Various Males X Seme Male Rea...

By Nothing_Here_AtAll

274K 3.5K 1.2K

Reader gets to live their dreams with fictional men. More

Requests (CLOSED)
Sebastian Michaelis (Lemon)
Usui Takumi (Would this be considered ANGST?)
Zen (Fluff)
Akira Fudo (Lemon)
Jason Todd (Fluff)
Akira Fudo (Fluff)
Karma Akabane (Lemon)
Sweet Mask (Lemon)
Aoba (Fluff)
Usui Takumi (Fluff)
Dazai Osamu (Love Love Angst~)

Hisoka Morou (Fluff)

8.6K 199 29
By Nothing_Here_AtAll

  "Tch—! You're being so rough today, Bubble Gum. Is it a special occasion~?" Hisoka's low voice chimed.

A pair of strong arms pressed him up against the gritty bark of a wisteria tree, scratching and scraping at his pale skin. The owner of the arms stayed silent, digging his knee into Hisoka's back.

  Hisoka yelped, "Ahk! G-God I get so hot and bothered when you do these kind of things."

  The pale man smirked, his fox-like eyes gleaming with delight. He could feel his own aura beaming up at the man, piercing every cell in his body with his lust. Seeing his captor get agitated made his heart skip a beat, warming up his face.

"I might as well melt if you're going to keep acting this way..." Hisoka sighed, breathing harder with each word. The heat's scalding, even under the misty night sky.

Hisoka's golden irises locked onto his captor's dreary, (e/c) colored ones, filling with a bright sparkle. The man's (h/c), frazzled hair shadowed over his eyes, playing in the soft breeze on this particular night. Upside-down, painted black points sat just under his eyes, emphasizing his equally pointed eye shape. Frowning lips decorated with a black circle at the center.

The man's clothes are few, as short fabric covered his muscly chest, a slit down the middle showed off the deep grooves of his strong body. Black pieces of fabric hung from each side of the collar, draping neatly just under his (skin color) shoulders. Torso completely bare and exposed to the cold atmosphere. His pants sat lowly on his hips, which Hisoka couldn't seem to take his eyes off of, that pervert. Lastly, he wore tall, well-kept boots that added to his towering height.

This man is the definition of monochrome, with little to no sign of warmth adorning his body or actions.

Hisoka sighed, beginning to lose interest in any little game the man wanted to play, "Would you so kindly let go of me? I'm a bit too busy to play around with you right now."

(M/N) shook his head before slamming Hisoka down to the ground and shoving a boot onto his back.

"Y-You're starting to get very annoying, Bubble Gum! I'm not into it anymore." Hisoka choked.

(M/N) pulled out a crystalline cube, tossing it up into the sky like a ball and playing around with it for a while. Then he spun it around his finger, staring deep into the glass. He held it tightly in his slender fingers, and tapped his foot on Hisoka's back, catching his attention.

Hisoka's eyes widened when he eyed the mime's box, having no time to react. The cube of glass hit the ground with a heavy thump, instantly growing in size and incasing the battered magician.


Hisoka laid in shock before propping himself up, sitting on his knees, and trying to grip at the smooth crystal. He looked around (M/N)'s glass prison he was now trapped in, letting out a soft hmph. The glass is thick, yet completely invisible if one wasn't using gyo to see the structure. Hisoka stared at the glass intently, tapping and pushing at it. Then, he punched it, slamming it with all the strength and nen he had, but the glass didn't budge; it didn't even quiver.

Hisoka asked, "This again? All I did was fight in the Heaven's Arena..."

A smirk crept onto his lips, as he rested his jaw on his hand. "Don't tell me you're upset I left you alone for so long! Are you angry my attention was on someone else?" His sultry voice teased the silent man.

  His hand pushed against the glass, rubbing at it with the tips of his fingers.

(M/N) shook his head once again, and kneeled down to Hisoka's sitting form. Hisoka's smirk turned into a cat-like smile, and he shifted himself to lean closer to the mime. (M/N) pressed a finger on the thin glass, and gave Hisoka's old cage a soft tap. He opened up his mouth to blow warm air onto the ice cold glass.

Hisoka stared at (M/N)'s parted lips, focusing all his attention on how plump they looked at the moment. The black mark on the center of his lips was obstructed, showing off the wet muscle that sat behind them. Dear god is Hisoka's heart pounding.

  But he pried his focus off of those lips, and raised an eyebrow, watching curiously as (M/N)'s slender fingers slid across the wet crystal. Thin lines spelt out the numerals '1' and '5' to the red-head.

Hisoka rolled his eyes back in frustration, completely changing his demeanor, opting to lay on his back. He rested his head on his forearms, and crossed a leg over the other. An exasperated sigh flew out of his throat, his eyelids fluttered shut as if he were going to sleep.

