Blank Stare (Sally Face x Rea...

By nikayla_cake

63.8K 1.7K 2K

Living with only your mother and cat, your life is as normal as normal can get, and it's quite bland. Fortuna... More

「Chapter 1」Awkward Introductions
「Chapter 2」Fun Conversations
「Chapter 3」Crime scene
「Chapter 4」Solving a Mystery
「Chapter 5」Nockfell High 1/2
「Chapter 6」Nockfell High 2/2
「Chapter 7」Movie Night
「Chapter 8」Feelings
「Chapter 9」Curious
「Chapter 10」Complicated Thoughts
「Chapter 11」Walking and Talking
「Chapter 12」Little Doodles
「Chapter 14」Dumb Questions

「Chapter 13」Hang Out With Me

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By nikayla_cake

A few months have now passed, and you've been having a blast. Not only are you getting closer with the gang, but Travis has left you alone at school and Charley has stopped appearing in your dreams!

It was wintertime now and winter break was approaching.
You were spending your Friday afternoon with Sal, Larry, Todd, and Ash since you all had different plans for the winter break. Right now, you and Sal chilled in Larry's room while you waited for everyone else to arrive.
Since you had gotten closer with everyone including Larry, he would just let you go inside his house without even asking.

You and Sal had light conversation as you waited. The conversation turned playful, with you ending up grabbing a washable marker to draw on Sal's mask.

"Let me draw whiskers on your face!!" You smiled as you stood over him while he sat, playfully trying to keep you off him
"Nooooo!!!" He laughed.
All this struggling caused you to trip over your own feet and fall right on him.

Your face landed on his chest at first, but you swiftly whipped your head up only to be met with his eyes looking at you intently. His arms were held out on his sides, hesitant to touch you. This felt intimate, at least for him seeing how his ears were tinted pink.

Trying to mask your embarrassment, you quickly lifted yourself up by your arms. In the middle of picking yourself up, you stood there for a moment leaning on him, staring into his eyes.

"Wow! I didn't know you had a glass eye, that's so neat!" You exclaimed, finally plopping down on the beanbag you sat on before.
Sal coughed, and held his hand over his right eye, "Thanks, it's a prosthetic as well."

"How are you so cooolll???" You dramatically sighed and threw your arm over your eyes. Peaking over on your left, you saw Sal giggling a bit.
"No idea, I guess there's too much coolness to process. When someone draws you in their sketchbook, come back to me." He pointed at you, causing you both to laugh. "Stop bringing that uuppp!!"

You heard knocking and you both looked over to the entrance of Larry's room. There, you saw Ash and Larry standing in the doorway.
"Yo! So Todd couldn't make it, he planned to hang out with Neil today." Larry said, entering his room.
"That's sweet but also boooo." I said, sticking my tongue out in disappointment.
"Couples boooo." Ash said, joking along with me.

The day continued with you and the group talking about your plans for the break coming up and other unimportant topics. The conversation continued on with the group splitting in two. You talked with Larry while Ash talked with Sal.
This made you feel weird. You felt envious towards her, which shocked you. Ash was your good friend, you've never felt anything negative towards her.

Thinking of Sal possibly liking her more never occurred until now. You must've been obviously distracted because Larry tapped your shoulder and you were snapped out of thought.
"I don't know exactly what you're thinking, but if it's about Sal and Ash don't worry," He said, giving you a comforting smile, "I'm pretty sure he had the hots for her a few months ago, way before you arrived. I really don't think he's into her anymore though."

"Really?" You knew it. Of course Sal would like her, she's a catch. It was comforting to hear that Larry was sure Sal didn't like her like that anymore, but you wondered if Sal still had those thoughts.
"Yeah. I'm sure he's only looking at you. So don't sweat it, bro!" Larry pat your back and you flashed him a smile.
"Thanks Lar."

The night concluded with Sal walking you to your apartment, he was a little guilty about mainly talking to Ash the entire time.
"Hey," You began, "Would you want to hang out tomorrow? Just me and you."
"Oh yeah, that'd be great actually. I was gonna ask you first." He laughed and your eyes widened.
"Yeah, I don't know what cool places will be open 'cause of all the snow."

