Working for Styles

By byebyemsamericanpie

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I took this job thinking I would get the chance to not only train with one of the most popular boxers in the... More



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By byebyemsamericanpie


It was Thursday; the night of my next fight. I was so ready for this. I was gonna win this for me like I had the previous fight.

I was warming up when I saw Niall walk into the building...but he wasn't alone. Every part of me was hoping and praying that it wasn't Daniel. I didn't want Daniel here anymore. Maybe I can get him banned.

Niall and the person he was with got closer. That's when I realized it was definitely not Daniel, but a different man completely. Did he and Daniel actually break up? If they did, was it my fault? Niall said to me himself he wouldn't mind if I was coming between him and Daniel...but what was that supposed to mean?

I focused my eyes on Niall when I felt his hand come down onto my shoulder.

"Harry, this is my friend Liam," Niall introduced.

I went to shake his hand but it was as if the lad was starstruck. He was shaking. It almost made me laugh.

"Y-y-you're the Harry Styles," Liam stuttered.

"Uh, yeah...yeah I am," I said with a smile as I rubbed the back of my neck.

I thought he was going to pass out. So I had mentioned that Niall should have him sit down. That's what he did so I went back to warming up more. Not even two minutes later Niall was back.

"You ready for tonight?" he asked.

I nodded.

"I'm gonna win for me."

Niall smiled.

"That's right. Get out there and win for you, Styles."

It was almost time for me to be in the ring. My victory was so close I could almost taste it. I shut my eyes and imagined it. A second victory in a row. It felt good.

I opened my eyes to see that Niall was walking away. Quickly, I headed after him and grabbed his shoulder; pulling him back.

"Yes, Harry?"

I don't know why I was about to ask this. I honestly didn't care, but I had to know.

"Did you and Daniel--"

Niall shook his head no.

"We're just...not talking right now."

"And Liam?"

Niall looked me in the eye then softy laughed.

"He's just a friend. He's straight like you."


The ref held up my glove and declared me the winner. I had won two rounds before my opponent literally just gave up. The crowd was going wild. The camera flashes were going off and tons of people were screaming my name...yes, even Liam.

I got out of the ring to be met with Niall. He was proud of me. Chris was about to walk over--probably to make me talk to reporters--but Niall, pulled me to the locker room. I was glad he was keeping up his end of the deal about the fame stuff.

I sat on the bench and just let my body relax. My heart was still beating fast and I was still breathing hard. I looked up at Niall when his phone began to ring. He scoffed; it had to have been Daniel.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

I just watched as Niall began to pace back and forth in front of me. He didn't look too happy. I wasn't for that matter cause...well, he wasn't.

"Yes, he won his fight tonight and he has another one tomorrow. We gotta fly out there..."

I just continued to listen.

"No, Daniel. You're not coming with. I'm still very angry with you..." He sighed. "It's gonna be Harry and I alone."

Niall shut his eyes and pulled his phone away from his ear; I could hear Daniel yelling.

"I already told you, this is my fucking job! Chris can't make it for some personal reason apparently."

Chris couldn't come with cause his father was sick and in the hospital; it wasn't my problem though. I'm glad he wasn't going to be with us on the flight cause all he'd talk about the entire time was the fight.

"Why are you so fucking jealous! Harry is straight! Get that through your head or we will be over... permanently!"

Then he hung up.

"Niall? Are you okay?" I asked softly.

He looked at me and I could just tell he was stressed.

"Yeah. I'll be fine, Harry. Lets just get your stuff together and get on that plane."

He definitely wasn't fine at all and I felt terrible.



The airport was actually quiet. No paps. No fans. Going through security was the worst because Harry was trying to bring in a water bottle. No matter how many times Harry assured he wasn't carrying a water bomb, they wouldn't let him take it. I know he would have gone off on them if I hadn't stepped in.

"Harry, I'll buy you a new water once we're through here."

"But that water bottle was special."

