Automatic | Jinkook

By jinkookandchill

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'We're sorry, but your call can not be completed. The number you have dialed is no longer in service.' More

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2.1K 131 4
By jinkookandchill

"Hey." Once upon a time, if you had asked him what his dream was, he definitely would not have said this. Working sixteen hour shifts in a restaurant just trying to scrape by. Constantly having to smile in the face of alphas who thought they could treat him like dirt simply because he was serving them.

They really seemed to be confused about what kind of services they offered.

Hoseok's voice had caught him off guard, and he was thankful that all he had been doing was emptying a pan of dirty dishes into the sink at the time.

"Hey Hobi." They had both worked there the exact same length of time, having gotten hired on the very same day, within hours of each other. They watched out for each other. Taking each other's shifts and tables. "What's up?"

"You looking to cut out of here early tonight?"

"Always." He was always exhausted. There was never enough time left to get the actual amount of sleep he needed. "But rent is due next week so I gotta stick it out."

"Well, funny thing. These three guys all wearing designer suits just walked in. And the one told the hostess they wanted someone "pretty" because it's their friends birthday." He let out at a laugh at the over exaggerated air quotes, before instantly feeling sorry for whoever was going to get them.

"And? Last I checked you were gorgeous."

"Okay, so you're not lying, but also, I'm pretty sure they meant an omega." Which Hoseok definitely wasn't. Somehow he had gotten blessed by the gods and given the gift of being a beta, something which Seokjin would have probably killed for. Or at the very least, sacrificed an arm. He didn't really need both of them.

"Let me guess, you want me to take it?" Dealing with three pumped up alpha's definitely wasn't anywhere near what he wanted to do right then. His feet and back ached and he wished with his entire heart that he could just be home right now. Actually, that was a lie. He would settle for literally anywhere else.

"So, gonna go out on a limb here and say their tip is going to be phenomenal." It always was. All for the low, low price of another little piece of his dignity. "You take them, and I'll cover for you for the rest of the night."

"I really don't think so, Hobi. Yeonjun is here, isn't he? I'm sure he'll do it for you."

"Jin." How long was it really going to take? An hour. Maybe two. He could he out of here before dark. Actually get home and pass out at a reasonable hour. Get more than the measly four hours he had the night before. "I'll give you any tips I make tonight."

That was -

More than he could actually reasonably refuse, despite how much he wanted to. Because rent was due and he would very much like to be able to pay it and eat at the same time.

"Fine." Letting out a soft sigh, he ran his fingers through his messy bleached blond hair - another mistake that he allowed himself to be talked into - before brushing them down over his uniform. "But I better make bank off them or else I'm never doing you another favor."

"Please, with the way you look? They're going to be throwing money at you."

"Lucky for me we work in a restaurant and not a strip club."


Sometimes he forgot about that though. That he worked in a high end restaurant instead of some gentlemen's club. That was certainly how the alpha's who came to dine there treated them.

Their boss catered primarily to male alpha's, only hiring pretty betas and omegas in either sex so they could tailor the experience to any preference. And he felt a little piece of himself die every single time he stepped through the doors.

But it paid ten times more than any other job he'd had before, despite how many hours he was forced to take.

He could feel the dark black jeans digging into his flesh as he moved across the space, darting beneath the bent arm of another server, laden down with a tray fresh from the kitchen. The black shirt was just as tight, tucked into the waistband where the apron sat snug around his hips.

"Good evening gentlemen." He started his greeting without even stopping to take a breath, having done it so many times now that it simply came naturally. "My name is Seokjin and I'll be your server for tonight."

"Oh, I can think of many ways you can serve me." He tried to ignore it. He did. Because looking at them always seemed to give off the illusion that you were somehow interested. Yet he knew exactly which one it had come from. The one to his right, dressed from head to toe in ridiculously expensive Gucci that probably cost more than his entire life.

"Can I get you started with drinks?" He tried to smile at absolutely no one in particular - but for some reason, the one in the middle caught his attention. Probably because he was so much smaller than the other's, dressed more casually with hair that resembled mint tooth paste.

"We're actually waiting for someone." The third spoke, and he forced himself to actually to turn his attention towards them, trying his hardest not to appear rude while also seeming as uninterested as he possibly could.

"Oh, that's quite alright. Should I come back?" Please just say yes so he could go find Hoseok and proclaim how incredibly right he had been. That this was a terrible idea and not worth the dignity he was going to have to lose to get that giant tip that was apparently looming just over the horizon.

"Nah, the kid can just order when he gets here." The one in the middle spoke, and suddenly he understood what he was doing with two giant alpha's. Because his voice was low and filled with gravel and it definitely did not suit him at all. "I'll have two whiskey on the rocks and a diet soda."

"I'll have a sex on the beach. Preferably with yo - ow." His eyes widened as the third reached across the table and actually smacked the first along side the head, the sound echoing back at him until all he could do was stand there in shock.

"Sorry for him. He doesn't know how to act in public. He'll have a child's cup full of milk and I'll have whatever beer you have on tap."

"Are you -" Part of him actually wanted to try it. Wanted to bring out a child's cup complete with lid just to actually put an alpha in his place. But he needed his job far too badly and one complaint was all it would take for him to not have it anymore.

"I'll take a cranberry vodka." Thankfully it didn't come with any further flirtation, just a pitiful look at the other lifted a hand to rub against his sore head.

"Of course. I'll be back with those in just a moment."

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