Innocent Devil

By ArchuG1412

42.5K 3K 830

A cliché story about a devil who end up meeting an innocent angle. This is not a supernatural story. Characte... More

Ch 2
Good News & Bad News
Ch. 22


1.5K 130 11
By ArchuG1412

Forgive my grammar mistakes and typos.

A/n: I am really sorry for the delay. But the situation with COVID is messing up with my mind. Also, the news about TRIAGE broke my heart pretty bad and I kind of lost my will to write.


Beam's POV

Last two months have been the most stressful months for me. I have never ever been this stressed in my life before. I wasn't even this stressed when I left the house at the age of fifteen.

The reason for my stress was none other than Forth Jaturapoom.

He has been pestering me ever since he took care of me that night. I know it was a really great gesture coming from someone who is known for his cold heart and anger but still just thinking about being together with him was stressing the hell out of me.

I have been successfully avoiding answering him for almost a month now, I also know that Forth is not the person with the patient and soon I have to give him my answer.

Yes, I was attracted to him physically. In fact, he is the first person in my life who has made me feel this way but when it comes to getting attracted towards him romantically then it was a big no from me.

"Hey baby boo, what are you thinking about?"

"Nothing Ming, I was thinking about Wayo."

Our holidays were over and school was open again. Today was the third day of reopening school but Wayo was still not coming to school. Me and Ming both knew something was wrong again but we don't know what it was.

"Yeah, I miss that little baby too. I don't know what is bothering him though, I wish he could open up his problems."

Wayo was one of the cutest human me and Ming has ever seen. He is a really smart and very quiet kid, he hardly talks to anyone in his class. Fortunately I was able to befriend him and if he was my friend then he was Ming's too but he talks more to me than he talks to Ming.

"Hey, is that Wayo??" Ming said, pointing towards a boy. I looked in the direction and noticed that it was indeed Wayo. He was going towards his class with his head down and slow steps.

We both went towards him as soon as we spotted him.

"Hey Yo, how are you?"

"I-I am good P'Beam." Yes, Wayo is the only student who has permission to address me as phi. I have always considered him like a lil bro of mine.

"Where have you been for the past few days?? I couldn't even reach you through the phone."

"I was sick." He lied. I know he never expresses whatever pain he is going through and it hurts me to see him like this. I tried everything in my power to make him open up with me but it's of no use.

"Okay, take care of yourself then. Also, I have saved all the notes for you that you have missed during your absence." He thanked me and went to his class after getting a pat on the head by Ming.

"You know he was lying right?"

"Yes Ming, I know he was lying again. I hope nothing bad happened to him during these days and he was not in danger of anything." Ming nodded his agreement and jogged towards his class after bidding me goodbye.

It was evening and I was tutoring Wayo the things he said he couldn't understand.Being a smart kid it was very rare for him to not understand anything, but something was changing inside him I am sure of it. He sometimes ends up asking me the simplest thing that anyone can understand, like he was doing right now.


"Yes P'Beam??"

"What is wrong?"

"No-nothing, why are you asking?"

"No reason, I just had the feeling that something was off."

"Nothing is wrong P'Beam, everything is fine." He replied with a smile which was fake and full of sorrow. I don't want to force him and spill everything to me, if I'll force him then he might push himself away from me and not talk to me at all. So, I decided to let it slide for now.

After that small talk we got indulged in study again. Yo asked me if he could spend the night here which I agreed upon, and it was not the first time when he was staying the night with me.

Wayo was busy studying and I was busy cooking dinner for us when I heard the knock on the front door.

Wondering who the person was at this time, I went towards the gate and opened it.

Nope, I was not surprised to see Forth standing in front of me while showing me his gummy smile. But he wasn't alone, there was some other guy too and he looked much younger than Forth.

"Hey Angel, long time no see. May we come in?" He was already inside before I could give him permission. The other guy wai at me and smiled, I was surprised to see a dimple forming on his cheek. He looked really manly but that dimple kind of made him look cute.

I wai him back and asked him to take seats in the living room, where Wayo was studying. I asked them to take their respective seats while I'll join them in a few moments.

When I went inside the living room after five minutes, I noticed a bunny sitting in a corner with his legs pulled towards his chest and two alpha tigers looking at him.


I don't know where this courage came from but I ended up smacking Forth on his head. I hate it when people make Wayo scared. I know both of them were not doing anything intimidating but still the way they were staring at him was enough to make him scared.

As soon as I realised what I did, I decided to apologize before both of them end up murdering me and my poor baby Yo. I looked at that guy who was switching Forth and he also had fear filled in his eyes wondering how Worth is going to do now.

"S-sorry...I_I was just... Wayo is"

"Shhh... relax angel, I am not mad at you. I actually felt happy that you smacked my head. This means that you are comfortable around me. Right angel." Forth was standing super duper close to me, so close that our lips were just a few centimetres away from each other.