He groaned, "Fifteen hours this time... You're so strict!"

The mime stuck out his tongue, teasing the magician he had trapped in his glass prison. He stood back up straight, reminding Hisoka of how powerful (M/N) looked with his body alone.

  He whispered, quieter than the groans of the breeze, "Be...  good.... little clown."

  With that, (M/N) walked off, deep into the sea of beautiful wisteria trees.

Hisoka grumbled and turned to his side, knowing full and well it was useless to even try breaking out of the box. His beautiful golden irises were quickly shut behind his pale eyelids, and he drifted off to sleep, passing the time until his captor finally let him free.

Navy slowly shifted to peach, and the stars began to fade along with it. Ten of the fifteen hours had passed by the time sleeping beauty had woken up. Hisoka's red hair had been completely messed up, and it's soft, flowy-ness broke free of the gel he had put in the morning prior. Quiet snores escaped from between his lips, blowing at a lock of hair that hung in front of his face.

tap tap

tap tap

tap tap

Hisoka's eyes shot open, instantly scanning his surroundings only to find (M/N) sitting above him. To anyone, he'd look like he was floating, but he sat on the box he had conjured many years ago.

Hisoka yawned, "Goodmorning, Bubble Gum. Enjoying the view?"

  (M/N) stepped off of the glass and crouched down by Hisoka. He violently shook his head, furrowing his brows to display his discontent towards the magician.

  "Fine fine, but will you at least let me out? It's too cramped in here..." Hisoka asked, attempting to stretch out his legs before they were constricted by the glass.

  The star and tear that once rested on his cheeks were smudged across his pale skin, truly making him look a mess. His white clothes are dirtied and tattered as they clutch onto his scraped body.

  (M/N) motioned for him to move back, flicking his wrist up and down with straight fingers. Hisoka pouted, but complied and slid himself backwards.

  A hole formed in the box's glass.

  Hisoka looked with awe, and smiled, "It's never done that before. Will you be joining me, Bubble gum?" His cheeky smirk returned to his face, and his eyes smiled.

  (M/N) stepped into the prison, allowing for the hole to close right behind him. The space only became more sparse, as Hisoka was pressed against cold glass.

  "(M/N)... Ah—! I can't move with you squishing me!"

  His chest and cheek smushed against the cold glass, while (M/N) stood on his knees, rubbing his chest against Hisoka's back. The sound and feeling of the mime's breath clouded Hisoka's mind, making him bite his lip.

  He thought to himself, "I might just blow if he doesn't stop being so cute!!!"

  (M/N) whispered a soft apology before shifting his position, laying on his side, resting his head on his palm, and his other arm draped over his half-bare hip. His sharp eyes stared at Hisoka, eyeing him up and down.

  Hisoka teased, "Are you stripping me with your eyes, you little pervert?"

  He slid closer to the mime, noses almost tapping against each other.

  "You could've just asked~"

  Hisoka winked, and a heart formed by his head.

  (M/N) turned his eyes away, completely brushing off the flirt. Hisoka's ego popped upon seeing his friend ignore him.

  (M/N) exhaled lowly, looking up at the sky, his mind racing with thoughts. Suddenly the ground became soft, and the trees that stood around them disappeared. The glass seemed to disappear as the sky looked much closer than before. Instead of laying on smooth glass, their bodies rested on a supple, cotton-like mound.

  Hisoka scanned his surroundings, looking in amazement and curiosity as clouds formed around them. He grabbed at a piece of the vapor, causing it to gently flow between his pale fingers.

  "Oh, what a beautiful ability, Bubble Gum! How come you've never done this before?"

  Hisoka swished an opening in the clouds, only to find more and more fluff at his fingertips. His eyes glimmer with delight and the gold in his eyes shine brighter than the sun.

  (M/N) hummed, twirling a silky ribbon of vapor in his finger. Hisoka looked back at him, finding a sleepy mime snuggling against the pink cloud.


  Silence filled the air as Hisoka waited for a response.

  (M/N) mumbled, "For... you...."

  Hisoka raised a brow, sliding himself down to lay by his friend's side.

  "What did you say?"

  (M/N) grumbled, shoving a finger into Hisoka's chest.

  "Glass... Prison.... shall only hold.... Hisoka Morou..."

  Hisoka's eyebrow twitched.

  He hissed, "You conjured a prison just for me."

  (M/N) stretched his lips, forming a giant smile that pulled harshly at his cheeks. An exaggeration of a smirk that made Hisoka's muscles tense. (M/N) put his thumbs up, before sliding himself back, regaining his stoic expression. The air was silent, except for the bloodlust that flowed out of Hisoka's form.


