Protecting You - Complete

By The_Same_Deep_Waters

64.4K 2.4K 401

𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ▸ A recent graduate of WSU, Anastasia Steele has moved to Seattle. With no friend... More

Chapter 1 - Ana
Chapter 2 - Christian
Chapter 3 - Ana
Chapter 4 - Christian
Chapter 5 - Anastasia
Chapter 6 - Christian
Chapter 7 - Ana
Chapter 8 - Christian
Chapter 9 - Ana
Chapter 10 - Christian
Chapter 11 - Ana
Chapter 12 - Christian
Chapter 13 - Ana
Chapter 14 - Christian
Chapter 15 - Ana
Chapter 16 - Christian
Chapter 17 - Ana
Chapter 18 - Christian
Chapter 19 - Ana
Chapter 20 - Christian
Chapter 21 - Ana
Chapter 22 - Christian
Chapter 23 - Ana
Chapter 24 - Christian
Chapter 25 - Ana
Chapter 26 - Elena
Chapter 27 - Christian
Chapter 28 - Ana
Chapter 29 - Christian
Chapter 30 - Ana
Chapter 31 - Christian
Chapter 32 - Ana
Chapter 34 - Grace

Chapter 33 - Christian

1.7K 61 8
By The_Same_Deep_Waters

While I'd hoped to stay in Montana longer, the break we'd had was still enjoyable. I was actually looking forward to returning in the summer for a longer stay. When we landed, I was unsurprised to see Taylor waiting for us on the tarmac. Saying goodbye to my family, I carried our luggage to the waiting SUV.

"Pleasant trip, sir?" Taylor asked with a small smirk.

"Can't complain," I replied. I chatted with Ana during the short drive back to Escala. When we reached the apartment, the scent of a delicious meal greeted us, and we found Gail in the kitchen.

"Mrs. Jones? We weren't expecting you."

"Traveling is tiring. Besides, with Jason working all weekend..."

Yes. I'd promised them time off, then all this happened. I'd have to make that up to them.

"That's so thoughtful of you, Gail. Thank you," Ana said, putting her handbag down on the counter. "Can I get you a glass of wine, baby?" she asked me.

"I'd love one, thank you," I said, gesturing for Taylor to follow me through to my office.

"Where are we at?" I asked once the office door was closed. Usually, Taylor remained standing when he gave me his updates. That he sat, this time, hinted his report would be lengthy.

"We have identified the two other underaged men Mrs. Lincoln assaulted. One was before you, the other after. The first moved interstate with his family as a teenager and does not seem in any way connected with Lincoln or the BDSM lifestyle. The younger man was in and out of foster homes and is currently incarcerated for breaking and entering and assault. I have prepared a dossier on each for you."

"Excellent. And Elena?"

"Has had difficulty finding a lawyer," Taylor replied, knowing full well what I'd tasked my legal department to do. "The word is she's found some recent graduate to represent her. Her hearing is scheduled for tomorrow, but the DA will oppose bail—too much of a flight risk."

A knock on the door interrupted us, and Anastasia came in with a glass of white wine. "Gail said dinner will be in twenty minutes," my angel declared.

"Thank you, baby. I'll be out then." As much as possible, I wanted to keep Anastasia out of this. I'd tell her the basics, but I didn't want her involved in the minutiae. Closing the office doors behind her, I went back to talking with Taylor.

"Has she made any attempt to make contact?"

"Not yet, but I expect she will after her hearing. The DA and FBI will outline their case, including the fact that the GEH audit shows embezzlement and fraud. I'm certain she will try to get in touch then."

I nodded. I agreed with Taylor's assessment. The second Elena knew I'd played any part in this, she wouldn't be able to help herself. "And Van Ryn?"

"The FBI isn't saying much, other than they're getting as much information as they can to shut the whole operation down. They mentioned he doesn't know Ms. Steele's name, and while she was his next mark, with him detained, she's no longer at any risk." I'd assumed as much, but it was still good to hear it said. We spent the next few minutes going over security protocols for Ana now she was officially 'my girl.' Sawyer and Gamboa would alternate as her primary CPOs while Mia was in rehab. After that, Ryan or Reynolds would pitch in to replace Mia's CPO.

"We might need to look at adding a female CPO to the team," I mused, thinking of Ana in fitting rooms out shopping, or needing to use a public restroom. I wanted someone close to her at all times.

"I'll look into that, sir. Also, we've had some progress on Hyde from Random House. Turns out he's been sexually harassing his assistants. That's why they leave."

"Harassing or assaulting?"

