Sarah Paulson Characters: One...

By stayevildarling

91.1K 2.9K 578

Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the American Horror Story world, which is tra... More

Cordelia Goode x Reader- Diary
Cordelia Goode x Reader- Jealous
Cordelia Goode x Reader- On your desk
Blind Cordelia Foxx x Reader - In the name of love
Wilhelmina Venable x Reader- Hold me?
Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Happier Part 1
Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Happier Part 2
Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Better
Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Better Part 2
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Let her go
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Sick
Billie Dean Howard x Reader - Crush
Billie Dean Howard x Reader - Crush Part 2
Billie Dean- Howard x Reader - It's you
Multi Characters x Reader- Valentines Day
CordeliaGoode x BillieDeanHoward xWilhemina Venable xReader- Our years together
Mildred Ratched x Reader- First sight
Audrey Tindall x Reader - Chasing you
Cordelia Goode x Reader- In the silence
Wilhemina Venable x Reader - When the time is right Part I
Wilhemina Venable x Reader - When the time is right Part II
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- When the time is right Part III (Last Part)
Mildred Ratched x Reader x Gwendolyn Briggs - Sick
Billie Dean Howard x Reader - You can't escape my affection
Billie Dean Howard x Reader - Like I can
Wilhemina Venable x Reader x Cordelia Goode- Tender
Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Slow Dancing in a burning room
Ally Mayfair Richards x Reader- Heart like mine
Wilhemina Venable x Cordelia Goode- Calm after the storm
Cordelia Goode x Zelda Spellmann x Alma Peregrine x Reader - A common matter
Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Love in the Dark
Cordelia Goode x Reader- On different ways
Billie Dean Howard x Reader- Until I found you
Billie Dean Howard x Reader - I wanna be yours
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Holding on for dear life
Cordelia Goode x Reader- Take my hand, Take my whole life too
Billie Dean Howard x Reader- The haunting of your medium
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Fade into you
Cordelia x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Reader- One too many secrets
Cordelia x Natasha Romanoff x Wanda Maximoff x Reader- It all fell down
Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Safe and Sound

Cordelia Goode x Billie Dean-Howard x Wilhemina Venable x Reader- Never alone

2.1K 66 33
By stayevildarling

A/N: Due to high demand I made a book about different character pairings as one shots! that includes part two of this story, check it out!!

Prompt: Reader in a relationship with three incredible women, Cordelia Goode, Wilhemina Venable and Billie Dean-Howard. Basically reader struggling with a lot of stress due to university and also some anxiety. Her three girlfriends notice some changes and comfort reader in their own ways

TW: mention of anxiety, smoking, cursing and a LOT of fluff, some angst, healed self harm scars 


As you walk out of your last class for the day you sigh feeling like your head might explode any second, it feels like all of the information and new things you have learnt today is way too much. While you walk through the halls and out towards the parking lot you can't help but stress over your studies. Currently it's exam season and you are under a lot of pressure and stress and you are finding it hard to get it all together. You are a somewhat organized person and you know your goal which is graduating and getting a degree and thankfully you have done all of your assignments this week and just a little reading to do to prepare for your next courses tomorrow. As you walk towards your car, you unlock it and throw the bag on the seat next to you and you check your phone just before leaving and the groupchat with your girlfriends. 

Delia💛: Hi girls, pizza for dinner tonight?

Billie🖤: Sounds delicious darling

Mina😈💜:  Sure whatever works best for you 

You: Pizza sounds good Dee

After typing the message you put your phone back in your bag and you smile at the messages of your girlfriends even simple conversations and exchanges like these make your heart melt a little. You never thought it was possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time but those three proved you different. You met Billie first, at the coffee shop you occasionally help out. Especially last summer you helped out a lot and you really liked Billie, her usual quite simple order but the way she would compliment you and made you smile, made your days. When she came in with another blonde woman you felt a little sad, assuming they are girlfriends, however the other blonde which name you learnt later on is Cordelia was also quite flirty with you. You started to get your hopes up and develop feelings only to see them with another woman called Wilhemina. You didn't understand anything anymore and at first you thought it was a strange cult or something but when they invited you for dinner once, you learnt that the three of them are kinda dating and Billie didn't shut up about you so she made them also go to the coffee shop on a regular basis and eventually they all took a liking to you. Billie loves your sweet and gentle side, always going out of your way to please people, no more syrup? you would go to the shop next door to get her favorite. Delia likes that you are a blushing mess around her and that whenever you look at her, it's like you are seeing a celebrity or angel because your eyes do this special thing and it has been like that since you first saw her and it is still like that today. Wilhemina doesn't really express her feelings or emotions a lot but she likes how innocent, yet caring you are and quite sarcastic and funny. Things took it's turn and although you had a hard time accepting that three adult woman who completely have their life together, one of them working as HR of a big company you have read about a lot, the other one a medium with her own tv show and not to mention a witch leading an academy for witchcraft and also the supreme could like you? Simple plain you with not a lot to offer but yourself, your jokes and loving side. The only thing you really had to offer is your love because you love them all in your own way. But sometimes your mind would wander to the fact you are a university student and barely have your life together. Jealousy was never a problem, the three would fight over you sometimes and argue about which one of them is your favorite but it's always a playful way and you couldn't feel happier being loved by such incredibly beautiful people.

