FREAKISH stiles stilinski

By theacey

414K 14.5K 13.9K

"please, just let me help you" "why should i? everyone i know either dies or thinks i'm a total freak show" ... More

act i.
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
act ii.
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty-one
chapter twenty-two
chapter twenty-three
chapter twenty-four
chapter twenty-five
chapter twenty-six
chapter twenty-seven
chapter twenty-eight
chapter twenty-nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
act iii.
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
chapter thirty-eight
chapter thirty-nine
chapter forty
chapter forty-two
chapter forty-three
chapter forty-four
chapter forty-five
chapter forty-six
act iv.
chapter forty-seven
chapter forty-eight
chapter forty-nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty-one
chapter fifty-two
chapter fifty-three
chapter fifty-four
chapter fifty-five
chapter fifty-six
chapter fifty-seven
the final chapter

chapter forty-one

4.2K 158 194
By theacey

       A FEW DAYS PASSED since Boyd died. Stiles Stilinski was spending as much time as he could with Georgia Ray. It scared him how well she seemed to be doing. It felt like a facade, a dam gradually being flooded by water until it burst.

Georgia was a ticking time bomb.

But for now, all Stiles could do was watch. He noticed she was back to journalling. She was even rereading bits of her mother's writing. When Georgia wasn't storming up ideas about the darach, she was with him or Willow.

The latter confused him greatly. After asking her about it, Georgia insisted she still hated Willow and they weren't necessarily getting along. She just said it was complicated.

And it must've been. They were always having hushed conversations just out of range for Stiles to hear. Then they'd disappear for a few short hours, supposedly going out running.

This was confusing, but Stiles just went with it.

Him and Georgia flipped back and forth between which house they slept at every night. Stiles refused to leave her alone, somewhat terrified something bad would happen. It always did, it seemed, as soon as he left her side.

The bite, her getting snatched by the Argents, Nate dying, the suicide attempt, her going by herself at the motel, the night Boyd died, etcetera. A part of Stiles wondered if he could ward off all evil if he just stuck by her side.

Currently she was fast asleep. Stiles laid right beside her in the large bed, eyes trailing from her face and then around the room. Georgia slept facing him, one hand having landed on his shoulder at some point.

Stiles delicately reached out, tucking the loose strands away and behind her ear. She was constantly wearing her hair up as of late, needing it out of her face. Stiles thought she looked beautiful always, but noticed how she constantly rubbed at the ponytail like it was getting painful.

The walls in this house were unlike her room back at the trailer. There was no alien on the door or a collage of photographs. The bedding wasn't all ragged and homemade. She even had some nice makeup on her vanity, just like the new clothes in her closet.

Stiles spotted a trash bag next to the door to said closet, filled with old clothes that didn't fit anymore or were too torn up. It was crazy how vastly different this was to her old life. Before, if she accidentally showered too long, she had to go around mowing everyone's lawns to cover the bill. Her fridge was constantly empty—even if she didn't eat—and her room was tiny.

Now, she was in a financially stable home for the first time. Stiles, no matter how much he hated Willow out of respect for Georgia, was somewhat grateful. The walls may have been bare and stripped of all things Georgia, but at least they were secure.

Stiles stared at her floor, seeing the various cardboard boxes with all her research. He also spotted the head of a guitar poking out of her closet, and realized it was the same one he caught her playing before.

God, that must've been forever ago.

Before his thoughts could diverge elsewhere, the sound of his phone ringing had him flailing about, scared shitless. Georgia was jerked awake not only from the ringing, but Stiles' dramatic response.

"Scott, what's up?" Stiles answered, staring at Georgia as they spoke. The blonde propped herself up on her hand, blinking tiredly as she listened.

"Lydia found another body. She's with Allison at the school," Scott's somewhat nervous voice came from the other end. Georgia sighed, already standing up to get ready to leave. Stiles was briefly distracted by how much her shorts had ridden up, causing a slight choking noise to come from the back of his throat, "Stiles?"

"Yeah, sorry, I'll pick you up in a minute," Stiles nodded frantically, cheeks flamed red, before he hung up. He stood up too and changed into his jeans since Georgia already ducked into her bathroom.

Flashing forward a little over twenty minutes, and the three were approaching the school. Georgia had her hands tucked into her hoodie pocket, legs clad in jeans.

