The Difference Between Us •Na...

Von potatoejung_

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Never did Naruto think that a run would change his life so much. - Mehr



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Von potatoejung_


The car was silent as they drove. Naruto was in shock of what just happened. He spouted a tail and became a mermaid.

Then it took a whole hour in the freezing water and snowy weather for Hinata and Sasuke to teach him to change back to a human since he hadn't even tried to become a mermaid, or merman. Then when he finally managed it, he was stark naked and Sasuke and Hinata immediately magic'ed him clothes out of no where.

On top of that, Sasuke couldn't manage to dry his hair.

So the Uchiha drove Naruto's car while Sakura drived his. Which of course resulted in Hinata throwing herself onto her boyfriend as soon as she was able in order to comfort him.

Hinata had her arms wrapped around his neck and legs around his waist in the backseat. Sasuke had given him a thick blanket to warm up and immediately blasted the heaters in his car. "Naruto Uzumaki Naruto," Hinata whispered. "I missed you."

That's right. He couldn't even focus on being reunited with Hinata because he turned into a freaking merman.

"I missed you too," he kissed her forehead. He squeezed her tighter to him and wished for nothing more than to just be wrapped up in his bed with her.

"Sasuke," he finally addressed the male driving his car. "I'm assuming you might know what the hell happened to me?"

The ravenet glanced at him from the rear view mirror before turning his eyes back to the road. "I have an inkling but I need to talk to your parents first."

The rest of the ride to his house was spent in silent. He simply held Hinata as close to him as he could and reminded himself that she was worth every struggle. Including growing fins.


Naruto stood at the doorway with the blanket wrapped around his head and a scowl across his face. Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata stood behind him, awkwardly waiting for him to unlock the door.

"Naruto?" Sakura piped up once her fingertips began to numb. "What's wrong?"

The blond let out a pitiful sigh and wrapped the blanket tighter around himself. "When I... changed... my clothes disappeared with everything that was in my pockets. My keys and my phone."

Another beat of silence. No one knew how to comfort the obviously confused and embarrassed male since they were just as confused as he was.

"At least you left your wallet in the car?" Sasuke tried which just earned him a glare over the shoulder. Naruto was still pissed that Sasuke just didn't go into the ocean himself.

When he turned back to the door both Sasuke and Sakura turned to Hinata for help. There was absolutely no way he would snap at her.

The Hyuga took a step in front of him and looked him in the eyes. Naruto gave her a warm smile and Hinata leaned in and placed a soft peck to his cheek. "Perhaps, Naruto-kun," the pet name earned her even more points. "We could just..."

Hinata raised her hand and knocked thrice on the wooden door. "Knock?"

Silence engulfed them once more but now Naruto held tightly onto Hinata's hand. They waited in the cold and watched the lights flicker on inside then listened to the door being unlocked.

"Son?" Minato rubbed at his eye. "Sasuke-kun..? Sakura...chan....?" The older blond now noticed Hinata who hid right behind Naruto. Hinata waved awkwardly to which Minato waved back just as awkwardly.

"Can you let us in? It's freezing." Naruto said flatly. Minato then moved to the side and ushered the group inside.

Naruto headed straight to the loveseat couch and plopped down onto it, taking Hinata with him. She didn't mind but she did want to introduce herself properly to Naruto's parents.

Sasuke and Sakura followed while Minato went to get some extra blankets.

"What happened out there?" He asked once he returned. He passed out the covers and they quickly thanked him. "You kids look like you took an ice bath or something."

"Something like that, Minato-san," Sasuke said. "Could you grab Kushina-san? We need to discuss something with the both of you."

Minato didn't question them and just went to wake his wife. Of course they heard the groaning and protests of Naruto's mother from downstairs but she trudged down nonetheless. She sat on the recliner and wiped at her eyes while Minato sat down on the arm of said recliner.

"Mom, dad," Naruto started. "Is there something you maybe wanna tell me about?" He asked. Kushina just cocked her head to the side in utter confusion. "Maybe about... my heritage?"


"What he means," Sasuke interjected, shooting Naruto a firm look. "Something happened tonight that couldn't have happened without Naruto having..." the ravenet trailed off.

It was unsure if his parents even knew that there was any magical blood in his family. But they knew that they needed to ask.

"Um..." Hinata piped up. Everyone turned to her and suddenly Kushina was much more awake when she noticed her. "My name is Hinata and I am Naruto-kun's... girlfriend."

Minato smiled while Kushina looked her over, unsure. Naruto coughed when he realized belatedly that he forgot to tell his parents that he had a girlfriend.

