Teen Titans: Under The Red Ho...

By ShallotStudioz

91K 1.3K 549

Death. What a funny thing it is. Everyone fears it and hates to speak of it, but when it nears no one cares... More

Bio and Explanation
Teen Titans: Under The Red Hood (Sneak Peak)
Designated Love Interest
The Red Hood
All New Problems
Secrets Revealed
Brother vs. Brother: Battle of the Robins

The Fearsome Hand of Four

7.8K 146 41
By ShallotStudioz

Black Mask's New Office, Jump City

Black Mask: "I believe my last request was too mild in subtlety."

The Black Mask tells his thugs as he leans forward in his chair.


Woman: "Understood. We will be taking further precautions at every transaction."

Black Mask: "Screw that! It's time he learned that this is a contact sport."

The Black Mask says as he stands from his seat.

Black Mask: "We're going on offense. Rough up his business. Something big. Something loud! When he shows up to shut us down, have a party waiting for him. And when I mean party, I mean a whole bunch of guys WHO ARE GONNA KILL HIM!"

Woman: "I figured."

Black Mask: "Just being clear."

The crime boss says as he walks past his secretary. The woman then looks at a nearby man who just sighs and walks away

Random Bar

At a random bar in Jump City, a blue car swerves in front of it and stops momentarily... only to crash itself through the door. Men with guns come out and start tearing up the place, destroying bottles and furniture.

Bartender: "What are you doing? We're protected! We pay up to the Red Hood!"

Thug: "Is that so?"

The thug asks, pointing a gun to the bartender's head.

Outside, the Red Hood is seen watching as a gunshot goes off. The Red Hood chuckles lightly to himself.

Red Hood: "Heh. Cute."

Another Random Location

In an empty dirt lot, two men are seen dragging one of the gang bosses the Red Hood had made work for him. He stirs awake, seeing that he was being led to a red car. He's then thrown into the door, grunting in pain as he struggles to keep himself up.

Thug 3: "Do you know... who you're messing with?"

Criminal 1: "Yeah. Tyler Bradford."

Criminal 2: "You were a club owner and a big damn drug dealer in the East Quarter, right?"

Tyler: "I am the East Quarter Drug Trade... you stupid bags of--"


He freezes as the firs man pulls a gun on him.

Criminal 1: "Listen, fatty. I don't care who takes care of you, but you watch your mouth!"

Tyler: "Then... you know who's got my back. You know who I answer to!"

Criminal 2: "Sure do. The Red Hood."

The man says as he pulls out a bottle of liquor.

Criminal 1: "And we work for a man who's gonna take back what's his."

He says as the other man takes out a lighter and ignites it, bringing it close to the bottle and lighting it on fire.

Criminal 2: "So, at the expense of your very mild butt, we're sending your boss a message."

Tyler's eyes widen in fear as the man raises the bottle to throw at him, only for the bottle to get shot to pieces as fire covers and consumes the man as he screams in pain.

"Okay... what's the message?"

The Red Hood asks as he jumps down and lands on the red car, denting the roof as he looks at the other criminal. The man runs away, however, and Tyler looks up at his boss. Then a female voice calls out.

"A simple one, actually."

The Red Hood turns his head to see four individuals with battle armour, one super big, another with katanas, one with a bo staff, and another with a helmet on.

Katana Lady: "Any guess of what it might be?"

Red Hood: "Surprise me."

Is all the Red Hood says and the lady with the katanas jumps at him, her blades glowing blue as Tyler runs away. The four all rush at the Red Hood who starts shooting at them, only to be blocked by their armor. The katana lady jumps and slices at the Red Hood who moves out of the way and jumps behind her, firing bullets as the big guy charges at him. They attack him all at once, swords slicing, staffs swinging, a giant man smashing his fists into anything he can, and a giant laser from the other guy's face. But all the Red Hood did was dodge the attacks and shoot his guns.

He kicks the bo staff guy's face and ducks under the katana lady, shooting at her and then jumping up to dodge a swing of a bo staff. He then lands and pushes off the back of the bo staff guy, landing away and dodging more slices and swings. He then jumps up high into the air, landing on the fire escape and looking at the four.

