-Broken Hope- {A naegiri stor...

By That_Random_author

2.1K 54 25

Ever since the survivors of the first killing game left and made there way into the outside world, and surviv... More

Some quick notes from me, πŸ™‚πŸ±
Hi, it's me!


103 4 0
By That_Random_author

-(The next day)-

(9:15 am)

Kyoko kirigiri's POV

I go downstairs for the first time in like 4-5 or more days, I expected to be alone, but, my thinking was wrong..

"Ah, look, it's the girl who hardly ever leaves her room, welcome to the downstairs of this house,😒" I look over and see togami sitting on the couch with a cup of what I'm guessing is coffee. 

"good to see you too.." I say sarcastically in response, then I walk over to the kitchen to grab myself a quick snack, cause if I keep staying in my room all day, I'd practically starve or dehydrate myself to death. (That's probably a really bad way to die..) And once again my thinking was wrong...

"Oh hey kiri, I was just about to come up and say hi!" Makoto says from behind the island counter top, I nod back and make my way to the pantry and grab a small container of some sort of crackers and then a bottle of water.

(If your wondering why bottled water is in the pantry, one of my irl bff's keeps bottled water in her pantry, also Idk where else you would put bottled water, so ya.....)

I then start to walk out of the kitchen before being stopped by makoto, "leaving so fast?". " do you want me to stay?" I answer back with, "maybe" he says with a sly look on his face. I then turn around and pull up one of the "bar stool" chairs, and sit down.

 "Soooo, how are you?" He asks

"Good" I lie

"Alright ~..."

We then stayed silent for the rest of the time I was there.


About 4 hours past that day, At about 10:30-ish I went back upstairs after getting something in my system, I was in the middle of slightly cutting myself when I heard a knock at my bedroom door, I panicked slightly, remembering that I had forgotten to lock my bedroom door, I quickly without thinking, slid the knife under my bed, I'm probably going to regret that later when I am looking for it and it's not in its usual spot, 

"Doors unlocked!" I said, and with that the door opened and I see makoto, "hey, where alk going to watch something, want to join us?" He asked, "well seeing as I am apparently trying to spend more time with people, why not" I say to myself mentally, "sure"I then say. And I stand up and walk towards him, we then walk downstairs shoulder to shoulder only then when we get to like halfway through, he speeds up and leaves me behind, I did say before he was the most childish person of the group. I roll my eyes and continue my way down. 

" alright kirigiri, the gig is up, somethings wrong." I hear hina once I set foot in the living room, 

"w-what do you mean?" I say

"Ya! What do you mean?" Makoto then says

"Oh be quiet naegi! Can't you tell something is wrong, first she always is in her room and never leaves, secondly, she always wears long sleeves, and doesn't even bother to pull then up once and a while, suspicious? I. Think. Not!" Togami then says

"Ok first of all, it's the middle of fall, so it's obviously going to be cold! And second of all, why do you even give a damn about what I'm doing in my room?" I fire back. 

"Roasted "Yasuhiro shouts

" S-shut u-up! "Toko says. 

" back on topic, you didn't even tell me you where going to do this!" Makoto says

"That's right naegi, we tricked you to trick her into coming down here and confess." Togami says 

"H-huh!" Makoto gasps

"That's just plain wrong, and your never going to get me to confess anything cause-" I say right before being cut off..


I then stand in confusion, I feel like time just stopped right then and there, I can feel pain coming from my left check.

"nobody wants to hear your bs excuses!" Togami says practically yelling in my face

I stand there with my eyes open wide in fear and shock, I slowly raise my hand to my check...

"And if nothing is wrong with you then I'm pretty sure you won't be affected by being told to kill yourself!!" He practically yells again, in my face.

Is that what they all think do they want me to die??

"I'm going back upstairs, nobody stop me." I say as calmly as I can then walking back upstairs. 

"Kyoko wait!!" I can hear makoto say. But I choose to ignore it.

I then lock myself in my room and the quickly dig under my bed for the knife I slid under there until I found it. 'Do they really care, is what he said true?' I say to myself. I roll up my right sleeve and see an arm without any scars, I the bring the knife to my arms skin, but then drop it and say to myself, "what am I doing, I was taught not to let me emotions control me. Maybe he was right, maybe no one wants to hear my bullshit."....

(Me writing this at like 10:30 at night, trying to get it done before midnight, I honestly thought I came out quite good,🙂

-✨lunar chan ✨)

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