Kendall and Logan's dumpster...

By Priceisrightrusher

14.6K 461 33

Kendall Schmidt and Logan Henderson were walking hand in hand down the street one day, and they hear crying c... More

Baby Fever
Dumpster babies
Getting all of the babies checked out
Bringing the twins home
Juggling three kids
Getting the other nursery ready
Bringing the other babies home from the hospital
Seeing Aspen and India,and getting them back
Bringing Aspen and Lizzy home, and sad news
Christmas time with the Schmidt's
Logan talks to Kendall
Three months later
Procedure day
Crawling & finding out the gender
Shopping with the girls & Logan has some fun with Kendall
I need names
Hospital tour
Jordyn is born part 1
Kendall & Logan bond with Jordyn
The girls meet Jordyn
Logan & Jordyn come home
Jordyn's first night home part 1
Settling the babies back in
Juggling all of the babies
Lizzy comes back into the picture
Shopping and getting ready for Mother's day
Getting ready 4 Kyla party
Kyla's Birthday
Kyla's birth part 1
Kyla's birth part 2
Kyla's birth part 3
First birthday part 1
Spending time with the babies in the hospital
Bringing Leighton home
Leighton's homecoming
Leighton's first night
Bringing the other babies home
Seeing the other babies
Sequel answer
Getting the new one's settled
Sorry just a warning
Brielle & Brynlee crawl
Preview: Brielle needs glasses
Brielle needs glasses
Preview: Costume party
Halloween party
Sequel Titles
Please pick a title
Rest of the chapters
Mother's day 2.0
Dreams will be coming
Kyla's dream
Lizzy's dream preview
Lizzy's dream
Lizzy's dream part 2
Aspen's dream
Aspen's dream part 2
Indie 2.0 preview
Indie 2.0
The others meet Indie for the first time
I am going to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy new year
Ellie and Ella dream
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wishing everyone a merry Christmas and happy holidays
Part 5
Part 6
Take 2
Part 7
Part 8
Happy Easter & maybe next week
Part 9
Happy 4th
Final part
The birth part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Happy Easter
Part 7
Mother's Day chapter
On hold
Still on hold

Jordyn is born part 2

288 10 0
By Priceisrightrusher

"Kyla, Lizzy behave yourselves please?" Logan asks from the hospital bed where he was getting hooked up to monitors to monitor Jordyn's heart rate

Kyla and Lizzy were being typical two year olds at the moment and was getting into everything, and were running up and down the halls

"I hope James comes soon" Kendall says as he feeds the babies their breakfast cause they were hungry at the moment

"Me too cause he will take them to the park to run off their energy" Logan says as he experiences a contraction at the moment

Soon Logan's phone goes off

"Who is it Logie?" Kendall asks him as he wipes the babies mouths after they were burped

"it's James saying that he can't make it today, and the girls are stuck here with us" Logan says from the hospital bed that he was laying in

"That is just great I hope the girls settle down soon" Kendall says as the babies get up to go chase after their big sisters

"Me too it sounds like they are disturbing other patients" Logan says when he hears mothers scream from the hospital rooms

"I'll go get them" Kendall says as he goes after the girls who were going to be in a lot of trouble when they were brought back to the room

Kendall and Logan texted and called their parents to take the girls for a while cause they were getting into too much mischief right now and Kendall couldn't be in two places at once with the kids

"My parents and my sister is taking the older girls" Logan says after he got a response back from his parents who texted him back after a while

"The babies will stay here cause I have not heard from my parents at all" Kendall says as he comes back into the room with the babies and the little girls

"That's fine I don't mind the babies" Logan says as he gets up to go walk around for a while to help Jordyn get into the birth canal more

"I don't either" Kendall says as he gets the older girls ready to go with papa and nana Henderson while Papa was having the baby

Kendall's brothers were going to take the babies and Kendall was grateful for that cause he wanted to help Logan with his labor which was getting painful for him

"The babies are gone, so now I can help you with your labor" Kendall says when the last of the babies were gone

"That's good I want to get a far as i can before it gets to be too much for me" Logan says as they continued to walk the labor and delivery floor

When Logan was hit with a contraction Kendall would rub and massage Logan's back and Logan held onto Kendall as the contraction was going through his body

"Is it over?" Kendall asks Logan

'Yeah let's keep walking" Logan says as they go back to walking the floor

"When do you think Jordyn will be born?" Kendall asks Logan

"Before midnight i know that much" Logan says as they continued to walk the halls to help speed up labor, so they could bond with little Jordyn

After walking the floor for two hours Logan wanted to go back to the room cause the contractions were starting to be too strong for him

"Logie do you want an epidural?' Kendall asks him

"Once i see how far I am dilated I will decide on that then" Logan says as they head back to the room to get settled in for the rest of the labor process

"Do you want to have a water birth?" Kendall asks Logan

"I might want a water birth if we can use the tub cause that sounds nice right about now" Logan says as they enter the room

"Okay I'll start the bath" Kendall says as he gives Logan a kiss before going into the bathroom to get it ready for Logan

Logan bounced on the labor ball after he closed the door to his hospital room cause he didn't want the nurses to come in in almost every hour to check on him or break his water he wanted things to go smoothly for Jordyn's birth

"Okay Logie it is ready" Kendall says as he exits the bathroom after he got the bath tub ready

Logan gets up and goes into the bath tub that the hospital had for mothers who wanted to labor in there

"Better Logie?" Kendall asks him

"Much" Logan says as he relaxes in the water

(Few hours later)

"These hurt Kenny" Logan says as he lays in the hospital bed cause the nurses wanted to check to see how far he progressed and to see if his water had broken

"I know they do Logie and I will be right here helping you the rest of the way" Kendall says as he comforts Logan

Logan was dilated enough that he was able to get an epidural cause he wanted to get some sleep for the big moment which he was completely nervous about. Kendall was able to get some sleep as well cause helping Logan with the labor was a lot of work on him and he couldn't wait for all of this to be over and little Jordyn was in their arms

(Ten o clock at night)

"Well Logan you are fully dialted are you ready to try pushing?" the doctor asks him

Logan shakes his head no cause he wasn't ready at all

"Logan you got this" Kendall says as the nurses put Logan's legs in the stirrups

"No I do not want the nurses in here that wasn't part of my birth plan at all" Logan says as his lower half was covered cause it was almost time to push

"Logan just pretend they ain't there" Kendall says as he takes his place by the bed

"Okay" Logan says as he gets ready to push

"Okay Logan start to push on the next contraction" the doctor says to him

Logan started to push with all of his might

"Good Logan I can see the head" the doctor says as he sees the baby head come into view

"Here that Logie our little Jordyn is almost here" Kendall says with the excitement in his voice

Logan continued to push cause his lower half was on fire

"Keep going Logan the head is almost out" the doctor says to him as Logan continued to push Jordyn out into the world

Logan kept going until the head was out

"Dad will you like to see?" the doctor asked him

Kendall took a peak at Jordyn coming into the world

"Okay Logan a couple more strong pushes and the baby will be here" the doctor says to him

Logan nodded and went back to pushing Jordyn into the world

"One last push Logan and she will be here" the doctor says to him

Logan gave the last push his all until he heard that cry

"Congrats it's a girl" the doctor says as he holds up the wailing newborn

"Logie she's here" Kendall says as he cries tears of joy

The doctor placed Jordyn on Logan's chest

"She is a big girl" Kendall says when he admires the little baby

"Yes she is" Logan says as Kendall cuts her umbilical cord

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