"Nice to meet you," Minato greeted her with a kind smile before turning back to his son. "But... Naruto, what's going on?"

This was probably the weirdest thing to bring up. Naruto turned helplessly to Sasuke who just rolled his eyes at the ladder.

"Okay, I'm going to have to be frank about this." The Uchiha said sternly. Sakura watched him nervously and looked between everyone in the room.  "Do either of you know if you have any merpeople on your side of the family?"

Again, silence.

Sakura covered her face, horribly embarrassed because what if neither of them knew about anything. This was just so out of context. Hinata looked from person to person, trying to get a feel for what everyone else was feeling. She still had trouble with that.

"I-I'm sorry but... what?" Minato asked, an incredulous look on his features. He looked over the four of them. "Mer... people? Like mermaids?"

"Yes sir," Sasuke said. "I can't help Naruto if I don't know why he transformed tonight. It's–"

"You transformed?" Kushina asked meekly.

Everyone turned to face the redhead and watched her cover her mouth. Naruto narrowed his eyes at her but before he could say anything Hinata gasped and clapped her hands.

"You are a mermaid!" She exclaimed, excited to maybe not be such an outcast in Naruto's family.

With all eyes on Kushina, her cheeks began to match her hair color. The Uzumaki never wanted to tell her family the truth about herself this way.

"I'm not a mermaid," she said. "My grandmother is, though. Only my aunt Tsunade has ever transformed. We thought she would be the only one."

"What?!" Naruto exclaimed. "You mean granny Mito AND Tsunade are mermaids?! And you never told me and dad about it?!"

Minato tsked at him to calm down, to let Kushina explain. Although, he was just as confused and wanted desperately to hear more. But from the looks of it, he was the one most out of the loop.

"Yeah," Kushina mumbled and began to rebraid her hair. "I never said anything because I had never transformed so I figured you wouldn't either, Naruto."

"Well," Sasuke piped in, heads turning back to him. "Then Naruto is a chance merman, he only transformed because"

The Uchiha scratched the back of his head, unsure how to go about it. He didn't want to expose him in front of everyone but it looked like he would have to.

"He fell for a mermaid."

Minato and Kushina whipped their heads to look at Hinata who had turned a vibrant shade of pink. She looked to Naruto who could only stare back at her, expression as equally as embarrassed and lovestruck as hers.

"You're a mermaid?" Minato asked her, yet again another shocked expression.

"I... am indeed." Hinata mumbled and looked at her lap. "B-but!" She lifted her head then pointed at the ravenet. "So is Sasuke!"

The Uchiha gasped. "Hinata!"

Kushina looked to Sakura while the two merpeople glared at each other. "And you, Sakura-chan?"

"Hm?" Sakura hummed, suddenly having attention on her. "Oh! No, I'm just... me. Human!" She said awkwardly, fiddling with her hands.

Minato looked like he was about to have an aneurism with all this talk of mermaids and mermen. Kushina didn't know much about it all either but at least she knew something.

"Well," Naruto spoke up after a moment. "It's been a long day and I'm not sure how much more dad can take," he looked over at his poor father. "Can we talk about it tomorrow?"

Everyone collectively agreed as it was nearing four in the morning. Sasuke and Sakura agreed to come back for supper since they all had much to discuss before they departed.

Minato and Kushina took a few moments to welcome Hinata into their home and apologize for their shock. But, to Hinata, it could have gone much worse. The elder couple retired to their bedroom and left Naruto and Hinata by their selves. Naruto listened to hear his parents door close before deciding to talk to Hinata.

"Um," Naruto turned to face her. "Hi."

Hinata giggled and scooted closer to him. "Hi."

After the last few hours, this was the first moment they had just for themselves. They hadn't seen each other for nearly three weeks so it was no surprise when they just took a moment to refamiliarize with each other.

Eyes wandering across each other and hands feeling each other's warmth. Naruto pulled halfway onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I've missed you like crazy," he mumbled into her shoulder. "I could barely do anything."

"I am sorry for all that I have caused, Naruto-kun," she pulled back to look at him. "I feel as though I have led your life into something you cannot get out of." Hinata said, her voice trembling. Naruto had never seen her so close to tears before.

"What's wrong, Hinata?" The blond asked and kissed her cheek. "I made the decision to be in your life a long time ago."

"Yes, b-but," she sniffled. "If it had not been for me... you would not have turned into a–"

"Hey," he cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips. "There was no way of knowing I had magic in me. And yeah it was scary and super overwhelming but now I can go into the ocean and face your family head on. I'm in this with you, Hinata. We're a team, okay? I have absolutely no regrets, not a single one when it comes to you."