"We could have a sleepover at mine or yours! We always spend our time in Larry's room anyway." You suggested. Sal put his thumb under his chin and nodded, agreeing with you.
"Let's hang out at yours, my place is a mess right now." He said and you smiled.
"It's settled then!"


Saturday came quick, and you sat in your living room dressed and nervously waiting for Sal to arrive.
'We never did plan a time...' You thought, watching your mom frantically go around the room.

"(Y/N), have you seen my keys? I was supposed to be in hours ago!"
"Are you working all day again?"
"Yeah, sorry hun." She sighed and you frowned, it seemed like she wasn't home at all anymore.
"Ah found them!" She exclaimed and began dashing out the front door, "Bye hun, also your little friend is here, behave you two!"

You shot up and walked towards the door, greeting the boy. Your cat purred as she rubbed herself on his leg.
Plopping down on the couch, you patted the seat next to you and Sal sat with your cat on his lap.

"What'd you have planned?" He turned to you, you pursed your lips and thought for a second.
"I don't know." You finally said, giving him a nervous chuckle.
You both decided on just talking about random things. He told you stories of the school he'd heard from Larry and you'd laugh. It was peaceful, your thoughts from yesterday about Sal being interested in Ash seemed to leave your mind finally.

"That's a nice speaker you got." Sal said as he made his way to your mother's huge speakers. You'd never used them since blasting music from your headphones always felt the same as blasting from that.
"It's my moms. Wanna see if she has any cool music in here?" You pointed to the drawer next to it, he nodded and you smiled.

Putting in whatever song you could find with an interesting cover, it turned out to be a heavy metal song.
Sal turned up the volume and began headbanging, you followed suit. It got so intense that his mask flew off his face and shot itself to the other side of the room.

Sal gasped and immediately covered his face with his hands as you made your way to grab his mask for him. He dropped to his knees and tried to see if it was anywhere near him.
When you returned with it in your hand, you noticed his breath was staggered and this made you worried.

"Sal, are you okay?!" You asked before getting on your knees as well and placing the mask on the ground next to you. Your hands tried to reach out to him but he turned his face away.
"Don't look at me, (Y/N)." His voice was stern but still shaky. He grabbed the mask and turned his back to you before placing the mask on himself. You pulled your hands back pausing for a moment, then you pushed yourself back up on your feet.

Once Sal had his mask back on, you offered a hand and helped him up. You felt guilty for letting the head banging get so wild, and the awkward atmosphere grew as the silence between you continued.
You both began speaking at the same time and then both paused waiting for the other to continue.
Clearing your throat awkwardly, you spoke first, "I'm sorry for our dancing getting so...yeah. Let's go sit back down." Sal nodded and followed you back to the couch.

"You don't need to apologize, I'm okay. This isn't the first time this has happened."
"What do you mean?"
"Me and Larry were doing the same at his place once. My mask came off and he saw my face. I ended up crying because-" his eyes became softer, "-because he didn't look away."

You didn't say anything, you just gave him a soft smile. Looking down at his hand next to him, you placed yours on it, causing him to flinch a little.
"That's sweet. Larry's such a great friend." You said, holding your arms out for a hug to comfort him. He leaned into you and you both held each other for a moment.

You took in a breath before speaking again, "Has...Ash seen your face too?"
"Yeah, she has. It was when Travis punched me at school. She lifted my mask to help me with the cut, I didn't cry that time though."
"Oh." A twinge of jealousy hit you. It made sense of course, knowing that Ash knew Sal longer than you. But you couldn't help feeling a little weird after that answer.

That worry of Sal liking Ash came back. Letting go of him, you blurted out,
"Are you into Ash? Like...romantically?"


HI so it's been about a month since ive updated and im trying to get more chapters out rn bare with me
finals are next week and im not gonna have time to write or do anything other than study— SO next chapter might be short :pensive:

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