Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider E...

By Paranilla

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**Credit to Rufus147 for the beautiful cover** Elkie Winters is asked by one of her friends about what world... More


-80- **Read Note at the end please**

88 2 0
By Paranilla


I sigh heavily as I place down the catalog with all the bridal stuff that Jennie wants me to look at onto the table. Do I really need to do all of this? Can't I just have a wedding without anything too much?

"Jennie, ease up on it," Walter says, sighing heavily. "She's overwhelmed like I am. This place is really interesting and has so much going on for it."

"Yeah, you don't say?" Kiriya puts his feet up on the table, just relaxing. "Hey, why was I invited to this little get together? Is there something special about my help?" 

"Well, you started all of this," I say, staring at the bike boy. "You're going to help me finish this. My wedding to Emu will be perfect, like my relationship with Emu. Got it? Good." 

"Noted. Anyways, that Bugster is where?" Hiiro asks. Right. He's here with Saki to help with the menu for the delicious party after the wedding. 

"Getting the dress with Sakura," Jennie answers. "Taiga is busy, so he can't be here with all of us. So, we're doing this as a team. Poppy wasn't invited due to her trying to get me to have party music at the wedding. We have slow dance music because it's romantic."

"Let me guess..." Kiriya takes his feet off the table and leans forward, eyes on Jennie. "No one gets to debate this with you?"

"No one is allowed to," I say. "Jennie is the right person to make a playlist for the dance afterwards. We must all find someone to have a romantic dance with or watch in shame."

"Walter, you're going to be the one watching in shame," Jennie states, laughing. "Taiga is going to dance with me whether he wants to or not. Also, a guest list update here for you all, Nico is coming to town. So, be ready to see her dancing with someone."

"Right. She has a guy into her doesn't she?" I remember now. "Will Taiga dance with her?"

"A friendly dance only." Jennie isn't about to let any other woman cozy up to her man. 

"Hey..." Sounds like our friendly neighborhood Bugster, Parad.

I look over as Parad approaches us, holding his hands behind his back. Okay, something is up. What did he do now?

"Parad, what are you hiding behind your back?" Jennie asks, getting to the point. "We sent you to get the dress. So, where is the dress?"


"Spit it out," I order. 

"Yeah, where's the dress?" Hiiro asks. "We need to see it before the wedding to make sure it is what Elkie deserves to wear." 

I nod my head. "What he said. So, my dress?" 

"That's the problem..." Parad moves what is behind his back to the front of him. "It's wrecked because I landed in a puddle of mud." 

I stare at my dress, which is now all brown, and sigh. 

"Sorry..." Parad seems really bummed about destroying my dress.

"How can you just say that?" Jennie asks him. "What about her precious wedding day? It is going to have to be postponed now."

"Way to go," Hiiro comments.

"Yeah, it's ruined," Kiriya says in agreement. "So, when is the wedding now?"

I stand up. "We can salvage the dress. I'm going to need some help to do so. Anyone know anyone who can use a needle without stabbing themselves?" 

"Nico will be here in time for the wedding. We can fly her here early. She's good at fixing up her own stuff to fit her personality. I would assume she can use a needle just fine," Hiiro says, offering Nico up. "Remember, she changed that Kamen Rider Chronicle typical player outfit to suit her personality."

"We are going to need to buy materials to fix this dress. Let's get some black dye, some golden shiny ribbons or something, and a few other things today," I tell them. "Parad, keep Emu busy. Whatever you do, don't let him know about the dress."

"Shouldn't it be white?" Kiriya asks.

"I'm not buying another dress. We're going to custom make my dress," I state, eyes going to the bike of the group. "You, give me a ride." 

He nods and gets up. "Right." 

Time to get to work.


(A few days later)

Nico crosses her arms over her chest, tilting her head a bit.

"You had me come here for this?" she asks. "Yes, of course I can use a needle decently. I like to make custom attire sometimes. What? Don't you all know how to do that?" She looks around at us.

"Well, we could have tried to, but we didn't want to stab ourselves. So, can you fix it or not? Jennie drew up what you could do," I respond. 

Nico yanks out her phone and stares at the message Jennie sent her.

"Well?" I want to know.

"Yeah, tell us if you can or can't," Hiiro says.

"I can do that, but I'm not sure if it'll be perfect or not," she says. "I'm not the most skilled person for the job. I am talented as hell though. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a designer and never made a piece like the one you want."

She's put together buttons on stuff before, but I know her talent goes deeper than that. I'm sure she'll be a good cosplayer in the future if she decides to do so. She has all kinds of talents inside her.

"Just do your best." I smile. "I believe in you, Nico."

"Of course you do!" Nico exclaims, sounding a bit annoyed. "Why are you too nice? Seriously, you remind me of Emu." 

"We are one half of each other pretty much these days." We will definitely be after our wedding. "We are going to become one, so I hope that is how we are seen. I want to be his other half, Nico."

"Yeah, I'm aware of how the entire 'Be with me for the rest of your life' thing works." Nico looks over at Jennie. "She's Taiga's other half."

Jennie nods her head and grins. "He really is my other half. I honestly enjoy being with him so much. Elkie's going to enjoy her life more once she is connected to Emu for the rest of her entire life. They are practically married already anyways."

