STOP IT!... please. Draco ff

By SpamEmails

39K 486 183

Draco X reader in a Voldemort free world, where Draco is still a cold jerk sometimes, he gets that from his f... More

2: new start
3: suspicions
4: corrections
5: meet the family... sort of
6: exposed
7: Damon
8: Ill
9: breakdown
10: quidditch drama
11: Mondays
12: honest recovery
13: going so well
14: two steps forward one step back
15: last time, I promise
16: game
17: court

1: arrival

6.1K 63 25
By SpamEmails

Character introduction ~~~~~~~

A mostly nice girl, a lot of issues, absolutely beautiful, big eyes, long hair, has a naturally great body but is more underweight because of ed.
You can imagine her as yourself but I like this aesthetic for her

Y/n's best friend (soon) also gorgeous, a more confident attitude than y/n and can be scary.
Again you could imagine her as your best friend of anyone or you can use this

Well we all know him...

In this story she's a bitch, you'll see...

A great guy basically cares for his friends, not scared to question Draco


Well fuck this. Another month another school, honestly I don't even know what year I'm in right now, magic schools aren't that common and my parents don't give a shit about me anyway so they'd just throw me in a Muggle school every other move or so. My last school was a hell hole, everyone had already formed groups in the year so for my stent staying there I had no fiends and was always alone - except when the 'popular' girls came to bully me.

With my cart and map in hand I looked for platform 9 3/4, I knew to be expecting some magical sort of stunt but it didn't make things any easier. I found platform 4 but was unsure what the gateway to the magic platform looked like, I looked around trying to find someone else who looked wizardry possibly going this way, but expectedly, since I was mid term. Not even another young person was in sight. I sighed and wished again I had the kind of parents who cry and smother you when leaving for boarding school, the kind who would've packed an abundance of unnecessary 'necessities' and prepared for every hitch or complication.

After a good 10 minutes of inner debate I decided to do it my way. Mathmatica- lol no who do you think I am. I'm the girl who hasn't stayed at one school for longer than half a year since I was 5. I just decided to try every possibility. One advantage of being to so many schools (even magic ones) was that you get to recognise their favourite tricks and I'm pretty sure the answer will be through a wall or something. 3/4 was my next clue I looked at the signs and walked about 3/4 of the way along the platform. It has to be here somewhere. The only thing however was just this giant pillar, it looked like it was possible to be the entrance so I walked towards it and felt the brick to test it to not be suspicious. With the right force my hand went through the wall. Perfect I did it! I grabbed my cart and immediately threw myself through the wall with it. I looked confident but if you could read my inner nerves your laugh at my false confidence.

The platform seemed not too different from all the muggle ones and I only waited 10 minutes before a train showed up. Only about 5 people actually got on it. I guess it is quite a specific route for an already specific population. The high metal arcs and mossy red brick walls created an exuding sense of history and grandeur. I stepped on the train and got into one of the many empty booths. I plugged my headphones in and leant against the window feeling my eyes fluttering shut. I opened them in an sudden wave of fear. My anxiety made me a light sleeper, and particularly sensitive to footsteps around me. Sure enough a group of people passed by my booth and were gone as quick as they arrived. I'm my relief I found the calmness to go back to sleep. The second time I woke was more jumpily to the introusive sound of a loud horn. As I noticed we had arrived in Hogwarts. Honestly I got to give credit to someone, whoever built this masterpiece because the sheer magnificence was thrilling.

I was met at a pair of huge gates by a medium height reliable looking girl. She was taller than me but let's be honest who isn't. She greeted me warmly, with a smile and enthusiasm. Not really my type of person but you couldn't deny her obvious kindness. She said her name was Hermione Granger and showed me on a perfectly scheduled tour of the common areas like classrooms the Great hall and anything else. Our last stop was right in front of the office where the first order of business was. I walked in to get my schedule and stuff like that and the receptionist also made me wear this strange hat to be sorted. It spoke in my head it was weird, but I got put in... Slytherin. Then I got assigned to a dorm, and given a schedule and robes.