"Harassment, so far, although it seems to be escalating. If he isn't stopped, I worry he will progress."

"Call Ms. Milford and, off the record, let her know. Everyone deserves to feel safe in their workplace. Working in HR, she'll know how to deal with this. Monitor it. I am sure she will act... But if she doesn't, we will."

Monday was almost surreal. Ana and I went to work together, her once again ensconced in a room on the executive floor. I knew she was safe, but I still worried. Throughout the morning, I pushed through my work, yet my mind wasn't on it. All I could think about was the call I expected to receive.

Taylor ensured we would have eyes, ears, and (illegally) live video of Elena's hearing. It was hard to admit, but a part—a very small part of me—felt like I was betraying my oldest friend. However, when I switched to view the live feed of Ana in a meeting room diligently editing a publication for my company, I knew where my loyalties lay. The woman who'd whipped, beaten, assaulted, and defrauded me would be in a court hearing. The woman who'd healed, loved, cherished, and worked for me (even when she didn't need to) was in a room a few doors down using her talents to help me. It was a no-brainer. Elena Lincoln was a soon-to-be part of my past. As for Anastasis Steele? She was my future. Knowing Elena's hearing was this morning, I'd told Andrea not to put any calls through other than a small number of listed people. Hence, I was surprised when my desk phone rang.

"Yes?" I answered. Andrea never put a call straight through. This was no exception.

"Mr. Grey? I have your brother on hold. He wanted to speak with you?"

Elliot was almost certainly calling to chat about our time in Montana. I really wasn't in the mood, but since I was useless at anything else this morning, I might as well speak with him.

"I didn't think you'd answer," Elliot said without recrimination. And that made me feel even worse. Elliot was there any time I needed him. I had consistently neglected to repay the favor.

"You're my brother. Of course, I'll answer," I said, meanwhile firing off an email to Andrea, telling her to always put my brother through, albeit with some warning. The same for Mia and my parents, too.

"Just letting you know Mom, Dad, and I have dropped Mia off at the rehab. The place is really nice. Looks more like a big country house than a hospital." Shit. Amongst everything that was going on, I'd all but forgotten today was Mia's first day at rehab. I'd better organize some flowers.

"I didn't know you were going with them?" I said, to disguise the fact I'd basically forgotten.

"I knew it would upset Mom, and that she wouldn't want to break down in front of security. So I offered to drive so Dad could focus on her and Mia."

"Thanks, El. I would have been there, but..."

"I know. Elena Lincoln's hearing," he replied. "Any news yet?"

"Not yet. Her hearing is in half an hour."

"Well, keep us in the loop. Now about rehab, I know it must be costing you a pretty penny. I'm Mia's brother, too—I want to split the cost with you."

A pretty penny wasn't half of it. I could have rented an entire South Pacific island with a Michelin-starred personal chef for a month for what rehab was costing me. It was the most exclusive, and successful, rehab on the west coast of the USA, and charged accordingly.

"I appreciate the offer, but it's unnecessary. I have Mia listed as a dependent on my GEH health policy," I quickly fabricated, knowing Elliot didn't have the sort of coin rehab was costing. "They're picking up the tab."

"If you're sure?" Elliot sounded dubious.

"I'm certain. It's all covered."

"I feel I should help," Elliot explained. "She's my sister, too."

"Just be there for Mom and Dad. Mom, in particular, is going to take this hard. Things are still a bit weird between us because of the Elena situation. I'm trying, I really am. I'm going to visit more, but I know Mom loves it when you're around." And it was true. Elliot's good humor never failed to put our mother in a good mood, even if he was there to mooch a free feed.

"Can do. Hey, I was thinking, instead of Sunday brunch at Bellevue this week, why don't we take Mom and Dad out somewhere? Otherwise, she'll be sitting there looking at Mia's seat at the table." He was right. I could already imagine Mom doing just that. Since I didn't know what would be going on Elena-wise in six days, I suggested an alternative.

"What about we do brunch at mine?" I suggested. Mrs. Jones could probably cater, but if not, I could order in.

"But you never ask us over." Elliot was right. Other than the last week or two, I could count on one hand the number of times my family had been to Escala to visit. Early on, thanks to my subs, I'd made it clear I did not appreciate random drop-ins. Since then, my invitations had been all but non-existent.

"All the better. Hopefully, it will distract Mom that Mia's not around."

"If there's food, I'll be there. It would be nice if Ana made a chocolate cake..."