I rolled my eyes. He was such a pain, yet here I was about to get on a plane with him.

"And I'm sure all the other water bottles are just dying to have the lips of Harry Styles one them..."

I watched him smirk. Of course he'd turn that into something sexual.

"Just get your stuff into the bins so I can buy you that damn water."

My bags had already gone through while Harry was being difficult.

"Why do I need to take off my shoes?" Harry questioned.

"Just do it, Harry. Quit being a pain in my ass."

"But I thought that was Daniel's job."

He smirked again.

"Watch your mouth, Harry."

I just wasn't in the mood. I just wanted to get on the plane, get in the air and maybe get some rest.

We finally got through security after I literally had to take Harry's shoes off him myself. Man, he was such a child.

I got him a new water but he said it wasn't ever gonna be the same as the first one.

"What was so special about that water bottle anyway, Harry? It's just water."

He just laughed and walked to where our plane was going to be taking off. That sneaky little bastard. It wasn't water at all; it was vodka.

Our flight was called not too long after that and boy was I glad. We were on the plane to London now; that's where the next fight was. It was a two hour and thirty six minute flight from Holmes Chapel to London...that is if there weren't any delays.

Harry and I were the only ones on the plane aside from the pilot and the flight attendants, so it was pretty peaceful. I had the window seat and Harry had the aisle seat; he claimed he was afraid of heights. The great boxer Harry Styles was afraid of heights. Sounded pretty far fetched to me.

I looked at Harry sitting beside me. He had his headphones in and his phone in his hand; he was asleep. Maybe I should sleep too, but I couldn't. Why? Because I couldn't stop thinking about Daniel. He was way out of line on the phone earlier. So what if it was just me and Harry alone in London for his fight. Honestly, what would happen? That's right, nothing. Nothing but a fight. That was it. But somehow he just couldn't get that through his head. So I just sat there and admittedly watched Harry sleep.


"Harry, wake up."

"No. Leave me alone."

"Harry...get up."

"No! Go away, Chris."

"Do I sound like fucking Chris to you? It's Niall. Get up before I get some ice water and dump it down your pants."

His eyes opened then.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me, Styles."

I didn't have to drag him off the plane thankfully but he was still being difficult.

"What? I'm still tired," he mumbled as we began walking through the empty airport.

"Believe me. I'm tired too, Styles. Just be patient. We will be at the hotel once I get the rental car."

We walked outside and I spotted our black rental car and a guy standing next to it. Harry and I made our way to the guy and he handed the keys over. Harry was of no help whatsoever when it came to putting the bags in the car. He just got in the passenger seat and waited for me.

"Thanks for putting the bags in the car, Harry. You're so helpful," I said sarcastically as I shoved them all into trunk.

He had the nerve to say you're welcome. I was just gonna blame this on him being tired otherwise I would have been pissed off.

The drive to the hotel wasn't that far away which made me happy cause I was starting to feel like I couldn't see straight. But we got there safely.

"Get out of the car, Harry. And grab your own bags. I'm not your slave," I said as I got out.

He did as I told him and we headed inside where we got our key to our room.

"It's a suite right?"

"Yes, Harry. It is."

"With two bed?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. Two beds, Harry. You don't have to worry about me. You'll get a bed all to yourself."


London would have been amazing to do some sight seeing... if it weren't for the fact that I was here with Harry for his fight. There wasn't time to see the landmarks. The last time I was here was to meet Harry for the meeting, and look how great that turned out.

When we landed early this morning, we headed to the hotel and got more rest only to wake up again to go for a morning run. Good lord did Harry hate that. You'd think by now he'd be used to it. Nope. Not even close.

We wasted no time training and warming up throughout the day until the fight. Time sure passed by fast and I could tell Harry was pumped up. We weren't even in the building yet and he was already calling himself a winner.

"Hey, now. Win the fight first and then you can call yourself a winner," I chuckled.

