
By KelrynColrite

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Staying in California with her estranged aunt was the last way Marley Denning had planned to spend her summer... More

ACT I: Chapter One - Do I Wanna Know (June, 1996)
ACT I: Chapter Two - Toes (July, 1996)
ACT I: Chapter Three - White Blank Page (August, 1996)
ACT II: Chapter Four - What You Know (September, 2004)
ACT II: Chapter Five - Bad Blood (October, 2004)
ACT II: Chapter Six - Temple of Thought (November, 2004)
ACT III: Chapter Seven - November Was White, December Was Grey (December, 2005)
ACT III: Chapter Eight - Sonny (January, 2006)
ACT III: Chapter Nine - Weak and Powerless (February, 2006)
ACT IV: Chapter Ten - American Baby (March, 2008)
ACT IV: Chapter Eleven - You Haunt Me (April, 2008)
ACT V: Chapter Thirteen - Skydiving (June, 2008)
ACT V: Chapter Fourteen - Breaking Up My Bones (July, 2008)
ACT V: Chapter Fifteen - Couldn't Believe (August, 2008)

ACT IV: Chapter Twelve - Sweater Weather (May, 2008)

856 35 3
By KelrynColrite

Author's Note: NSFW Warning

It had been a week since I gave Alex the completed version of my manuscript--which I titled The Final Blade--and still there was no word from her about it. With every day that passed my initial excitement dwindled further into the anxiety I had sworn I wouldn't feel, making it increasingly difficult to not burst out and ask her about it.

Today was another one of those days where Alex shut herself in her room to read, only leaving to grab a snack--the sheaf of papers always in her grip while she made a sandwich one handed, as if she were mocking me--and I was stuck in the living room doing nothing. Having to wait for her to come out and tell me that she was finally finished every day was driving me insane, and after four hours of it I decided that I had to leave the house finally.

The good thing about taking a break from waiting on Alex every minute of the day was that it gave me a chance to trek over to the graveyard so I could visit Lilah and Tanya. I had gone over there with Bobby once more in the time that I was denned up writing, but I found that I enjoyed going by myself a lot more. I never felt like I was on a time limit or that I was being watched. I could get that personal time that I really needed to talk and connect like I wanted.

After my first trip to the graveyard, I began paying my respects to Tanya on my way up to see Lilah. Visiting Tanya was never as hard or emotional as it was with Lilah. It was always safe and comfortable though. Whenever I would talk to Tanya, I felt like a piece of my confidence came back to me and I always walked away feeling more certain about the value of myself--just as Tanya had always given me in life.

In every sense of the word, Tanya was the mother I had always wanted and needed. I couldn't care less if my biological mother was dead or alive--in fact I didn't even know if my mother was dead or alive--but losing Tanya had shook me to the core. With her gone, it was as if I had lost my moral compass in life.

I sat and talked to Tanya, telling her about the book and my journey over the past few weeks. I rambled on about nonsense and most importantly let her know that the renovations were going well. I was sure she would have been happy to see all the love and effort that went into restoring her home but more importantly, how it had brought together the old gang again.

After a few minutes catching up with my aunt, I touched her grave, told her goodbye, and began my trek up the grassy hill to where Lilah laid--my calves protesting like they always did from the steep angle of the trail.

The sun was peeking through the dark rain clouds that had been lingering all afternoon to shine a light across Lilah's headstone and I knew in my heart that it wasn't a coincidence. She was here with me today, just waiting for me to show up. I ran my hand across the sun warmed part of the marble stone and smiled.

"I know this visit is a little late but I've been working hard this week. See I...I finished it finally," I said and hunkered down next to Lilah's grave. "I stopped worrying about beating the loopholes and pleasing the fans. I just wrote what I thought a good story should look like. Something interesting that kept me entertained. And everything flowed out of me after that."

I laughed once and shook my head before going quiet for a moment.

"I really think you'll like it. Maybe I can bring it up and read it to you sometime." I smiled at Lilah's tombstone and touched the lily flower etched at the bottom. "What do you think?"

A cool spring breeze swept over my bare ankles and rose to my face. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the embrace of nature. It was crazy but sometimes I felt as if Lilah talked back to me like this. With a warm sunspot or a comforting breeze. Those were her little ways of saying 'I'm here. I'm listening.'

"I've gotta wrestle it back from Alex first though. She's had it forever already."

Forever being a whole five days.

I laughed in spite of myself and shrugged my shoulders. "She can be a real pain sometimes but...I'm glad I have Alex around. Sometimes I feel like she's the only person left that understands me."

Memories of the last few months that I had spent with Alex flooded through my brain, causing the ghost of a smile to tug at my lips. It had been awkward and bumbling at first but we got into a groove with each other eventually. We played around and joked with each other and most of the time, I could look at her without remembering the night we had shared after Lilah's funeral. Most of the time it was good. And most of the time, I was even happy.

"Do you really believe everything you used to say about Alex and me? That we were good for each other?"

