for the older. He reluctantly changed into the clothing with Chan's aroma infused with the threads that brought an unfamiliar warmth for Seungmin. He clutched the clothing closer to his body, feeling how the scent caressed him softly through his maze of thoughts.

Morning came and went where Seungmin made breakfast for himself and Chan, hoping the older would like his cooking. Seungmin's breakfast was a single sunnyside up, while he made Chan a french omelet with a brewed coffee containing a bit of cream inside. He closed the recipe book that resided by the kitchen island and prepped the table before Chan rose from his slumber.

Chan soon was out of bed, walking to the kitchen area to the captivating scent of eggs and freshly brewed coffee filling up the dorm.

"Did you make this for me?"

"Yes! I'm not sure if you will like it. I didn't know if you eat a bunch at breakfast, so I'm sorry if I didn't make enough food. You can eat my fried egg if you are still hungry!" Chan shook his head at the comment.

"Oh, Seungmin. This is more than enough for me, thanks."

The two finished their plates, making small talk throughout the meal talking about their schedules at the school where they will both start their first semesters. Chan gave Seungmin some school supplies and a pale pink backpack to use at school. The two went down to the parking garage where Chan's car was parked in the valet parking. Minho couldn't drive them today because he was a bit busy, but Seungmin didn't mind since he didn't want Minho to be in any sort of trouble.

They arrived at the school where they split paths heading to their first periods that were about to start in around 15 minutes.

Seungmin walked into the classroom and was met with the professor's back towards the rows of desks with about 5 other students in the room. One of the students was a guy who had blonde hair, a scar on his nose, and knives, one was a girl with a scythe, and the rest were girls that bore swords. He sat at a desk towards the back of the class where he settled his pink bag against the legs of the desk, pulling out a spiral notebook and pencil.

The lecture started, a majority of the content contained the basics of containing your energy to utilize the resource during any situation. Seungmin was the youngest of his class where he struggled the most in finding that sweet spot of his core. The blonde boy noticed his trouble and made his way towards Seungmin.

"You need some help?" The boy's deep and rich voice contrasted with his soft features which accentuated his freckles that dotted his nose bridge and cheekbones.

"Yes, thank you."

"Alright, try this." The boy placed his hands on Seungmin's shoulders, slightly rubbing them ridding the tension that had built up.

Seungmin's vision was dark with his eyes closed but as he released more of his tension, his sight filled with different shades of yellow that made his palms glow with the shades.

"That's it!" The boy encouraged him as he loosened his grip on Seungmin.

Seungmin let the power seep out of his palms where the bright strand of yellow danced around the two before striking the boy on the nose.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" Seungmin stood up from his seat, starting to inspect the boy for injuries.

The boy rubbed his nose noticing how the pain has left the spot it once resided.

"Wait, you healed my nose!"

"I what?"

"You fixed the scar that has been there for a couple of weeks now!"

Seungmin was relieved it wasn't bad and thanked the boy for helping him with exploring his core.

"No problem!"

He made his way back to his seat, following his movements with his eyes before a figure came in bursting through the lecture room doors.

"Sorry for being late!" The boy sounded out of breath and ready to collapse as he made his way to sit next to the other boy that helped Seungmin.

The professor nodded and resumed his lesson where Seungmin was attentively taking notes, making sure to create complex diagrams and illustrations that he could reflect on later.

His eyes wandered to the boy that made an explosive entrance and noticed he had a sheathed katana.

The two boys talked a lot during the professor's lectures, making jokes and giggling throughout it. The professor didn't seem to pay that much attention to them since the girls in the class also seemed to doze off and conduct conversations over their cell phones.

The lecture finally ended, Seungmin packed his supplies ready to leave the class for his lunch period but felt a tug against the fabric of his bag.

"Do you want to join us two for lunch?" The freckled boy's hand was slightly grasping at Seungmin's stuff, but it wasn't anything uncomfortable.

Seungmin felt a little flustered, stumbling over his words, "I-I would love to, but I p-promised my friend to spend lunch with him."

"Is it alright if we join you guys?"

"I don't think he would mind..."

