Owl house (Luz x Eda's son re...

By Puppet198463

92.5K 1.3K 1.2K

Self-assured teenager Luz stumbles upon a portal to a magical realm where she befriends a rebellious witch, E... More

The lying witch and a warden: Part 1
Witches before wizards Part 1.1
Witch's before wizards 1.2
I Was a Teenage Abomination PT 1
I Was a Teenage Abomination PT 2
The Intruder pt 1
The intruder 2
Sneak peek of chapter I wanna do.
Mothers day Special
Chapter/Episode list
Filler: Ted x Eda
Mothers day (Short)
Baby Y/N
Y/N x Luz Filler
Years later

The lying which and a warden Part 2

5.9K 98 138
By Puppet198463

Eda, Y/N, King, Scare, and Luz arrived at the penitentiary after a few minutes. The group had gotten there by flying on Eda's staff. King had hopped on to Luz's head. "Remind me why I have to travel by this." Scare asked as he removed the rope around his hips. A rope had been tied to him and the rope was attached to Eda's staff. He spent the flight hanging on by the rope.

"You know Y/N still needs his palaceman to get his staff to work. Besides, it's funny to see you dangling from there and getting hit by whatever we pass." Eda said. Scare looked at Y/N. "Well, I'm tired of being tied up with rope." Scare said as he pulled a bird out of his head.

"And I'm tired of hearing you complain." Eda fired back at Scare. Scare just rolled his button eyes in annoyance

"Where are we?" Luz asked as she looked around and saw a rather large building. It was hard to tell what it was exactly. It looked like some kinda mix between a mansion and a prison.

"We're in Slender Mans retirement house, where do you think we are? We are at the  Conformatorium." Y/N said with a sly grin.

"A place for those considered unsuitable for society." Eda added on. Luz looked at the castle and felt slightly nervous as she looked at it.

She stepped back and bit and saw a wanted poster of Eda, King, Y/N, and Scare.

"Whoa, these guys really have the hots for you." Luz said as she looked at the poster. There was a 1000000000000 cash award. Or at least what she assumed was cash.

"What can we say. We're wanted people." Scare said as he crossed his arms. "Yep. But we were never caught because we're too slippery." Eda said. "Try to catch me when I'm covered in grease. I'm a squirmy little fella." King said as he squirmed Luz's head.

"I learned that the hard way." Scare mumbled as Eda, King, and Y/N laughed at the memory. "What happened?" Luz asked, confused by what Scare had meant. "Oh nothing important." Eda said.

"Hello, we gotta get my crown." King said slightly impatient. "You, Scare, Y/N and I will sneak up to the top of the tower where their holding my crown." King said a s pointed up to a large tower. "And I'm gonna make sure the warden is distracted." Eda said as she stood next to King.

Luz gasped in excitement as she looked at them. "Will I need a disguise?" She asked with excitement in her voice. "Uh..." Eda said with uncertainty.

But before Eda could even come up with a response, Luz already got her disguise. "I've been waiting to use this." Luz said as she put her hood on and revealed two little fake cat ears. "Meow, meow." Luz said.

Y/N couldn't help but chuckle at Luz's cuteness. ".......Can't tell if I'm disturbed or something like that." Scare said. "It's hideous." King said. "Oh you'll fit right in." Eda said as she lifted her staff and hit the ground. A large glowing light appeared under Luz, Y/N, Scare, and King. "Mom? Do you think your gonna need any help?" Y/N asked his mother. He just didn't wanna see her get hurt. Eda smiled at her son and ruffled his hair gently. "That's sweet but I got this. I've been doing this even before you were born." Eda said as she watched the four get lifted into the air. "Hang on." Eda said to them.

The four were lifted up to the tower and stopped at a opening. Before anyone could get off, the light lifting them disappeared. "Ah!" The four said. The four looked like a human chain with a scarecrow and whatever King was.

Y/N held onto the opening while Luz held his legs, Scare held her legs, and King held Scares feet.

Y/N crawled in and pulled the other three in. Luz fell on Y/N's back. "Ha. Cats don't do that." King said as he hoped on Luz's back and then to the ground. Y/N blushed.

Y/N immediately got up and dusted himself off. "Alright, let's go." Y/N said as he started walking away and tried to find wherever Kings crown was. Luz, King, and Scare followed behind. Y/N put on a eyepatch on his (Left/Right) eye. "What's with the eyepatch?" Luz asked as she noticed Y/N put the eye patch on. "Because eye patches are cool." Y/N said.