I waited for an answer from Lilah that I knew was never going to come, while simultaneously waiting for the guilt to flood me like it always did on the rare occasion that Alex crossed my mind in such a way. Neither one happened though and I was left to sit and ponder my feelings with furrowed brows and a thoughtful hum.

"Sometimes I think we need each other. Like, maybe neither of us are supposed to do this life thing without the other," I muttered before lifting my shoulders in a lame shrug. "'Cause whenever we separate it's like we're just drifting. We're not doing anything and life...I don't know, it's like life stops making sense when she's not there."

I thought about when I was younger and Alex and I had been forced apart. How hard I became to the people in my life. How focused and determined I was to make something of myself, just to keep the thoughts of her away. How I had somehow become a shell of myself by the time I was twenty-six, when I met a pretty little blonde named Lilah who turned my whole life upside down.

But that was also the time that Alex came back into your life. And even if it wasn't the same, she was still right there. Living in your heart. Just as she had always been.

I frowned at the thoughts and touched my chest, right over my thumping heartbeat. And when Lilah died, whose arms did you run into? Whose arms have you been thinking of running into lately?

For the first time in weeks, I heard the memory of Lilah whispering in my ear. This wasn't a happy memory like the last ones had been though. In fact, it was one of the only times that Lilah had been truly angry with me.

It's always Alex with you, isn't it? Her eyes had been so stony and cold as she stared me down that night. And it's always going to be. Isn't it?

"Yeah. It is." A deep, remorseful sigh heaved out of me as I looked up at Lilah's stone to shrug helplessly. "Can you forgive me for that too?"

The breeze ruffled up my hair, and I reached back to touch the spot where I felt Lilah on the skin of my neck. I closed my eyes and stood up with a deep breath, like I was letting go of a heavy weight I had carried for a very long time.

"I would love to sit with you all day, but I really should get going before this storm rolls in," I said with a quick look up at the darkening sky before I smiled down on Lilah softly. "I'll bring flowers next time, okay? Yellow carnations, just like you like."

My fingertips lingered on her stone and then I turned and made my way back down the hill. There was always a pain in leaving Lilah behind, but it was nothing like what I used to feel. This was more of a momentary sorrow of leaving behind a good old friend. I felt it and just as quickly sighed it away because I knew I would be back soon enough.

Alex was finally out of her room and lounging on the couch when I got back. About time. I thought to myself bitterly.

"Where did you wander off to?" Alex asked casually before she leaned forward to straighten the pages of my manuscript stacked in front of her on the coffee table, practically begging me to ask about them.

"The cemetery. Just needed to get out of the house for a minute, you know?" I told her with a shrug. "What are you up too?"

"Oh, nothing much," Alex replied with a sly grin before she motioned to my manuscript while a devious glint burned in her eye. "Just waiting for you to get back and ask about the elephant in the room."

"You're gonna have to keep waiting then," I shot back before flopping into the easy chair opposite of where Alex was sitting.

"Alright, fine. Since I got the honor of having the first read I won't be too mean to you." Alex sighed like I had just ruined some very fun game. "Would you like to know what I thought?"

"Well, now that you brought it up, I guess I am curious." I said sarcastically with a tap to my chin before leaning forward in my chair. "What did you think?"

"You're a cheeky ass, Marley," Alex said with a shake of her head. "That's what I think."

I grinned a little wider but said nothing in response.

After a few moments of my silence, Alex rolled her eyes before speaking again, "It was perfect." She shrugged. "I suppose perfect is a relative term, but it was everything I hoped it would be. That thrilling, edge of your seat shit, and with just the right amount of Marley Denning spice that I've been missing in your last few volumes."

I sighed and waved her off. "You're just being biased," I muttered.

It was exactly what I had said to her so many years ago, when she had read my first work, and just like then, I believed what I said with my whole heart because Alex couldn't be anything but biased when it came to me.

Alex shook her head. "I wish I could agree with you," she sighed wistfully. "God knows your ego needs no more inflation. But I'm being honest, you really hit a home run, Marley." Alex smiled at me with that sweet, crooked grin of hers. "It's the perfect end to an amazing series."

"Hm," I hummed and looked at my hands, trying to ignore the blush creeping up my neck from Alex's words.

"So," Alex drawled, abruptly breaking off the silence that was beginning to creep in. "Would you like to take a walk with me? I know you've been out already today, but I figured some fresh air might do me some good after being such a shut in this last week." She shook her head at me with a click of her tongue. "Since all your bad habits have been rubbing off on me and all."

"It's so easy to blame everything on me, isn't it?" I asked her with a dramatic roll of my eyes.

Alex shrugged, her face rearranging into a playful smile in a second. "Reasonably easier than shouldering that blame myself, yeah."

"Okay, fine. I'm the bad guy," I said and held my hands up in surrender. "Now where did you want to go, oh perfect, blameless one?"

"Oh, you'll see," Alex replied with a twinkle in her eye before she held a hand out to me. "C'mon, follow me."


