Marked by Fate (Completed ✔️)

By LaurenCampbell234513

7.3K 290 20

Warning: Violence, swearing, abuse, and other sensitive topics - Read at your own discretion ... More

Chapter 1 - Everything's going downhill
Chapter 2 - The world comes crashing
Chapter 3 - Alone...I think
Chapter 4 - Meeting my doom
Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise
Chapter 6 - The beginning...
Chapter 7 - ...Of the end
Chapter 8 - The woods
Chapter 9 - Escaping hell
Chapter 10 - Making mistakes
Chapter 11 - Coming to
Chapter 12 - Starting our journey
Chapter 13 - Meeting others
Chapter 14 - Magical Bonds
Chapter 15 - Hunted
Chapter 16 - The past coming back
Chapter 17 - Out of the woods
Chapter 18 - Coming together
Chapter 19 - To close for comfort
Chapter 20 - Bonding
Chapter 21 - Home sweet home
Chapter 22 - A plan set in motion
Chapter 23 - Setting up camp
Chapter 24 - The bonfire
Chapter 25 - Mating
Chapter 26 - In the dark of night
Chapter 27 - Dreamscape
Chapter 28 - Escape
Chapter 30 - Training begins
Chapter 31 - The first wave
Chapter 32 - The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Showdown
Chapter 34 - The aftermath

Chapter 29 - Coming home

149 6 0
By LaurenCampbell234513

As the ringing stopped,  I opened my eyes to see that I was standing in the middle of our bedroom facing the closet. I spun in a circle looking for luke or Tyler to see an empty room.

A few seconds later I heard voices coming from the opposite wing near the offices, yelling angrily. I took off towards the voices and came to the main office, I threw the doors open and stepped inside to see my mates yelling at each other in anger.

Luke was glaring at Tyler who had him by the collar. "If we hadn't stayed out so late she wouldn't have gotten taken" Tyler roared at him. Luke shoved him off and went to yell something back but both of them jumped and broke apart as the doors slammed open.

"Isabella!!" they yelled in unison and ran over to me, sweeping me up into a bone-crushing hug. Luke nuzzled his head into my neck making me wince slightly as he came into contact with a deep bruise. He froze and pulled back from me as Tyler did the same, taking in my appearance.

Tyler's eyebrows furrowed and he tilted his head to the side as Luke growled angrily. "Izzy, what the hell happened to you? and since when were your eyes gold? Also, what's up with the new tattoo? Tyler asked confused as he looked me over.

I tilted my head to the side as well and cocked an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean? what tattoo? And my eyes are silver, my mom's eyes are gold." I said confused as I shook my head dismissively. "As to what happened to us... that's something I want to get everyone together for," I said thoughtfully as I sighed.

"You found your mom?!" Luke asked excitedly and I nodded my head happily, grinning from ear to ear. "That's great" he roared excitedly and swept me up into his arms once again. He kissed me passionately and nuzzled his head against mine.

A few moments later,  Tyler tapped me on the shoulder making me pull back from away from luke. As I looked over at him, I saw he was holding a large mirror that he pointed in my direction so I could see myself.

I gasped out loud as I gazed at myself in the mirror, running my fingertips over my neck and shoulders. My eyes were now glowing gold just like my mother's and black swirls that matched the golden ones on my wolf are spiraled down my neck, across my shoulder, and creep down each upper arm. I could also see a black ring sticking out from underneath the collar of my shirt that wasn't there before.

I pulled it down slightly and leaned closer to the mirror. The royal crest on my chest was pitch black and it now had four black rings around it, each striped with gold bands. "It must be because of the transformation" I mumbled quietly as I continued to look at my markings. Tyler cocked an eyebrow at me and lifted my chin gently so I was looking at him "What transformation?" he asked inquisitively as he stared at me.

I shook my head, removing it from his grasp "let's go find everyone else and I'll explain everything" I said as I looked at them truthfully. They both nodded their heads as Tyler pulled me from luke, picking me up in his arms before he strolled towards the door. "Mine" he growled possessively nuzzling into my neck, making me giggle as I heard Luke growl from behind us.

"She's ours, assface but you're lucky I share her at all" he grumbled as he grumpily followed us out. I laughed and shook my head as they started to bicker playfully back and forth.

Man, I was glad to be home.


We found everyone else in the kitchen. They were frantically calling around to others, asking if they had seen me or knew where I was when Tyler came in with me in his arms.

The kitchen went completely silent before everyone exclaimed happily and came running over to us. Tyler set me on the floor just as Emma ran up to me, wrapping me in a bear hug. Lisa and Avery piled on and before I knew it we were having a big group hug.

Everyone began pulling away but Avery froze as she really looked at me for the first time. "Izzy, what the hell happened to you? Why do you look different? and where did you go?" She asked worriedly as her eyebrows scrunched together.

"That's actually one of the reasons we came to find you guys. I have a lot I need to explain and not all of it good, so....let's go sit down in the living room and I'll explain everything" I replied genuinely giving her a small smile. She nodded her head and we all made our way to the living room.

I walked towards the fireplace that was positioned in front of a long c-shaped sectional and waited for everyone to get comfortable before I began.

"Okay, so here goes. To begin with....Luke, Tyler, and I were outside....hanging out" I said eyeing Luke and Tyler knowingly. Luke grinned from ear to ear as Tyler winked at me making me blush slightly.

