A Trip To Aus // A 5SOS Fanfic

By mukes_rejects

242 24 0


A Trip To Aus // A 5SOS Fanfic
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 8

Chapter 6

16 0 0
By mukes_rejects


Alex's POV

The fact that Daisy still manages to fit a whole digestive biscuit in her mouth makes me laugh...

"NOM NOM NOM" Daisy played on her words after fitting the whole digestuve biscuit into her mouth. I laughed shaking my head in amusement, she grinned in response,"Youre just jealous"

"Hmmm... really?" I laughed in reply to my sister, "If I'm honest im not a fan of the digestive, theyre a bit sweet... I prefer... a rich tea"

"Oooo get you - Oh Mabel pass me a rich tea dahling" Daisy pouted, acting posh.

"You're so weird..." I muttered fiddling with the handle on my mug. I felt two arms wrap around my neck,"But you love meeeee!"

Laughing, I replied,"Thats true I do, so don't go and leave me!" There was a short silence before her arms disappeared,"I wont. Dont worry. Got to go and see Michael. Bye sis!"

That was weird...I thought to myself. I shrugged it off and put my untouched mug of tea into the sink. Making my way upstairs, i decided to change into my gym gear and go for a jog.

Plugging my headphones in, i set off heading left out of the driveway.


I was still jogging an hour later, extremely out of breath, but I had to push on.

Keep going, keep going, keep goi-

"ALEX!" A voice cried out, i jumped slightly in surprise stopped to calm my breath and pull out my headphones. I turned around coming face to face with... Michael?

"Um, hi...?" I questioned.

"I saw you down the street and thought you looked familiar.. wow um im sure Luke would love to see you in that sports bra" He grinned cheekily and i rolled my eyes, slapping his arm lightly.

"Daisy told me she was with you by the way..." I said slowly, confused. Michaels eyes widened at this in surprise, "Oh... she isnt...im sorry love"

I frowned in disappointment, Daisy never lies to me like this... where could she be?

"Actually, she could be at my house, i have been out for an hour, look come to mine, the boys are on the way over and we can ring Daisy" Michael said, i nodded in agreement as we made our way to his house.

10 minutes or so later we arrived and much to my relief there was my sister sitting on the garden bench outside. She grinned when her eyes met Michael as they did a cliche run and hug... i may have nearly vomited. Actually, oh there it is, a little bit of bile at the back of my throat.

"When you two have finished your... tonsil tennis match... i'll be inside.." I slightly hivered hoping they would reply - they didnt, so i ventured into Michaels house.

I could hear voices through a door that looked like it went down to the basement. I took off my running trainers leaving them on the shoe rack and padded down the stairs to investigate.

As i neared the bottom i saw a large brightly lit room that i instantly could tell was Michael's bedroom due to the many Green Day posters, array of gaming chairs and a large double bed scattered with comics and dirty clothes.

I saw Luke look up at the sound of my footsteps and he grinned motioning for me to go over. I followed his request and awkwardly sat on the arm of his chair.

I looked up a little and saw two guys," Alex - Calum and Ashton, Guys - Alex. Say Hi" Luke said.

"Hiya" "Hey there" they replied. "Hi" I said shyly.
Oh Alex why are you so awkward...

"Well she's an adorable one isnt she" Ashton grinned, I blushed as Luke wrapped an arm around my shoulder squeezing it comfortingly.

"Hands off Irwin, shes mine" Luke winked at me and i rested my head ontop of his through laziness as Ashton laughed.

"I hope you dont think im being perverted but, why the sports bra?" Calum asked. I cleared my throat a little.

"I went for a jog before I came here and its incredibly hot outthere so this is my chosen att-"

I stopped mid sentence as my eye caught a sight below me. I blinked a few times and then realised I wasn't seeing things. I leaned down to Lukes ear,"Luke..."

"I know I know shush" He said rather loudly grabbing a cushion and pkacing it over his crotch. Calum and Ashton burst into laughter as I felt my cheeks getting redder and redder.

"You just look really hot like that..." the tall blonde muttered. My only reaction was to wrap my arms around my stomach as i started to feel slightly self concious.

Look at that. The laughs at you my friend. All that laughter - soak it up.

I started to realise that I must of looked sad as Daisy was now in the room, sitting on her knees in front of me. She frowned,"Are you okay?"

I nodded rather lamely.

She raised an eyebrow unimpressed,"I think we all know youre lying"

"You can talk." I muttered, not even understanding why i said that as she'd done nothing wrong.

She stopped talking, wide eyed, "I was going to tell you - i promise"

At this point i payed more attention, confused as to what was going on. I looked around to see all of the guys looking at us as well.

"W..what were you going to tell me..?" I figured it couldnt be that bad seen as we were sisters - Daisy tells me everything.

I watched her look over at Michael, who nodded in reassurance,"I want to stay here, in Australia"

"So do I, its lovely here, we are staying these next few week-" I started saying but got interrupted.

"No. Alex, you dont understand, I want to live here... after my relationships and experiences in the past, im ashamed. Ive talked to mum and dad - they agreed, im staying here. Im sorry - im not coming back to England with you" I looked into my sisters eyes and saw honesty as well as regret.

I was lost for words and didnt know what to say. So i got up, slowly, made my way up the stairs, stumbled around, managed to find the bathroom and sat. I sat and i sat, my eyes closed as the tears started to pour down my face...

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