"I hope you know," I said through gritted teeth as I tramped off after Alex through the sand. "No matter how many times you drag me out here, I'm never going to like the beach."

Alex threw me a sideways smile and sat down with her knees drawn into her chest. "I know."

"And yet, here I am, with my toes full of sand," I said sarcastically and flopped down next to her. Instantly I felt a rush of grains slip into the waistband of my shorts and I ground my teeth together even harder.

Guess I'm taking a shower as soon as I get home...

"You know I'm going to drag you out here," Alex mused. "And you let me every time."

I shrugged and muttered, "Guess I'm still wrapped around that little finger."

"Hm," Alex hummed, as if she wasn't quite sure what to say about this admittance.

Minutes passed between us with nothing but the breeze and the crashing waves to fill the void of silence. Alex looked out at the waves in contemplation while I went in between staring at her profile and the darkening sky overhead thoughtfully before I cleared my throat and settled my gaze on Alex.

"Hey," I muttered. "Can I ask you something?"

Alex didn't look at me as she answered in a low, reserved voice, "Is it about Lilah?"

My eyes burned into the side of Alex's face while my mouth worked uselessly, trying to find the words, before I asked her, "How did you know?"

Alex shrugged and ran a hand through her wind tousled hair. "You've been spending so much time with her lately that I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later," she mumbled before looking at me with a half smile. "What did you want to know?"

I searched Alex's eyes for a long moment to gauge her emotions before I dove in and asked the question that had burned inside me for years. "Why didn't you ever introduce us?"

Alex sighed with a shrug of her shoulders. "She had it pretty bad for me back then and she wasn't good at hiding it. Don't get me wrong, she knew I was taken but it didn't stop her from being in deep puppy love. Which I figured would have been very awkward for all parties involved."

"Oh," I muttered and dropped my gaze back down.

"But I think I knew, even then, that you would have fallen for her. Or maybe I was scared that you would have fallen for each other." Alex stared out at the ocean and sighed as if she were coming to grips with a hard truth she had wrestled for years. "You would have been perfect for each other, even then."

"Yeah, right. I'm the one that fucks everything up, remember?" I scoffed with a lame gesture of my hand. "Lilah was perfect for me alright, but I don't think I was ever perfect for her."

Alex looked at me with a raised brow. "You're really gonna say that with a straight face?"

I matched Alex's expression with my own no bullshit look. "She was always too good for me. You know that. You said it yourself."

Alex pursed her lips and shrugged. "Well, she was," Alex muttered under her breath and threw her arms back to plant in the sand before stretching her legs out toward the ocean.

My eyes lingered on Alex's hand, so close to mine. I traced the veins along it and noted for about the millionth time how powerful it looked. Then, without much thought, I reached out and placed my hand on top of hers.

Alex's eyes went wide as she stared first at our hands and then up to me. "Marley?" she murmured with a hint of curiosity burning just behind my name.

"Do you want to know what I think?" I asked and squeezed her hand in mine softly. "I think we were always perfect for each other."

Alex watched me, her golden eyes burning with intensity as they held mine and then, a furrow pulled at her brow and she muttered, "Crap."

"What?" I asked, alarmed by her sudden change in voice and what it could possibly mean.

"Just felt a raindrop," she said and linked her fingers with mine before urging me to stand up with her. "We're gonna get soaked if we stay much longer."

I felt a drop on my nose not a moment after she had spoken. Another one splashed against my thigh before a few hit my cheek. Alex looked at me with a grin, her hair starting to stick to her face as the drops began to come down harder with every second that passed.

"Come on, Webby!" Alex hollered and tugged my hand, pulling me along toward the road. "Let's make a run for it!"


"You know," I remarked as I handed Alex a towel from the downstairs bathroom before throwing one over my head to run through my soaking hair. "Running through the rain like that was kind of nostalgic."

"Oh?" Alex asked while she dried her neck and arms.

"Yeah. I kept thinking about when you took me cliff diving all those years ago." I shrugged and threw her a smile. "You remember that?"

"Do I?" Alex scoffed before she sidestepped into the living room and threw her towel down on the couch before sitting. "I remember you being so scared to jump that you made me hold your hand the whole way down. And then you were all 'let's do it again!'" Alex chuckled brightly before smiling up at me. "Do you remember that?"

I nodded. "I remember a lot of things from back then," I said as I walked over to her, close enough to put my hand on her shoulder. "Do you wanna know what else I was thinking of earlier?"

Alex touched my hand briefly and nodded. "Sure," she murmured.

I squeezed her shoulder once before I let my hand slip away. "Wait right here, okay?"

"What?" Alex asked, her brows pulling together in confusion. "Where are you going?"

"Not far," I assured her and held a single finger up. "I'll be right back."

Before Alex could say anything else to me, I retreated up the stairs to the room I had deposited all of my storage boxes in. I still hadn't taken the time to go through everything and decide what I would keep or toss, but I did know where this item was at least. It was something I had looked at once or twice in the last few weeks that I had been reconsidering everything in my life. I had been keeping it in a place of easy access just in case a moment like this came up.