It doesn't take a long time to arrive at your shared apartment and you flick the cigarette out of the window, making sure your girlfriends wouldn't notice. Although Billie also smokes you know that Cordelia hates it so you have hidden your smoking, always chewing on some gum and spraying some perfume before you enter the apartment. As you walk to the front door you remember moving day and the process leading up to it. When your relationship grew more serious Mina asked if you all should move in together and you loved the idea, not just because you could escape your tiny room at uni. However finding a place was hard because Delia insisted to have an office and so did Mina. Billie needed a balcony and you asked for a bathtub and it took ages to find the right place but in the end you found one that is just perfect and even close to all of the women's work and also your school. After getting inside you walk through the hallway and smile at the photos on the wall, they are some selfies that you forced them to take with you but also photos of your girlfriends and you love the special memories of each and every one. ''Hi babydoll'' you hear Billie's raspy voice from behind you and she wraps her arms around you. ''How was your day?'' she asks and you smile and melt into her touch. ''It was okay'' you mumble and walk towards the kitchen. You see Wilhemina sitting at the dining table reading a book and she looks up only to smile when she sees you. ''Hello little one'' she says and you greet her with a kiss. Cordelia comes up behind you and hugs you and you also lean into her touch. The four of you sit down and you start eating the pizza, feeling so hungry, having no time to eat today. ''So how was your day?'' you ask and look at them. Delia tells you about the academy and some new students joining and Madison's usual bitchiness. Wilhemina comments something about putting Madison in her place but Delia replies ''That is the reason you will never step foot into my academy''. Billie talks about being home today, preparing for an interview on her show tomorrow and Wilhemina can't stop talking about her bosses incapability and her having to do most of the work. ''How was your day sweetheart?'' Cordelia asks and you smile and mumble ''It was good, can I have some more pizza?'' and she gives you some more but looks at you with a furrowed eyebrow. The rest of the night is slow and the three of them sit on the sofa together, Wilhemina reading a book and Billie and Cordelia watching television and their favorite drama show on Netflix. Usually you would cuddle up with them but you have to prepare for your classes. ''Are you coming kitten?'' Billie asks and opens her arms but you shake your head after making some tea and reply ''Sorry gotta prepare for my classes tomorrow'' and they give you an emphatic smile and you leave to the bedroom. Cordelia pauses the tv and Billie snaps ''What are you doing I was watching that?'' and Cordelia rolls her eyes. ''Listen this is important I think something is wrong with Y/N'' she starts and Billie slightly rolls her eyes because she was so into the show right now. Wilhemina carries on reading but is listening to her girlfriends words. ''She started smoking'' the supreme states and Billie pretends to know nothing about such things but of course she smelt it on you instantly when you walked in today and also the weeks and days before. ''I don't think she does'' Billie tries but Cordelia is convinced. ''No I am serious I think something is wrong, what if she started something else again?'' Cordelia asks her face written in concern and worry. ''What do you mean?'' Billie asks confused and the supreme takes a deep breath before explaining ''You know Y/N used to hurt herself what if she is also starting that again?''. Wilhemina looks up from her book and replies ''Cordelia you are being dramatic, we don't know if she is smoking and that has nothing to do with your last statement''. The supreme turns to the redhead and replies ''How not? if she is going through something how do we know it's not serious like that?'' but Billie adds ''Dee I understand your concern and we should keep an eye on her I agree, but just because she hurt herself years ago that doesn't mean she is doing that now, she would tell us''. Cordelia relaxes as Billie walks over to her and wraps her arm around her shoulder. ''Don't worry we will figure it out'' she reassures and the three of them carry on with their tv show and Mina's book.