Recalling the directions of the man in the office I walked towards my supposed dorm. It was surprisingly difficult as there seemed to be not much sequencing or numbers, but eventually I found the right room and knocked twice before walking in not waiting for an answer. The room was empty, it had high ceilings, luxurious deep green curtains and translucent white ones cascading over the large led-crossed windows. The floor had matching green carpet but only around the two double beds at either ends of the room, one of which had green silky sheets with silver embroidery, the other cotton looking, black and with a indistinguishable embroidered letter since it was messy. Walking to the bed at the end of the room, closer to the window than the obviously taken other, I dropped my trunk at the end of the bed - I had previously been using magic to make it follow behind me. I got out a few things like my alarm clock, phone, headphones, and a picture of my dog, all covered in chocolate spread in the middle of the kitchen. That was a happy memory whenever I thought of it, it was pointless to bring a photo of my family, they barely consider me a daughter, and I can't recall a single happy memory with them. Quickly distracting myself before I spiral again, I grabbed a pen and my wand and stuck them in my pocket before making my way to explore a bit, according to the timetable, it was dinner, it spanned a long time but I guess that most people were there already. I didn't want to eat, what's new, so I decided to go in search for our common room. I'd been informed the password but the directions were pointless now since I'd wandered off to a random place, I eventually saw a random girl also in Slytherin robes so I asked her. She seemed older than me but nice, said her name was Avery, and walked me to the common room. We both entered I was fascinated by the cool doorway and unconsciously made it clear with my slightly open mouth.
Avery: "cool right I know, us Slytherin's are the most sophisticated and classy house, were also the best, you can tell from the point system, we're always a head in front of Gryffindor and miles in front of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw."
Y/n: "guess I got the right house then"
Avery: "you sure did, now let me show you to the great hall, I should introduce you to some people, and we can boast about getting another member!" She seemed genuinely nice so I obliged and followed her to the great hall.

Upon arriving the scenery was astounding, long roaring tables of students in red or blue or yellow or green. Walking to the table of marginally less rowdy green robes I was graced with a few stares, that immediately made me regret coming here with so many people. But that was nothing compared to what came next Avery and I sat down for a millisecond before she stood up and shouted down the table.
Avery: "Slytherin's got a new member!" All though I bet some of them didn't even understand her properly there was a roar of cheers which made other houses also look our way. Fortunately I was still sitting so except the people closer to me, it was Avery getting most of the stares. She sat back down as the cheering dissipated. Then a nice looking boy piped up out of the questioning mist covering I'm assuming Avery's friend group who were staring silently between me and her
???: "Do we get an introduction or..."
Avery: "oh right this is y/n everyone, this is Blaise, that's Pansy, and they are Crabbe and Goyle, and there's Theodore. There's also Draco but he's not here yet. Everyone this is y/n Beaux, a new Slytherin, she's in 4th year" I just gave a few slight smiles as she spoke my introduction, I'll get along with her I think, she seems like a confident outgoing person, whilst I'm rather antisocial towards social situations.
Blaise: "well nice to meet you, it's a shame you won't know any friendly faces in class since we're all in 5th year"
Pansy: "you just decided to be her friend already" she scoffed
Avery: "shut up Parkinson... Y/n what school did you come from"
Y/n: "grassdale, it's a Muggle school you wouldn't know it"
Pansy: "ha see she's a mud blood, auful bitch go sit with your own sort"
Crabbe: "enough if the elitist shit Pansy"
Y/n: "actually both my parents are magic"
Goyle: "oh then why'd you go to a muggle school?"
Y/n: "there wasn't a wizardry school close enough to where we lived"
Avery: "so this is you first time in a magic academy!?"
Y/n: "oh no, I've been to 6 different wizardry schools, and about 5 muggle ones... We move around a lot"
Blaise: "damn that is a lot, well welcome to Hogwarts I guess"
Y/n: "thanks"