"Do you remember this?" I asked Alex once I had reappeared in the living room again, the broken pieces of my first skateboard--the one she had made for me--held out in my hands.

Alex took them from me gingerly and turned them over in her hands with a delighted smile. "Frankenboard," she sighed as if she were seeing an old friend.

"Do you remember why you made it for me?" I asked her with a playful jab of my elbow. "After you dared me to ride yours."

Alex's broad grin stretched across her face. "Yeah," she said and chuckled under her breath. "But I didn't dare you to ride it, I told you to try it."

"Oh, excuse me," I scoffed with a roll of my eyes and held my hands up in defense.

"Hey!" Alex said with a point of her finger at me. "I thought you were just going to stand on it for a second. How was I supposed to know you'd go bolting down the hill, trying to kill yourself."

I raised my brows and crossed my arms before setting her with a look. "I almost did kill myself if you remember correctly."

"I remember alright." Alex made a soaring motion with one hand before slamming it against her other hand and miming the sound of an explosion with her mouth.

"It didn't seem so funny when it happened," I reminded her.

"Well the shock factor helped mask the amusement quite a bit," she said with another grin up at me before sighing wistfully back down at the board before she set it next to her. "Good times."

"Good times," I agreed in a soft voice.

I looked over at Alex, sitting with her legs spread wide, tapping heels beating out a rhythm against the ground. There was a funny little smile on her face as she closed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath. The longer I stared at her, serene and beautiful, the more I was reminded of the Alex I knew when I was eighteen.

"You know, if I could go back in time and change it all, I would," I said suddenly, taking myself by surprise.

Alex opened her eyes and looked at me. "I wouldn't," she replied calmly.

This was even more of a surprise than my outburst. "Why not?"

"I just think that everything worked out like it did for a reason. It was hard, sure," she shrugged, "but everything in between has been a big learning experience for me. I've found out who I am because of all that stuff." She reached out to touch the side of my hand with her fingertips as her smile widened. "Even the hard stuff."

"Even if I'll never understand it, I love the way you see the world," I sighed and shook my head.

Alex caught my gaze and smiled sweetly before taking my hand in hers. "I love you."

I didn't respond right away. I was too busy processing what Alex had sprung on me so suddenly that I didn't know how to respond at first. I only stared at Alex with wide eyes and a slack jaw.

"It doesn't have to mean anything," Alex said quickly as if to amend her original statement. "But I needed you to know because...well, I like being around. With you."

"Alex," I said and climbed into her lap, instantly rendering her silent as I leaned forward to touch my forehead against hers. "I love you too," I whispered.

Alex let out a shuddering breath as her palms came to rest on my hips. "I've always loved you, Marley."

My fingertips danced up Alex's neck and I watched as a wave of goosebumps broke out onto her bare forearms. "You got goosebumps the first time you held me too," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Do you remember that?"

"Yes," Alex husked, her raspy breath warm on my chin as she pulled me in closer.

"Mm," I hummed with a playful grin on my lips. "Now let's see if I can recall what comes next."

Alex lifted a hand from my hip to tip my chin up with two fingers. "I know I can..."

That cool, sly smile was the last thing I saw before I closed my eyes and felt her lips crash into mine. She ran the tip of her tongue back and forth on my lower lip, never pushing but making her wants clearly known. A breathless moan left my mouth as I parted my lips to touch her tongue with mine timidly. Alex, however, had no intention of being timid. Without any hesitation, she plunged her tongue into my mouth and gripped my hips tightly, pulling me into her until I was drunk on her kiss.

"So, I was thinking," Alex murmured, pulling a whine of desire out of me when her lips parted from mine. "Our clothes are still soaked..."

"Uh-huh," I whimpered, my fingers digging into the soaked material of her shirt.

"And if you're interested, we could get rid of them..." she trailed off, her breath lingering on my lips. "Maybe warm up in the shower."

There was nothing but the genuine honesty that always resided in Alex's golden irises when I opened my eyes to look at her. Those eyes assured anyone looking into them that they were safe and warm. Alex would make sure of that. She was just good like that.

I'd always had the uncanny ability to attract people much better than I in character and Alex was no exception to this rule. She would never do the slimeball things that I had done to lure women into my bed and she would never pretend to be something she wasn't just for the lay. Alex inviting me to get naked with her wasn't just for the fun of it, she was inviting me to pick up where we had left off twelve years ago.

I ran my finger down Alex's jawline before I pulled her in by the chin to kiss her one more time. "I would love that," I said against her lips breathlessly.

Alex grinned from ear to ear as she jumped to her feet before offering her hand out to me. As soon as I slipped my palm in hers we were both scrambling to get upstairs as soon as we could. The shower in my bath was twice the size of the one downstairs but, more importantly, it was that much closer to my bed. Something I hoped to share with Alex very soon.