Harry laughed too. I had to admit, I liked it when he laughed. I shook my head quickly. I had to keep this professional. I was his trainer and he was my client. I wasn't supposed to be his friend. But maybe that's what he needed; a friend.

"C'mon, Niall. Stop daydreaming about me winning and get out of the car," Harry told me.

I quickly got out of the car and headed into the building with him. We warmed up some more before the fight. And looking around, I knew there would be a lot of people here.

"Okay, Harry," I put my hands on his shoulders, "Remember, Harry. Win for you. Don't think about the crowd. Don't think about me. Just keep your mind on winning for you. This is all for you."

"All for me," he repeated, "Win for me."

Now he was just sounding self-centered and conceited.

"Harry...don't let this all get to your head."

"I know, I know. I won't."


He didn't answer me.



"I'm serious. Stay focused."

Harry nodded. He was ready. Beyond ready even. I had no doubts about him tonight. Harry was much better than his opponent. He may have been bigger than Harry, but they say the bigger they are, the harder they fall. That was definitely the thing that happened tonight. Harry got every single punch to land on him. Whenever I would think the other guy would get Harry, I'd shut my eyes only to open them when I heard the crowd cheering Harry's name.

He had won. Just like the other fights, the refs would announce Harry the winner then I'd whisk him away to the locker room to stay away from the paps and fans.

Harry was coming down from the high of winning when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to see Daniel was calling. I ignored it. He wasn't going to ruin this moment for Harry.

"What do you say about going to a club, Styles?" I asked, shutting my phone off.

Harry looked up at me with widened eyes.

"Are you sure? Don't you remember what happened--"

"Daniel isn't here. It's just you and me. No one is going to pick a fight with you and knock you flat on your ass."

We both laughed.

"Hey, if I wasn't drunk I coulda taken him."

Niall just smiled and shook his head.

"I'm not doubting you. But lets go."

The nearest club wasn't too far and it wasn't too crowded either. Harry and I mainly stayed at the bar. I wasn't going to drink anything seeing that I knew Harry would and someone would need to drive us back to the hotel.

I know I said I'd quit on him if he ever took a drop of alcohol in my presence and maybe I'm contradicting myself for it. But I was watching him and making sure he didn't get into trouble. It was when Harry began spinning on his stool when I knew he was really drunk.

There were a lot of beautiful women here. If I were straight, there was no doubt I'd talk them least that's what Harry was doing. Or should I say, trying to do. He was so drunk I wasn't even sure if he was comprehending what he was saying. Most of the women who had stayed long enough, only wanted to talk to him because he was famous. And for that reason alone, I'd tell them to leave.

"H-hey, Niall..."

He placed his hand on my shoulder and let out a burp. He blinked a few times before excusing himself.

"Yes, Harry?"

"I gots to tell you a thing..."

Oh no. Not this again.


"Wh-when I was shix years old...I was on those...those uh...those swingy thingies...y-you sit on them and go weeeeeeeee!" He spun around on his stool again. "What...what are those..." He gripped my shoulder and his voice got higher. "Niall, what are th-those swingy thingies c-called?"

I almost laughed, but I stopped myself.

"It's called a swing, Harry."

He gasped.

"Y-you're sho shmart!" He took another sip of his beer. "Sho fuckin smart."

"Anyway...continue with your story."

"Sho I...I was shix...and I was on the...the..."

I sighed.

"It's a swing, Harry."

"A swing a-and I fell off and..." he giggled, "I broke my arm. A-and it really hurt. My d-dad..." Harry shook my shoulder a bit, "my dad told me to shuck it up a-and to be a man. H-he's the one wh-who..."

Harry stopped talking. It looked like he was going to puke. But then he just took another sip of his beer and I knew he was fine.

"I always w-wanted a cat when I was a kid. But noooooooo!" Harry was pointing his fingers at me. "A-acc-accor...ugh! My f-father shaid b-boxers don't h-have cats. They have pitbulls. I d-didn't want a dog. I wanted a cat! A cat!"

