The Lost Daughter: Earth's Ro...

By valmartinez_7

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In a world that's about to fall into chaos it is up to them to restore its balance. Jirina is a noble, not a... More

Chapter 1

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By valmartinez_7

"MY LADY, we are ready to dress you, when you are", my lady maid brought me back from the daydream I had drifted myself off to. I stood in my bedroom chambers, still dripping wet from the slightly cold bath I just had taken, hugging the silk I used to cover my naked body. "Right, yes, I'm ready", I cleared my throat forcing a smile on my face. Today, was the day before my, to me, unexpected wedding to Prince Bastian of Alinac. Unexpected because, I had not known of this affair until yesterday, when my father walked into my chambers to declare that I was to marry the King of Alinac's second son in order to unite our houses. With such union, Mirellia, my small but, very resourceful kingdom and Alinac, could join forces and rule over every kingdom scattered upon the east and west. Alinac was our capital, where the king and queen reside, Mirellia and every other kingdom were small and ruled by the nobles the king and queen assigned. My father being such a good knight was awarded the responsibility of this small but very beautiful land. We never ventured to the north, and we, dare say, never even thought about venturing to the south. A land so diseased, only a few travelers with unspoken abilities have been know to get by. I was a noble yes, not too important to be married off to the heir to the throne but, just as important to be married off to a prince. I've never met Prince Bastian but, rumors were that he was very reserved and respectful. I was almost grateful at that, even though I never intended to marry like this. I knew some day my duty would come before my wishes but, I was hoping that in being just a noble it would give me a chance to actually know someone and maybe fall in love before I was handed off in marriage. I couldn't be ungrateful though, I had just turned twenty-one, I had my years of fun. Some poor girls, got married off at merely sixteen and a year after they had a baby suckling their tit. Then, there was the fact that I was also getting married to a prince, and even though I didn't know him, if he would be cruel or not, if he would only use me for procreation, I had to accept my fate. A fate that I had until this day, avoided. Now, here I was, preparing for a feast, which purpose was introducing the newly engaged couples, Princess Kallistê of Bellrose and Prince and heir to the throne, Nikolai of Alinac followed by Prince Bastian and myself. Our wedding would take place first tomorrow and theirs by the end of the week, since it was the real important event. After that, it would be a couple of weeks until the coronation.

"Oh, I will make you look so beautiful! Prince Bastian will be very pleased. They say he is the most handsome of them all. Isn't that wonderful? You don't get a King but, you get the handsome prince"  my youngest lady maid Rowena, said cheerfully. "Beauty only lasts a second, Rowena. If he is an awful man then he might as well be ugly like the rest of them", I stated as she brushed my hair. "Sit up straight, Lady Jirina, ladies are supposed to have good posture; and don't let those comments slip through your lips tonight", my older lady maid Dorothea, angrily scolded at me. I giggled at her annoyance. "Cheer up, Dorothea, soon you won't have to stand my witty remarks anymore. I'll be out of your hair for good", I said smiling sadly. "Silly girl, I raised you. I held you with these humble hands when you were born and since then I've never let you out of my sight. So don't you dare think I won't miss you. You're a pain in the arse, but you are my pain in the arse" she scolded me while the corners of her mouth lifted up a little. My eyes started to water, this house was all I've ever known, well this small castle was all I've ever known. My father was a good knight, the best there ever was. He had led many battles into victory. He was also a good father, he provided my mother and little sister and me everything we've ever wanted. His only fault was that he was so loyal to the King, he would do just about anything to please him. Including marrying me off to a stranger. "Well, let's not get sentimental shall we," I breathed keeping my tears in and clearing my throat. "I really don't want to ruin Rowena's work yes?" I stood up to look at my reflection. I've always thought of myself as fair looking. My body was slim and thin, with just about a few curves that if you didn't look close enough, you couldn't see. My hair fell long and with a chocolatey color, my skin was not too pale not too dark, just like when you mix black tea with lots of milk. My eyes were light green like lake water, and very few times an intense forest green. I was definitely not tall either, but I was not small at all. Just average. And right now with all the work Rowena had put on me, I looked more than average, I felt beautiful. I stepped into the dress Rowena was holding out for me as she worked on the hems and tied it all together. It was a forest green dress, it brought out my eyes and it lay down in beautiful silk and embroidered sleeves. "Your mother wanted you to wear this, it's the emerald she wore when she met your father", Dorothea came forward with a beautiful emerald necklace. It was simple and delicate but it carried so much more than just a few gems, it carried memories. "So, what do you think, Lady Jirina" Rowena searched for my approval. "I think I have the best of the best with you two", I hugged them to my side, "thank you, for everything". Dorothea cleared her throat, wiping out a tear, "Yes, well you should get going, they'll be waiting for you", she rushed me out. Goodbyes were never easy in this house. Tonight my luggage was already packed. I was to go to the feast and then straight to the palace with Prince Bastian. Of course, my parents and sister would travel with me but, tonight was the last night I'd see my lady maids and my house. After tonight, I would no longer just be Lady Jirina. After tonight my freedom would be over.