The past week has been exhausting with some exams and more essays and you have had some very tiring nights studying and staying up late. Whenever you got back from classes you basically passed out in bed for hours and then got up either really early before classes or in the middle of the night and you studied. Of course your girlfriends noticed and their concern grew bigger and Wilhemina was the mad one, telling you not to overwork yourself and take breaks. You tried but it was hard to get everything done and be on top of your classes and grades. It's finally the weekend and you are looking forward to spend it with your girlfriends. You finished all of your work so you actually can take a break this weekend. After getting home you notice that no one is back yet so you take a shower and drop your bag and as soon as you enter the bedroom you basically fall asleep straight away, finally the exhaustion creeping up on you and your body needing rest and sleep. Cordelia and Mina return home basically at the same time and Cordelia frowns seeing you asleep in bed, worried that you are poorly or something being wrong but Wilhemina reassuring you are just exhausted from the classes. The supreme prepared dinner while the redhead showers. Billie comes home last and dinner is already prepared ''Where is Y/N?'' Billie asks and Cordelia pouts and says ''She is asleep'' and Wilhemina adds ''Don't wake her, she seems so tired'' but Cordelia protests ''She needs to eat'' but Billie takes Mina's side. ''She can eat later just let her rest'' and the three of them carry on eating, Cordelia not able to hide her concern and worry. ''So what's the plan for this weekend?'' Wilhemina asks also actually looking forward to get a break from work. ''Well I was hoping you or Billie can do some grocery shopping later so we can just stay in this weekend, the weather won't be nice'' the supreme states and Billie and Wilhemina have this battle with their eyes, the loser clearly having to take care of grocery shopping. ''I can't because of my back'' Mina states and Billie rolls her eyes ''Oh please Wilhemina you never complain about your back pain only when it's about buying food'' and the redhead purses her lips pretending to have no idea what she is talking about. ''I won't be able to do it, I would need help'' Wilhemina argues but Billie replies ''No problem Miss Venable I will do it with you and give whatever help you need'' with a smirk and Wilhemina replies ''Fine Miss Howard'' her pride getting ahold of her. ''So it's settled you two will take care of that and I will speak to Y/N'' Cordelia replies. ''Just make sure to give the girl a break'' Wilhemina warns. After they ate Wilhemina and Billie grab a few bags and the list Cordelia made and they leave the shared apartment, still arguing on their way out, why the other one couldn't have done it on themselves. Delia chuckles and after cleaning the dishes she walks over to the bedroom, seeing you still asleep. She sits next to you on the bed and she softly strokes your cheeks before she goes to the bathroom to shower.

After you felt the bed move slightly and some warm and tender hands on your cheeks, only for them to leave again soon and taking the warmth away, you woke up from your nap and you open your eyes to see it's still light and just past dinner time. You hear the shower and you walk into the living room looking for your girlfriends. No one is there and so you sneak to the balcony to smoke a quick cigarette before taking some bites of dinner that is still on the table assuming it must be yours. As you take some bites you see Cordelia enter with a warm smile ''Where are the other two?'' you ask your mouth full of food. ''They have gone to the store which means I got you all to myself'' Cordelia replies softly and wraps her arms around you from behind. ''I'm glad'' you hum and turn around only for your lips to capture the blondes in a kiss. As Cordelia pulls away you can tell her expression changed a little to a more serious and concerned one. ''Everything okay?'' you ask and she takes your hand and leads you into the living room. ''I- Y/N I know you started smoking'' she blurts out and you blink a few times trying to think of an excuse or lie but you know the supreme can always tell once you lie. ''I-'' you try and say something but no words leave your mouth. ''I want you to quit'' she says, crossing her arms and you meet her brown eyes. ''Why?'' you ask a bit dumfounded ''It's dangerous Y/N'' she replies pouty. There is some silence between the two of you, you searching her eyes not quite sure why she is so bothered about this when Billie also smokes. ''If you love me you will quit'' Cordelia once again blurts out and your eyes widen ''Are you serious?'' you scoff unable to believe her words. ''I am'' she snaps and you roll your eyes and argue ''What about Billie? she-'' but before you can finish you hear the sound of Billie's heels echo in the living room. The front door opened a few seconds ago but you were so into the argument with Cordelia that you didn't realize. ''What about me babydoll?'' Billie asks and scans your face seeing your expression she asks ''What is going on?'' turning to Cordelia, when Wilhemina also enters. ''Delia said I need to quit smoking'' you argue and plead with Billie, knowing she will probably have your back''. Wilhemina approaches and sits down on the sofa, holding onto her cane and asking ''So it's true, you smoke little one?'' her voice sounding softer than usual. You simply nod and Billie sticks up for you ''Cordelia what's the matter with this? I also smoke and you are fine with it'' but Cordelia argues ''I am not fine with it, but I can't do much about it considering you are an adult and you smoked before we met'' and her words hurt you a little. ''Isn't Y/N an adult?'' Billie questions not understanding the blondes logic and reasoning right now. ''Of course but Y/N is our baby and I just want to make sure she is okay'' Cordelia pleads, now going a bit softer after seeing your slightly hurt expression. ''I am okay Cordelia apart from that I am not an adult of course'' you snap, holding back the tears and walking into the bedroom. 