"Where's Lydia?" Georgia asked once they made it to the Argent girl.

"Over here," Allison nodded, leading the way to the strawberry blonde.

"Lydia?" Stiles called out in concern.

"It's the same thing. Same thing as the pool," she was clearly stressed as she looked between the newcomers, "I got into the car heading somewhere totally different, and ended up here. And you told me to call you if there's a dead body."

"You found a dead body?" Stiles blurted.

"Not yet."

"Not yet? What do you mean not yet?" Stiles called in annoyance, "Lydia, you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body."

"Why does she have to do it all?" Georgia sassed, sticking up for her. Lydia's gaze softened slightly at the person she once considered a close friend. She hadn't really gotten the chance to formally apologize and restart her friendship with Georgia. Especially after the ordeal with the bruises.

"I'm not doing that again," she addressed Stiles furthermore, "You find the dead body from now on."

"How are we supposed to find the dead body?" Stiles huffed over the fact that they were teaming up on him while Allison just watched and Scott's attention was elsewhere, "You're always the one finding the dead body!"

"Yeah, exactly, it's your turn now, Mr Future FBI Agent," Georgia quipped in a deadpan tone.

Stiles' jaw dropped at the audacity of her words, "Okay, that was—"

"Guys," Scott interrupted, "I found the dead body."

Laid out across the high school sign was a bloody and mutilated corpse.

It was Deputy Tara.

* * * * *

Cora Hale was a bit of an enigma. Nearly her entire family was killed in a brutal fire, and those that didn't were broody assholes. She spent nearly a decade in South America until she heard news of a Hale alpha back in her little home town.

Then, that hope was promptly put on hold when she was tossed into a vault for months on end.

Cora had the same defining features all the Hales did; blunt use of sarcasm, an immense amount of hostility (especially towards a certain Stilinski), and anger issues. She wasn't one to let people into her heart so easily. That was why when Boyd was murdered, a fire was ignited inside of Cora. The wound of his passing opened other scars she thought long healed such as the death of her family.

She'd heard a lot about Georgia Ray. During their confinement, Boyd spoke fondly of the then-brunette girl and said she was filled with compassion. Then, Derek told her of the girl. Cora realized very quickly that Georgia was important to Derek, almost like a stand-in sister.

Georgia was even there when Cora was at her worst. She stood beside Derek as they sacrificed their lives, allowing the blood-crazy betas to slash their skin off the bones until the sun rose.

After all she'd heard, Cora determined that Georgia was a passionate girl who'd do anything for her loved ones. Even the most suicidal and outlandish attempts were made at the drop of a hat.

This was why Cora wasn't surprised when she showed up at her front door. Cora raised a brow, analyzing the girl with curiosity.

"Don't you have school?" the noirette mused, arms crossing over her tank top.

"You're going to attack the twins, aren't you?" Georgia mirrored her stance, somewhat hugging herself. Cora's eyes narrowed just a hair, her jaw clenched.

"If you're here to tell me not to, feel free to leave," Cora warned. She was somewhat annoyed by Scott McCall and his optimistic views, never one to incite violence until the very last second. Cora was the type to act fast, not caring how reckless it was.

And so was Georgia.

"I'm gonna help," Georgia countered, "They can't keep getting away with this."

Cora scrutinized her face for a few seconds. She noticed the dark eye bags and ratty hair desperately needing brushed, "Who else did they kill?"

Georgia hesitated before sighing, "My mom. Deucalion had Oliver do it—they're on my list, they'll get what's coming to them too."

Cora nodded. She stepped out, closing the door behind her. The two exited the building, Cora riding on the back of Georgia's bike to the school.

They easily slipped inside, beginning to track down one of the twins. Georgia decided they'd take out Aiden for now, especially since he was so easy to find tucked away in Coach's office with Lydia.

Running by, Cora was quick to claw a spiral of revenge in the window. From there, they hid away in the locker room. It was the perfect place for the fight indoors. The two teenage girls stood across from each other, waiting for the perfect moment.

"Derek?" Aiden was heard storming in, evidently mixing up his Hale siblings.

"Aiden, stop, please," Lydia trailed after him, pleading.

