Daughter of the Refuge

By AbbyBrenton05

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"You can't be broken if you've never been whole." Samantha Snyder is one of the people most wounded by the me... More

Daughter of the Refuge
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Author's Note

Chapter Ten

128 7 28
By AbbyBrenton05

Going back in time peeps to the end of her and Jojo's talk, in case of confusion. 

Trigger warning: there is a lot of mention of blood and a dead body. 

"Cassandra's waitin' fah me," she said. "I should go." 

And she walked away.

Samantha sucked in a deep breath as she stepped through the doors of the Lodging House. The entrance was completely empty, a silence filling the air, one that was nearly as loud as any storm would have been. 

She dropped to her knees as she allowed the tears to fall from her eyes, staining the floor with her pain. If she could go back and redo the last hour, she would take back every word she had said to Jojo. 

Watching his reaction was like watching a sunset. One minute there's a beautiful expression filled with light and hope and the next it's erased with darkness and a cold feeling of loneliness. Her words had done exactly what she wanted them to do, but she had never expected it to hurt her as bad as it did. 

Even through the pain, Samantha still knew that she had done the right thing, even if she had done it in the wrong way. Cassandra was right. When Jojo learned the truth he wouldn't understand that she was trying to protect him. And that was why she needed to stop him from digging for the answers. Because if Snyder got ahold of Jojo, Samantha would never forgive herself. 

She ran a hand over her cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears that were spilling from her eyes, but they only seemed to fall faster. 

"Is sorry," she whispered, pressing a hand to her chest as if that would relieve the pain that she felt. "Yous didn't deserve any a dis."

She nearly jumped when she heard footsteps walk across the floor above her head and she stood up, wiping away her tears. She made her way to the bathroom on the bottom level and washed her face with cold water before glancing at her reflection in the dirty mirror. 

"What am I doin'?" She questioned, but her thoughts were halted when a bang ripped through the air, causing the girl to jump. A long silence followed it before two more bangs sounded. Her ears recognized the sound immediately. Gun shots. 

She made her way back to where the rest of the newsies were situated, and found them in complete chaos as everyone was trying to figure out what was going on. Just as she was about to tell everyone to shut up for a minute's silence to think, Jack entered the room, his presence alone drawing the endless noise to a halt. 

"What's goin' on, Jack?" Specs voiced the question that was swirling in everyone's minds. 

"Is everyone 'ere?" A few heads turned, counting the number of people present.

"Jojo's gone," a tall blond that Samantha didn't recognize piped up.

"He's on da porch," she said. 

"You can go Tommy Boy." A few minutes passed as they waited for the two return, mostly filled by everyone questioning Jack. 

"Jojo," Jack sighed in relief when Jojo and the other boy, Tommy Boy, stumbled into the room. "Is that everyone?"

"Mush's gone," Samantha gasped, looking around for the younger boy. 

"Kid Blink," Jack snapped. "Do yous know where he is?"

"He went tah Harlem. Said he'd be back in an hour."

"How long ago was dat?" Kid Blink winced as he glanced at the clock.

"'Bout two hours ago."

"Specs, Race, Albert, and Finch, you guys come with me. Everyone else stays 'ere. Crutchie and Henry, yous're in charge."

"No way," Samantha said. "I'm comin' with ya."

"Not gonna happen," Jack scoffed. Cassandra shot the girl a quick look and nodded. 

"Let her go Jack. You don't have time tah argue."

"I'm not gonna take a girl dat we just met to-"

"Just take her!" Jojo yelled above everyone, startling Samantha at his commanding tone. Everyone glanced at him and he met their gazes steadily, avoiding only one person's eyes. "She knows what she's doin'."

"Fine," Jack said after glaring at Caz and Jojo. "Let's go."

Samantha followed behind the rest of the group, keeping a close eye on Jack. 

"Race and Albert, you two stay in Manhattan and make sure Mush ain't anywhere around-" Another bang sounded, cutting off Jack's words. Samantha couldn't tell how close it was, but anywhere near the Lodging House was far too close for her liking. "Anywhere around here. Specs, you and Finch go tah as many boroughs as yous can manage and ask every newsie ya find if dey've seen him. Ruth, you're coming with me tah Harlem."

"What about da gunshots?" Finch asked. 

"Keep away from da noise as much as ya can. And don't try tah figure out where it's comin' from." Samantha felt Jack's eyes on her. 

"Race, let's go," Albert said, pulling his friend by the arm, and causing everyone else to split up. Samantha followed behind Jack, her eyes scanning the streets for signs of anything mildly suspicious. Another gunshot went off and Jack took a left, heading straight for the noise. 

"Dat's ten since dey started," she heard him mutter.

"Keep away from da noise, huh?" She commented. 

"Dis is the way tah Harlem," said the boy, playing ignorant. 

