Forever and Always

By voiddixonxoxo

351K 8.1K 688

"You left me alone, with no idea what to do!" "I'm sorry, okay! But you could have been supportive!" "Oh, I'm... More



10.7K 260 8
By voiddixonxoxo

Savannah's POV

I laughed as Connor and I ran into his house to escape the rain outside. We finally managed to go out on a date on our own and of course it started raining cats and dogs halfway through.

It's been a couple weeks since the party and since we made things official again. His relationship with Hazel has definitely grown and I can tell that she really loves him.

I pushed my wet hair out of my face as I took off my wet jacket. Connor followed in behind me and shook his head making water fly everywhere from his wet hair.

"You're like a dog." I laughed. As I said this I heard a bark and then what sounded like an animal running towards us. I turned around and saw a chubby English bulldog trotting towards me. It came up and jumped up on my legs.

"Sammy!" Connor pushed the dog down and I laughed.

"You got a dog?" I asked.

"Yeah." he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"She isn't exactly the type of dog you'd have on a farm." I told him.

"I know. She wasn't meant to be a farm dog but they were gonna put her down if nobody adopted her so I did. And she's been my bestfriend for a while now."

Oh my gosh I think I just fell in love with this man even more.

"Connor, that's so sweet." I kneeled down on the ground and Sammy came up to me and started licking my face.

"I think she likes you." he chuckled. I laughed and Connor shooed Sammy down the hall. "Come on, I'll get you some dry clothes."

I followed him through the house and towards his room. He gave me a shirt and boxers that I quickly changed into while he left the room. I walked back out and saw him putting food in Sammy's dog bowl in the kitchen. I walked over and crossed my arms.

"Nice place you've got here." I told him as I looked around. He looked up at smiled at me.

"Yeah. I know it's small but that's because I spend most of my time at my moms house." he said. I nodded and looked around. There was a shelf that had a few pictures on it. There was one however that caught my eyes.

I walked over and lifted the frame up. It's a picture of him and I in his truck. It was one of our last dates before he left and you could just tell how happy we both were. Connor was gazing at me with ice cream around his mouth and I was holding my ice cream cone that I had just shoved in his face while laughing.

"You still have this up?" I asked him without taking my eyes off the picture. He came over and put his hands on my hips from behind.

"Yeah. I brought it with me when I left and I never got rid of it. It was all I had left of you."

I leaned back into him and ran my thumb over his face. "I missed you so much." I whispered. He kissed the spot right behind my ear making me sigh.

"I missed you too. More than you could ever imagine." his chin was rested on my shoulder as I set the picture down. I turned to face him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I love you." he grinned.

"I love you too." I leaned up and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Now make me pizza rolls. I'm hungry."

"Yes ma'am."

- - -

I unlocked the door to my moms house and I could already hear the laughter of my daughter. Connor walked in right behind me and I set my bag down on the bench.

"Mama!" Hazel came crawling around the corner with my mom following behind her. I smiled but my eyes widened as Hazel pushed herself up onto her feet.

I crouched down on the ground and Connor did to. Hazel took one step towards us. Then another. And another. Until she was walking towards us on her own.

"Oh my god." I gasped happily. My baby just took her first steps.

Hazel giggled as she made her way towards Connor and I.

"Come on sweetheart." Connor held out his arms. Hazel took a couple more steps before he swept her up into his arms.

"My baby's first steps!" I grinned and smothered Hazel in kisses. She giggled loudly and kicked her legs around. I looked at my mom who was smiling.

"She's been pulling herself up all day so I had a feeling it was gonna happen." she told me.

"Oh my baby's growing up." I took Hazel into my arms and gave her a kiss. "I love you so much."

"I yu you." Hazel managed to say. I shook my head with a laugh and looked at Connor who was smiling.

I tickled Hazel's tummy and she started giggling loudly and squirming in my arms.

"You gotta stay tiny forever little one."

- - -

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