As you silently cry into your pillow you know that you are being stubborn, maybe even a little childish right now but Cordelia implying you aren't an adult for a second kind of hurted. Maybe she is right and instead of talking about it, you simply ran away and you are crying right now but this week you have been struggling a little, feeling more anxious than usual. Work and university got so much and it stressed you out to the extent that you did indeed started smoking again, you know it's an unhealthy habit and while you are obsessed with Billie smoking because it's so hot, you don't like the habit on yourself but you needed some way to cope. When you were a teenager you would often cope in an even unhealthier way by letting your emotions out on yourself, the scars on your arm and wrist reminding you of that and you haven't thought about doing that again for a second. Smoking was kinda your only release but you came to understand that Billie and Mina and Delia all have their lives under control. They all suffer so much stress and pain every day but they still smile, they keep going and they don't start unhealthy habits to deal with it and it made you a little sad and insecure so Cordelia's words just added some more pain into that wound and your thoughts from this past week but of course your girlfriend couldn't know about that. After you walk out Wilhemina looks at Cordelia with a mad and serious expression ''I told you to give her a break and not upset her, what was that about?'' she snaps but Billie tries to ease the situation a little. ''Mina calm down, Cordelia didn't mean to upset her, she is just worried that's all''. Wilhemina rolls her eyes and grabs her book ''Worrying and setting an ultimatium are two different things, there was no need to emotionally blackmail her'' and with these words the redhead walks out her cane echoing through the entire apartment. Cordelia sighs and her shoulders sink in frustration. ''Hey it's okay I'm sure they will both calm down'' Billie says softly and walks over to wrap her arms around Cordelia. ''But she's right'' the supreme sighs and Billie tries to cheer the mood and adds ''Come on let's watch our show yeah?'' and Cordelia simply nods her thoughts still with you however. After leaving the living room Wilhemina approaches the bedroom and her cane is an indication she will enter the bedroom any second so you quickly wipe your tears away. Wilhemina gets dressed silently and sits down on the bed, leaning against the frame of it and relaxing her back. ''Come here'' she instructs and you meet her brown eyes and rest your head on her lap carefully while she strokes your hair. ''She didn't mean that you know'' Wilhemina softly starts and you reply ''I know'' and that's all it needs. Simple words you and Wilhemina knowing that you were being stubborn and Cordelia only worried, it doesn't need a lot of words or explanations. You end up relaxing so much with your head on her lap that you fall asleep and Mina chuckles while she carries on reading her book. It's late when Billie and Delia enter the bedroom and Billie smiles lovingly when she sees Mina reading and you asleep on her lap. Delia looks at you two with a sorry expression and they both get changed before getting in bed. Cordelia lies down next to you and Mina carefully moves you so you lie down between her and Cordelia. Billie sleeps on the right side next to Cordelia today and she wraps her arms around the blonde. You groan a little after feeling the movement and you open your eyes for a split second, still practically sleeping and you see Cordelia's brown eyes looking at you with love and adoration. ''Delia'' you mumble sleepily and smile before wrapping your arm around her and falling back to sleep. 