As soon as the door to the bathroom was closed behind us, we both froze as if neither one of us knew what to do. After a few moments of this showdown, Alex chuckled nervously and began to undo the buttons of her shirt slowly, her shy eyes flicking up to mine every few seconds as if she were gauging my commitment to this. I smiled at her challenge and unzipped my short's with a flourish before I was pushing them down with a wiggle of my hips. Once I stepped out of my shorts and shimmied my panties down my pale thighs, Alex was finally convinced.

A blush crept up her cheek as she looked away and pulled her shirt off before throwing it to the side where it landed in a wet splat. My grin widened as I stripped my top off before reaching back to unclasp my bra. I had never seen Alex acting aloof like this before. It was kind of cute actually.

"Do you need a little help?" I fingered the band of Alex's shorts before I leaned in and kissed her pulse point before muttering against her skin, "Or are you good?"

Alex hissed in a deep breath and grunted, "I'm good," before she shoved her denim shorts--and everything beneath them--to the ground roughly.

Now that we were both naked, I expected Alex to find the confidence to take the lead but she simply turned to the tub and began to fiddle with the shower silently. As I watched her, a moment of concern came over me for the first time since we began. Not that I was having second guesses about doing anything, but because Alex seemed a little nervous.

I reached out to touch Alex's tanned back with my fingertips lightly, as if I were trying not to spook a skittish animal. After a moment of my gentle touch, Alex turned to me with a smile. One that told me she felt silly, but also that she didn't know how to help it. I nodded and then leaned forward to nuzzle my head against her shoulder.

"Is it nice and hot?" I murmured against her skin before I tipped my head to the shower.

"Not as hot as you," Alex replied before she broke out in a genuine smile. "But it'll do."

"Smooth," I muttered and let my fingertips slide from Alex's back to dance along her collarbone before I stepped into the shower.

Alex waited until I was situated under the stream to step in behind me and circle her arms around my waist. "This is nice," Alex muttered and propped her chin on my shoulder.

"It is," I sighed and closed my eyes, basking in the steamy water on my skin while Alex held me.

"I've missed holding you," Alex said and laid a gentle kiss against the side of my neck.

"Me too," I murmured and reached my hands up behind her neck so I could play with the hairs on her scalp. "Your hair is getting long again."

Alex touched the tips of her tresses and sighed. "Yeah. I should probably get it whacked again."

I turned around to face her with a pout. "But I love how long it's getting."

"Yeah?" Alex asked and raised a single brow up before humming in thought. "Maybe I'll grow it out a little longer then..."

I nodded in agreement and reached out to touch her light brunette hair. "Can I wash it for you?" I asked.

Alex didn't seem to know what to make of my question at first. She only looked a little confused, as if she couldn't understand why I would want to do such a thing, before finally sighing and turning around with a shrug.

"Knock yourself out, I guess," she muttered before handing me the shampoo bottle.

I took the bottle and poured a copious amount of shampoo on my palm before passing it back to Alex's outstretched hand with a grin. Still in sync. Even after all this time. I smiled at the thought and began to lather shampoo into Alex's hair, my fingers pressing against her scalp in a gentle massage until she was leaning back against me and humming in delight.

Pure putty in my hands. I thought as a devious smile stretched across my face.

"Rinse," I rasped into Alex's ear and on command she leaned her head back for me so I could direct the water over her hair.

"Feels good," Alex agreed, her eyes closed as a blissful smile played on her lips.

I urged her to stand up straight again before I let my hands slide up her sides with a playful tickle of my fingertips before they came to rest on her tight abdomen. "I bet I could make you feel even better," I murmured and nipped her earlobe as my fingers danced up her stomach to graze underneath her breasts.

Alex caught my hands in hers, instantly stilling them, before she turned back around to me with a refreshed hunger in her eyes.

I could feel my body reacting to that stare she set me with, and without thinking about it, I stepped back toward the wall of the shower to get away from the intensity emanating from it. Alex stepped with me before reaching out to take my wrists in her grasp. I took another step which Alex quickly matched and suddenly I was out of room to run.

She's got me. I thought with a breathless pant. I'm trapped.

Alex smiled as she brought my hands above my head and pinned them against the steaming tiles before sliding her knee between my thighs to press me against the wall even harder.

"How about I make you feel good?" Alex suggested in a husky rasp before pressing her knee against me deliberately.

I hissed in a breath and bucked against Alex's thigh helplessly. It had been so long since anyone had touched me--including myself--that I couldn't help letting her take control of me. In fact, the longer I ground down into Alex, her lips ravishing my neck and chest with licks, kisses and bites, the more I realized how much I liked the position Alex put me in. I liked letting someone else take control.

"Why don't we take this somewhere else?" Alex panted against my skin, just as she let my hands go to tweak one of my nipples between her thumb and forefinger.

I took my bottom lip between my teeth as I cried out from the sharp sensation of Alex's fingers before I managed to answer with a rough, "Uh-huh," and a nod.

Alex grinned at my state as she reached down to turn the shower off, barely giving me enough time to step out of the tub and into the foggy bathroom, before she was on me again.