The ballroom had been prepared beautifully and with exquisite food fit for royalty. My mother always knew how to please her guests and this time it was no exception. She had been going bonkers all day setting everything up and it turned out beautifully. Our guests where no simple people. Queen Marina was joining us with King Nicholas and their offspring: Prince Nikolai, Prince Bastian and the youngest one who was only teenager just now, Prince Marius. The King and Queen of Bellrose joined us with their daughter and future bride Princess Kallistê. The kingdom of Bellrose was known for their beautiful women and they said she was not the exception. Bellrose sat in the east while we sat in the west, the difference was Bellrose was a kingdom of its own, that was why Princess Kallistê was to marry the future king. Other members of the noble houses joined us too, as we celebrated this union. "Jirina, you look beautiful!" My mother approached me hugging me. "You will make the most wonderful bride", she cheered on. I smiled slightly to please her. "Oh, I know that look, with time, you'll see that love grows", she whispered into my ear. "What if he is awful, what if he is cruel and vicious?" I asked. "Then you'll send me a letter and I'll send for you immediately. No one will treat my child poorly" she said. And I knew she meant it. My mother with do just about anything for my sister Kijana and me. "Can I go to the garden for a little while, just only until its time for the feast?" I asked her. "Of course dear, just don't tear your dress" she nodded and I too.

I slipped to the gardens, tonight they where illuminated with fire torches and decorated with lanterns. It was a peaceful night, a quiet night. My last peaceful and quiet night. The stars sparkled in the sky and the faint sounds of crickets were heard all around. "A lady shouldn't be wondering about this late at night, alone, in the gardens", A voice startled me. "You should know there are guards near and I won't hesitate to scream. Not to mention I always carry a knife with me and I know very well how to use it" I mused without turning around. "I do not intend harm, my lady, just a mere observation", he replied. I turned around to get a view on who was the intruder of my last goodbye and my eyes fell upon something I have not yet seen before. In front of me, was the handsomest man I had ever seen on my life. His squared face with angled cheekbones was accompanied by a mop of ginger curls that fell right above his collarbone. He stood tall with a very shoulder centric look, broad shoulders and very tight, lean waist. His robes where made of royal blue silk, and around his waist rested his silver sword with specks of gold. Then I stared at his eyes, blue like the ocean but, I could have sworn that when he rested his foot to the side and the fire light illuminated his face, they turned almost a faint orange. "I've never seen you before" I cleared my throat, "is his lordship one of our keen guests tonight?" "Why would you assume I'm a lord?" His smile grew. "Your garments do not scream a normal, poor fellow to me." "Hmm. Yes, I'm a rather awaited one I'm sure", he answered taking a step towards me, "I wanted to enjoy some fresh air before having to withstand an arranged evening but, I found the gardens occupied by you, my lady." He stared at me with a serious look on his face. "Well, then forgive me, my lord, I thought I could enjoy my own gardens", I smirked back annoyed. "Huh, then you must be Lady Jirina of Mirellia", he stated surprised. "It is excellent that you catch on quickly but, I have yet to discover who is the man that interrupted my peaceful night walk?", I questioned him raising an eyebrow. "And for what exactly, should I reveal my identity?" He circled me like he was stalking a prey. "For one, it's the polite thing to do. And stop doing that", I growled. "Yes, polite. I beg your pardon my lady, but I'm not feeling polite tonight", he smirked stepping away a few feet from me. "Well, that doesn't surprise me" I muttered under my breath but, his instant laugh told me he listened. "I'll be on my way, if my presence disturbs you so much", he started making his way back. "Might as well give you a break for the evening" he smirked again. I was left alone in the gardens knowing absolutely nothing about the man but, what I did know was all his beauty was clouded by his insufferable attitude. I hated men like that. The ones that thought because everything was given to them, they deserved always that. And tonight there seemed to be a lot of men and women like that roaming around my house. The house I was forced to leave in just a few hours only to marry a guy like him.