Red Hood: "Do you HIVE knockoffs even know who I am?"

The Red Hood asks as he rains lead from above.

Bo Staff Guy: "You are our target!"

Then the mask guy walks up front and blasts a laser from his face, making the Red Hood jump away from the fire escape but only to be blasted away by the following explosion. He drops to the ground and drops his guns, being grabbed by the leg by the big dude and flung into a large pillar holding up a train track.

Red Hood: "Ow..."

He says as the four walk up to him.

Red Hood: "Okay. So you four have all this power, and all you do with it is kill for money?"

Big Guy: "From what I hear, you're not so different from us."

The big guy says as he picks up the Red Hood by the head.

Red Hood: "You heard wrong."

He throws some small explosives onto the big guy's chest and they go off, blowing the guy away as he lets go of the Red Hood. The the bo staff dude swings at him but his target dodges. The katana lady swings her blades at the Red Hood who blocks them with his own knife. He pushes her away as the bo staff guy swings at him. He dodges and strikes him in the face a few times, but the bo staff guy then strikes the Red Hood in the face and sends him away.

Bo Staff Guy: "I thought you'd put up more of a fight."

Red Hood: "Heheh. Oh, the fight hasn't even started yet. I'm just warming up."

The bo staff guy raises his weapon to deliver a lethal blow, only for two blasts of green energy to send him flying away. Then a giant green gorilla, Beast Boy, comes in a smashes his fist into the big guy's face. Then Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven arrive soon after, landing in front of the Red Hood as he stands up.

Red Hood: "Took you all long enough."

Robin: "Shut up and fight."

Robin says and pulls out his bo staff, rushing at the girl with katanas as the others go to fight. Raven takes the guy with the bo staff, Cyborg goes to help Beast Boy, and Starfire goes against the eye-laser dude. The Red Hood joins Starfire since the eye-laser would be a big problem. He sees the Red Hood nearing and fires at him, only for the crime boss to dodge out of the way and the bo staff guy swings at the Red Hood. He dodges and knees him in the stomach, grabbing him and throwing him to the side. Then the katana lady gets away from Robin and goes to slice at her target. The Red Hood dodges most of the attacks, but the final one slices his arm a bit.

Red Hood: "AH!"

He holds his arm in pain and looks at the katana lady, backing away from her as she charges him.

With Cyborg and Beast Boy, the big guy lifts up a car and throws it at them, only to be caught by Beast Boy who transforms into a T-Rex. Cyborg then rushes at the villain and sucker punches him in the face, sending him flying back. Starfire enters the scene as she trades blasts and counterattacks with the eye-laser villain, going toe-to-toe with each other as each of their blasts cancel each other out. Robin is then seen against the bo staff guy, their staffs slamming against each other as they battle across the lot. Cyborg then grabs the big guy, throwing him into the air and is knocked far away by Beast Boy's dinosaur tail.

Cyborg: "Homerun!"

Then the eye-laser guy blasts Cyborg away and gets growled at by Beast Boy who turns into a rhino. He charges him and knocks him back, sending him crashing into a wall.

With the Red Hood, he moves out of the way of multiple sword slices as he's forced back by the katana lady. He then catches her arm in a swing and elbows her back. He then grabs her head and headbutts her, making her fall to the ground unconscious as her katanas lose their glow. Then the Red Hood looks to see Robin still fighting the bo staff guy, attacks hitting their mark occasionally but mostly getting blocked by the other. Then Robin slams his staff hard into the other guy's staff, breaking it in half and Robin punches the guy in the face. He falls to the ground and doesn't get up.

Red Hood: "I gotta say, I missed fighting with you."

Robin was about to speak up, but the eye-laser guy returns and fires at the two.

Red Hood: "Look out!"

The Red Hood pushes Robin out of the way and takes the hit himself, getting knocked to the ground. Robin takes out some birdarangs and throws them at the laser guy, only for him to move out of the way and continue to barrage Robin with a series of blasts. They near each other and engage in hand-to-hand combat, ending with Robin getting kicked to the ground.