The boy smiled at Seungmin before proceeding towards the lunchroom with the other boy in tow behind him.

Seungmin met up with Jeongin who had splurged on the Vietnamese spring rolls the food court offered. Seungmin's mouth watered at the sight but restrained himself.
"By the way, two people from my class are going to join us, is that okay?" Seungmin knew Jeongin would say yes since he is quite the social butterfly.

"Awww, is Minnie-Hyung making friends?" Jeongin cooed pinching Seungmin's cheek.


"Well of course I don't mind, any friend of yours is good with me."

Seungmin felt a wave of relief, but would Jeongin ever say no? He really loves to meet new people, especially if they are mutuals with Seungmin.

"What's up!" The two boys walked up to our table and sat down across from the two.


"I don't believe we have introduced ourselves yet."

"I'm not sure either." Seungmin fully knew they didn't but chose to play along.

"Well my name is Lee Felix, and my friend right here is Han Jisung." He gestured to the boy on the side, where Seungmin returned a sheepish wave.

"Nice to meet you guys, my name is Kim Seungmin, and my friend is Yang Jeongin."

Jeongin bowed his head down a bit and shot the two of them a warm smile.

"Is it alright if we join you two?" Jisung's voice was smooth and felt calm before the storm.

Seungmin nodded in agreement, having the two fully settle in the seats knowing they were okay to stay.

The group of four conversed together throughout half of the lunch period. Their conversation bouncing around topics like: How did you get accepted into Prism? What sub-class did you choose? What dormitory building do you live in?

The questions gave Seungmin so much information he didn't think he would receive out of them. He even learned that Jeongin lived in the same dormitory as him! The two never talked about it before, but assumed it as fate since Jeongin is only two floors down from his room. He learned that Felix and Jisung are roommates in a separate dorm building only five minutes away from theirs. Jeongin's roommate is a tall, slim, dark-haired boy named Hyunjin that is a sophomore like Jisung and Felix.

The group shifted from a serious atmosphere to a spectrum-filled conversation, talking about anything that crossed their minds. The group's laughter bounced off the polished marble walls and shook the light rays off their course.

Seungmin nodded through the conversation, letting Jisung and Jeongin take the lead as Felix pitched in with small comments. Two familiar faces started to approach the group.

"And I can't believe that Wooyoun-" Jisung cut himself off, looking at Seungmin's attention shift made him anxious to see who was behind him.

"Hi Minho-Hyung! Hi Chan-Hyung!" Seungmin waved cutely to the elders.

"Well look who made friends." Minho sat himself in between Jeongin and Jisung, while Chan sat next to Seungmin. The group of four quickly grew to six, but the environment once again changed as the addition was made. "You want to introduce them to us?" Minho's tone was joking but still curious to see who has piqued Seungmin's interest to become friends.

"Oh! A-Alright." Seungmin's voice was a little shaky at the confrontation but complied. "You guys already have met Jeongin, right?"

Chan nodded, but Minho shook his head, "I haven't yet."

"Well, he was in my orientation group and is in the.." Seungmin paused a little to think about Jeongin's house.

"Blue House." Jeongin finished the rest of Seungmin's sentence, where the older then opened his mouth to resume introducing the others.

"The one next to you Minho is Jisung. He is a sophomore and is in the Yellow house. Then the one next to Jisung is Felix. He is also a sophomore and is also sorted in the Yellow house." The elders nodded, Minho picking up the conversation again.

"You guys treating Seungminnie good?" Seungmin cringed at the nickname and buried his face in his arms.

"Yep, he is such an adorable person." Jisung cooed at the flustered Seungmin.

Minho let out a howl for a laugh asking another question as his laughter died down, "So what are you guys for sub-classes?"

The group went back and forth with the questions coming back in circulation from earlier, but they didn't care. Minho brought a new light to their conversation making it sporadic and jagged.

They talked a bit more before Chan looked around at the trays laid on the table.


The younger responded with a hum as he shot his eyes to Chan.

"Where is your tray?"

Seungmin started to panic. He didn't know what to say to the older. Lying wasn't an option since the rest of the group knew he had no food in the first place.