"Yeah, I live with him." I also share his bed. "I hope that you can finish the dress in time for my wedding with him. Just in case though, I'm going to have to get something else to wear. I'm not missing my wedding for anything in the world." 

"But you said you-"

"I don't want to marry without my dream dress, but I will do it if I have to. Nothing is keeping me from marrying the man of my dreams." Who I thought was a sexy Bugster at first, but it is definitely a hot doctor named Emu Hojo. "Elkie Hojo is going to be who I am in the future and I want it so damn bad." 

I honestly can't imagine my life without Emu. Yeah, I lived it without him for a bit, but that was the hardest thing I did in the world. The world I went back to wasn't the same as the world here I have with him and my friends. I had Walter, but I didn't have the others. That life was so difficult and I had a hard time adjusting to the fact I left this world at first.

"We should get you home," Jennie suggests. "Or to work. I'm sure Hiiro is wanting you to come back to the hospital as soon as you possibly can."

"Yes, that is what I want," Hiiro states. "I am sorry for vanishing for a brief moment, but I had to get something sweet to eat nearby. I noticed on the map app I have that there is a shop that sells really good cakes." Him and his sweet tooth.

"Did Saki stay there?"

"She's at work," Hiiro answers. 

I look over at him as Kiriya comes in behind him. "Hey," he says casually. "Anyone in need of a ride?"

Oh, I definitely do.


I sit down beside Emu as he eats his sandwich, devouring it quickly due to not eating for a long period of time. He was probably busy handling his patients, which is way more important than anything else in his mind. Well, minus me and making people smile. Then again, taking care of his patients does lead to smiles for them.

"You are so hungry," I comment, bringing my hand to his soft arm. "How about you let me cook for you sometime?"

He swallows and turns his head a bit, staring at me. "You're going to make me some ramen noodles?"

"Yeah, my specialty," I respond, nodding with a smile on my face. "Do you want me to make you something like that? I can always get a cook book and make you something from that. I am willing to learn how to be a better woman for you." 

"You don't have to cook to do that. You do enough in my eyes," he says, smiling softly. "Elkie, you're the only woman for me. I accept you as you are. I don't expect you to be perfect in all what society expects a woman to do." 

"I know, but I want to be a good cook for you. Besides, I work less hours than you and eating out is bad for our health."

"Ramen isn't good for it either."

I sigh. "Yeah, I know."

"Elkie, let's worry about that some other time." He puts down his sandwich and leans in towards me. "I love you as you are and I want to spend sometime with you. How about we go on a date tomorrow? I already have it approved by Hiiro to get out with you and hang out." He does?

"Hiiro didn't mention that earlier when I hung out with him." Stupid icy doctor. "Sure, let's do that. I hope that we don't have to bring Parad with us."

It isn't like I mind taking the Bugster with us, but I would love to be alone with Emu for a bit. Even if it is five minutes, I want to be alone with him. We need this time to be alone. Once we have babies, we're going to be unable to always hang out with each other alone.

"Parad is going to be busy."

I move closer to him and kiss his cheek. "I love you."

"Hey, no lovey-dovey stuff before my eyes," Kuroto orders as he comes into the room. "Anyways, I heard that you two are going to have the most beautiful wedding ever. Poppy was telling me all about it and all I can think is that I'm glad it wasn't that Bugster." 

"Parad has a woman," Emu states, eyes going over to Kuroto. "How come I can never be alone with Elkie for a bit?"

"Don't come to the CR then," Kuroto snaps. "This is my place now. Ever since I've been under arrest, I'm forced to be here all day and pay my dues." 

"I can't see why they would do that to you," I say, rolling my eyes as I move away from Emu. "I'm going to go back to our home now. Emu, take care and keep an eye on him. Once you come home, let's have a little alone time."

"Sounds good." Emu nods. "And thanks, Kuroto! You are making her leave by being here."

"My bad," Kuroto says, not even feeling sorry for doing so.

I hold back the urge to laugh and roll my eyes again. "See you two later."

It is time to go home and plan more wedding details out. Then I will let Jennie know what I've decided out of the options she has given me. The wedding is going to be the best wedding in the galaxy. 

A/n: We have 7k reads on this. Oh my goodness! Thank you all so much for the reads. It means so much to me. This chapter was going to be a lot longer, but I decided to cut back after something came to my attention. Read below on what is going on. 

PS: It has come to my attention that a website has been taking my stories and profiting off them with ads. For the mean time, all stories will have images with a warning until they give up on taking my stories. I am fine if anyone messages me to translate it and post elsewhere for other readers who cannot speak English, but I'm not fine with someone stealing it and profiting off it. I know the images are annoying, but it has to be done. Wishful Dreams hasn't been targeted by them, but it could end up that way. I ask you for your understanding of this situation and to please only read my stories here on Wattpad. If I post elsewhere, you will be told about it by me. I will be looking into other alternatives to Wattpad just in case this keeps happening. Thank you so much and I am truly sorry about this all. 

And before I officially bow out of this post, I must advise anyone with stories to look themselves up on Novelhd. Be careful as the site may contain malicious links/malware. After that, post a notice as I have done in my chapters about it (I used images as they like to edit their name out of any text you write). There is not much that can be done about it as they hide themselves. I will keep updating despite what is going on. 

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