Psychotic Bitch

By looneyhouse

452 4 0

He kissed the gun before aiming it at my head. Is this a tragic love story? Well, that depends, who's side... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 6

34 0 0
By looneyhouse

I woke his arms. Why the fuck is he still here? And why wouldn't he let go of me? I kept trying to pry myself off of his chest, but he just wasn't budging. Of course he wasn't. I pulled my head back super far away from his chest, hoping he would remove his arm, but he just pushed my head back into him. "Stop" he mumbled. "Come on! I have shit to do!"
He looked down at me and smiled. "I could wake up like this everyday" he said, tightening his grip on me.  Me too. "Well don't get used to it. Let go of me" I could taste the bitterness leave my mouth.
"What do you have planned for today" he asks. Is he really going to ignore my statement? I didn't mean it, but he doesn't know that. "Things that I do in my everyday life" I reply. I'm not going to tell him I'm planning on how to get away.
"You should be planning our wedding" I feel him speak through his chest. Wait what? "Our what" I lift my head up to look at him. "I'm not marrying you" I finally break out of his hold. I chuckle as I get off of my bed and turn to him.
"You're fucking crazy! You think I'm going to marry you? I have no idea who you even are. You fucking lunatic" I slowly distance myself from him. Then I let out a loud cry. I hear him move off of my bed as I hop up and down holding my foot in my hand. The blood slowly came out from the bottom of my foot as I hopped, trying to stay upright.
"Why would you fucking walk around this room? You're an idiot" a thick accent scolded me. Don't go all Mario on me. He lifted me up and sat me on the bed. "I'll be right back" he looked me dead in the eyes. I nodded and stared at my foot.
He careful walked through my room with random stuff he found in my bathroom. "I'm sorry" he spoke. I just watched as he cleaned my wound and put bandage on it. Maybe he isn't so bad. I mean sure he's psycho, but he's nice. To me at least.
Once he was finished he stood back up. He looked around my destroyed room and sighed. "I'll hire someone to clean this all up" he pulled out his phone. I stopped to catch my breath for a minute. "No! It's fine, I can clean it all" I insist. 
He rolls his eyes and puts his phone to his ear. I pout. He shrugs and waits for someone to answer. I'm assuming they answered because he walked out of my room. Prick. I lay back down on my bed and cover myself in my fluffy blankets. I take a deep inhale of my blankets and smell him. Why does he smell like burnt marshmallows? I need him gone.
I try and shove my body deeper into my bed, hoping I'd fall asleep. I don't want to get up today. I don't want to go to the police department. I just want to lay here. Forever. "They'll be here soon" he interrupts.
I loudly groan and get out of my bed.  "I don't need someone to clean my place" I narrow my eyes at him. He shrugs as he puts on his shoes. "Well, I have to go. Stay here so you can let them in" he says before leaving my room. I'm going to strangle this man. I change into a more casual outfit. I can't walk around New York in short ass shorts and a hoodie, I'm not Ariana Grande.

The first place I went was the police station to explain everything. Well not everything. "Yes I'm sure it was him. He was in my bed how could I be wrong? It was weird and chaotic" is she really doubting me? "So you're telling me that you saw him at the bar so you ran away instead of staying with my men? Why on earth would you do that? You should have called me right away Christina. This man is very dangerous" she scolded.
If I wanted to be scolded, I wouldn't have moved to New York. "Whatever, that's not the real problem. I need to move! Fast! I'm scared of what he's going to do to me" my voice wavered. "You're waiting until now to fully understand how dangerous this is" she raised her eyebrow.
"YES! He's crazy, you have no idea. The way he spoke to me, the way he acted. He trashed my room because I didn't want to marry him. How much more crazy could he be? He was in my room all night! I'm screwed. I need you and your men to help me out. I can't do this anymore" I pleaded.
She looked at me with sympathy. "Do you know anywhere else you could stay? A family or friend" I shake my head side to side. "Okay, we'll find you a new place. We need you to stay low about everything. Make it like you've left the earth. He'll catch on eventually, but by then we'll have a stable plan" she explains.
"Okay, so what do I do right now?" She looks down at her notes for a moment. "Dump your phone and car. Then we'll take you to pack your things and leave" she demanded. I nodded and got out of my seat.

Now here I was, my last day. I was sitting here at the bar, acting like nothing happened. Who's bright idea was it that I act normal? Why would they put me at such a risk? I don't care if they have disguised body guards everywhere. They're going up against some genius and they think that they could stop him if he were to just kidnap me right now. How pathetic. I'm totally fucked.
I can't even tell Chase that I won't be coming into work. He'll probably just think I ghosted him. And Nicholas, man he's going to be pissed. He's going to think I abandoned him. I mean I am, but still. Shits going to be hectic. No matter where I hide, he'll always find me. So why are they having me hide in plain site?
"Good evening sir" Justin's voice rings through my ears. I loath Justin's voice. Nicholas' is just so much better. So smooth. I grab a shot of Vodka and exit the bar. "Here you go ma'am" I smile at the customer. She smiles at me before continuing her conversation.
"Miss me dear" Nicholas asks once I reach the bar. Be extra kiss ass Christina. Don't give any signs that you're leaving. Act like you love him. Act like you actually care for him. Act normal. "I don't think so" I smile his way.
He was about to say something, but I stop him. "I have to go take his order. I'll be back" I walk over to my....body guard? "I don't think I can do this" I whisper. "You're fine. Now do your job. I would like Jack and Coke" he brushes me off.
"Where were we? Oh yes, marry me" I scoff as I make the drink. "Nicholas, we've been over this. I don't even know you" I look at the version of himself he's playing. He furrows his eyebrows together before loosening them.
I roll my eyes and walk the drink over to my shitty body guard. Why don't I just leave? Maybe I'll go to Italy. I swear if I'm killed before I go to Italy I'm going to be beyond pissed.
"I want you to tell your men that you're just going to use the restroom. Then I want you to get in your car and go home. Oh wait, you don't have your car or a home" he looks at me full of emotion. I knew this wouldn't work! I look at him with a blank face. I'm trying so hard to keep my eyes from widening.
"I didn't want to Nicholas! They made me. All of this. I wouldn't have known any of this. I swear this is all just out of proportion because they're going crazy about you being up. I didn't want to. I knew it was stupid" I pleaded with him. He was too calm, which boiled my nerves. "We all know nobody makes you do anything" he spoke sharply.
"Tell your men you're going to the bathroom and enter the white car waiting right outside" he demands. I look at him with a frown. I wanted to apologize so bad. He knew what I was doing. He knew it all. Didn't even give me a chance to act.
"Nic" I draw out. He directs his attention to me. Yikes, you can go back to looking at the wall! The way his eyes darkened, absolutely terrifying. I felt like I was looking at the devil himself. What kind of atheist says shit like that? "Now, they're getting suspicious" he demands in a low voice.
I frown and walk over to the man I was just with. "Don't freak out. I'm just going to go to the bathroom. Give me 5" I told him. He nodded and handed me his empty glass.
I walked back to the bar and Chase was there, talking to 'Justin'. I set the glass down and walked away. I dreadfully walked into the girls bathroom. He expects me to crawl out of that tiny, tall ass window? He's crazy. Literally.
Once I'm finally through the window, I drop my body onto the floor. I thought I would land on my feet, but my ass is fine too. I quickly get on my feet again and dust my pants off. I look ahead of me and sure enough there was a car waiting for me. I sigh and walk over to the car. I get in the passenger seat full of sorrow.

Then I look over to my left to see who was driving.


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