"I-, I didn't get one..." Seungmin sounded defeated, tilting his head down to avoid Chan's glares.

"Why didn't you get any food?"

"I just.."

"Just what?"

"I don't have any more money to buy any....."

The table went silent. The rest of the boys staring at Seungmin with shattered pieces scattered where their hearts would be.

"You can have the rest of my lunch." Felix pushed his tray towards Seungmin, earning a scowl from him.

"No no no no no, you paid for your food so you should eat it. I will be fine."

"Seungmin, you only had a fried egg for breakfast today." Chan's words pierced through him.

"Seungmin trust me, you should eat it. I'm not even hungry anyways, and I don't want to waste food." Felix once again inched the tray closer to Seungmin in hopes the younger would take it.

Defeated once again, he weakly pulled the tray towards himself and earned stares as he put the first bites in his mouth.

Lunch finished where the conversation died down to a small discussion between Jisung, Felix, and Minho. The six began to part ways once again to head to their sub-class training courses now.

Seungmin reached the gates of the Healer area and pushed open the heart-shaped door. He saw two girls seated at a desk and another girl seated at a separate desk with an empty seat next to her. He also noticed all the girls had the Fire Spirit on display on their coats.

Seungmin made his way to the seat next to the girl, settling his stuff while pulling out another notebook. The professor was a young foreign man that spoke fluent Korean without a mistake. He ordered the four of them to step to the front of the class to choose a staff to cast healing spells.

Healing staffs are quite different from traditional Magic staffs. Healing staffs are thinner and flimsier than Magic staffs but when casting spells, Magic staffs cast faster and have less resistance in each expulsion from the staff.

Seungmin was left to pick last, taking the remaining staff that had a clear crystal enveloped in the roots of the staff's body.

Seungmin watched how the professor angled the staff in between his palms, shooting a bolt of fire at Seungmin that caressed his body with warmth and the feeling of relief. The professor explained how Healing staffs can only be used for supportive or healing spells, where attacking spells would make the staff break.

He positioned everyone's hands so they could become one with their staff. Seungmin felt his body pouring his energy into the staff, hoping the staff returned his offer with acceptance. Seungmin hears one of the girl's gasps, diverting his attention to see how her staff crystal turned into a burgundy red. His staff soon starts to glow and pulsate as he pushes more of his energy in the staff. Seungmin's staff blasts light in all directions blinding everyone for a bit. As the light dissipates he sees how his crystal turned into an endless abyss of black.

"Woah", The professor takes a step closer to Seungmin, eyes still locked on the crystal. "May I see your staff for a second?"

The professor inspects the staff from the hilt to the head, reading each groove and nook it offers to maybe explain why the crystal shone so bright but became so dark.

"Your staff is unlike anyone I've seen before."

Seungmin's mind was beyond shocked. He couldn't formulate any words as the abyss of the crystal seemed to absorb him slowly.

The girls' staff finally changed color, where one was a light pink and the other was an orange-red.

The professor snapped out of his daze and made the group sit back down in their chairs to explain some basic healing spells they should practice for their next class. Seungmin wrote into his notes, but his mind was still clouded by that crystal. Why was it so dark?

The school day ended, where he stepped out into the schoolyard and looked for Chan's car. They made their way back to the dorms and talked about how their first days went. Seungmin collected the mail before going up the elevator with Chan, clutching the envelopes into his hands as they continued their way into their dorm.

"Seungmin. I got you something."

Chan pulled out the newest iPhone and started telling Seungmin the storage and how his and Minho's numbers are already saved on it.

"Oh my gosh Hyung, you shouldn't have spent so much on me, I don't deserve this."

"It's fine Seungmin, and it is just a gift. This is to repay you for breakfast this morning. What, you don't like my gift?" Chan placed puppy eyes and a pout on his face as he stared into the younger's orbs.

"Okay fine. I really appreciate this Chan-Hyung." He bowed and waved the elder off as he walked into his room.

He looked down at his new phone and then the envelopes in his hand. He found one addressed to him and gave the rest to Chan. The envelope had his name plastered on it in familiar handwriting making him eager to open it up.

His stomach dropped when he read it.

Come. Home. Now.

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