Unchangeable Heart (Bleach re...

By ghostsmonaca

40.8K 869 165


Prologue pt. 1
Prologue pt. 2
Chapter 1: Recruits
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: Ichigo meets the Visored
Chapter 4: More training?
Chapter 5: Lieutenant Kyōraku
Chapter 6: Garganta
Chapter 7: Baraggan
Chapter 8: Aizen and Tōshirō
Chapter 9: Aizen Sōsuke
Chapter 10: (Y/n) VS Aizen
Chapter 11: Inner World
Chapter 12: Awoken
Chapter 13: Muken
Chapter 14: Human world
Chapter 15: House Kurosaki
Chapter 16: Mayuri's experiments
Chapter 17: Kurosaki Yuzu
Chapter 18: Xcution
Chapter 19: Ginjō Kūgo
Chapter 20: The Third Division
Chapter 21: Kira Izuru
Chapter 22: Life as a Captain?
Chapter 23: Duties of a Captain
Chapter 24: Ichigo's decision

Past Chapter 1: Hollowfication

600 9 1
By ghostsmonaca

100 years ago

You were strolling through the streets of Seireitei, there really wasn't anything to do. Alright, except for investigating these weird disappearances.

"(Y/n)." Someone called out to you.

You looked behind you, eyes locking on a certain blond haired Captain. "Yo Kisuke. What's wrong?"

"I need to you to do something for me." He started, putting his hands on your shoulders. "I think that those Souls, well they underwent something horrible. I want you to go check it out."

You frowned. "Sure but why me? Ask your own Lieutenant."

Kisuke stood up and sheepishly scratched the back of his neck. "Hehe well that's the problem. You see, I don't think she likes me."

You sighed, crossing your arms. "Typical Hiyori." Hiyori and you had been friends since you became the Lieutenant of Squad 11. At times you'd go out together. "Have you asked Shinji?"

Kisuke looked around nervously. "I don't want to ask Captain Hirako for such a favor... I'm only a new Captain after all."

You grunted. "Fine. Only because it's you who's asking. Where am I supposed to go?"

In actuality you already knew where to go. You were already planning to go there, Aizen invited you in order to show you what he was planning.

"Alright." Kisuke jumped up happily and got out a map of Rukongai. "This part. Just go and look and come back."

You took the map and nodded. "Seems easy enough. Are you the one who'll be telling my Captain?"

Kisuke frantically shook his head, waving his hands in front of him. "Captain Kenpachi? No way! You're crazy, (Y/n)!" He whined.

You chuckled, petting Kisuke on his shoulder with a soft smile. "I'll be soon back."

"Be careful!" He yelled as you shunpo'd all the way to Rukongai. On your way there, you stopped at the dango shop in Rukongai.

The man, who owns the shop was happy to see you again. "Kyōraku-sama, welcome back! The usual order?"

You nodded, taking out your money. "Can you also add an extra skewer of cha dango (green tea flavored)?"

"Sure!" The man said happily, turning around to prepare it. "What brings you to Rukongai this time?"

You sighed, putting your arms on the counter. "Souls have been disappearing in Rukongai, I'm here to check it out."

The boss looked rather worried and surprised. "Really now? That's concerning. You should be careful."

You chuckled, smiling. "You know me! I'm always careful."

The man dumbfounded with a soft grin. "Coming from you that's hard to believe."

You put the money of the counter. "Here's your money. How's business going?"

The man gladly took your money and began counting it. "Same as ever. And Kyōraku-sama, this is much more than I need!" He said, putting some money back on the counter along with your ordered dango.

You chuckled slightly, taking your dango off the counter. "You can keep it! Take it as a sign of gratitude for making such nice dango."

"I can't possibly take this!" The man kept denying your money."

"Well I can." Someone said from behind you guys. Upon turning around, you saw three men, they had little to-no reiatsu.

You frowned, inspecting them from head to toe. "I have never seen you three around... Who are you?"

The three formed a little gang, the leader had black hair in a low ponytail and was the tallest. One of other two had short brown hair and was wearing glasses, he was almost as tall as the leader. The last one also had brown hair but in a mullet and he was the shortest.

"We're a recently formed gang here in Rukongai. Our sole purpose is to go up against the Shinigami." The leader stated.

You blinked, unable to believe them. "Seriously?"

The man nodded, resulting in you laughing so hard you couldn't stand anymore. "Against? The Shinigami?" You asked in between your laughs. "Y'all are crazy!"

The leader crossed his arms and and waited patiently for you to finish. "We are serious and if you'd like, we'll prove it to you." They all took a fighting stance.

You got up from the ground and looked at the boss with a soft smile. "Boss, please take your money. I really don't want them to take it."

The man wore a frightened expression but calmed down more when he saw your smile. "Alright. Thank you for buying my dango again."

You nodded, still smiling. "Alright." Then you turned back to the gang and your expression changed to a serious one. "Look, I'm in a hurry right now. Why don't you three go annoy some other Shinigami and let me go."

The leader wore a big smirk on his face, seemingly not even fazed by you. "Too scared to take us on?"