I let out a thin shriek as Alex seized my hips in her grasp and before I knew what was happening, she was lifting me onto the cool marble counter with ease. She let out a quiet chuckle while her hands ran up and down my wet thighs before she got onto her knees in front of me. I stared down at her, my eyes wide with shock still, and Alex stared back with a crooked smile before she leaned forward and touched my pussy with a gentle lap of her tongue.

"Oh fuck," I sighed and buried my hands into Alex's silky hair, urging her closer to me.

Alex buried her head in my folds and attacked my clit, sucking it between her teeth until I felt about ready to burst before she pulled back with a smirk and kissed up my thighs. I whined in need and pulled her hair, urging her back on me, but Alex resisted me until she was ready to touch me again. When she did, it was just a gentle flutter with the tip of her tongue. So light it was barely even there.

I let out a groan and stared down at Alex in frustration before I tugged her hair harder. Alex smiled back at me and pushed my thighs apart further before she licked me once in a long, languid path up my slit before her tongue flicked against my clit roughly. I moaned and let my head fall back against the mirror behind me as Alex licked me like that over and over again.

"I've wanted to taste you for so long," Alex husked before she swirled her tongue around my clit in a way that made my toes curl.

I met Alex's eyes with a cocked brow. "And?" I asked her breathlessly.

"As good as I'd always imagined," Alex said and grinned with lips coated in my juices.

My eyes flicked between Alex's eyes and her slick lips. She watched me watch her and, after a brief chuckle to herself, she leaned in, cupped the back of my neck and plunged her tongue in my mouth, forcing me to taste myself. I let out a low moan as she kissed the life out of me, her thumb gently running over my clit the whole time so I wouldn't forget where that taste was coming from.

As soon as Alex pulled back from my bruised lips, leaving me breathless once more, she went back to work on my pussy with her voracious tongue. It didn't take her long to, once again, bring me to that desperate, frustrated place where I bucked into her wildly in search of some release. I had no idea how long Alex put me through this, all my moans and pleas for an orgasm falling on deaf ears, before my body simply stopped fighting her and let go.

It was like a tsunami ripping through me, seizing up all of my muscles at once until I was locked up in Alex's arms, before everything relaxed with a breath of relief. A few residual shudders shook through me once my head started to come down out of the clouds before a blissful smile crept over my lips and I was still.

"Mm," Alex hummed, sounding a little dazed herself.

My eyes fluttered open to focus on Alex meeting my gaze with a hungry smile and a lick of her lips. She's nowhere near done with me yet... Just as this realization hit me, Alex pulled me off the counter and onto unsteady feet before she smacked my ass and pointed to the bedroom with one finger.

"Bed," Alex growled in my ear, sending a shiver up my spine. "Now."

"Or what, bossy?" I asked over my shoulder before I stuck my tongue out at Alex.

Alex's brows raised as her hand came up in a silent threat to swat me again.

"Okay, okay," I squealed and darted into the bedroom before throwing myself on the bed. "So mean."

Alex stomped after me and launched onto the bed before landing on top of me. I grunted at her weight coming down on me and tried to roll her off but Alex's fingers danced along my ribcage, hitting my ticklish spot and rendering me useless.

"Who's bossy?" Alex asked me as her fingers slid down from my ribs to my hips to get the ticklish spot on my side that had me flailing. "Who's mean, huh?"

"You are!" I shouted and pounded my fists against her chest, my breaths coming in hitched gasps between the giggles.

Alex's fingers stilled with a soft sigh before she swooped down to take my lips in hers with a gentle kiss. "The meanest," she confirmed and kissed me twice more.

"Mm-hm," I hummed against her lips as my arms slung over her shoulders. "Of all time."

"All time," Alex agreed before she took my bottom lip between her teeth and tugged it gently.

"Fuck," I breathed into her mouth and ground my hips up into her.

Alex propped herself up on her hands and set me with a sly grin. "Oh yeah?"

I shrugged and bit my lip, playing coy for Alex's sake. "Maybe..."

Without any hesitation, Alex rolled over on her side, pulling me with so that I was facing her, before she brought a finger between my thighs to dance along my wet folds. My hands went to Alex's shoulders and I nodded, silently asking for what she tempted to give me. I still remembered the last time she had filled me with her fingers. How good it had felt then, and how much better it was sure to feel now.

Alex teased my entrance with her digit until I was wiggling my hips and panting in her face, "Please..."

There was no hesitation once Alex heard my request. Her finger slid inside of me, all the way to the knuckle and I moaned at the sweet, delicious feeling of being filled. I bucked into her and gripped her shoulders harder in my grasp as she drew her finger back before pumping it into me again. Every time her digit slid out she drove it into me a little faster or a little harder until I was a panting mess, grasping for her helplessly.

"How 'bout another?" Alex asked me and before I could even comprehend the words to respond to her, she was lining up another digit to join the first.