As the other Titans go to their leader, the eye-laser guy walks up to the Red Hood who's getting back and kicks him back down. He then pins down all of the Red Hood's limbs as he gets face-to-face with him.

Red Hood: "Getting awfully close. Afraid you'll miss?"

Eye-Laser Guy: "Black Mask just wants a body. We don't need your head."

He says as his mask starts to heat up with power, only for someone to speak.

"Let him go."

They both look to see the Teen Titans all ready to fight, Robin aiming his bo staff at the villain with a glare.

Robin: "And step away."

Eye-Laser Guy: "A metal stick? That's what you got?" *picks up Red Hood and grabs his throat* "Near me, he dies."

Red Hood: "Actually, that'll only go for you."

The Red Hood says as he slides a tazer from his jacket sleeve and grip it, slamming it into the eye-laser guy's face and electrocuting him as he screams in pain. He lets the Red Hood go and takes a few steps back... just before his head explodes, splattering his blood over the wall behind him.

Robin: "No!"

Red Hood: "Just be happy I only killed one of them. They're all assassins!"

Robin: "Then what are you?"

Red Hood: "I'm cleaning up Jump City. More than you ever could."

Robin: "You're stealing territory from Black Mask and killing anyone in your way."

Red Hood: "Black Mask is just part of the plan."

Robin: "Plan? You're becoming a crime lord!"

Red Hood: "Yes! Finally! You get it! You can't stop crime. That's what you and Batman never understood. I'm controlling it! You wanna rule them by fear and power, but what do you do with the ones who aren't afraid? With the ones more powerful? I'm doing what you all won't. I'm taking them out!"

Robin: "Tell me what happened to you. Let me... us help."

Red Hood: "It's too late. You had your chance."

The Red Hood says as he takes out a gas container out of his jacket, but before he could do anything Raven gasped and fell to the ground.

Starfire: "Raven!"

The alien girl goes to help her friend back up as the other Titans go to her to see what happened.

Beast Boy: "Raven, what happened?"

Raven: "I... I looked in his head. I didn't see much, but..."

Red Hood: "It would be wise if you didn't look inside my head."

Raven: "Your emotions... they're a mess. Sadness, anger, rage... you just want affection, don't you?"

The Red Hood was silent, glaring at Raven before raising the canister in front of him.

Red Hood: "What I wanted never wanted me in the first place."

He says before flicking off the cap of the canisters and throwing it to the ground, making the area cloud up with smoke as the Red Hood disappears. Robin looks around for any sign of him, but nothing. Then he looks at the ground and sees the blood covered katanas of one of the villains, the blood belonging to the Red Hood.

Robin' Thoughts: 'There's only one way to know.'

At a far off rooftop, the Red Hood stares at the Titans with squinted eyes. Then he realizes something.

Red Hood: "Where's that one girl?"

Starfire: "Hello, Red Hood."

The Red Hood jumps and turns around with a gun in hand, aiming it at Starfire who somehow snuck up behind him.

Red Hood: "What do you want, girl?"

Starfire: "I just wish to speak."

Red Hood: "Then make it quick. I highly doubt that Dick would want to see another person he cares for dead."

Starfire's eyes widen in shock, but she quickly shakes it off and speaks.

"It's not us you want to hurt, is it?"

The Red Hood is silent once more, lowering his gun as he then gets out his grappling gun.

Red Hood: "Not even close."

Is all he says before grappling himself away and disappearing over a building. Starfire watches on in sadness. The words Raven and he said were stuck in her head, and she could not get them out.

Titans Tower

The next morning at Titans Tower, Robin is seen using a scanning device as he analyzes the blood sample of the Red Hood. On the computer screen in front of him, an image of the Red Hood and an image of [Y/N] Todd in his Red Robin suit are seen as he stares at both of them.

Beast Boy: "Yo, Robin. What'cha doing?"

Robin: "Scanning Hood's blood."

Cyborg: "Why?"

Robin: "I need to be sure."

Cyborg: "Be sure of what?"

Robin stays silent and turns from his teammates, looking back at the screen as it analyzes the blood. Then it completes, and the words make Robin's heart scream.


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