You sighed, if it weren't for the other citizens you'd be releasing more reiatsu to scare them. That is not an option in this case, you'd be hurting the citizens too.

In Rukongai you always keep your reiatsu low in order not to hurt any citizens. "I'm not scared, I just don't have time for this right now."

Then you began walking away. You knew they decided to follow you, which wasn't a problem because you were leading them to a forest.

Eventually you reached it and you turned around. "Now I can fight."

"So you weren't running away after all." The leader said, taking out a wooden katana.

The other two also got their wooden katanas out. You frowned, deciding to just take it easy. "This'll be over soon."

At that moment you released as much reiatsu as your standard Lieutenant would. The three immediately collapsed, grasping for air.

You crossed your arms and sighed in disappointment. "I knew this would happen. You three barely have any reiatsu and you thought you'd be able to stand up against me?"

The leader managed to crawl up to his knees. "W-Who are you?"

You frowned, surprised they didn't even know. "I'm not just an officer. I'm the Lieutenant of the 11th Division. Kyōraku (Y/n)."

"L-Lieutenant?!" The brown haired male stuttered.

The other just stayed to the ground but managed to mutter: "11th Division?"

You nodded. "Precisely. Lieutenant, as in 2nd strongest in the Squad after the Captain and 11th Division as in the strongest Squad in the 13 Protection Squads."

As you lowered your reiatsu, the three stood back up again. You shook your head at them and used the shunpo to get to Aizen.

Eventually you got there. Aizen was standing in an open space in the forest with Tōsen next to him. "Look who has arrived."

You landed next to him and wiped your clothes clean. "What is it you wanted to show me?"

"You're late." Tōsen remarked.

You scoffed. He knew all too well that you were stronger than him. Tōsen just felt more superior because he got to stand next to Aizen. "There was a small hold up. Also Sōsuke."

Aizen took the skewer of dango that you handed him. "What is this?"

"Cha dango." You replied, eating your own dango in the meantime. "The one you always picked when we would visit that shop."

Aizen smiled a little, you're the only one he'd show that side to. "Thank you (Y/n). That's very nice of you. Kaname, start it."

"Yes sir." Tōsen replied and soon two innocent Souls of Rukongai were in front of you.

It were two that you hadn't seen before. They were both unconscious. Before you even realized, the two were in immense pain.

Even sooner, they went up in dust. You looked at the set of clothes in front of you and back at Aizen. "What did you do?"

"White it's a method to Hollowfication although these Souls are far too weak to handle it." Aizen replied. "(Y/n), join us. You know my true intentions, it would benefit you too."

You looked to side. "I don't know Sōsuke. Technically I should be reporting you... But I can't... You're my best friend. Give me a day, I'll give you my answer tomorrow."

Aizen nodded with his usual fake smile. "Very well. Let us go, Kaname."

As you watched Aizen leave, you stood there alone. There was absolutely no one around, just you and your thoughts. "What should I do..."

"Is it that difficult?"

"Enkai? Yes it's difficult. I'd love to help Sōsuke out. I know his intentions are good but the way he's handling things is just wrong." You told the Zanpakuto spirit.

Enkai sighed. "It's your choice. I'll be here anyways."

You chuckled, a small smile appearing on your face. "That's true. Thanks Enkai. I'll just report to Kisuke now."

"Are you going to tell him that it's Sōsuke?"

You shook your head, smirking a little. "Of course not. He trusts me with this so I won't betray him."

"Oh well, your choice."

With that you took off, all the way through Rukongai, through the Seireitei, to the Squad 12 barracks. "I'm here for Kisuke." You told the two guards.

They nodded, opening the gates for you. "Captain Urahara is expecting you, Lieutenant Kyōraku."

You bowed to them with a smile. "Say, what do you guys think of Kisuke as a Captain? You can be honest with me."

The guards looked at each other and eventually the one on the right spoke up. "Well, he's always joking around. Not many people take him seriously but... I think he has something otherwise he wouldn't be promoted to Captain."

"I agree." The other one said.

You smiled. "Valid answers. Have a nice day you two."

The two guards bowed as you walked inside, on your way to Kisuke's office. Soon you found it, it was completely redecorated to his liking. "Hey Kisuke. I'm back."

Kisuke ran up to you through all his equipment and smiled. "Welcome (Y/n)! Make yourself at home." He then turned to his Squad. "I'm in the room next-doors! Hiyori, you've got the lead!"

Hiyori grunted. "(Y/n)! Ya better get back quickly! I ain't willin' to deal with this!"

You smiled at her and waved. "Sure thing!"

Then Kisuke lead you to the room next-doors. He sat down on his knees on a pillow. You did the same and sat down in front of him. "I'm afraid I was too late. When I got to that destination, there were two piles of clothes."

Kisuke looked rather disappointed. "That's a shame. I'm glad you're fine though."

You smiled, standing up and straightening your clothes. "I'm going again, if you need anything else, you can find me in the barracks."

Kisuke stood up as well. "Thank you for doing this for me. Be careful!"

