Marked by Fate (Completed ✔️)

By LaurenCampbell234513

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Warning: Violence, swearing, abuse, and other sensitive topics - Read at your own discretion ... More

Chapter 1 - Everything's going downhill
Chapter 2 - The world comes crashing
Chapter 3 - Alone...I think
Chapter 4 - Meeting my doom
Chapter 5 - Just another day in paradise
Chapter 6 - The beginning...
Chapter 7 - ...Of the end
Chapter 8 - The woods
Chapter 9 - Escaping hell
Chapter 10 - Making mistakes
Chapter 11 - Coming to
Chapter 12 - Starting our journey
Chapter 13 - Meeting others
Chapter 14 - Magical Bonds
Chapter 15 - Hunted
Chapter 16 - The past coming back
Chapter 17 - Out of the woods
Chapter 18 - Coming together
Chapter 19 - To close for comfort
Chapter 20 - Bonding
Chapter 21 - Home sweet home
Chapter 22 - A plan set in motion
Chapter 23 - Setting up camp
Chapter 24 - The bonfire
Chapter 25 - Mating
Chapter 26 - In the dark of night
Chapter 27 - Dreamscape
Chapter 29 - Coming home
Chapter 30 - Training begins
Chapter 31 - The first wave
Chapter 32 - The Vision
Chapter 33 - The Showdown
Chapter 34 - The aftermath

Chapter 28 - Escape

136 9 1
By LaurenCampbell234513

I came to and groggily lolled my head to the side as I opened my eyes, seeing nothing but pitch black. My face hurt and felt like it was on fire so I tried to bring my hands up but they jerked as the cuffs attached to me reached their limit.

I gasped out loud as I realized I could feel cuffs on my neck, wrists, and ankles. I pulled against them and heard the silver chain jingling as they stretched to their limit. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, focusing some of my power on them.

After a few moments, I opened my eyes again and the room was illuminated as if the lights were on. Night vision, check! I thought to myself excitedly as I grinned and took in my surroundings. I was in a small room with silver walls and a concrete floor. I closed my eyes once more and focused on serenity.

(Rin, are you okay?) I asked worriedly, waiting anxiously for a reply. (Yeah, I'm okay but we definitely aren't.  As you passed out, I came forward and saw Andrew with some other chick. They picked you up and transported you here to some camp before chaining us up in a silver bunker. From what I can tell, the chains are silver as well and coated in wolfsbane, but there also seems to be some kind of spell attached to them.) she replied sternly, informing of our situation.

(Well I just met my mom. Who, is the MOON GODDESS by the way... and she informed me about quite a bit. Most of which we are going to have to discuss later, but part of it is that our powers should be elevated. So let's see what we can do about these chains to begin with and then we'll go from there.) I said confidently, grinning from ear to ear.

(SHE'S YOUR WHAT?!?) Serenity asked incredulously making me chuckle as I focused my power to my hands. ( You heard me right, she's my fucking mother.... And apparently, I'm a goddess now) I replied excitedly as I watched the silver cuffs on my hands start to glow red. A few moments later they split in half and fell to the floor, rapidly cooling down.

(Oh, we DEFINITELY have to talk when we get out of here. I. need. details.) Serenity barked happily and I nodded in agreement as I yanked the cuffs off of my ankles, letting them fall to the ground before removing the one from my neck as well.

As it clanked to the ground, I heard movement in the room above me and grinned mischievously. (let's get the hell out of here Rin) I said determinedly as I took a step back before shifting into my wolf.

As I did, a glowing aura formed around me making me freeze momentarily in shock. That was new. I shrugged and positioned myself behind the door in a defensive stance.

A few minutes later the door sprung open and I lunged at whoever was on the other side. As I did, I saw a very frightened warrior dressed in armor from the council with four others standing behind him. They all looked at me shocked for a moment before the warrior under me started struggling.

He pushed me off and got to his feet, coming towards me. He lunged at me and dodged to the side making him fall down the stairs leading to the cell I was just in.

