Jah and tiktoker imagines

By boonsbub

13.5K 140 12

Girls and boys request some tiktokers if you want so I can do them No smut More

🍌Anna shumate 🍌
🦋Eva Cudmore🦋
🍄Karina Prieto 🍄
✨Emma Brooks Mcallister✨
💎Eva Cudmore💎
🏅Katie Pego🏅
👧🏼GLOW UP👧🏼- Katie Pego

🌃BACKSTAGE🌃-Anna Shumate

1K 18 3
By boonsbub

(Prompt: your a singer and at one of your concerts in La.)

I was in the backstage room warming my voice up before I go up on stage. I heard a big crash noise but ignored it bc that has happened a couple of times. I ignored it but then heard whispering and footsteps. I decide to go check what's happening outside. I go outside the room and see a group of girls one girl really caught my eye though we make eye contact for a while. The eye contact breaks when one of the girls starts talking "Oh um sorry we were looking for where to go back outside because-" the girl said but I cut her off. "You know as a singer I deal with lots of people trying to sneak in closer." I say with a slight chuckle. "We're so sorry it's just we're really big fans and-" I cut her off again. "It's alright don't worry about it. Hey, weird question but how old are you guys?" I decide to ask. "Well and your names too" I add. "Ok well I'm Eva and I'm 18." The girl that was already talking said. She pointed to the eye catching girl and said "that's Anna she's also 18." She also said the other girls names but I didn't really listen. "Ok well if you guys want to you guys can take the seats in the front, I usually keep those empty so if I wanna get down I can get down with space but you guys can take them." I decide to tell them. All their smiles went really big when Eva asked "omg really are you sure?" I chuckle and just say "yeah they're your seats have fun I have to go." I start to walk away but then realize I wanna get to know them. "Oh also don't go when it's done stay there and I'll meet you guys there." I walk off and onto the stage.

*time-skip to when it's over*

Anna POV:
When we got caught backstage by THE y/n y/l/n I freaked out, she's always been my celeb crush so when we saw her I just stared at her and she returned it until Eva started talking. I could tell she didn't really pay attention to the girls name but when it came to my name she smiled a little. Even though she will never in a million years like ME I still thought about why she smiled at my name. Anyways right now we're waiting for y/n because she said to wait for her here I honestly don't know why she would want us to stay for her but we did. A little while after she finally came. She was in a different outfit and without makeup and with her hair in a messy bun. She looks really comfy. My thoughts get cut off by y/n talking. "Sorry I took so long I got out of everything" she said all the girls just said it's fine and that she didn't take long. I decide to ask my question "hey, um your THE y/n y/l/n why would you want to talk to US?" She smiled "well usually I get really bothered with people that sneak backstage but you guys really seem interesting, pretty and fun so yah." We all nod. "So what do you guys do?" We all look confused "like a job or something like that." We all nod "we're tiktokers" now she's the one who looks confused "we're kinda big on an app called tiktok it's mostly dancing and other stuff" she goes back to how she was before "oh maybe I should get it, is it fun?" All the girls say yeah but I say the truth " yeah it is but there's a lot of hate and it's kinda toxic." She nods "yeah well there's no where you can go where there is no hate or toxic ness." I nod "yeah I know." After I say it I sigh because she made me realize the reality. "Well as a singer it's the same thing but the people that hate they hate on my music and lyrics and stuff like that." We all nod and I sigh because of the thought of her being hated. She smiles at us "well you guys wanna go somewhere, we can go eat or back to my place, whatever you guys want" I kinda like the thought of both those things. But the girls all say "it's really up to you." She sighs "fine, we'll do both we'll go to my place and eat." We all smile at her "sounds good?" The girls all nod but I decide to say "are you sure you want random tiktok girls in your home with you?" She nods and smiles "of course I wanna get to know you guys." We all smile and say "ok so just what's the address?" Eva asked her "oh right um hold on I'll give you my number and I'll send it to you." My jaw drops mentally, tiktoker Eva Cudmore is getting singer and celebrity y/n y/l/n's number. I go back to reality and all the girls are going back to my Range Rover. I go into the driver seat and Eva sits in the passenger seat. She puts in the address on the gps.

*when they got there*

Y/n POV:
I got home before the girls got there so I ran in and started cleaning some stuff up. I then hear a knock. I run to the door. I realize I'm probably a mess from running around so much. I look into the mirror on the side wall and fix my hair. I then open the door after taking a deep breath hoping they'll like me and my house. They all look really excited. I let them in and they were all just looking around in aw. We decided to get to know each other and then watch movies and make "tiktoks" and I found out it's literally just dancing and lip singing. We all got along really well.

*couple of weeks later*

Anna POV:
The girls and I have been hanging out with y/n a lot now. It's really fun but I kind of caught feelings for y/n. I don't usually catch feelings for someone I just met a couple of weeks ago but I also was kind of obsessed with her before we actually met her so it's not that surprising. We all usually hang out once a week but sometimes if we get lucky more. The girls know how I feel and so this week they all decided to not go but not tell y/n. So it'll just be me and y/n. I'm really hoping I don't embarrass myself. She doesn't really seem like the awkward type but I don't know. I'm also pretty sure she doesn't feel the same. I drive to her house since it kind of takes a while. I also have to get through all the security so that takes like an extra five minutes.

Y/n POV:
The girls come around once a week and if we get lucky maybe more. They usually all come and we've never had a week or day when there's a couple of girls missing. I have a speaker in my house where it's what the security guys are telling me. I hear the buzz in the speaker meaning they are going to tell me something. It's actually really cool. Y/n, um ma'am there's someone here. That seemed weird because if it was the girls they would just say a group of girls are here for you. "Um let them in" I decide to say. I then hear the gate buzz now. There are a lot of buzzes here in my house. I then hear a knock on my door. I go to open it and to my surprise it's just Anna. I've actually caught feelings for her so hopefully I'm not so awkward. "Oh uh hey um come on in." I say to her scratching the back of my head. Great job y/n you just made it awkward, not only for yourself but most likely even her. "Hi um the girls couldn't come they all had photoshoots and plans so I was the only one that could come, I hope that's fine" i smile and was going to say something but she cut me off and said "I mean unless you don't want me to." I smile even harder at her matching awkwardness "no no it's fine I've actually wanted to tell you something but never got a chance because well you know the girls." She chuckles a little. "Ok well should we go to the living room and talk" she asks me "yeah good idea come on" I say back. We go and sit down and we both just stare into each other's eyes. God I can get so lost in her ocean blue eyes. "Oh well um I know it's only been a couple of weeks almost a month but I really like you and have since my first sight of you." I say looking everywhere but her. She gets my chin and moves my head so I'm looking at her now. "Well so have I." I smile because with all the worst possible things that I thought would happen this happened. We both lean in and once our lips touch I get huge fireworks and butterflies. I pull back and she looks like she got worried. "I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" I smile at her and say "no no but Anna shumate I know it's still early but I really really like you so will you be my girlfriend?" I say with a huge smile on my face. I see her smile get huge as well "Oh my god yes yes yes."


The end
I took forever to finish this but I finally did and I'll try to update more since I'll have more time since school is ending in 3 half days. Thank you all for the reads and votes I love you all and are so grateful. Stay safe drink water eat something and take care of yourself. If you need someone to talk to I'm always there. Tiktok: ur_gurl.riri      Snap: queenriri291 🤍

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