"We were about to come inside when the boys felt woozy and fainted out of nowhere. Luke dropped before I could reach him but I was able to grab Tyler as he fell, which is when my head started to pound. There was a really strong pressure behind my eyes and my ears started loudly ringing, eventually causing me to pass out as well" I said as I drifted off and looked down at my hands for a moment, taking a deep breath to ready myself for their reaction.

"Before Andrew and the head witch of the council crossed our borders and kidnapped me as I fell unconscious," I rushed out apprehensively as I glanced back up toward the group. As I expected, their faces quickly morphed into anger. Before I could continue, Tyler, Luke, and Emma started to angrily get to their feet. I quickly rose my hand, freezing their movements before anyone else react.

"I have a lot to go through guys, and while I truly do appreciate your concern for me and your want to pound on Andrew, if you just wait and listen to everything I think you'll agree that I've handled it for now," I said gently and released them, allowing them to fall back to the couch as I breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone still looked furious but they all just scowled and glared at me for a few moments before Luke nodded his head, motioning for me to continue.

"Okay, so... once I was knocked unconscious I entered some kind of alternate plane called a dreamscape, which is where I met Diana, The Moon Goddess," I said grinning happily as I watched their faces quickly morph from anger to shock and Emma's mouth dropped open.

"You what?!" Lisa blurted out eagerly jumping up and down on her seat. "That's right. I met the actual moon goddess and she informed me about quite a lot that I need to share with you guys before I burst with excitement." I said glancing around at everyone before I wiggled my eyebrows at Tyler and Luke. They both just looked at me confused making me smile wider as I thought about how they would react to the fact that they not only had powers now, but they are also technically going to be kings and rule by my side.

"I'll get the bad news out of the way though and tell you all that there's a war coming, and it's coming soon," I said grimly as I calmed down and focused on what I had to tell them. "I don't know exactly when it's happening, but what I can tell you is that Torah has returned from exile and plans to overthrow the moon goddess, making everyone kneel to him and proclaim him king. Starting tomorrow, we all need to start training to fight against him."I said determinedly as I looked at them all with a serious expression.

"We can't fight against a god!" Zayn yelled out and quickly got to his feet. "Even when our groups merge, and if we were to be helped by the other packs, I still don't think we could take him," Seth said fearfully, shaking lightly at the thought of facing off against a god.

I grinned ear to ear and eyed them all mischievously. "That's where I come in," I said confidently. As I glanced around the room, everyone looked confused as Avery leaned around Zayn to look at me with an eyebrow cocked. "What do you mean, Izzy?

I smirked and motioned for Zayn to sit back down, bracing myself for their reaction to what was next.

"The reason me, Luke, and Tyler were knocked unconscious was because we had mated, triggering my fourth phase. This phase increased my magic to the point that I'm not sure it has a limit anymore,  as well as obviously changing my eyes and hair." I said as I motioned at myself, taking a deep breath before I spoke again.

"From what Diana told me, I can go invisible, astral project, and I can't be killed by anything other than a god or goddess. Along with that, Luke and Tyler, as my mates we also gifted with invulnerability. As well as the fact that they now have enhanced abilities as well as mind-reading and a little bit of magic" I said smiling as widely as I could as I watched their reaction.

"WHAT?!" Emma yelled out ecstatically scooching closer as Luke and Tyler looked between themselves and back at me with dumbfounded expressions. Before they could say anything, Ryan spoke up "Why you guys?...What even are you, Izzy?" Ryan asked inquisitively as he titled his head to the side.

I smirked and took a step back as I threw out my wings and felt the golden aura grow around me.  "I am a goddess and the daughter of Diana. Heir to the throne as Queen of the Supernatural and the ascending Moon goddess" I said proudly and puffed my chest forward as I put a hand on my hip.

The room went silent as their mouths literally dropped open in shock. I grinned and threw my shoulders back, allowing my wings to retract as I walked over to my mates. "That makes you both gods and future kings."

"No. Fucking. Way!" Tyler yelled out excitedly, standing up as he grabbed me by the waist. He picked me up and swung me in a circle before squeezing me happily as the room broke out in cheerful voices.

"I can't believe my best friend is literally a freaking goddess!" Emma squealed as she stole me away from Tyler making him growl at her lightly. She rolled her eyes at him and enveloped me in a hug as she shook us from side to side. "We definitely need to make the shield stronger snd try out your powers to see what all you can do now," Avery said excitedly as she pulled me from Emma and hugged me as well.

"Well... I know I can snap and knock someone unconscious if I focus my energy in the right way," I said deviously as I winked at her making her eyes widen in surprise.

"You can what?!" Zayn asked incredulously from behind me. I turned around and grinned at him as I walked over and sat down on Luke's lap.

"You heard me right. After I woke up I found out I was in some kind of camp where Andrew, a few council members, and a bunch of warriors were, And was being held in a silver bunker with enchanted chains. After I broke out, I fought a smaller group of them inside the bunker and a larger ground outside before three council assassins attacked." I said disdainfully as I look at the healing marks that littered my body.

"I managed to handle all three of them before coming face to face with Andrew, two council members, and a bunch more warriors. I threatened him and told him I'd have his head on a stake if he came near us again, embarrassing him when he easily agreed. I went to leave and that was when the witch bitch from the council decided to speak up. She started on her dumbass villain rant of how she was going to end me saying she could snap and take me out easily so I showed her how it was done." I said nonchalantly while shrugging nonchalantly before I snuggled against Luke's chest.

"You never did like those dumbass psycho rants" Emma giggled as she winked at me knowingly, shaking her head before she fist-bumped me.

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