  The aura around Hisoka quickly darkened. He could suddenly hear every beat of his heart, every hard pound against his ribs. He can feel the thick mound of cotton in his hand, the beaming rays of the golden sun against his skin, the warm air that filled his body. Despite this, it's all drowned out by his view of the mime. How the mime laid on his arm, his head placed in his hand. How the muscles of his torso jutted out with each shallow breath. How his velvety hair shifted with each tuff of wind that crashed against his (skin color) body. How badly Hisoka's fist wanted to jab the sleepy look off of (M/N)'s face.

  Hisoka growled, "You waste your nen on a box that can hold me in place?"

  His sharp eyebrows furrowed against each other, pressing down at his eyelids.

  (M/N) sighed, "No..."

  Hisoka tilted his head, his face softening along with it.

  (M/N) continued sheepishly, "To keep.... you..... safe."

  Hisoka's eyes smiled as he chuckled, seemingly amused by those words.

  "My little Bubble Gum wants to protect me? You're just so adorable!"

He jumped up, grabbing (M/N)'s cheeks and pulling at them roughly.

"I can protect myself. You don't need to worry about my safety." Hisoka's sly voice purred.

(M/N) grumbled, glaring intensely at Hisoka.

He growled, "I'm... not the strongest... in the world, yet... I can easily... overpower you...."

He slapped away Hisoka's nipping fingers, leaving a deep red mark.

"And you... constantly.... look for a..... fight..."

(M/N) lifted himself up, sitting up straight. Hisoka could only watch, as the shock hadn't yet settled in his veins.

(M/N) hissed, "What'll you do when..... someone so much stronger... decides.... you don't deserve to live?!"

He pulled his knees to his chest, gripping at themn nearly to the point of breaking bones. The short cloth that covered his chest crumpled and creased, tearing a bit at the force.

Hisoka sighed, crawling closer to the man in distress.

He comforted, "Don't get so upset over something like that. I'll be fine." He rubbed (M/N)'s arm gently, trying to shift his attention to something else.

(M/N)'s lips moved, the black paint on them shifting and smudging with each word he mouthed.

Hisoka asked, "What are you saying? You have to actually speak for me to understand."

(M/N)'s face flushed, deep red blood flowed through his cheeks as he looked away from Hisoka.

"Ooh, did you think of something naughty, Bubble Gum?"

(M/N) violently shook his head, and smacked his hands against his reddening cheeks.

"Come on, saayyy iiit."

(M/N)'s throat rumbled, feeling his chest tighten.

(M/N) grumbled lowly, "I...... love... you.... Hiso— ka..."

Hisoka's smirk faded, and his mind suddenly clouded as he processed (M/N)'s words. His heart raced, and blood flowed to his face as well. He can't focus on anything at all anymore.

The mime whispered, "I'll.... never... let you..... get.... hurt..."

  Hisoka looked up at (M/N), who had his hands in the shape of a shake-y heart. Hisoka giggled at the gesture, covering his mouth as he howled louder and louder.

  (M/N) shoved his index finger onto Hisoka's lips, furrowing his (h/c) eyebrows. The points under his eyes lengthened as his eyes squinted.

  But Hisoka just can't help himself, and tears formed at the corner of his eyes from the pain in his abdomen.

  "Y-You-You're so HAH— C-Cute!" Hisoka laughed.

  (M/N) clenched his teeth, and stood up from his place. He stomped away from the chittering magician who didn't noticed his presence fading. The clouds splashed at his boots like droplets of water.

  It took a few minutes for Hisoka's laughter to calm down, and his blurry eyes finally locked onto the spot where (M/N) sat.

   "Oh- (M/N)? (Mmmm/Nnnnnnn)?" He called out.

  His voice echoed throughout the vast space conjured by the mime.

  "So this place is just for me..."

  The clouds feel fluffy and soft on his arms and hands. They're warm and let off a faint smell of cherry lollipops. The sky's a pale peach, and the sun's crimson red.

  "How romantic."

  Hisoka stood up, looking around for any sign of (M/N)'s whereabouts. He inspected the horizon, a fleck of black against rose caught his eye. His lips stretched into a grin.

He glided his way over to the sleeping mime who rested against a tall mound of fluffy vapor.

Hisoka kneeled down, reaching down to touch (h/c) hair. His fingers combed through, petting the mime as if he were a cat. (M/N) stirred, pulling himself away from the cold hands that held onto his hair.

(M/N) mumbled, "S.... Stop..."

Hisoka chuckled, "Awe, but it's so adorable seeing you so vulnerable."

He sat down next to the monochrome man, leaning on his shoulder.

"Now, you were saying you're in love with me?"

His pale arms wrapped around (M/N)'s bare waist, and grazed his lips against the (s/c) skin of the mime's collarbone.