A drew a deep breath and headed my way back to the party. "Jirina? There you are we are about to start", my mother came quickly to my side. "Where have you been, you're supposed to be in here at all times tonight", my father asked approaching us. "Forgive me father, I was just taking a break from all this long faces at my house", I joked. He smiled a little but then frowned again talking my cheeks on his hands, "No snarly comments tonight please". I sighed smiling back at him softly, "Okay, but only tonight." He chuckled at that, "Behave, the princess of Bellrose will be here shortly, you are all bound to enter the dinning room together. The prince will join you just before the doors open." He stated. "The princess is here", my mother stated seconds later. Everyone bowed down when she entered. What they'd said was true. She was truly beautiful. Her skin was as white as snow, her cheeks flushed pink, her hair was black like night, long and silky and her eyes were like a warm honey color. She was slim but looked very healthy, she was indeed the epitome of beauty. Suddenly my insecurities flared up. It hadn't any to do with men,  after all, my fate was already drawn, it had to do with the fact I felt like nothing compared to this girl. She approached me eyeing me as she did. "Your highness", I bowed. "Well you are not what I expected at all, I thought you'd be more ... ordinary", she stated quickly. I scrunched my face in confusion, "I can assure you I am most ordinary compared to you." "If you are, you certainly don't look like it" she staggered back. "What do I look like, your highness? If I may ask", I asked back confused. She took steps towards me and whispered, "Like someone who could steal my crown." My heart halted on my chest. Why would the princess think I wanted to do anything with throne. I barely wanted to marry this Prince let alone be a queen. "My family is loyal to you and the crown, I can assure you that", I responded. "I know", she smirked and stood tall beside the door. My father and mother came quickly to our side announcing our next visitors, "Prince Nikolai from Alinac", my father said. Through the doors entered the first one, he was tall, dark haired with striking ocean blue eyes, his chin had a little stubble which made him seem more mature. The way he strode towards us with confidence was indescriptible, he looked like a king. "Good evening", he said. "Your majesty" we bowed. "Your majesty, this is my daughter, Jirina" my father presented me as I bowed. "What a beautiful sister in-law will I have" he took my hand placing a kiss. "Thank you, your majesty", I blushed. "And this is Princess Kallistê of Bellrose", my father continued. The prince took the princess hand as well, "And what a magnificent bride will I have" he kissed her hand slowly and seductively. Prince Nikolai, on the contrary from his brother, was known to be quite the player and seductor. A ladies man. "Indeed, your majesty" Kallistê said with all confidence.

"Prince Bastian of Alinac", my father announced. My mother took hold of my hand for a second trying to reassure me to which I thanked with a small smile as I turned to the door. But, what I saw left me speechless. The man coming through the door was the same man I had encountered in the gardens and the hint of a smirk he had on his face told me, he didn't reveal his identity on purpose. "You", I growled. "You" he smirked. "You did that on purpose" I snarled back. "I did what exactly?" He asked putting up an innocent face. "Jirina! That's not the way to speak to the Prince" my father scolded me. "Forgive her, your majesty" he offered his apologies. "Forgive me?!" I asked in disbelief to which my mother slightly bumped her hip at me. Her expression told me to stop it so, for their sake I did. "Right, forgive me your majesty", I said in a sarcastic tone. "She's got a temper, good luck with that" Prince Nikolai whispered to his brother chuckling. Bastian's face went serious but I'm pretty sure he was battling out a smirk. "I will let this behavior slip for today. Apologies accepted" he said. "Thank you, your highness", my mother cheered.  "It's time" my father said. "Behave" he whispered on my ear. I nodded as we all took our place in front of the big doors leading to the dinning room. "Shall we?" Prince Bastian offered his arm for me. I rolled my eyes slipping my hand on his arm. This dinner was going to be a nightmare.

Introductions were made and in a second we were facing the King and Queen of Alinac. Queen Marina had the soft beauty you can expect from a queen. Her silky ginger curls reached down to her waist. Her soft blue eyes sparkled much like Prince Nikolai's, even in her age her cream skin glowed like porcelain. King Nicholas looked a lot like an older version of the Prince and soon to be king. He had that same confidence, the only difference was his brown chocolate eyes. "Father, Mother, your majesties, this is Kallistê of Bellrose, princess and my future queen" Prince Nikolai introduced his bride. Kallistê bowed in front of them. "It is true what they say about your beauty, it is as a matter of fact incomparable", the King stated. "Thank you your majesty, I only wish to please" she answered. "And you have, child" he dismissed her. It was our turn now. My stomach was revolting inside. I only wished they didn't capture my nerves. "Father, Mother, your majesties, this is Lady Jirina of Mirellia, my future bride", Prince Bastian introduced me. "Your majesties" I bowed in front of them. "Huh" the King muttered. "I wasn't expecting this", the Queen said getting up from her throne. She walked over to me. "I'm sorry your majesty, I did not wish to offend", I said knowing that compared to Kallistê I looked like nothing. "Oh no child, I'm quite pleased. You just have a look" she explained. "I'm sorry to inquire your majesty, if I may, what look?" I asked partly confused. She smiled softly and returned to her seat, "The look". I didn't obviously inquired more just nodded and moved back to Prince Bastian. "Well then, let the feast begin", King Nicholas exclaimed. Servants came up from all directions and moved us to our seats.