After that everyone continued eating, I made the excuse I'd eaten on the train and left the hall to 'unpack'. To be honest that's what'll I'll probably end up doing, but I'll do a little exploration first. Walking along the biggest hallways I noticed several bathrooms, classroom, offices and storage rooms, it wasn't all that interesting so I took my tour outside, which was far better. The scenery was, well, magical. I walked round the outside of the castle, from the outside I recognised the Slytherin dorms, it was getting cold so I hopped over some walls and fences and used a spell to open a door right near the dorms. I shut it with my foot trying to figure out where I was. It appeared I was in a hallways not far from the common room. I knew the way to my dorm from there so I headed in that direction. But as I turned a corner to the main area of the common room I was pinned to the wall wit a wand next to my neck.
???: "Who the hell are you!" He was quite intimidating 50% taller than me, a chiseled jaw and platinum blonde hair. His eyes showed anger and silently I brought my wand out my pocket with the intention to protect myself.
???: "Not so fast little lady, who the fuck are you and why are you in the Slytherin dorms" I was triggered by the grit in his voice and the fire in his eyes so I just kept staring at him blankly. I could see his mouth moving again, but I heard no words. A minute or so later he backed off noticing my incoherence.
???: "What the fuck? Answer me bitch"
Avery: "what the hell Draco!" Avery and the Blaise appeared
Draco: "this random girl was sneaking in the dorms through the old utility door!"
Blaise: "she's new"
Draco: "alright then" with that he walked off breaking me out my trance. I shrugged my shoulders at the two who just arrived before walking towards my dorm, leaving them silent.

When I got there I started the task I was meant to be doing, there was a relatively large wardrobe behind some dark oak doors and I hung my limited supply of clothes in there. It was a calm moment until the door swung open revealing pansy whose expression drastically flipped when she saw me.
Pansy: "you're my roommate!? Omg this is unbelievable why do I have to be dumped with the new bitch!" She spoke to herself more than me so I just turned back to my luggage taking out the rest of my things.
Pansy: "hey don't ignore me mud blood!"
Y/n: "I'm not even a mud blood"
Pansy: "are you talking back now slut"
Y/n: "but you jus-"
Pansy: "oh my god shut up no one cares... Hahaha where's pictures of mummy and daddy, they obviously don't give a shit about you being here if you have no photos of them right?" She said accusatory
Y/n: "what, no- they jus-"
Pansy: "hahahaha omg it's true! you're pathetic, urghhhh do I really have to be burdened with your presence for the rest of the year, why me!" I couldn't reply, I didn't know how to defend myself when everything she was saying we're true anyway. She eventually calmed down and got into bed but I was nowhere near calm, there was a bombardment of thoughts in my head. The words of Pansy and the resembling words of my parents stabbing at my brain over and over again. Giving up I grabbed the pocket knife from my second drawer and went to the bathroom for the only release I knew would work.

I shut the door as quietly as possible and sunk onto the cold white tilled floor. Resting my arm on my knee I rolled up my sleeve and stared at the collection of old, new, small, big, shallow and deep scars, lifting my other hand I placed the knife on a small gap of unscarred skin, after 5 seconds I pressed down hard and dragged the knife through my skin, a thick trickle of blood followed and I watched as it slid down the side of my arm before dripping on the while tiles. I sat with my head leaning against the wall, eyes shut, bathing in the calming pain the cut still released. When it died down so did my peace and I made another cut before the toxic thought cycle restarted. It was shallower but longer, then I made another small cut to make the cuts seem evenly spread, then another and another and another. I let out a sigh as I finally felt satisfied with the blood and pain leaking from my forearm. After revelling in the mental peace for a short while I stood up and rinsed my arm in the sink before drying it with paper towels so I don't stain a towel. I put wrongly fitting plasters on the deepest cuts then walked out the bathroom and slipped into the sheets. I didn't know they'd be so comfortable, but the silk slid across my body and that combined with the peace I just created made me drift quickly asleep.

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