Once they walked in, they saw row after row after row of cells. All of them were filled up. "You never really see a empty cell anymore." Scare said as he looked around. King had hopped on to Luz's back.

"Sure it's big enough, but look at the location." Y/N joked as he looked around the cell. Scare snorted at the joke. Luz couldn't help but laugh at the joke.

"Hey cat lady, eye patch, straw face. How'd you escape your cells?" A girl in a cell close by asked. She is a slender girl with pointy ears, dark skin, black hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes and notorious fangs. She wears a purple dress which bares her shoulders and covers all of her upper arms and about half her forearms. She has a gold band around her neck.

"Oh, I'm not a cat. Also I'm not a criminal." Luz said as she lowered her hoodie. "Not yet your not." King stated.

"Neither are we. Stupid warden likes to lock people up who don't fit in. Like, I write fanfics on food falling in love. I like food, I like love. Just let me write about it!" She ranted on as she showed them a book that she had written herself.

"I'm here because I like eating my own eyes." Another prisoner said. He was large, kinda chubby, had two pointy ears, and a purple tongue. His head was covered with a few empty eye sockets. He somehow removed one of his own eyes and ate it, and it somehow reappeared in it's original place.

"Dude. That's not a weirdo thing. That sounds more like a you got issues thing." Scare said. "Scare!" Luz whisper shouted as she scolded him. "What? That dude obviously has problems. He should probably go get professional help." Scare said.

"We are agents of free expression! They will never silence us!" A small, well, what only could be described as a head with tiny arms a legs with orange hair said.

"Ya. She's really big into conspiracy theories." The fanfic girl said.

"The world is a simulation! We are playthings for a higher being!" Tiny head ranted on.

As Luz heard about all of them and their interest's, a realization came over her. "Wait. These aren't crimes. None of you actually did anything wrong." Luz said and pulled out the wanted poster.

"Your all just a bunch of weirdos, like me." Luz said as she looked at the poster.

"Well Luz, it's sad but it's true. Just because someone prefers to do things differently it automatically means that person is a problem. But what they fail to realize is that there isn't a problem with being different. We are all different, and that's beautiful. You shouldn't even afraid to be different, be afraid to be the same." Y/N said. "Unless your different because you prefer incest or adult x child, in that case you should be skinned alive, beaten with a hot iron, and force fed live spiders. But I'm getting off topic." Y/N said as everyone looked at him disturbed.

"I wanna see that happen to a creep." The eyeball eating guy said. "See, he agrees with me." Y/N said.

Just then, loud foot steps shook the room. Someone was coming. Someone big. "It's Warden Wrath. Hide." The fanfic girl warned the four. Luz yelped as she ran into a open cell with King on her back, and Y/N and Scare following behind her. "I'm not getting locked up again." Scare said nervously.

"Luz, word of advice when it comes to Warden Wrath, shut the heck up and run fast and far." Y/N said and hid in a dark corner of the cell.

Just then, Warden Wraith entered the room. Wrath is a humanoid creature with a large, muscular build. He wears a hood that is non-standard for a guard and a mask with yellow button-like lenses, resembling a medieval plague doctor.

"Luz, you scream and I'll weld your teeth together." Y/N warned Luz who was about to scream, she immediately covered her mouth.

"I can hear you." Wraith said in a hush voice. "Just what are you fools whispering about?" He asked. He looked down and saw a wanted poster of Eda. "Aw, the Owl Lady." He growled in anger and somehow his hand turned into a large hammer, and he used his hammer hand to smash the cell gate of the room Luz, Y/N, Scare, and King hid in.

"I'll get my hands on her soon enough." Wraith said. He slowly turned his head and was about to see Luz and the others, that was until tiny head started ranting again. "Fight against the oppressor! We will resist! We will conquer!" She ranted on. She had unknowingly saved Luz and the others, but only got herself into more trouble as Wraith walked towards her cell. "We will never be afraid of you, you old creep!" She shouted as he then opened the cell door.

"Oh that's not a good sign." Y/N thought to himself. "Hooray! I'm free!" Tiny head said in excitement, only to be grabbed by Warden Wrath.