"Fuck off, El," I replied with a grin, putting the phone back into its handset. Wasting no time, I emailed Doug—Andrea's new assistant—asking for flowers to be sent to Mia and Mom. Specifying best wishes for my sister, and a brunch invitation for Sunday for Mom, I appreciated I needed to tell Ana I'd invited my family over on Sunday. After all, Escala was her home now, too.

"Ms. Steele? Can you come to my office?" I crooned into the phone when she picked up the handset in the breakout room she was working in.

"I'll be right there." And she was. "You called?"

"Elliot was just on the phone. He went with my parents to take Mia to rehab this morning. I invited him, Mom, and Dad over for brunch on Sunday to take Mom's mind off Mia."

"That's a great idea," Ana replied enthusiastically. "What does your Mom usually serve at brunch? We could do pastries, or perhaps something more savory, like a quiche?" Sitting across my lap, Ana was soon outlining what she intended to cook for my family, and I listened, loving every moment. She was still sitting in my lap when Taylor knocked at my door, stepping in to tell me that Elena's hearing was about to take place. Thanks to Taylor's connections, we'd be getting a live feed.

"Do I want to know how you organized this?" I asked Taylor as we strode down a long corridor in the jail. Elena's hearing had taken all of ten minutes. She had pleaded not guilty, the DA had opposed bail citing Elena as a flight risk, the Judge agreeing. Accordingly, Elena had been remanded in custody, taken to the city jail ahead of transportation to prison ahead of her trial. Elena had only just left the courtroom when the expected call came from her lawyer. She wanted to see Christian—which is why Taylor was now escorting his charge to a meeting room.

"It's probably best you don't ask," Taylor replied. "You'll have fifteen minutes, no witnesses. Twenty tops."

"I doubt I'll need more than five," I assured him.

Ahead, I could see a uniformed guard lingering near a door. Knocking twice, he turned and walked away from us down the corridor. It was to this door that Taylor led me. Opening the door and walking inside, I found my former Domme sitting at a desk, her hands shackled to the table. It was all I could do not to smile. At another time, in another place, this could be part of a scene. I closed the door behind me, leaving Taylor to make sure we were undisturbed. I looked around carefully, making sure there were no cameras or audio recording devices. What I was here to say could not be overheard.

"I knew you'd come. I don't know how you think you can get away with doing this to me, but you can't. Unless you find a way to get me out of here, I'm going to ruin you. Everyone is going to find out you're a Dominant. A dominant who likes to fuck little brunettes who remind you of your crack whore mother." Elena's voice was powerful and confident. She really thought she held all the cards here.

I laughed humorlessly. Years of bleach must have seeped into her brain. Even now Elena had yet to put the puzzle pieces together.

"The people who matter already know. I told my family weeks ago. And people I work with. Hell, my COO wants a tour of my playroom, if you can believe that."

"That's not true. I spoke to your mother the other day. She still thinks you're gay. She said..."

"That Ana is an old family friend from Montana who's weaseled her way into my life and is telling people she's my girlfriend? I was there when she told you that. Grace knows, and let me tell you, you'd better hope those bars do as good a job keeping Mom out as they do keeping you in. My mother is out for your blood. But you say I'm involved in BDSM—where's your proof?"

"I have images. Hundreds of them..."

"On your laptop, right? The one that was stolen..." It was interesting watching her face go white. Without saying the words, I knew those were the only copies she had. Well, that was one less thing to worry about.

"Oh, I'm sure I could convince one or two of your little playthings to talk," she blustered.

"And I could say the same of yours. Tell me—are you in touch with Samuel Avery or Tim Jetten these days?" If Elena had gone white before, now she went gray. "If I hear a word about me or my former lifestyle, I'll be handing over every piece of evidence to the authorities about what you did to those men, and what you did to me. I might end up being known as a Dominant. It's not ideal, but I can live with that. But you'll be convicted as a pedophile. And we all know how they treat kiddy-rapists in prison. You're going down, Elena—you just get to pick how long you'll be in for. Call your lawyer and tell him you've changed your mind and want to plead guilty. You'll be out in what? Five years? Maybe less for good behavior. Then you can leave town and start again elsewhere."

I could see her running the options over in her mind. She obviously didn't know the two-million she'd embezzled was no longer in her off-shore account, and her lawyer was so green he probably didn't know to warn her that if the money could not be recovered, her sentence would be more severe.

"Your name is already shot here in Seattle. But once you're out, you could start again somewhere else. Maybe somewhere sunny?"

"Why are you doing this to me?" she almost pleaded. "I made you who you are today."