One of the other warriors pulled a dagger from her belt and started to advance towards me. I lowered myself defensively, snapping at her in warning. She lunged bringing the blade down into my shoulder as my teeth tore into her neck.

I howled out and tried shaking her off of me. She dug the blade deeper before I managed to slam her into the wall, making her release her grip on the knife. She slumped to the ground clutching her throat as I quickly shifted back. I carefully pulled the blade from my shoulder, letting it clatter to the floor as I cried out in pain.

I turned around just in time to see another warrior tackle me to the ground. He sent a flurry of punches to my face before I managed to push him off of me. As he staggered back, I kicked him in the chest sending him flailing into the doorway leading to the cell behind him as I heard a crack.

I winced as he fell to the ground, tripping as he did which sent him flying down the stairs, just as the first warrior I faced was making his way back up. They both hit the concrete floor, their heads smacking off of the concrete with a thud as they laid there unmoving. I quickly spun around and faced the last two warriors in the bunker.

I snarled at them menacingly and threw my shoulders back releasing my wings as my fangs extended. The golden aura from before formed around me as they stood there staring at me in shock.

I used that distraction and spun, roundhouse kicking one, slamming him into the wall towards the entrance. Before the other one could react, I lunged at him, tackling him to the ground as I socked him in the face. He roared, roughly flipped us over and punching me back before I managed to free my arms. I brought them up, slamming my elbows down into his chest as I pushed him off of me. I got to my feet, spinning as I swing my leg out knocking his from under him. As he crashed to the ground, I kicked him in the chest and sent him flying down into the cell as the last warrior jumped on me from behind.

She started to choke me as she brought a dagger up and positioned it over my heart. "See you in hell bitch" she murmured getting ready to drive it in as I struggled against her hold.

"You'll make it there before I do" I growled out and gathered my strength, throwing her over my shoulder and into the ground with a thud as I unarmed her. I yelled out in frustration and dug the dagger into her chest all the way to the hilt.

I swayed slightly and balanced myself with my has on my knees as I caught my breath. I slammed the cell door closed, locking it before I took a moment and looked over myself to see my wounds slowly healing, so I shook myself out and stalked towards the exit.

I kicked the door off of its hinges, sending it flying into the courtyard as I stepped out and stretched my wings.

The bunker I was in was at the end of a long line of makeshift cabins and tents. There was a large tent at the other end stationed on top of a hill, and campfires scattered throughout with about 10 people loitering around outside.

As the door clattered to the ground, everyone in the surrounding area looked up surprised. That surprise quickly turned to anger as they all started to advance towards me, growling and snapping their teeth.

I grinned and bared my fangs at them. This was gonna be fun.


Everything moved in a blur as I fought through numerous warriors. Multiple people jumped on me and tried stabbing me with various items, most of which I thankfully avoided. Though one older warrior beat me with a fucking frying pan before I was able to wrestle it away from her.

I was making my way away from the camp when I got attacked by three more assassins from the council.

One tackled me to the ground and tried pinning me while the other came up with a syringe filled with a blue liquid. I threw my wings out shoving the person off of me and swung towards the other assassin knocking the syringe out of his hand.

He went to lunge for it and I grabbed his ankle, tripping him as I drug him back towards me. I clambered over him and grabbed for the syringe before he flipped me over and started choking me.

I clawed at his hands trying to get them off of me but he just squeezed tighter. Black dots started forming in my eyes as I frantically threw my hands down feeling for the syringe. I cried out in relief as I finally felt it in my fingertips and brought it up, jabbing it into his neck before pushing the plunger down all the way.

I shoved him off of me as his hand came up to his neck. He pulled the syringe out and looked at it in shock before his eyes slowly fluttered closed and he dropped to the ground. The other assassins looked at me in shock before they growled menacingly.

The one on the left side charged towards me, sucker-punching me, causing me to stumble back. He tackled me, yanking me down and flipping me by my hair. He roughly kicked me, flipping me over onto my back as I wheezed out.