"Let this be a lesson to all of you. There's no place in society for you if you can't fit in." He said as he took Tiny head away into another room.

As he left, Y/N stuck his tongue out at the room Wrath went in. "Welp, she dead." Y/N said as he got out of his cell.

Soon Y/N, Luz, King, and Scare were on their way to the room that Kings crown was held. As they walked, Luz look pretty miserable as they made their way there. "Hey Y/N, cheer her up." Scare said as he nudged Y/N's shoulder. "What? Why me?" Y/N asked Scare. "Because A, I'm not a expert in emotions. And B, her look is starting to freak me out." Scare said.

"Hey, I just checked. The Warden is distracted, tormenting some tiny creature. He won't be coming around here anytime soon." Eda said as she flew in and got off her staff. Luz just kept looking down and walked passed Eda. "We saw the prisoners. I don't think she's taking it well. And hello to you too, mom." Y/N said as he looked at his mother.

"I can tell." Eda said as she watched Luz walk. Luz stopped walking once the she reached a room called Contraband. "My crown. It's close. I can sense it's power!" King said, getting excited and rushed over to the door and tried to push it open.

"I would help, but watching him try to open the door to adorable to watch." Y/N said as he snickered a bit. "Ya, he gets so cute when he's thirsty for power." Eda said as she agreed with Y/N. Luz still said nothing. "Ok kid, this is starting to freak me out. What's up with you." Y/N asked Luz.

"It's not fair that they're all in here. They just wanna be themselves. Why does everyone think being a weirdo is so bad?" Luz asked Y/N and Eda, as Scare went to help King open the door. However, King broke the doors doorknob and managed to get inside the room. "That question is just gonna have to wait." Y/N said. "Ya, we better go before he hurts himself." Eda said as they walked into the room.

"So Luz, I never did ask you. When we met earlier today, why were you standing outside like you were waiting for something?" Y/N asked Luz as they walked. The whole weirdo thing earlier as how Luz was affected by it, made Y/N wonder why Luz was so upset by this.

"Well..." Luz said as she pulled out the paper on the camp her mom was going to send her off to. Y/N got it and started reading over it. "Ouch, what's her problem? Also I see your a fellow weirdo as well." Y/N said as he tossed the paper away.

"Well it's just.....to be honest, I don't know why. She always said never be ashamed who you are, but whenever I'm myself, she." Before Luz could finish, Y/N placed his hand on her shoulder gently.

"Luz, if it makes you feel better, I can turn your moms head into a pumpkin. I can give her gills and force her to breath water. Oh better yet, I can use one of my cards on her! What sounds better, her being hit by a giant pic axe, or having her feet catch on fire?" Y/N asked in excitement and pulled out some cards he had. Luz had a expression on her face that looked like she was getting ready to see a murder.

"Wait no! No no no no no. No need to go that far." She said both calmly and nervously. She waved her hands at him as she told him he didn't have to go that far.

Y/N just grunted. "Your no fun." He mumbled and put his cards back in his coat. As his did this, Luz saw all the different magical objects in his coat. Her eyes lit up on excitement

"Magic objects! Wands, potions, magic fireworks, gold coins!" She said in excitement and kept looking "Needle? Soap? A magic knife!" She said the last part in excitement and looked at the knife that had a label that said "Emergency only!!! Y/N only! Why are you still reading this?" Y/N looked at his knife "Oh......forgot I had that." He said

Soon they arrived at a blinding light. The room they were now in was practically empty. King kept on trying to get into the lighted room but to no avail. "Hey Issac Newton, we got a human." Y/N said.

"Thanks for ruining the fun Y/N." Scare mumbled softly in annoyance. Luz sighed softly and walked into the light room. Once she did, Y/N pulled out a watch from his jacket. "One.....two....three.....four......five......six." Y/N counted down. "What are you doing?" Eda asked her son. "I'm counting down the seconds until Luz comes back and realizes what she was actually after figuring out what she was really here to get. I can't tell if she's gonna have a look of anger, utter disappointment, or a "I can't believe we can all this way for this." expression." Y/N said.

Eda chuckled. "She's probably gonna have all three." She said.

King waited eagerly for Luz to return with his crown. "King will you relax? It's a crown, it's not like Luz is gonna come out with Billie Eilish or VivziePop or Scarlet Johansson. Now there's something to be hopeful about." Scare said as he crossed his arms and looked at King.