"Yes, you did. That's why I am doing this. This is for every time you shoved ginger-root up my ass and whipped me so I couldn't sit without pain for weeks. Every time I wanted to spend time with my family but instead had to service you. This is because you convinced me I couldn't love and wasn't worthy of being loved. What you did to me was wrong. Wrong when I was a teen, and wrong when you stole from me. You're the one who taught me that no infraction goes unpunished."

"And if I do this? Plead guilty?"

"The evidence about Avery and Jetten goes no further, and I will not interfere with your life. When you get out of prison, you can go wherever you please with no intrusion from me, but if you ever darken my doorstep again, it won't end well for you."

"I underestimated you," Elena said with a sigh.

"You did. And for the record, Elena—I am capable of love and being loved."


"The love of my life."

"I still don't get why botox bitch changed her plea," Elliot commented, shoving another pastry into his mouth. In the end, Ana could not decide between pastries or quiche, so went with both. Although we were all conscious one of us was missing, it was still a festive occasion. Two days before, Elena Lincoln had changed her plea to guilty, saving everyone's time and energy going through a trial she was certain to lose. The sentencing would occur in a few weeks, but now it was all over bar the shouting. I couldn't wait for her to discover the usernames and passwords to her offshore accounts were missing, but by then it would be too late.

"By pleading guilty, she's likely to get a reduced sentence," Dad explained. He was about to go into one of his boring lawyer explanations, so Mom quickly interrupted.

"These pastries are delicious, Ana. Did you make them yourself?"

"Afraid not, Grace. Christian's new assistant Doug told me about a bakery near Grey House. Christian and I went there for lunch on Thursday, and again on Friday."

"Everything they make is delicious," I confirmed. "I'm going to have to step up my workouts if we keep visiting there."

"They're nice but not as good as Ana's chocolate cake," Elliot mentioned hopefully. He'd already ratted around in the fridge, not even attempting to disguise his disappointment when there was no cake to be found. "I don't suppose you made one today, did you?"

"I might have," Ana replied, standing up from her seat next to me and going down the corridor to Taylor and Gail's quarters. Moments later she was back carrying a large, frosted cake.

"Awesome! We're lucky Taylor didn't eat it," Elliot said to Dad with a grin. Even my father looked happy to see Ana had baked.

"No chance of that. Taylor and Mrs. Jones are on holidays for a fortnight." Taylor's price ended up being two weeks of paid leave for Gail and himself. In appreciation for all they did for me, I'd asked them each to choose a location, which is why the couple had yesterday used my jet to fly to the Bahamas for a week before flying to Savannah for QuiltCon. I nearly died laughing when my stoic head of security told me that was Gail's choice, but since that's what she wanted, I coughed up for a week in the presidential suite at the hosting hotel, and an unlimited golf pass for Taylor. While I hated the game, he apparently loved it. Who knew?

"Will they be back in time for when you start at Grey Publishing?" Mom asked Ana.

"Yes. They arrive back the weekend before. Speaking of which, I need to go in again next week to meet the editors and find out who I've been assigned."

"Don't you already know?" Elliot asked me.

"No. Ros handles everything to do with Grey Publishing, besides which, the day-to-day stuff goes through Jerry Roach. I won't find out who Ana's assisting until she comes home and tells me." I was proud of myself. I'd given Ana my word I'd not interfere at Grey Publishing, and I hadn't. We were still working out how to live together as a couple, but we'd started the process last night when, once Gail and Taylor were on their way, I'd taken Anastasia into my playroom. Well over a year since I'd had a woman in there, I'd already had Taylor remove the harsher implements.

We'd talked about what remained, and what she might want to try, I'd ended up restraining Ana on the bed, using the sensual flogger on her, and delaying her orgasm several times before fucking her long and hard. I found I had no interest in the discipline side of things. In fact, now I thought back on it, I'd hated the punishments Elena had mete out, and never particularly enjoyed that aspect of my interactions with my subs. I enjoyed planning a scene and bringing my lover pleasure, so with that goal in mind I reimagined the playroom. I hoped that, together, Ana and I could rework the space, so it was a place for us to find pleasure together. A smile lurked on my lips as I remembered last night. We were certainly off to a good start.

"What are you smiling about?" Elliot asked as Ana was slicing the chocolate cake, handing us each a serve. She went to return to her seat, but I pulled her onto my lap, kissing her soundly before sharing my piece of chocolate cake with her, my mother watching us and all but glowing with happiness.

"Just how well everything's going. It's hard to explain—it just feels like everything is finally on the right track. For all of us. I'm happy."

"That's all I've ever wanted for you, darling boy," Mom said.

The End

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