You clicked with your tongue, a smile on your face. "I'm not that kid anymore that needs constant protection."

Kisuke chuckled as he watched you leave the barracks. You made your way to the Squad 11 barracks and settled down in the Captain's office.

There was a little couch, which you put there because it was boring otherwise. It was already pretty late in the evening, since your sleep schedule is messed up, you decided to start your paperwork.

"(Y/n)?" It was Zaraki. He walked inside his office. "What are you doing here so late?"

You looked up to your Captain and smiled. "Doing paperwork. Why are you here, Captain?"

"Forgot my haori." Zaraki replied, taking his haori off his chair and putting it on. "There's a Captain's meeting."

You jolted up and smiled. "I'm going too. I'm sure Lisa is somewhere outside."

Zaraki smirked. "Alright, keep up then."

He shunpo'd away and you followed easily. Zaraki went inside and you walked to the side. "Yo Lisa."

"(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Lisa asked when she saw you join her.

You looked through the little window and smiled. "Same as you. Spying on the meeting."

Eventually the meeting started, Kisuke wasn't there yet. Yamamoto was talking about the disappearances of the Souls in Rukongai.

You and Lisa exchanged a few gazes when Kisuke ran inside and began yelling about Hiyori. "Hiyori..."

Lisa put a hand on your shoulder. "She'll be fine."

Yamamoto continued. "I'll send a squad to investigate. Hirako Shinji, Aikawa Love, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō, Ushōda Hachigen and Kyōraku Shunsui."

Shunsui put his hand up. "Yama-ji, can I send my Lieutenant? Lisa-chan?"

"Yes?" Lisa peered up, looking through the window. She pulled you up as well. "(Y/n)'s here too."

You looked through the window and smiled. "Yo Shunsui, Yama-ji."

Yamamoto looked extremely disappointed, like usually. "Alright. The new squad.
Captain of the 5th Division, Hirako Shinji
Captain of the 7th Division, Aikawa Love
Captain of the 3rd Division, Ōtoribashi Rōjūrō
Lieutenant of the 8th Division, Yadōmaru Lisa
Lieutenant of the 11th Division, Kyōraku (Y/n)
Vice-Kidō Chief of the Kidō Corps, Ushōda Hachigen."

Lisa took your wrist and took off. You ran with her. "Why me? I never wanted to do this."

Lisa sighed. "Don't complain. You're a Lieutenant. Do this for the 13 Protection Squads."

You grunted, getting your wrists out of Lisa's grip. "What a pain. Shinji! Where are we even going?"

Shinji sighed. "Why are ya askin' me? Shouldn't ya know this?"

You shook your head. "Why would I know this?"

Before Shinji could answer, the whole group encountered a Hollowfied Kensei and Mashiro. You didn't want to believe it.

"Wake up, Enkai." You mumbled, slashing your Zanpakuto down, making it turn in a scythe.

"(Y/n)! Ya can't attack him!" Hiyori yelled. "He's our friend!"

You looked with a pained expression to Hiyori. "Do we have another choice?! We die or they die. There is no other option!"

Hiyori looked down at the ground, she knew you were correct. Shinji unsheathed his Zanpakuto as well. "Hiyori, stay with me."

You charged with Lisa at Mashiro and began attacking her. Mashiro was a lot stronger and faster. It was difficult to keep up with her and block her attacks.

Even when Hachi came to restrain the two, it still wasn't enough. Suddenly everything went black, you were all unable to sense each other.

"What's going on?" You mumbled to yourself, looking around for anyone but to no avail, no one was there.

Then you got cut in the back, you kneeled down, suddenly seeing everyone else down as well. "W-What?"

Aizen. It was Aizen. "My, what a sight."

You frowned, breathing heavily and barely holding on to consciousness. "Sōsuke. My answer..."

Aizen looked at you, it seemed like there was no life left in his eyes. "Yes, (Y/n)?"

You did your best to lay down in a more comfortable position and smiled. "I was thinking about it when doing my paperwork and I decided to join you."

There was a slight hint of surprise in Aizen's eyes but it disappeared as soon as it came. "But?"

"But I'm afraid I don't have that long." You finished your sentence, gripping your Zanpakuto. "I can feel it... The Hollow."

Aizen crouched down next to you and caressed your cheek. He whispered: "I'm sorry (Y/n). I hadn't expected to see you here."

You sighed. "Can't change fate eh?"

Aizen stood back up, not an ounce of emotion detectable on his face. "Do you hate me?"

"For hurting my friends? Yes, a lot. For doing this? No, not at all. If you're asking yourself, why is the Hollow so far away? It's because I'm keeping my cool."

Aizen's smirked returned. "Is that so? Well, would you like to be my assistant and let the Hollow take over?"

You chuckled, looking at Shinji, who was yelling at you. There was no sound though. It was like everyone except for Aizen was on mute. "Sure."

Soon the white took over your whole body. It was a lot less painful than expected but the last thing you remembered was the Hollow mumbling a 'Thank you'.

Word count: 2663

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