"That crown gives me power! You'll see! Abs that's big talk coming from the guy who has a crush for Scarlet Johansson!" King said as Scare somehow blushed. Eda and Y/N busted out laughing. "Well well. Look who has the hots for Scarlet Johansson." Y/N said laughing. "Well...well...you have the hots for Billie Eilish and Scarlet Johansson!" Scare reveled. Y/N blushed brightly and hit Scare in the head with his cane.

".......Did you actually think that was gonna.........." Scare asked but stopped mid sentence when he passed out. "At least he didn't reveal my crush on Vaggie and Charlie from Hazbin Hotel." Y/N thought to himself.

If your wondering how these four know all these actresses and singers, it's because when F/N/Ted was still around, he installed a TV in the Owl House. It plays DVDs but only has six channels.

Soon Luz returned with a look a look of utter disappointment on her face as she held a paper Burger Queen crown.

Fourth wall break
Y/N: What did you expect? Burger King?
Scare: We would say Burger King, but we don't wanna get sued.

"My crown!" King said with joy and excitement as he hopped happily. Luz handed him his crown and King wasted no time putting it on. "Yes, yes, I can feel my powers retuning!" King said as he hopped onto the unconscious Scare while holding a stuffed toy in his arms. "I claim this scarecrow in the name of King!" King said as Scare woke up.

"That crown doesn't give him powers, does it?" Luz asked. "Nope. Not in this lifetime." Y/N said. "Did you actually think we were serious about a powerful crown?" Eda asked her as she smiled.

"Oh look at us Luz. Me, Y/N, Scare, and King don't have much in this world. We only have each other. So if that dumb crown is important to him, it's important to us too." Eda explained to Luz.

"Ya, we have each other's backs no matter what. Plus, use weirdos gotta stick together, right?" Y/N asked with a smile and looked at Luz. She blushed softly and smiled back at him.

"Well we owe you one. Now, let's get out of here before the warden finds us and loses his head." Eda said as she failed to notice that dark figure appearing over her.

"Mom! Behind you!" Y/N said as his eyes widened and he pointed to the large figure of Warden Wrath.

"Too late." The warden said as he almost instantly cut off Eda's head. "Ahhh!" Luz and Y/N screamed in horror. "Ow! Oh I hate it when that happens." Eda's head said. Y/N's eyes widened as he then passed out.

Y/N woke up to feeling something hit his head. "Ow! What the heck?!" Y/N said as he woke up. He looked around and noticed that they were now outside. "Sorry about that crash landing kiddo." Eda said as she pulled out a key from her hair. "What happened while I was out?" Y/N asked confused.

"Warden Wrath has a crush on your mom." Luz told Y/N and sounded slightly disgusted. "He what?!?!" Y/N said in surprise and horror. "I know right?!" Luz said to him.

"Luz, go back to the human world." Eda said as she gave Luz the key to the door that could take her home. Eda got up and ran to fight Warden Wrath. Scare followed behind her. "Bye Luz! It was nice knowing you!" Scare said. "What about you guys?" Luz asked, concerned for their safety.

"If you think this guy is bad, you should have seen her last boyfriend." King said as he followed Eda and Scare. "Not my boyfriend." Eda said. "Well Luz, it was nice meeting you. Also, if your mom or anyone scolds you for being you, just give them this. They won't be taking for at least eight to ten days....or was it years?" Y/B mumbled as he have her a bottle full of blue liquid and went to fight Warden Wrath.

"Wow Y/N, thanks but." Luz said but Y/N already went to fight Warden Wrath

"Hey! Tall, dark, and muscular! Down here!" Y/N said as he charged at Warden Wrath and pulled out a water card, that shot a strong blast of water in the wardens face. "Ah! Why you little!" Warden Wrath said as his mask fell off, to show a large set of Jaws with sharp teeth. "Oh jeez." Y/N said as he pulled out other cards that shot out fire, a pick axe, and more water. All of with both hurt and pissed of the Warden. If it weren't for his mother, Y/N would be toast.

But eventually Warden Wrath overpowered all of them. Y/N, Eda, Scare, and King. "Hummm, guys? Is it creepy that this is one of three ways I pictured my death?" Scare asked. "Yep. Totally." They mumbled.