My heart was beating super fast, I am not sure whether it was due to fear or excitement because Forth was so close to me.

His next action did not just end up surprising me but the guy with Forth has his eyes wide open too. He grabbed my waist and attached his body to mine. After that he rubbed his front with mine, making me moan in whisper.

I honestly got lost in the moment and wanted nothing but grind against Forth more. But the sound of someone screeching makes me break away from this moment.

I looked over Forth's shoulder and noticed that Wayo was now sitting at the corner of the room and his eyes were covered with his hands.

Oh my innocent Wayo.

I kind of forgot that he was in the same room as I was with Forth. A scene like this is not good for his virgin eyes.

"I... ummm... why... why are you here and who is this guy?" Finally I managed to push Forth away from me and come back to my senses. That closeness managed to do some weird thing in me which I even told anyone about.

Forth gave me a smirk and went to sit next to that guy."This guy is my brother, he came back from the states a few days ago and he somehow found out about you..."

"I did not somehow find it out. but you just couldn't stop talking about your so-called angel. So I decided to see myself if he was talking about real person or he was just imagining things in his stupid head." The mysterious guy said in a bored tone.

"Sorry, I didn't even introduce myself. My name is Dun and I am unfortunately this guy's brother." He said pointing at Forth with his eyes and wai at me again and gave me his sweet smile.

"Hello, I am Beam and I am unfortunately this guy's... well... I think your brother has a crush on me so yeah, I am his crush."

The look on Forth's face was worth recording. He was giving us the look of I am sitting right here so stop mocking me.

"Who is that guy?" Dun asked, pointing towards something.

Oh shit!! I forgot about Wayo again. This Forth's fucking Jaturapoom always messes up with my mind and makes me forget things.

"Ohh... he is like my lil bro but he is a student at the school where I teach." I walked back to Wayo, who was still covering his eyes. I crouched down next to him and asked him not to be scared since those guys are my friends. He obeyed me and came with me to sit on the sofa.

"Hey, cutie." Forth being the famous playboy he is was eye raping my lil Wayo. I mean he was not actually eye raping him but he was looking at him like he want to hug him or something like that.

I rolled my eyes.

"I was about to cook dinner, are you guys going to stay for dinner?" Being the good host I am...I asked them, hoping for them to say no and just go home but luck seemed to be not at my side today.

"Of course. How can I miss the home cooked meal made by the one I love, right?" Again I ignored Forth and went towards Dun.

"Umm listen Dun, Wayo is kind of a shy person and he doesn't really talk much. He gets easily scared in the presence of strangers, so please don't do anything which might scare him. I have a feeling that you are not an asshole like your brother, so please." I was whispering these things to Dun so that Forth can't hear anything.

Dun gave me his sweet smile and looked at his brother, in response Forth raised a brow with a questionable look on his face. "Don't worry P'Beam, I am very good at handling people like Wayo. I am actually a student of psychology so you don't have to worry about him.

These words were enough to comfort me. So thanked Dun and went inside the kitchen after telling Wayo not to be scared of Dun. Forth obviously followed behind me. I know he doesn't really love me and is just flirting with me, so I didn't really pay attention to it.

After some time when I was done with cutting veggies, with the help of the great Forth. Weirdly Forth was pretty amazing at cutting things. Oh well, he must have cut real humans, so cutting veggies might not be a big deal for him, right?

I decided to take a peek at Wayo and Dun.

Wayo was giggling like a shy girl when Dun said something to him.

Well, I was right about Dun. He is indeed a good guy. I smiled at the scene and went back inside the kitchen where Forth was indulged in stirring the curry which I told him to do. I also threatened him that if the curry will burn then I will not talk to him, that's the reason he was so focused.

I look at his face which was fully concentrated on the task and wonder, would my life have been different if he wasn't in the mafia and I met him in different circumstances? He is not a bad person by heart, that I have realised after talking to him and spending some time with him but still his work on the field is so scary.

I shook the thoughts away and went towards Forth to help him finish the cooking.

"Are you done?" I ask just near his ear in a whisper.


I tried. I swear I tried super hard not to laugh at his reaction, but the way he reacted and that scared look on his face, it was worth laughing for. His eyes were open wide and one of his hands was on his chest.

I laughed real hard. I thought Wayo and Dun would come to look for the reason for laughing but they didn't. Either they were busy with themselves or Dun knows that Forth will not like it if someone will interrupt his alone time with me.

"Stop laughing!! You scared the shit out of me!!!" Forth was still holding the same expression, so I pulled my phone out and took a picture of him.

I don't know what happened but as soon as I put the phone back inside my pocket, Forth came near me and he kissed me.... super hard.

The hell???!!!


A/N: I decided to keep the name Dun only because I like it more than his character's name in GenY.


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