(M/N) shook his head, childishly pouting. He's still visibly bothered by Hisoka's laughter.

"Mmh— Then I'll make you say it again, Bubble Gum."

Hisoka's lifted himself up, leaning closer to (M/N)'s face. His lips captured the other's, painting his own lips black. (M/N) yelped, but was too entranced to push Hisoka off of him. His muscles wouldn't listen to him, instead moving to wrap his arms around Hisoka's slim waist. Hisoka's body shifted, swinging a leg over (M/N)'s hips to lay on top of him, taking complete control over his lips.

(M/N) hissed, using a hand to shove Hisoka's chest away from him.

He growled, "N-No wonder.... no... one.... seems to.... like..... you..."

Hisoka giggled, "I know you loved it, (M/Nnnn)."

He whispered into his ear, "But having you treat my body so viciously makes me so hot...!"

(M/N) raised an eyebrow, tilting his head.

"I... always.... thought... you.... were joking..."

He slapped a hand onto his face, covering the striking red that bloomed on his skin. His other hand clutched Hisoka's hip tightly, pressing the magician roughly against his pelvis. Hisoka blushed at the sensation, staring into (M/N)'s twinkling eyes.

(M/N) sighed, "This place.... isn't for.... perverted..... thoughts..."

He slid down deeper into the warmth of the clouds, pulling the bewitched Hisoka down along with him. Hisoka's nose nuzzled against (M/N)'s neck, and his hands latched onto the other's shoulders, feeling up his muscles. (M/N) sighed at the sensation of sharp nails grazing his skin, and the feeling of Hisoka's warm breath brushing his neck.

Hisoka chimed in his sultry tone, "You're so romantic, Bubble Gum! I'm glad I didn't kill you, or else we wouldn't be touching each other like this."

He turned his head up to kiss the silk-like skin of (M/N)'s neck, making the mime's throat erupt with a grumble.

"So.... touchy......"

Hisoka moaned, "But now I touch you as my little love toy!" He smirked, as he traced the deep grooves that littered (M/N)'s (s/c) body.

  Slowly, his fingers ran down the mime's arm, reaching where it rested on Hisoka's lower back. He sighed in content, letting himself melt into (M/N)'s arms.

  (M/N) whispered, "Calm.... down.. perv—.. ert...."

  He leaned down, combing Hisoka's hair back, and tenderly kissing his forehead. Hisoka purred as a soft grin graced his lips, deeply enjoying the affection over last night's beating.

  Hisoka sighed, "Keep kissing me, Bubble Gum~ I can't get enough..."

  (M/N) pulled back, inspecting the black smudges of black his lips had left on Hisoka's forehead and mouth. Instantly, he began kissing all over Hisoka's pale skin, leaving marks all over his face.




  Hisoka thought to himself, "(M/Nnn)... Now, you're being the touchy one~"

  (M/N) whispered, "I love.... you, Hisoka....."

  Hisoka laid his head on (M/N)'s chest, reaching under the short cloth that covered (M/N)'s bosom. Hisoka moaned, "I love you too, Bubble Gum...!"

  (S/c) hands entangled themselves in his messy and red hair, playing with the soft strands. Hisoka purred at the sensation, silently wishing those strong hands would go lower.

  (M/N) whispered, "I have.... to.... go... You can leave... in an hour...."

  He kissed Hisoka's forehead, softly rubbing his smudged cheek. Hisoka nodded and his grin didn't fade in the slightest.

  "Ah—! Wait Bubble Gum."

  Before (M/N) could react, Hisoka slammed his lips against the other's, wrapping his arms around (M/N)'s neck. (M/N) pulled Hisoka against his torso as held him tightly in his lap.

Hisoka groaned against the mime's lips and scratched thin lines into his nape, effectively marking him with the club symbol. He let go of the other's lips with a loud pop.

He sighed, "Now everyone will know you're my toy~"

(M/N) shook his head and shuffled away from Hisoka's clingy self. He swiftly stood up, towering over Hisoka and staring back at him with sharp eyes.

"Bye.... bye.." with a blown kiss and a wink, (M/N) slowly disappeared. His new marking left lone drips of crimson on the fluffy cotton ground.

Hisoka giggled, slithering deeper into the soft cloud.

'There's always something new with you, Bubble gum...'

Thoughts kept racing through this head as they became dirtier and dirtier.

'I wonder what would happen If I got you excited too...!'

Hisoka twitched at the image of an excited (M/N). He sighed into his arms, kicking his feet.

"You're such a little tease, (M/Nnnnn)...!"

What have I done?

Now that i've emptied all the Hisoka from my mind, I'm going to crush his little brain


- Me

3260 words (May 11 2021)

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