Play With Me

By Miss_Hoodnificent

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A "Thug Love Series" Short Story. Be Sure To Have Read My "Thug Love Series" First. The Order Is On My Profil... More

Bring That Ass Here Girl
Just Why
The Feels Though
A Shift In My Damn Priorities
I Don't Know What To Call This
Get That Ass Down The Damn Isle
I Love You- No, I Love You More
I Couldn't Ask For Anything More

I'm Fucking Sorry

5.5K 209 73
By Miss_Hoodnificent

8. I'm Fucking Sorry

~Tilly Beans P.O.V.~

It was now the last day of our Honeymoon and we decided to spend it in the water, particularly in a cave that we found while we were swimming around.

He was laying on his stomach on a rock, and I was still in the water, holding onto the edge of the same rock.

"You actually look like a mermaid right there. I wish I had my phone so I could take a picture." He said with a small smile as he scooted himself closer to me.

"I was one in a past life so it only makes sense for me to look like one in this life." I chuckled before I pulled myself up to him to give him a kiss, then retreating back to the water.

"Oh Tilly Beans, you drive me to insanity." Oooh but you love it so much. "Know what we should talk about?" I cocked a brow. "Baby names."

"Oooh, how about I get to name the child if it's a girl and you get to name it if it's a boy?" That seemed pretty fair honestly. I have no idea what to name my son if I were to have one, so King can.

"What name do you want for a girl?" He slid off the rock and joined me in the water. Well he was actually laying on his back on the shore line so I naturally swam over and crawled right on top of him. Resting my head on his chest, he reached forward and kissed my forehead.... I like King Kisses.

"I like the name Natalie-"

"Really? Natalia and Natalie?" He said with a laugh that made me tremble on his chest.

"Yes. Natalie is a pretty name and I think it would be so cute if Natalia and Natalie were best friends like Sweets and I- ooh! Ivanna, Natalia, and Natalie could all be close friends like Nelle Bells, Sweet Cheeks, and I." I get a point for smartness.

"You realize there's going to be an age gap between them right? Ivanna and Natalia are a year apart, and that leaves a four year gap between our child and Natalia-"

"So. Amber is ten years younger but I love her to death." Another point for Tilly Beans the Fanfuckingtabuloso Mermaid. "Anyways, enough of nit picking at my name of choice. What do you want to name our son? If you say Pri-"


"Nigga." I said staring at him blankly. "Like really?"

"No King Jr. And a King's son is known as a Prince, so that's one point for King." Stay out of my damn mental scoreboards! Those are for Breezy and I! Not you nigga!- ooh I felt that squeeze of my ass though... You should do it again.

"We'll save the names for another day because clearly this is gonna be a dispute.... That I'm gonna win."

"Here we go. You're not gonna win but I'll let you think that Mami." It's fact and you know it. "I know it's not fact-"

"Stop doing that! What the hell!"

"Tilly Beans I can read your facial expressions like as if you were an open book." My legs are the only thing that's open for you King, not my book of thoughts.

"Did you read that too?" He shook his head. "Liar." He just shook his head with that adorable chuckle that he knows makes my heart melt. "What was it like when your balls dropped-"

"And here I was thinking you've asked me every last personal question any person could ask. Why do you want to know?"

"I was just thinking about it because I moved and I thought I was crushing your balls and then I mentally laughed when I imagined balls dropping so I felt compelled to ask." Funny how my mind wanders so far off topic because of the simplest things. "Wait don'u answer. I don't care to know anymore."

"I think it's time we went back and ate before we leave for home." He said gently pushing me off of him. "Short swim back to shore-"

"I don't want to leave though." I feel so at home here and it was calming because it was just him and I.

"I know but we've spent a hell of a lot of time out here." I slowly nodded my head and followed him out of the cave the same way we came in. "We could probably build you a cave in our pool-"

"It won't be the same." Bye Mermaid home... Even though I didn't get to see my mermaid family... Maybe in the next life I will.


Just for the sake of time, we arrived back in Oakland and I felt so sad. I wanted to stay another week out there but I did miss the family here and I really missed King and I's bed.

We loaded our luggage in his truck that we left in the parking garage at the airport. Well King loaded the luggage, while I sat up front. I was feeling sick so I just laid back and closed my eyes- ugh I'm being a pussy ass bitch right now. So many niggas would have laughed at my ass right now if I was back down in Compton.

"You aight?" He asked followed the sound of the car door closing and the truck roaring to life. "You don't look so good."

"I just need NyQuil and I'll be fine in the morning." (A/N: NyQuil Is This G's Best Friend; Shit It Stays Pullin' Through For Me✌️)

"We don't have any at home so you'll have to just wait till tomorrow when we go to the store." Ahhh fuck a bag. I rolled my head so I was looking up at him. "You'll be alright. You're not gonna let a little cold get you down." That is very true my nigga.

He grabbed my hand and I felt the car start to move. I just wanted to get in the tub and soak for a while, lotion myself down, and then climb into bed. Though our honeymoon was composed of a lot of love making and laying on the beach- stuff we can literally do here- it felt so love-filled and the best part was, we had no one to bother us. This was what King and I needed. It almost reminded me of the times before I met Sweet Cheeks, when all I had was King.

"King this isn't the way to our house." I said as I pressed my face against the window- the cold window felt really good surprisingly enough. "King-"

"I know where we're going Tilly Beans. Just sit back and relax." I was too tired to make a smart remark so I just sat back down and closed my eyes again. I'll think of something smart and just tell him later.

