His Doctor Psycho(complete ✔)

By extinct__

37K 1K 147

Word count (50,000 - 100,000) ⚠️Mature content ⚠️ ________________ What makes this love story different from... More

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author's note / awards

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By extinct__

I curled my hands around the hot mug of coffee , bring the edge to my lips and took a sip . I can feel the warmth of coffee inside my throat ,it gives me feeling of relaxation

My scan the documents of my patient , it was really hard to believe ,how a person with so many disorders living .
'Maybe he is dying day by day and no one is ready to notice it ? '

I sigh in frustration as I couldn't think of anything to cure all his disorders in thirty days

The lean back in my chair , scanning my surroundings , my desk was messy with all the relevant data of the guy and different cases related to them

The thing I know is that every disorder has a cause , the cause that maybe from past ,we need to find the cause and the cure of the disorder will also solve

I will start one by one.

The door of my cabin burst open as I saw Petal standing there, she is a intern and she is taking her training under me , her cute face was covered in sweat , her pointed eyes was showing Only one emotion , Scared

"The Le deòn guy came " she said panting "a-and he is b-beating the guard" she said wiping the sweat from her forehead

My breath stuck in my throat , he didn't even properly step his foot here and already causing chaos , god know what will happen in thirty days

I quickly pull my white Lab coat as I wore it , the baggy coat covered my off shoulder top and reach till my knees .

The badge of 'doctor Stella' was shinning on the front pocket of coat with a lot pen pinning in them .

I. Quickly make my way out of my cabin .

The sound of people shouting hit my ear as I reached ground floor , there was a lot of people gathered around , and the sound of a person crying in pain was coming from there .

I flinched as I heard a sound of knuckles connecting with jaw . It was sick ,he sick

Cutting between the crowd , I got in the middle of fight ,there was guard pinning on the ground by a huge man climbing top on him ,his broad back was towards me , his black shirt was hugging his every corner of body ,and the moments of his muscles make it look more tight , As much as his muscle was moving , it seems like his shirt would rip apart at any moment.

"Te dije que me dejaras entrar, pedazo de mierda" ( I told you just let me in )he growled in Spanish, the whole floor was shaking by the intensity of his heavy voice , I wanted to go near him and stop the fight but I was trembling, trembling with fear as deja vù came to me , reminding me of my past

I tried to control my breathe ,I need to stop this he is my patient .

I gather my courage, he was about to punch the guy again in the face , but before that I lunges my body toward him and clutches his hand with my both of hands , his hands was huge .

"Please stop" I said , with my eyes closed , I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes ,because of the fear .

The whole floor just went into silence, a deadly silence , the only thing I could hear was the heavy breathe of my new client 'Alwar ' mixed with heavy breathing of mine

I was shaking but didn't loose the grip on his hand .

"Open your eyes " his husky voice hit my ears , and sent goosebumps all over my body ,but still I couldn't gather courage to open my eyes

"I said open your EYES" he shout the last part as I flinched , I slowly open my eyes ,and my eyes meet with the brown pair of blank eyes , his eyes was blank , beautifully blank , It was mysterious and plain with no shine in them

His face was chiseled , sharp jawline.  High eyebrows with perfect nose. But there was not a single emotions to decorate his beautiful face

"Stella" his said my name in very low voice as my eyebrows knotted in confusion . How he knows my name ?

He slowly slide off the guard as people rush toward him to help him .

" Take him to the hospital" I said still gripping the hand of this guy, his knuckles was bleeding .

His breathe becomes normal , we were still on the ground with my body on him . I realized what position we are in so I quickly removed myself from him and stand up dusting my clothes off .

He followed my lead as he also stands up .he was scratching his head , not knowing what to say

" Well , I am you therapist" I said and a shock wave on his face " are you fucking serious" he said in a very different tone , it was hard to point out if he was happy or sad

" Yes " I said " now if you please come to my cabin with me , we can start further " I said , goddamn I was not even prepared to handle him , how I am even gonna start.

I took a glance towards him again , he was running his hands in his hairs acting all normal , like he never beaten someone to death just a minute ago

He disgusts me right now , how can someone hurt people and act all normal ? People like him don't feel anything for anyone

But he is not normal , he need helps, maybe then he can become a better person

With that hope we move toward my cabin


"So what your name" I asked ,he was lazily sitting on the chair with his legs on the table , it was quite disrespectful but anyways

"Alwar Le Deón " he said as he lean back on the chair, humming songs to himself, like he don't care what is going around here

"So tell me about you " I asked as j came and stand near his leg by supporting my lower body the  desk

"You already know most of it by reading that file" he said pointing towards the file on the table " but I want to hear it from your mouth " I said crossing my arms on my chest as I forced a smile on my face .

He scanned my face ,I bite my lips under his gaze , his eyes move to my neck and stop on my pendant

"You want to hear it from my mouth , that what kind of bad person I am ?" He said ,and my heart broke at this , he hate himself ,and this is the worst thing that can even happen to someone ,a human can stand whole world against him ,but they can't stand when there own self stand against them .

"I don't think you are bad , you just victim of the world " I said ,looking directly in his eyes with a genuine smile this time . His eyes became shiny , like life has returned to it ,but something flipped in him as his eyes again become dark

He gave me a dark laugh .

"Victim of the world ? Bullshit" he said as he removed his legs from desk and stand up as he rushed towards the door .

I ran behind him and block his way .

"You need to open up to me " I said ,but he pushed past me . I can't let him run away like this ,I want to help him ,maybe saving him I can save a lot of people he going to damage .