"I'm right here, Derek!" the alpha asshole continued his taunts.

"I'll scream," Lydia attempted a final time. Her voice wavered and heart pounded with worry. She hated that she was growing attached to someone so vile, but couldn't help it.

"You want a fight, Derek? Come and get me."

So they did.

Everything was but a blur of claws and growls. Lydia gasped at the fight taking place right in front of her. Georgia had kicked Aiden in the chest, sending him stumbling back against the lockers. Then, Cora was on him, slashing up and down his chest.

Aiden roared, shoving Cora aside. Instantly, Georgia was raking her own nails down his arm, bringing blood to the surface. Aiden snarled, shoving her so hard she collided against the bench right by Lydia's side. Cora didn't hesitate to claw up his back.

"Georgia!" Lydia winced, dropping to her knees beside the girl. Georgia was more focused on Aiden as he lifted a circular weight, slapping Cora across the face with it. She went down hard, her head bloody and eyes unfocused.

"Stay back!" Georgia insisted, leaping to her feet and snatching Aiden by the back of the neck. She slammed his forehead against a locker so hard it dented inwards.

Such a blow had his vision doubling and he fell to the floor. Eyes lit up golden, Georgia stepped over him, lifting one hand. She was ready to rip his throat out.

"Georgia, stop!" Stiles shouted while Scott wrapped both arms around her waist, tugging her off of the boy. Georgia was thrashing about, trying to fight some more.

As soon as Ethan helped his brother up, Aiden was lunging at Georgia all the same, "You can't do this!" Ethan grit out.

"They came at me!" Aiden stated defensively.

"You killed Boyd, stupid fucking pillock!" Georgia, since she was still detained, quite literally spat at him.

"It doesn't matter!" Ethan could only focus on his twin for the moment, "Kali gave Derek until the next full moon. You can't touch him or them."

Aiden reluctantly calmed down, still glaring daggers at Georgia. The two headed for the exit, but not before Ethan sent Georgia a conflicted look. Now that the opportunity to fight was gone, Georgia huffed and pushed away from Scott.

"Hey, guys, I think she's pretty hurt," Stiles gestured to Cora, Lydia right by her.

Georgia moved to her side, helping the fellow werewolf stand. Cora went over to one of the mirrors to start dabbing away the blood. Georgia stood right next to her, arms crossed.

"You okay?" it wasn't clear if Stiles was asking one or both of them.

"She doesn't look okay," Lydia uttered in reference to Cora.

"I'll heal," Cora weakly assured. Catching their doubt, she snapped, "I said I'm fine."

"Do either of you realize how suicidally crazy that was? What were you thinking going after them?" Stiles lectured the two, peaking both of their fury.

Georgia scoffed, shaking her head, "Don't talk to us like that—we had to do something."

"We did it for Boyd," Cora added, stood shoulder to shoulder with her new friend, "None of you were doing anything."

"We're trying," Scott attempted to butt in, only adding fuel to the fire.

"And you're failing. Georgia would've killed him if you hadn't stepped in," Cora didn't bother sparing any feelings, something Georgia respected.

"You want to sit around and talk it out?" Georgia chimed condescendingly, "Guess what, Scott, that's never gonna work. It's kill or be killed, and I've let enough people be fucking killed."

"You're just a bunch of stupid teenagers running around, thinking that you can stop people from getting killed. But all you do is show up late. All you really do is find the bodies," Cora finalized.

With that final word, they stormed out of the room. By the time they emerged outside, Georgia had lit up and was inhaling a cigarette. They leaned against the bike rack, both silent as they soaked in the sun against their skin.

"I'm sorry I let him hit you so hard," Georgia eventually spoke, flicking some ash off the end of her cigarette.

Cora turned, eyeing her side profile, "I'm sorry for bitching out your friends."

Georgia smiled faintly, taking another long drag before shaking her head, "It's okay. They just, they don't understand. Scott promised me we'd take care of them—he used that promise to bring me back to them and now he hasn't done jack shit."

Cora nodded in understanding. She could see how frustrating that was. Neither Scott nor Georgia were necessarily in the wrong or the right. Scott shouldn't have lied about taking action but at the same time anyone would to save a life.

"I promise I'll do everything I can to help you," Cora reached out, gently taking Georgia's hand in hers and giving it a squeeze, "I'm not lying."