My feet up on the dash, my seatbelt off, and my seat laid all the back, I felt pretty damn relaxed. The seat warmers turned all the way up, so it felt especially good on my bare back. This is the only time where I like being in the passenger seat.

The comfortable car ride was cut short and I just looked out the window in confusion... Um?

"King? Did you forget where we lived?" I asked as I hopped out of the car and looked at the house before my eyes. "Last I checked, we had a blue house with white trim... Not a tan house with dark brown trim."

"Welcome to our new house. We needed a bigger one since we're gonna start a family." He said as he was pulling out the luggage. "Go lay down though, we don't need you getting anymore sick." A new house? But I liked our old one... We had the spiral stairs and the pool where I could be a mermaid- now we have this. I felt a little overwhelmed at the size of it and the fact it's gated... This reminds me of the correctional center.

Stepping inside, I saw all new furniture... The couches looked like they were made to be jumped on. They just looked so fluffy and- The stairs! They're spiral too! Looking down I noticed we now had whitish - grey marble floors... Perfect for sliding on in socks!

I'll have to explore the rest of the house tomorrow. I'm really tired and I'm just not gonna take a bath right now, I'll just take a shower and call it a night.

~A Week Later~

I'm still sick. I have the flu and it's annoying- no it's irrelevant.

"How did you get so sick?" Sweets asked as she came into my room with a tray that had my chicken noodle soup on it.

"Right when I came back. It started out with a headache and now it's this." I've been stuck in bed because King won't let me get up. I haven't even investigated the rest of the house yet.

"Well I'll have you all better soon. Does your throat still hurt?" I nodded as I took in a spoonful of the hot ass chicken broth. "I'll you salt water for you to gargle. Just hold on." She set the bowl on my nightstand and got up, exiting the room- I felt like throwing up.


I threw my covers off and went running to the toilet, throwing up everything that my stomach was supposed to be happily enjoying, not rejecting. My throat was burning and the taste of stomach acid only made me throw up more. I'd rather have kidney stones than throw up because this is going to be an endless cycle- oh God why me. I didn't mean to piss off my mermaid family by leaving, was this just my curse?

When my stomach was finally done being a dick, I took myself to the sink and bombed my mouth with every kind of mouthwash, toothpaste, ad fluoride we had on the sink counter. I would have washed my mouth out with bleach and ajax if I could, I can not stand throw up and just the thought is already making my stomach turn.

Not Again. Fuck No.

Dragging myself into the room, Sweets just glared at me.

"I'm taking you to the doctor. I want them to clarify that you only have the flu." Thank You Mama Cheeks. She handed me my robe and slippers before grabbing both of our phones off the nightstand. She placed the back of her hand on my forehead and shook her head in disappointment. "You're still warm. We'll get you a mask when we get there."

"We need to bring home a bunch of gloves. I wanna fill 'em up with water and freeze 'em when we get back." I said carefully going down the stairs and right out the door to my car.

The car ride was pure hell. Not even going to discuss why but it was and I think I'm getting my period... I don't know what I did to the Gods to piss them off this much, but whatever I did, I'm fucking sorry.

"Tilly Beans?"

"That would be my sick ass." I said when the bimbo nurse called my name. She was in something I'd wear if I was in this profession so naturally she is classified as a bimbo. No one said she could pull a me.

After she took my height, weight, and vital shit, I did some other tests- like a mandatory drug test because of a false account on my record sheet thing from the correctional center- I sat on the bed and waited.

"Sweets, are those tongue depressors?" She nodded. "I wanna chew on one, give me one please." She reached behind her and pulled one out of the cup and gave it to me. "How long is the nurse gonna take?"

"It's been a while... What drugs are they testing you for-"

"Everything that can be tested. I don't do drugs but whatever." I let out a loud cough that probably shifted my lungs and broke my ribcage.

"Alright sorry for the wait but we had to run the drug test and you came back clean." I already know. Just give me medicine so I can go back to thugging.

"So what medicine does she need?" Sweets asked in the nicest tone. "I'm sure nothing over the counter would help her at this point."

"You're right because she's pregnant."


"Um. Say what?" I said as I just stared at her clipboard... See if she didn't have sloppy ass handwriting, I could just read your notes but you decided to have that bad ass scribbles that fucks patients like me over.

"Yup. Congrats, I'm going to need you to lay back to I can examine your stomach." Sweets and I just stared at each other... Oh good lord.

"How far along is she?" Sweets asked. Bruh I can't even talk right now, like my voice box decided to clock out.

"11 weeks." The baby was with me in the wedding and on the hornymo-honeymoon?! I looked down at my stomach but it didn't look much different from the last time I saw it? Oh good God, sweet lordy Jesus what if King hurt it?! Oh no no no no no.

She put the gel stuff on my stomach and my eyes darted straight to the screen trying to figure out what the hell I was looking at. By this point my flu or cold was the least of my concerns.

"So there's your child and by the looks of it, everything looks good." She said. "Congratulations. As far as your flu, I recommend bed rest and natural remedies till you're at least 12 weeks before taking over the counter medicine. I'll print out a list of what you can and can't take, as well as dosage and get you some prenatal meds as well."

I wasn't even listening. I had my hands over my mouth as I stared at the screen.

Wait Till I Tell King This One... Bricks. Will. Be. Shat.

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