"Da long way. Is not stupid, I know dat you think da shots are coming from Harlem, and that's exactly where we're headed."

"Mush is da priority right now."

"I know, dat's what I'm saying." Jack turned to look at the girl beside him. 

"Alright, yes, I think Mush is in Harlem where da gunshots are comin' from."

"Well then let's go da shorter way," Samantha said, grabbing his arm and turning them down a back alley.

"There is no shorter way tah Harlem."

"You've lived ya whole life in New York?" He grunted in annoyance. 

"Yes." She gave a small hum, but continued to lead the boy, ignoring his questions. 

"Told ya it was faster," she stated when they arrived. 

"Shuddup," he muttered. The two of them continued through Harlem, making their way to the Harlem Newsies Lodging House. The gunshots had ceased, but there was an eeriness over the borough that made Samantha hesitate before making the finally turn that brought them to the Lodging House. She immediately regretted taking that turn.

The sight was awful. All around there were newsies covered in blood and bruises, most of them between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. The newsies that were too hurt to stand were lying in the streets, wincing in pain, and the ones that could at least walk were making their way around to everyone else, delivering bandages, water, blankets, and even some food. 

Jack was frozen to his spot beside her, and when she turned to look at what had captured his attention, she let out a gasp. 

Ryder, the leader of Harlem, was in the middle of the street, his body still and unmoving, and his clothes stained with a distinct red, marking his end as something other than painless. 

"Jack, go get da otha four," Samantha said, gently pushing the boy away from the scene. "I'll, uh, stay and see if Mush is 'ere." 

To her surprise, he didn't argue, but turned away and headed back in the direction that they had come to bring back more help. 

"Fall! Bria!" She called, gathering the attention of numerous newsies. 

"Ruth," Bria gasped when she saw who it was. She pulled Samantha into a tight hug before releasing her.

"What happened?"

"It started with da Delancey's."

"The Delancey's? As in...?"


"I thought dey were only supposed tah deal with the Manhattan Newsies?"

"Dey are." Samantha narrowed her eyes before gesturing for the girl to continue her story. "They showed up and demanded dat they see Ryder, but he was in no shape tah see anyone, 'specially those two. They dragged some of da others into da streets and wouldn't let 'em go. We fought back, of course, but den more of them started showin' up. Eventually da Delancey brothers got to Ryder and dragged him out 'ere, too. Dat's when Snyder showed up."


"Yeah. We all thought he was supposed tah be in jail."

"He was," Samantha stated.

"You knew 'bout him, didn't you?" Another voice asked, and she turned to see Fall approaching. 

"What makes ya say dat?"

"Yous just seem tah know a lot of things when it comes to the Refuge and Snyder, is all."

"I'm not here 'bout da Refuge or Snyder. I'm here about Mush Meyers. Is he 'ere?"

"Yeah. Why are yous 'ere for him, though?"

"I was in 'Hattan when everythin' happened and went with Jack tah go look for 'im."

"Mush!" Fall called, and the boy ran over, a slight limp in his side that he tried to cover up. 

"Hiya Fall," he greeted before recognizing the girl that stood beside them. "Ruth?"

"I'm gonna go get more bandages," Bria said to Fall before walking back to the Lodging House.

"Mush!" Another voice shouted, drawing the attention of the four. The boy grinned when he caught sight of Jack and Specs, who had Finch, Albert, and Race following closely on their heels. Jack continued moving forward, but the other four drew to a stop as they looked around. 

"Is alright Jack," Mush said when the older boy gently ruffled his hair and gave him a small scolding. 

"Yeah well ya could have been a lot worse." 

"What's 'Hattan doing here?" A boy asked, approaching the group. 

"We're here for our newsie," Jack stated, newsie-shaking with the boy who was evidently the second-in-command. 

"Well, if that's all, den it would be nice if yous could leave Harlem sos we could handle the situation. We don't need any otha boroughs getting involved 'fore we have a chance tah do anything 'bout it."

"Are you sure yous don't need help?" Specs questioned.

"We're fine, thanks," the boy said. Samantha raised an eyebrow at Fall who just shook her head in reply. 

"Okay. Hey, I'm sorry 'bout Ryder," Jack said, his voice breaking at the mention of the former Harlem leader. They had obviously been friends. 

"Me too," the boy said. "Stay outta trouble on your way back."

"Will do," Jack replied and began the walk back to Manhattan. Samantha grabbed Fall's arm and pulled her down to whisper in her ear.

"I want tah know everything dat happened. Can you get me a letter?" The girl nodded and Samantha quickly turned away to follow the other boys. She hadn't ever heard newsies so quiet, but that's what happens when you lose one of your own. 

The moment they got back to the Lodging House, everyone was practically bursting with questions, but none of the returning group wanted to talk about it. Samantha felt Jojo's eyes on her, but she refused to acknowledge him. 