"Harry, lower your voice. You're drawing attention to yourself."

He was completely wasted.

"I was gonna name it Molly...or Dusty...somethin like that..."

"That's uh...that's nice, Harry."

"Y-you father forced me to do this," he took another drink, "t-to box pro-professionally. H-he was the one that g-got me the contract. He had b-brought talent scouts to each of my highschool boxing fights." Harry wasn't even facing me anymore, but I continued to listen to him. "M-my mother left when I was young a-and took my older sister with her. Sh-she said that the reason she didn't take me with her was b-because I was a sc-screw up...a f-failure...and a good for nothing piece of sh-shit...just like my father. My own mother! She said that to me." Harry looked at me and I could see the tears in his eyes. "H-how could she say that? How can m-my own mother say that?!"

He slammed his hands on the counter of the bar then dropped his head onto the table. He began to sob uncontrollably. Holy shit. This went from him and I having a good time to him having a total meltdown. Why was he opening up to me like this anyway?

"'s okay..." I began to rub his back. "It's okay. She's wrong about you."

He turned his head to me and sniffled.

"Sh-she is?"

I nodded.

"You're not a screw up. You're not a failure. And you're definitely not a good for nothing piece of shit. She shouldn't have said that to you. Maybe she placed her hatred and anger for your father on you because...because..."

I sighed. I didn't know what to say that would make him feel any better.

"M-my father is dead, ya know. D-died of alcohol poisoning," He brought the bottle to his lips and drank more, "H-how ironic. Maybe I'll go out that way..."

He was gonna bring the bottle to his lips again, but I stopped him.

"I'm not letting that happen. You're not dying on me, Styles. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. You understand?"

He just nodded. I pulled him off the stool after paying for all the beers Harry had.

"Wh-where we goin? I-I'm not done drinking."

"Yes, you are, Harry. I'm taking you back to the hotel for some rest. You really need it."

He didn't protest thankfully. I got him into the car and we got back to the hotel. It was hard trying to keep him upright as we took the elevator. Plus, Harry thought it would be funny to press all the buttons.

"You're so childish," I groaned.

"N-no, I'm just drunk and sad. Lemme have my fun."

I just sighed as the elevator doors would open and close on each floor as Harry laughed loudly. When it finally reached our floor, I pulled him out of the elevator and to our hotel room. I unlocked the door and he stumbled in. I shook my head at him as I locked the door and when I turned back to him, he had fallen onto the floor.

"Oh, Harry..." I said softly as I pulled him to his feet and laid him on the bed and got him under the covers.

That's when I noticed he was sobbing again.

"I m-miss him..."

He must have been referring to his father.

"I'm sure he misses you too, Harry. "

I was gonna walk over to my bed, but Harry calling out my name stopped me.

"W-will you...uh...will you lay with me?"

Lay with him? It had to be the alcohol talking.

"I don't know, Harry. It's really late and..."

"I don't want to be alone...p-please?"

I sighed.

"Sure, Harry. I guess I can."

So I slowly crawled onto the bed, got under the covers, and laid down.

"I u-used to lay on my roof at night and w-watch the stars..." he mumbled.

I didn't say anything. I wasn't sure if he wanted me to.

"A-and my dad would be so mad...'specially when it rained..."

His voice was getting softer and softer by the second.

"I had a pet rock once..."

I softly laughed.

"That's nice, Harry."

"And when i-it died...I had a funeral for it a-and everything."

"You had a funeral for a rock?"

I felt Harry reach his hand and slap my arm then slowly bring his arm back to his side.

"I-I was four. D-don't judge."

Then it was silent for a bit and when I looked over at him, I saw that he was fast asleep. I sighed at the sight. Part of me was telling me that this was wrong. It was screaming at me that Daniel would hate this. But the other part of me? It told me this was ok. Harry just wanted company. He didn't want to be alone.


Well hey dere.

I still suck at authors notes so...yeah.

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