Georgia smiled at the genuine expression staring back at her, "Thank you, Cora."

Georgia was putting her cigarette out with the bottom of her tattered brown boots when Stiles caught up to them. He jogged over, noticing how close the two were sitting.

"Hey, let me at least drive you guys home," Stiles pleaded.

The girls shared a glance before shrugging and agreeing. Cora hopped in the back of Stiles' jeep while the other two worked to fasten Georgia's bike on the back.

"Did you mean all that?" Stiles asked hesitantly, having to squint his hazel eyes against the sun. Georgia glanced down as her foot pushed around a few pieces of gravel.

"You and Scott both promised me we'd take care of the alpha pack, but look at us now," she met his eyes, clearly frustrated, "You say you're helping, but you just stopped me back there," she gestured to the school, "I could've killed him, and then I'd be an alpha, and then I could've helped Derek kill the others."

"Georgia, it wouldn't have worked," Stiles said quietly, not wanting this to become a fight after several days of heaven with her, "I trust Scott, I thought you did too. He's gonna make things right, I know—"

"No," Georgia snapped, "Don't guilt trip me by making this about trust," she reached up, taking her bike right back down, "It's you that needs to trust me."

Stiles frowned, "Georgia. . . Just let me drive you home."

"No," she countered yet again, "I don't want to get mad and say something I'll regret."

"So you're just gonna run away?" Stiles' arms flopped by his sides, angry with how this was all playing out. In the moment, there were a thousand unspoken thoughts running around his head, not just about the run in with the alphas.

It was everything. Stiles hated that she broke up with him and had yet to get back together, even after they slept side by side the past few nights. He was jealous of Cora for understanding her and Derek for comforting her. Stiles was beyond confused about her and Willow.

It was his turn to say something he'd regret.

"Runs in the family, doesn't it?"

Georgia halted. Her back went rigid. Slowly, she turned to face him. Her lips were parted and eyes wide in shock and alarm. Her grip on the bike handles tightened to the point where she nearly broke it. Then, Georgia stepped away from it, letting it clash to the pavement.

"Excuse me?" she all but growled, fists clenched, "What did you just say to me? Wanna say it again?"

Stiles gulped, faltering as he realized exactly what he'd said. To say she was like Willow, the girl who abandoned her family for a boy with no remorse, who did nothing to accommodate Georgia, who electrocuted her and accused her of murdering the only people she loved for a while, was crossing the line.

"You don't love me, Stiles," she glared up at him with the same steely look he'd only ever seen her use to protect him. Georgia's hands shook by her side, the faintest reminder of the sparks she'd suffered, "You just want a girl that likes you and agrees with you blindly," she was on a bit of a roll, "You don't listen to me."

Tears glistened in Stiles' eyes and his lip quivered. He didn't know what to say, there was nothing that could pacify this situation. Stiles had gone and compared her to somebody who hurt her so badly, somebody she resented for years on end with every fiber of her being. He compared her to the sister she didn't even consider family.

To some, it might've sounded childish how angry Georgia was. She didn't care. She got on her bike and took off, not looking back. She aggressively blinked and wiped away any pathetic little tears that tried to make themselves known.

She decided to do what she'd always wanted to.

Meanwhile, a softly crying Stiles got behind the wheel of his jeep. He was only reminded of Cora's presence when he felt her startlingly ferocious glare on his head. It quite literally made him flinch, his cheeks red. He wished she'd just bitch him out, tell him he didn't deserve Georgia.

But she didn't.

And so, everybody continued with their day, scattered about and dealing with several connected issues.

Still, a lot was about to happen before the sun set overhead.

For someone in particular, it was doomsday.


hey sexy bitches! yet again i am force feeding you some angst because i'm a sadist❤️ anyways shit is about to go down & don't worry, georgia and stiles will make up soon 🙄🤚

also i know y'all are probably mad at stiles, and you might think it's out of his character for him to say this. but i think he's a very jealous person, it's probably his most toxic trait. think of how possessive he was over lydia even when she was dating jackson, like that's kinda unhealthy.

(yes....i ship stalia, and no, i will not apologize)

anyways, i hope that makes sense! thank you for reading my angel darling sugar plum baby sweet cakes.

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