Leaving person like him without cure , is like throwing bomb in between people, which can blast any moment and can kill and destroy hundreds of life

"Let me help you Alwar"I said , as stop dead in his track ,he glare at me with unreadable expression

"You can do a shit Stella"  he said as he finally pushed and walked out of cabin , I was standing there defeated . I can't give up that easily

He is not ready to open up to me , because of his trust issues .

Wait trust issues , i need to make him trust me

I ran towards his documents as I trying to. Find a way to make him trust me , ruffling through pages of his files , a very important thing got in my hand

He is claustrophobic , he is afraid of closed spaces , and I exactly know what I have to do

I pull out my phone as I dialed number of mark

" Hey , Mark , stop the lift as soon as it come to twelfth floor " I said and ended the. Call

I know it is risky but I need to do this .

I run behind Alwar , he was standing near lift waiting for it .

" Hey stop " I shout , he looked towards me and rolls his eyes " you woman you are pain in an ass" he said as he entered the lift without me

Oh fuck he can't go without me alone , I ran with. My full speed as I pushed my little hand inside the gap of door of elevator and by my luck it opened

I sigh in relief as I step foot inside it .

Alwar eyes me up and down ,and laugh in frustration .

"You desperate woman " he said pinching my arm ,I slapped his arm as I rub the part he pinched , bitch

He pressed the G button as I slowly pray that my plan come under work , the building was 56 storey top ,and I said to stop it if twelfth floor

I should start conversations till then

"What is the meaning of your name "I asked scanning his beautiful face , his lip has a cut on it and an injury on his forehead which was covered in bandage .

He watched at me with disbelief , and stretch his arms as he lean his body on the metallic wall of elevator

"Guard of all" he said playing with his fingers "That's beautiful" I said and he stopped playing with his fingers

"What's beautiful in this lame thing" he said "his hard to protect people, and your name signifies that you born to guard" I said " that's bullshit , I couldn't protect anyone , not even myself " he said casually but my heart hurts on his confession

Poor boy

" it's okay to get hurt, but you always have to let yourself heal after that " I said "but what if you keep getting scars? He said " what if no one gave you time to heal " he completed

"Bad persons don't deserve to get healed " he said laughing "why you are so hell bent on proving yourself bad ?" I asked "maybe because you think , you suffered something that's why you have to be bad ? You have to be bad to hurt everyone ,giving them your pain " I said ,he watched me with pure shock , his eyes was scanning my face , seeing any sign of me joking ,but I am sure he couldn't find it .

The light of elevator starts Burning ,broke us from our staring contest ,

"What the fuck is happening" he said as he grabbed my hand tight " it's nothing just a glitch" I said ,trying to suppress my laugh , he was looking cute ,being little scared

The elevator starts shaking as whole light went off, it was shaking too much ,it was like earthquake came in here, wait this was not in plan

"The fucking thing is glitch" he said as elevator jerked stopped and we both fell on the floor with him on the top of me

His breath gets heavy , as there was power cut in elevator , his breath was keep getting heavy as sweat cover his whole forehead.

" Hey calm down" I said as I touched his. Cheeks , we were close , so close that I can feel his minty breath on my face , my inside was exploding ,I am happy that I have talent to hide my emotions , otherwise he can seriously see how this position was effecting me

"I c-cant b-breathe" he said panting , I pull him by collar of his shirt near me , the fabric of collar laced from my hand and gave me tingling feeling , his collagen was strong yet soft , a very different kind of smell he has .

I pull his head on my head , as I make him pressed his ears on my chest I wrap my arms around his huge body , it was hard to fill this huge man in my arms but it was worth it.
"Try to breath with my heart beat " I said as I ran my fingers in his soft hairs . would it will be wrong If I say if I want to be like this forever ?

"It is working" he said as he grip me tighter , his legs was between my legs as I fold my legs to make it more comfortable .

I keep patting his head as his breath got normal .

"Stella" my name rolls out of his mouth like a melody "hmm"

"What's your dream" he asked " I want to save life of someone and want to live peacefully" I said "what's your dream" I asked

"I want to be heir " he said " I want to be on top" he said "And you need my sign for that" I said , I can feel him nodding his head on my chest .

"Then let me help you to achieve your dream and you will help me achieving mine  " I said " you have to trust me and let me in ,so I can fight your demons with you " I said . He pulled his head and watched me directly in my eye ,asking thousands of questions, doubting that weather he should or not

But before he could answer, the door of elevator forcefully open and people start making chaos ,I quickly pushed him off me and everyone was looking at us in shock

I stand up Dusting. My dress

"I , umm , I was giving him panic therapy" I said as people watched me with questionable glare , I Can see Petal's small figure there as she was looking like she will burst because of happiness


" I should go" Alwar walked past by me , without even answering , I think all these hard go waste because he didn't agree to take help

I can see his back ,as he make his way out the the crowd , my shoulder slump down in defeat as i come out of elevator

"Stella " His husky voice hit my ears I glanced up to see his beautiful face
" I trust you" he said and I can't tell how every cell in body start dancing " I will take your therapy and let you help me " he said giving me cool wave as he walked away .

I guess it wasn't waste . He agreed to take therapy and I just cured his first personality disorders 'trust issues' . I know he is broke beyond repair but now he trust me he will let me know the reason , the root of his problems . And I wish I can solve them and help him with his dream

" Stella , what was that " petal asked me but I didn't said anything ,I just hugged her tight and she went rigid

She maybe shock because I don't touch people , and I never do hugs , but today is different because I  am very happy after a while


Word count 2536
Thoughts ? I am putting alot of efforts in this , please like and share and comment .

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