Y/N saw the Warden approaching them. Y/N looked around and saw that he had dropped one of his magic items. A magic knife. He reached for it, only for the Warden to step on his hand.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHG! What is wrong with you?!?" Y/N screamed in pain. "Hey! Leave Y/N out of this!" Eda souted. Sure, Warden Wrath could chase her down, take kings crown, and almost burn them to a crisp, but when the Warden hurt her son, he went to far. Eda got up almost immediately and kicked the Warden in the chin. She then proceeded to do the one thing no male wants, to be kicked down there. The Warden's small eyes widened and he let out a yelp.

Y/N clutched his hand tightly and went into shock.

Y/N groaned softly as he slowly woke up. His eyes slowly fluttered open. "What the?" He mumbled. "Hey sleepy head." Luz said kindly as Y/N rubbed his head confused. "What happened." He asked "After the Warden smashed your hand, you passed out. Lucky Luz started some sorta prison riot and defeated the Warden." Eda explained. "Also Luz got your magic knife. It's in your jacket." Eda said

"Also fireworks were shoved in the Warden's mouth. Don't forget the fireworks." Scare said as he was reading a Ghost in the Shell manga.

"Well, a deals a deal. Let's get you home." Eda said as she snapped her fingers and got out the key. With the simple push of a button, the large yellow eyed door appeared.

Luz took a look at the door. As she slowly approached the door, a wave of doubt came over her. Sure, she wanted to go home, but didn't wanna go back just yet. She looked behind her and looked at everyone.

King had a look of sadness on his face. Luz reached into her back to her something she knew he would like. "Before I go. I know it's not the same, but a King should't be without a crown." Luz said as she walked to king and pulled out a tiny doll sized crown.

King got it and put it on his head. "This, shall suffice." King said, grateful for the tiny but nice crown.

"You there, plant. You are now under my command." King said as he marched towards a plant in the room.

"Cute. Real cute." Y/N said with a smile. "Oh, don't forget this." Eda said as she handed Luz her book. Luz looked down at it. She looked at the characters on it. Azura, a witch, a furry pet, a Knight, and a archer. Then looked at a mirror and saw herself and everyone else. It was like a fantasy come true. It was like her fantasy story has just begun.

"Okay. I know you got your head cut off, and Y/N got his hand smashed, and we started some kind of prison riot. But this was the most fun I've had." Luz said to Eda, who looked kinda surprised.

"Awww, I'm flattered, what's your point?" Y/N asked Luz. "Point is, none of us fit in where we live. If I stay, we could not fit in together." Luz said. "I am not going back to summer camp." Luz said. "What's summer camp? What are we talking about?" Eda asked confused and not sure where Luz was going with this conversation.

"She is wants to run away from home, or stay to become a witch." Scare said. "That's it, stay and become a witch." Luz said as Scare guessed correctly.

"What? All right, that's crazy. Humans can't become witches." Eda said trying not to laugh. "Maybe that's because they haven't tried. If you teach me, I'll do anything you want." Luz said and promised.

"She's got you there mom." Y/N said. "But it's gonna be funny to see her try to learn magic." Y/N said.

"Let her stay! She can make us snack!" King whispered shouted to Eda.

"Well, I could use a hand keeping these goofballs out of the cupboards." Eda said with a smile and picked up King and hugged Y/N.

"All right, I'll teach you how to be a witch. But you have to work for me to learn any spells. Deal?" Eda asked. Luz just hugged all three of them, even pulled Scare into the hug. "What's going on?" Eda asked. "Too tight! Too tight!" King said. "What's with the hug?" Scare asked. "So she's moving in, what now?" Y/N thought to himself.

Somewhere far off. In a dark castle.

A large shadowy figure sat on a throne and looked down at a large metal man. "The Owl Lady and her circus of freaks have caused us trouble long enough. Not even Warden Wrath could get them, at least not for long." The shadowy figure said.

"So what am I here?" A cold, metallic voice asked, slightly inpatient.

"I thought you would never ask. I want to hire you." The shadow figure said. "I'll pay you. I want you to bring me the Owl lady alive. Do what you want to the others, but bring me the Owl lady alive.  Will you get them?" The figure asked

"A witch, a teenager wizard, a girl, a scarecrow, and a reject Grimm. Not a problem." The Tin general said as his eyes flashed red and he swung his sword down at a wanted poster of Eda.

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