He wiped her few stray tears and pressed soft kisses all over her face until she smiled. "Okay." She said softly.

Naruto still continued to kiss her face and just try to feel as close to her as he could. He pulled her completely onto his lap in the midst of his actions. The Hyuga pushed him away once he began to tickle her a bit but he just pulled her tighter against him.

"And," Naruto began, his movements ceasing. "Even though that know-it-all Sasuke and stupid spell already outed me..." he pouted childishly before the apples of his cheeks were kissed by a bright blush.

"I just wanted to make sure you know that I love you, Hinata Hyuga."

Hinata blinked down at him as she processed his words. She had never been in love before but there wasn't a doubt in her mind that the warm feeling in her chest was just that.

"I-I," she stumbled out, Naruto's blue eyes finally looking at her own lilac ones. "I love you too, Naruto Uzuamki Naruto."

Naruto smiled brightly once those words left her lips. Not that there was any doubt that she loved him, but it was nice to hear it out loud. He leaned in and closed his eyes, tired of not kissing her after this long night, but they opened just as fast as they closed when he felt her finger against his lips.

"Hinata, what–"

"I-it..." he noticed her blush stained face. "Your parents are upstairs, I do not wish that they see us kiss."

Naruto let out an amused chuckle and frustrated groan at the same time. "They're asleep, it's just us."

"We are in the open area."

"The living room?"

"Anyone can walk in!"

"Fine!" He said, exasperated. Naruto then wrapped his arm around her shoulders and hooked the other under her knees then stood up.

She let out an airy squeak as he lifted her and quickly wrapped her arms around his neck once he began to walk. "Th-this is unnecessary!" She yelped. "Please put me down before you drop me!"

"You kidding?" He smirked once he began to climb the stairs. "I'm never letting go."

She continued to squeal and kick her legs out until Naruto shushed her when they passed his parent's room. Hinata puffed her cheeks out and furrowed her brows as they continued down the hall then turned into another before finally reaching his room.

He kicked the door closed behind him then placed Hinata down on his bed gently. "Is this better?" He asked then turned back to lock the door so his nosy mother wouldn't peek in.

She looked around. It was messy but that was to be expected since she basically lived with him for days at a time.

"Y-yes," she mumbled. She scooted to the side to make room for Naruto and let him lie to next to her.

Hinata watched him undress himself down to his boxers before going under the covers and pulling her with him. She giggled and got settled before her clothes vanished and she cuddled closer to him.

Naruto was glad he expected as much or else he might have passed out at the sudden contact. He just let out a content sigh and gazed into her beautiful eyes. "Can I please, please kiss you now?"

"Hmm..." she looked away just to tease then relented after a few moments. "Okay."

Before she knew it, Naruto was leaning over her and pressing a kiss to her lips. He angled his head so their noses wouldn't press and Hinata wrapped her arms around his shoulders. She enjoyed the weight of him on top of her. It made her feel safe, secured.

Naruto pulled away after a few minutes of being lost in each other and let their breath intermingle. He wanted so much and for the first time, he felt as though he were ready for it all.

He began to kiss her jawline and down her neck, trying his best not to leave any marks behind. Hinata panted unevenly as his lips moved lower and lower down her chest and stomach but she let out a pitiful squeak when she felt his hands between her thighs and pulled the blond up by his cheeks.

"Naruto!" She exclaimed, her face practically glowing red. "A-as much as I have b-been looking forward to this..."

Naruto watched her squirm and noticed her shaky grip on his face. He had gotten to her. Before she said anything else he moved his hands and placed them on other side of her body and watched her visibly relax.

"I have u-used much of my magic reserve today," she finally made eye contact. "A-and your parents are still here s-so I don't want them to–"

"Shh," he pulled free from her hold and laid down next to her. "It's okay, you don't have to explain. I understand."

Hinata sniffled and cuddled close to him to which he let out a content sigh. He let her calm down and soon enough they were both drifting to sleep in each other's arms. This was all he needed.

"I love you." She mumbled sleepily and before he could even respond, she was out.

All he needed was her.


Context! Naruto is a chance merman bc he does not have two mer parents and his parents aren't even merppl. The magic in his blood was only "activated" because of Hinata and the love barrier in the last chapter. If anything is confusing just let me know :)

Naruto will not have powers! But he will have a special ability 🥵

Thank you for reading 🥰🥰

unedited yo


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