Just as Jack told everyone to go to bed, and Cassandra turned to her, probably to lead her to the room she'd be staying in, Jack caught her eye.

"Ruth, I need tah speak to yous." She raised an eyebrow in question but followed him as he led her up to the roof. He took a seat and gestured for her to do the same.

"Does any of what's been 'appening lately have anything tah do with you?" He asked bluntly. Samantha was quiet for a moment, choosing her words carefully. 

"If you mean, am I the cause of any of it, den no."

"Are yous apart a any of it?"


"Do you know why any of it's 'appening?"


"Do you know anyone involved with what's happening?"

"The Delancey brothers," she stated, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I mean 'sides them."

"I don't know. It's not like they would tell me if dey were involved." He narrowed his eyes at her. 

"Why are the newsies being targeted?"

"Jack, yous're asking these questions as if ya think I'm da one targeting dem. I don't know why it's the newsies that dis is happening to. I don't know everyone that is involved, and I am most definitely not involved in it. But have ya ever thought 'bout the coincidence that Snyder got out of jail and then everything began happening?"

"Are you saying Snyder's behind it all?" 

"I don't know." 

"Have you ever been to da Refuge?" He asked. Samantha's gaze shot up at the off-topic question.


"Have you ever-"

"Been to da Refuge, yeah I got dat. I mean why are yous asking?"

"You just seem familiar, is all." She paused for a moment before replying.

"Uh, yeah I've been dere," she admitted.

"Oh," is all he said. There was a small silence between the two of them before Jack glanced at her. "You can go now. Dat's all I needed."

"Alright then," she said getting up.

"But Ruth," he called, drawing her to a halt. "Just make sure dat you're protectin', not hurtin' dese boys."

"I will," she nodded, and with that, she climbed down from the roof, found Cassandra, and went to bed, hardly saying more than a few words. Her mind was too focused on something Jack had said to her. 

"You just seem familiar, is all."

Dear boy from the Refuge,

I don't know who you are. I don't know why you have been so determined to deliver these kids food, but thank you. You have no clue how much of a help it has been. But I'm not writing this letter out of gratefulness. Your last few drop-offs have been sloppy and not well organized. Snyder knows what you've been doing and he's ready for you. If you don't get better at hiding yourself, you'll be locked in here with the very kids you're trying to save. Leave the food outside the east entrance beneath the Sycamore tree. I will get it and hand it out to the kids, but you need to stop coming into the Refuge for at least two months so that Snyder loses interest in you. I know that you probably won't trust me, but I will leave it in your hands as to what you want to do. And if you don't listen to me and get caught, don't say I didn't warn you. We both want to help these kids, but it starts with making sure you can do it without getting caught and sacrificing your service.

- Ruth

The girl scanned the letter, grateful beyond belief that her mother had taught her how to read and write from a young age. She gently folded the letter in two before placing it on the windowsill that the boy used to get into the Refuge.

She had seen him on numerous occasions, always keeping out of sight, but she knew he had been to the Refuge in the past. He was young, only a year or two older than herself, with dark brown hair that was always stuffed under his newly earned Newsies cap. He would bring the kids food and clothing, and often spent a couple of hours sitting with them and making sure they were doing as good as could be in such a place.

He was their hero.

But it wasn't his actions and attitude toward the kids that made her warn him. No, it was the light in his eyes. The same light that her best friend used to point out in her own eyes day in and day out until it began to grow fainter and fainter. She hardly had any of it left now, and seeing him with such fire and passion made her want to protect him, even though he was older than her and probably in a better place. If she had ever had an older brother, she would have wanted it to have been him.

So there she stayed, watching, waiting, until finally, the window cracked open and the boy's head appeared, soon followed by the rest of him. His eyes immediately found the letter which he picked up and began to read.

Casting his eyes throughout the room, the boy scanned the walls, searching for the writer of the letter, as if he expected them to still be there. She wanted to step out. She wanted to speak to him, say something, see who he really was and learn his reasons for helping the kids, but she knew she couldn't. So she held herself still, pressing her face tightly into the stone walls and becoming one with the shadows.

And he moved on, leaving the girl alone, as she had always been.

The boy didn't listen to the girl and three days later ended up on the floor of the Refuge, left wondering about the mysterious letter he had received and who the writer had been. He realized his mistake of not listening, but it was far too late to take it back. 

That was really long. Any predictions? A lot is happening right now ahah, but it's just the beginning. Hope y'all are enjoying!

I also wanted to say a quick thank you. I have 1.4k reads on Dreams Change and almost 200 votes! When I started writing it, I never imagined that I would even finish it, none the less start writing a series and have people actually seem to like it! So thank you guys for sticking through with the first two books and for your wonderful comments and just for reading! You all are so great and supportive and I never would have been able to get this far without some of you pushing me. (That was longer than I meant it to be but hey lol)

2 Corinthians 4:18- So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

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