Food came in all directions and the next thing I knew the whole dining room had delicious dishes all around. There was enough enough food to feed an army. Pork, chicken, cow meat, turkey, delicious normal potatoes and sweet potatoes, biscuits, vegetables, anything you could imagine and in the center of it all many deserts, starting from chocolate cake to lemon pie, cookies and pastries. "My lady" one of the servants interrupted me from my trance. "Yes, Lewis?" I recognized him, he was a sweet boy, the youngest one here and the only boy assigned to the kitchen. He was helping out his mother and was a great baker. "Is there anything else I can get you?" He asked. "Oh no, Lewis, this is definitely more than enough, like actually too much. Would you like some?" I offered sincerely. I couldn't possibly fit all of this in my stomach and I'd be a shame if it got to waste. "Oh no, my lady, I couldn't" he opened his eyes widely and looked over to Prince Bastian next to me. "Hmm," I eyed him, "come closer", I scooted over and he did too. "I'm pretty sure there is going to be so much food left after all this is done. You have my permission to go to the kitchen and pack all you want, as much as you can, and take it to your brothers and sisters, okay?" "Okay, thank you my lady", he nodded fiercely. "Now, go, while it's still warm", I chuckled and he hurried out. "I heard that" the voice beside me spoke. I turned around to Prince Bastian. "I'm pretty sure it wasn't anything of your concern, your highness", I faked a smile at him. He eyed me chuckling, "Do you often do that?" "Do what, your highness?" I asked innocently. "Offer your privileges to the servants", he staggered back. I bit my tongue trying to hold back my annoyed expressions. "It should be their privilege as much as mine" I said seriously. "Huh" he muttered. "May I ask why the question, your highness? Is that going to be a problem?" I asked wondering if this guy was going to be an asshole. "You're really be brave to be talking to your Prince and future husband like that", he stated. Okay, so he was an asshole, then. "But, to answer your question no, it won't be a problem", he finished. So he was not that much of an asshole then. I cleared my throat to recover from the stunt of the last answer. Being the prince, I thought in those subjects he would be more cruel. I spoke again seconds later, "For the record, I don't care who you are, if in the future I have to speak my mind, I will."
He laughed, a genuine laugh, a laugh that could make any girl weak of her knees, "I don't doubt it. But you should know, you could get in trouble with that attitude." "I'm not stupid, your highness, I know my place, if that's what you are approaching", I rolled my eyes at him. "Do you now?" He smirked at me again. The smirk that he always seemed to have on his face when he was around me, taunting me, I couldn't stand it. "Stop it, I'm still furious about earlier", I advised him. "That makes both of us. I wanted the beautiful, well behaved, sweet one. Instead, I got the bad mannered, short tempered one", he said while drinking his wine. "Are you calling me ugly?" I growled. "I never said that", he stopped to look at me. It was the most intense look anyone has ever given me. I felt on fire. I swallowed and looked away. I hated him, I hated his preposterous attitude, but mostly, I hated that he was so easy to look at, a guy that handsome couldn't possibly be satisfied with me, and he had just confirmed it.

The rest of the evening had passed thanking the guests for coming and excusing myself to get ready for the long trip. "Are you nervous?" Kijana, my little sister asked while we climbed into the carriage. "What makes you say that?" I laughed nervously. "It's all over your face" she stated looking at me worried. "Don't worry about me", I hugged her, "I'll be fine. Besides, you're coming with me, and mother and father will too", I tried to encourage her and myself. "But then, you'll be all alone with them", she stated. "I'm marrying a Prince, Kiki, I'll be okay", I assured her. "You didn't seem to get along with him", she chuckled. "I've just met him. But yes, he gets on my nerves" I admitted to her. "Maybe there's a spark there", she suggested. "I don't think so" I said, "but, I will be well tended, I suppose", I sighed. "It shouldn't be like that, you should love the one your marrying", she looked out the window. "Sometimes, duty comes before love" I looked out to the night also. Mother and Father came quickly next. "Are we ready?" My father asked looking at me. I swallowed my fears and nodded, "Yes, yes we are".

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