The next morning you wake up considerably early and as you open your eyes you see Billie still asleep on your right her blonde hair a complete mess and falling all over the pillow. Wilhemina's back is turned towards you and you notice the only person missing is Delia. You peak around Mina's shoulder to check the clock on her nightstand and it's only 7 am, you slowly and carefully get out of bed without waking them and you make your way over to the kitchen in search of Cordelia. As soon as you walk towards the kitchen, you can already smell Delia's pancakes and her making breakfast and your stomach growls at the heavenly smell. ''Hmm'' you moan very quietly because you actually are really hungry at this point. You stand by the door for a second just admiring the beautiful blonde angel that you get to call your girlfriend, Cordelia is ethereal like she was just sent from heaven, not just because of her perfect blonde angelic hair or her brown eyes but also her voice sounds like an angel. She is perfection in every possible way and even after over a year of dating her you still get butterflies in your stomach and the familiar feeling in your heart whenever you are in the same room as her. You feel bad about the argument yesterday and for storming out, knowing Cordelia was only being worried and trying to help. ''Good morning'' you say with a bright smile and Cordelia instantly turns around with the biggest smile. ''Morning sweetheart'' she says and she places some pancakes on a plate before she walks over to you. ''Did you sleep well?'' she asks while placing a kiss on your lips. You nod and take her hand to walk over to the sofa with her, Cordelia turns the oven off and follows you. ''I'm sorry Y/N'' ''I'm sorry Delia'' you both basically say at the same time, referring to last night and you can't help but laugh. ''Great minds do think alike I guess'' Cordelia jokes and you move a bit closer, now practically sitting on her lap. ''I- sorry Dee I didn't want to argue or walk out being stubborn'' you apologize. Cordelia strokes your hair and answers ''I'm also sorry I was just worried about you sweetheart''. There is a moment of silence before you whisper ''It's okay I guess I just wasn't having a great week''. Cordelia places a finger under your chin so you will meet her brown eyes. ''What happened?'' she asks and you take a deep breath before explaining ''Well uni is you know hard right now and the past week I have been feeling like the three of you have your lives together and I get overwhelmed with simple uni stuff''. Your breathing is getting a bit heavier and you are fighting back some tears. Cordelia's hands wander to your cheeks to caress them, still looking into your eyes. ''Darling listen to me you can't compare our lives to yours, you are younger and in a completely different place, just because we work doesn't mean it's any more stressful to handle, we also release stress in our way'' she gently says and adds ''I mean I can release tension with my magic, Billie also has the unhealthy habit of smoking and Wilhemina simply unleashes the purple dragon when she feels off or stressed''. You can't help but burst out laughing at her last statement, some tears streaming down your cheek. ''What I am trying to say is you have a lot to balance, us three, your degree and your part time job so don't stress it but promise me to quit smoking?'' she asks and you cross your fingers behind your back and whisper ''Promise''. You don't want to lie to her or disappoint her but you know deep down you might need to release some stress again, at least when classes resume after the weekend. ''And remember we are always here to help you no matter if it's some help with your essays or studying'' Cordelia adds and you wrap your arms around her and she holds you tight while rubbing circles on your back.

''Well well I see someone is having our babydoll all to herself'' Billie teases as she walks into the living room with Wilhemina and sees you sitting on Cordelia's lap hugging her. You meet Billie's gaze, a slight smirk on her face. ''And on her lap already so early in the morning'' Mina adds and now neither you or Cordelia can hold in the little smirk. After they enter you get up and greet them each with a peck on the lips before practically pulling them all into the kitchen because you feel so hungry. ''Can we eat now pwease?'' you ask very dramatically and with puppy eyes knowing none of them can resist those. ''Sure sweetheart'' Cordelia says with a smile and she puts some pancakes on your plate. Wilhemina is usually a bit more quiet in the morning, due to her back always hurting after waking up and her waiting for her medicine to kick in. Billie however will not shut up once she woke up, either talking about her dreams or things she didn't get to talk about throughout the week. Cordelia usually listens intently and adds a remark here and there and Wilhemina basically constantly rolls her eyes and you love your conversations with them, even simple ones on an early Saturday morning. ''Oh by the way we bought some things to have a picnic yesterday'' Billie remarks and your eyes light up when you hear the word picnic. ''Really?'' you ask excitedly and Billie nods while stuffing some more pancakes into her mouth. ''Yeah it was Mina's idea'' and you meet the redheads gaze. Wilhemina looks at Billie like she might want to kill her for admitting it was her idea and she simply focusses on her pancakes again. ''That's a great idea Mina'' you say with the biggest excited smile and this even causes the sometimes cold woman to smile at you. ''Thank you little one thought we could have it tomorrow or maybe this afternoon'' she replies. ''But what about that bad weather you mentioned yesterday Dee?'' Billie asks and Wilhemina chuckles ''Well it's a good thing we have got a witch over here'' pointing at Cordelia and the four of you laugh. 


A/N: Hi!! I know this is kinda a simple and slow burn story but I just really wanted to write about these three together. I was also considering to start a new book including Sarah's characters as different pairings together and also some with reader. If you are interested in a book like that or part two please comment and let me know! 💞

Also requests for these are open so let me know which pairing and if you have a specific plot request! 

+ I have been so busy with work again lately that I don't get to update as much or everyday, hope you all understand 🥺

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