Alex had big hands for a girl. They were broad with thick, work calloused fingers--and they were probably the biggest thing I had ever had in me. I wasn't sure how easily a second of Alex's fingers would fit into me, but they did. In fact, she had absolutely no problem at all stuffing the second one in to join the first.

I gasped at the way I stretched around her fingers before a low mewl left me and I was bucking back against them.

Alex felt good inside of me. The way she filled me and touched me, making me buck and cry out however she wanted. I liked the way she made me cling to her, drowning out everything else but the warm pleasure she filled me with.

"One more?" Alex gasped next to my ear and, to my surprise, I felt a third finger approach my hole suddenly. To my even greater surprise, the new digit slid in with the others without any difficulty at all.

If I thought I was full before, it was nothing compared to the way that three of Alex's massive fingers stretched my hole.

"Fuck, Alex," I whimpered and clawed at her back as my body jerked against her fingers pounding inside me. "I'm close. Please, don't stop. I'm so close."

"I've got you, baby," Alex muttered as she kissed along my neck. "Just let go."

Alex whispered words of encouragement against my skin until I came undone in her arms, her relentless fingers pounding inside me the whole time. When I seized up in orgasm her digits finally slowed down to a gentle saw before she pulled out of me as easily as she could. I let out a heavy sigh when her fingers departed, leaving me with an empty feeling inside, before I fell against Alex's chest with a whimper.

"God," I sighed, leaving sloppy kisses along Alex's chest and neck as I made my way up to her lips. "I can't even remember," I murmured between kisses, "the last time I came so hard."

"No?" Alex asked as she kissed my nose once and rested her forehead against mine.

"Mm-mm," I hummed with a shake of my head before I arched my back in a long stretch.

Alex ran a finger from my neck to my sternum with a soft sigh. "Good," she muttered and smiled at me gently. "I always want to take care of you like you need."

My expression softened toward Alex before I touched her earnest face with a gentle caress of my fingertips. "You've always taken care of me, Alex." I touched the tip of her nose and smiled. "Always."

"I take care of the people I love." Alex shrugged as if this were the most simple truth in the world. "And I love you more than anything, Marley."

Everyone relies on Alex to get things done. She takes care of everything. All the time. My eyes searched Alex's soft, hazel ones with a cock of my head. When does anyone take care of her though?

"I love you so much," I said and pushed Alex's shoulder back so that she was lying flat on the bed. "And I know it's about twelve years too late, but I still want to show you." I straddled her thighs and smiled sheepishly before leaning down to kiss Alex's quivering abdomen. "Because I want to be the one to take care of you."

Alex flicked her eyes up from watching me draw aimless patterns on her thighs to my face with a look of uncertainty. "Yeah?"

My fingertips grazed along the inside of her thigh to brush against the hairs of her center with a gentle caress. "You didn't think I was gonna leave you high and dry after all that, did you?"

"Well..." Alex trailed off into nothing before she cleared her throat with a shrug.

"Alex," I said in a low rasp as my finger found Alex's clit and brushed it gently.

She sucked in a hiss of breath through her teeth and looked up at me with helpless eyes. "Huh?"

"I love you," I reminded her again before slipping my digit down to her entrance and sliding it in slowly. "And I will never leave you high and dry."

"Promise?" Alex groaned as I pushed in and out of her with a slow, steady rhythm.

"Promise," I said with a nod as I brought my palm up to rub against Alex's clit in firm, tight circles.

Alex rolled her hips up into me and I mashed my palm against her clit before I curled the finger inside of her to push on the spot that had her gasping. She gripped my thighs and jerked her hips up, almost begging to get closer to my hands before I pushed my palm against her harder, forcing her back down onto the bed. I ground my palm into her clit as I fingered her spot faster, until Alex was gripping the sheets underneath me.

"You're not the only one that's waited for this," I panted, my mouth salivating as my eyes dragged up Alex's tense, twitching body under my hands until I was staring into her darkened eyes. "I've wondered so long what it would be like. To feel you on me. To touch you everywhere." I licked my lips and grinned deviously. "To make you cum for me."

"Marley," Alex gasped and bucked up against my hands just as her thighs began to shake under mine. "Fuck...fuck..." She squeezed her eyes shut before growling, "Cumming!"

Instead of slowing down, I pumped my finger inside of her faster and ground my palm even harder into her clit, while I muttered words of encouragement to Alex. "Come on, babe," I cooed. "You can give me one more."

As if on command, Alex gritted her teeth together with a rough grunt and strained up against me until the cords on her neck stuck out. Her insides clenched my finger tightly as she released for a second time before dropping to the bed like a stone. With another smug smile, I pulled my hands away from her pussy to rest against her stomach before I leaned forward to kiss along Alex's jaw and neck with whispers of sweet nothings.

Alex breathed heavily underneath me with her eyes closed, looking completely spent, which made it even more surprising when she flipped me over so my back was flat on the bed and she was towering over me. She seized my right leg under the knee and slung it over her hip before drawing me so close I could feel her hot pussy against mine. With a barely there grin Alex gripped my leg around her and ground her pussy into mine.

