~ But then there was you ~ [M...

By AstorSunshine

25.9K 1.2K 4.6K

In college, you had two friends, a crush on Asuma and the habit of minding your own business. Till your proj... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12 🍋
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 🍋
Discussion and stuff
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 🍋
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 🍋
Chapter 26 🍋

Chapter 27

87 6 4
By AstorSunshine

A/N: Read it while listening to the song, the song was one of the reasons I wanted the story to be this way and I finally reached to this point. I had to listen to this song on repeat like 15 times yesterday before I could finish this.


The harsh sunlight shining in from the slit in the window coupled with incessant knocking wakes you up. Trying to find out where and who you were, you get up. In a second everything comes back to you and you check your phone for the time and day. 

"Okay, didn't miss my flight," you say to yourself, sighing with relief, slumping in the bed trying to go back to sleep. 

"Y/N, open the fucking door!" You hear Yugao's voice and wake up once again with a start. You look at the empty bed next to you and drag yourself to open the door. 

"Where the hell are you?" Yugao hollers and barges in. 

"Here here, what the hell happened?", you reply rubbing your eyes. You feel as if your whole body was hit by a train, aching and barely able to walk. Well... even if not by a train.. it was hit by something. 

"I was calling. You don't wan't to be late do you? I thought Obito would be here with you, but he didn't answer any calls either. Mind you, I never wanted to call him at all in the first place!"

"I ..", you start. "I don't know where he is", you look away from Yugao, refusing to meet her eyes. 

"So nothing happened between you two last night? What did he want then?", she glares at you. 

"Everything did, but..."

"But? He just left before you could wake up? That motherfu..", she huffs, turning red in anger. Leave up to Yugao to get angry on someone else's behalf, especially yours. 

"I can't deal with that now. There is too much left to do, and I can't think, and my head hurts", you lean against the wall and rest your head on it. 

Yugao just stands in her position, clenching and unclenching her jaw, a million thoughts buzzing through her head, you can see the gears in her head spinning. 

"I am going to get ready" you declare after what felt like a very long time but it was barely 3 minutes in the clock.

"Yes yes. You should do that. Hayate is driving over so should be here soon", she sighs and takes a seat on the couch. 

You walk inside and close the door of the bathroom behind you, sighing. There was no time to think about last night's events, but HOW COULD YOU NOT!!?? 

"He did say he loved me? Did he just lie to me so he could get laid before I left?", you think, rubbing your hands against your face. No, no, you nodded your head as if to shake the very thought out of your head. Obito could be many things, but he wasn't like that. No, he wasn't. You refused to believe it. You couldn't bear to get your heart broken again, not like this. 

After a quick shower, you get ready, trying to not look like total shit. You put on a casual denim and a hoodie and tie your hair up in a tight ponytail. 

The only thought in your brain was "How the fuck can he just leave?" That was the only thing you keep repeating to yourself over and over again, checking your phone for the millionth time. But there was no text message, no calls, nothing at all. Like he just vanished, like he didn't care. Like last night didn't mean anything to him. 

"Ready?" Hayate asks softly, you are sure Yugao has already told him everything she knows. He picks up your bags and asks you to triple check your documents. 

"Yeah. I am. I think", you hesitate. It felt monumental, leaving like this, leaving this place. There were so many memories in this place. You exhale one last time while taking a look around, soaking it all in. It was a ratty old apartment but it was here that Yugao, Hayate and you had become friends. It was here that you got together with Hidan the first time when he came to drop you home, it was here you were with Deidara when he held you close so delicately to heal the wounds in you. And it was here that Obito first came into your life, when he crashed in your apartment. All this is too much for you to process. You can feel the corners of your eyes hurt and your throat throb with pain. 

"I'll take good care of it, don't worry", Deidara says smiling. He knew you didn't really care about the apartment but he said it all the same. You give him a tight hug. He was really precious, he really knew what to say at the right time, more emotionally mature than you gave him credit for. You go over to the bowl at the entrance of the apartment to hand him the keys, one last time. But a note catches your eye instead, neatly folded with your name on it. You grab and open it so fast, it might have torn in half. Head spinning, you try to see the words on it, but tears are prickling in your eyes now so you can barely see.  

"We don't have the time to read this now", Yugao says. "Read it in the car, or better yet, burn it! He doesn't deserve any more of your time, if you ask me!", she continues. Hayate just places a hand on her shoulder to calm her down, but you know she is right, at the moment at least. So you hurriedly stuff the letter in your bag and leave. 

Reaching the airport, you see that your flight is on time. After checking in your bags, you inhale sharply and look at all three of them that have come to drop you at the airport. 
"Guys, I think this is it?", you give a hollow laugh.

"You are not going that far, and we will call all the time. But you do well and we all believe in you and are proud of you!!", Yugao gives you a tight hug, almost crying herself. Hayate and Deidara also join in adding onto her well wishes for you. You all stay like that for a couple of minutes before you break the hug and wish them goodbye. 

You still had an hour or so before the boarding started and you went through the security check and all that pretty quickly. Your eyes never left your phone though, typing and erasing and retyping messages but too scared to send. Finally, you do press the dreaded call button to call Obito but it keeps going straight to voicemail. After trying 3 times, you give up. You don't have the courage to open up the letter, yet. You are scared of what might be in it, maybe you should've opened it when the others were around. 

After getting in your seat, you quickly open up the messaging app. "In my flight now, about to take off. Thought maybe you would like to know." You send the text and turn off your phone to airplane mode. Maybe you shouldn't have waited to be 10,000 feet in the sky to read the letter, you felt like throwing up. 

Hand quavering, you open it. What is it that he wanted to say?

Dear Y/N,

I know this is really crappy of me, to leave you like this. Believe me, I really didn't want to. But I can't help it. Your words, they changed something in me. I have loved you, for a while now and I know I have messed up and there are things I regret doing and not doing.
I am sorry, that I hurt you, I wish I could take that pain away, and bring back the wasted time. I know maybe none of it means anything now but I want to be a better person. To start over new. For you. For us. So if and when we meet next, I would be able to look you in the eye and stand next to you, and hold you and love you the way you deserve to be loved.
But for now, the least I can do is get out of your way, so you can spread your wings and live your dreams. The ones that you had since before you met me. I am sorry. 

Yours forever,

You were right, you shouldn't have opened it now. Getting out from your seat, you go into the tiny cubicle of the flight restroom, bile threatening to rise up your throat. Clutching the letter in one hand, you get some cold water on your face to calm down, your face and neck really hot now. 

"That goddamn coward! You goddamn coward, Uchiha!!" You think, with tears rolling down your cheeks. "The one time you should have acted immature, the one time you should've acted stubborn", you try to breathe through the tears streaming down your face. 

What a f*cking wrong time to be the bigger person. What a f*cking time to break your heart again.  


A/N: It has been THREE years, and I am sort of back????!!!

This chapter is not as properly written because 70% of it was already written three years ago and I just wanted to publish it asap without taking too much time. Need that dopamine y'all..!!!!

Love you guys!

Like I said before, I will finish this story, even if excruciatingly slowly! 😂♥️

Please vote if you like the story, I really appreciate it.

Also please let me know if you have thoughts, comments, or feedback! I love reading those.

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