As he did the other assassin flew through the air, aiming for me but before he could land I brought my feet up and kicked him in his chest. He jerked and flew backward into the tent up the hill as the last assassin tackled me again, flipping us over before he kicked me, sending me face-first into a tree.

I fell to the ground clutching my face as blood flowed from a gash on my forehead. I felt my anger grow as I slowly got to my feet and snarled angrily. I eyed the warrior menacingly as my wound started to heal before his eyes. I felt my golden aura grow as I flexed my wings and cracked my neck, stalking towards him. I heard voices coming from the tent on the hill behind us as his mouth dropped open. He froze and his eyes went wide, staring at me in shock. As I got closer, I saw he was trembling and struggling, trying to move making me grin slightly.

"What...what are you?" he asked fearfully, slightly struggling harder against me as I grabbing him by his collar. I laughed loudly before my face dropped and I narrowed my eyes at him. "I happen to be the ascending moon goddess. Aka: Your Queen." I growled at him spitefully with my eyes narrowed and I felt the aura around me glow brighter as I unknowingly tapped into more of my power and officially acknowledged my role.

His eyes shot open even wider as I clawed my hand into his chest, tearing his heart out. He groaned lightly before I shoved him away from me. He dropped to the ground with a thud, blood pooling around him as I dropped the heart and wiped my hands on my pants disgustedly. 

As I turned to leave, I heard the voices near the bigger tent on the hill get louder, making me turn around.

As I did, I saw three cloaked figures surrounded by a handful of warriors. Andrew stood frozen at the front of the group, staring at me in shock.

I growled menacingly and took a step towards them. "This will be your last fucking warning Andrew. Leave me and everyone else the hell alone, or the next time I see you, I won't stop until I have your head on a fucking stake." I roared angrily and saw him stiffen slightly before he growled narrowing his eyes at me. As he went to say something, I walked closer so I didn't have to yell (thanks goddess for werewolf hearing) and held my hand up stopping him.

"Not done. There are bigger things for you fucks to be worrying about. Torah has returned and plans to try to force everyone to kneel to him, naming him king. He will kill anyone who tries to oppose him, so you need to be ready" I said angrily narrowing my eyes at him.

One of the warriors to the left of him went to make a move towards me and I held up my hand, freezing him in place. "Do not try and attack me again. If I see anyone near my house I will not hesitate to Put. Them. Down." I growled out gazing around at the group before my eyes settled on Andrew.

"Am I understood?" I said calmly, staring at him with my eyes narrowed. He quickly shook his head making me smirk. "Good. Glad we cleared this up." I said before turning around to walk away.

As I started to walk, I heard someone speak up from behind me. "No. I'm not going to let her push me around. I am Sabrina Miller, Supreme of every which coven out there and I will not bow down to this little girl" a shrill voice yelled out coming closer.

I turned around and looked towards the voice annoyed as I placed a hand on my hip. It was a woman about my height, with dark purple hair pulled up into a high point tail. She had dark hazel eyes and a small turned-up nose with her face set into a scowl.

I sighed and rubbed my forehead, feeling a migraine forming. "I don't care who the hell you are, your voice is giving me a headache." I groaned grumpily. I heard Andrew snicker as I peered back up at Sabrina to see her mouth gaping open like a fish as her face turned beet red.

"Listen here you little bitch, I could take you out with the snap of my goddamn fingers. If you think you're going to stand there and talk to me like that you have another thing coming, I will end yo...."

I cut her off by snapping my fingers. Her eyes immediately fluttered shut and she fainted, face planting into the ground. "I really don't want to hear your dumbass rant." I sneered spitefully looking at the unconscious bitch on the ground as I heard some of the others cry out in worry.

I ignored the responses and stunned faces of everyone else, turning around to walk towards the woods. I focused on luke and Tyler and felt their presence in our bedroom at the mansion. I could also feel how frantic they were through our bond and kicked myself for dragging this out longer than needed, making them worry. I focused on our bedroom and the ringing in my ears started as I felt myself teleport away just as I reached the treeline.

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