Scissoring was something that I never really cared about much before I met Lilah. There were some girls that I knew that were into it but for me it was just a waste of time. It was something that required patience and chemistry and for a one night stand, it was hard for me to find both of those things in one lay.

Then there was Lilah.

With Lilah all of the things that I once thought about scissoring went out the window. It was intimate and breathless. The closest I could get to her without being inside of her. It was a pure connection as we watched each other come undone against the other.

As I stared up at Alex I was quickly reminded that she wasn't Lilah.

Lilah was petite and curvy. Alex is long and lean.

Lilah had wide hips and soft skin. Alex has broad shoulders and rough hands.

Lilah was gentle and compliant. Alex is strong and in complete control.

As these thoughts ran through my head, I raised my hands to slide up Alex's chest to grip her shoulders in acceptance.

Alex pushed herself into me again, harder than before, and I moaned in response and bucked back into her. She smiled as she pushed my shoulder back onto the bed with her other hand and ground her pussy into mine. After a few seconds of pushing and pulling, we found a rhythm together and soon both of us were moaning and grasping for the other desperately.

There was no way to tell how long Alex and I had become one entity. Time seemed to disappear in that place that we had created for ourselves. Nothing existed but the feeling of her slick skin against mine, the hot mess of our pussies pushing against each other, and her warm breath against my chest and neck with each buck of her hips. I lost how many times I had orgasmed against Alex or how many times I had felt her seize against me. My brain was so uselessly cum drunk that I could do little but buck against her until the two of us simply fell over in a heap of exhaustion and sweaty limbs.

I laid with my eyes closed, my breath coming in deep hitching gasps while I recovered until Alex touched my stomach with a soft graze of her fingertips.

"Mm," I hummed and lifted my hand to link my fingers with hers. "I love how your hand fits in mine."

"Me too," Alex murmured and kissed my forehead. "We fit together perfectly."

"We always have," I said before resting my head against her shoulder. "Everything falls into place when I'm with you. Life just makes sense."

"Yeah," Alex agreed with a bark of laughter. "I feel lost without you...empty." She shrugged. "Alone."

I squeezed Alex's hand in mine and threw her a sideways smile. "You never have to be alone again."

"Not when you're right here," she agreed and touched a finger to my nose, pulling a brief giggle from me.

"That's the only place I want to be," I murmured and settled against her before I let my thoughts wander into aimless directions as I came down from the incredible high Alex had given me.

For the first time in a very long time, my mind was wrapping around thoughts for stories I always wanted to tell. A crime thriller with a hard edged detective and a clueless witness. A post apocalyptic survival about a dusty sniper and his troubled past. A high seas adventure with a rookie pirate captain and her ragtag crew.

"You know what?" I said suddenly and touched Alex's chest to get her attention. "I think I want to write a book."

"Another one? Already?" Alex asked.

"Something different. Maybe a whole new genre altogether." I glanced at Alex just as she slipped her free hand behind her head before I shrugged nonchalantly. "Perhaps I'll try my hand at romance."

Alex glanced over at me with a sleepy smile on her face and winked. "I can make sure you have plenty of inspiration there."

"Oh, my love, thou beauty is fire in the moonlight. Burning bright as the fire ravaging my heart," I said in a whimsical voice, my hand flourishing dramatically before I slapped it against my chest.

Alex rolled over on top of me with an exasperated groan. "Marley. No."

"It wasn't that bad!" I laughed as I pushed her back over before humming in thought with a tap to my chin. "Maybe I could try mystery?"

"Or maybe you should just stick to fantasy," Alex suggested with a shrug before she tugged me into her chest. "Why change a good thing, right?"

I tucked my legs underneath me as I nuzzled against Alex's warm skin, a contemplative furrow pulling at my brow. "Do you think I can't do anything else?"

"No." Alex's long locks tickled my neck as she shook her head in disagreement. "I think you could write whatever story you wanted. You just have a way with fantasy. It's fresh."

"Can't argue that," I sighed before dancing my fingers along Alex's stomach in a spiral pattern. "And I could always start expanding the map more."

"You haven't done much on the Broken Coast yet," Alex suggested as a slight slur crept into her voice. My fingertips must have been putting her to sleep. "Maybe a story about the Academy or that jungle...what's it called?"

"Oh!" I exclaimed and glanced up at her with a broad grin. "I could do something like Tarzan! But with like, political intrigue! And assassins! And all kinds of weird shit like that!"

"As long as you're excited, my love," Alex remarked with a big yawn before she kissed the top of my head. "Why don't you tell me all about it tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay..." I agreed glumly. She may have been half dead but suddenly I was full of energy to do something new.

My eyes flicked up to Alex again, her eyes closed and her mouth parted slightly with low, even breaths. I nuzzled into the crook of her neck and kissed her pulse point with a whisper of her name, "Alex?"

After several seconds, Alex let out a drowsy hum in response. "Hm?"

"I can't wait until tomorrow."


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