Exchange Student: A Daminette

By whyamIlikethis200

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Just another Daminette... Alright so most Daminette happens when Marinette wins a class field trip to Gotham... More

Chapter 1: The New Kid
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Good Things
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: Tying Loose Ends
Chapter 6: Bothers
Chapter 8: Suspicions
Chapter 9: Week One
Chapter 10: Week Two
Chapter 11: Winter Gala

Chapter 7: Weekend at the Manor

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By whyamIlikethis200

So I cant really mention the girls in this since, I don't know them well enough yet. Working on it though.

. . . Marinette POV . . .

     We landed in Gotham on Friday at about two in the afternoon. We used Jagged's private jet to get there, and Alfred Pennyworth the Wayne's butler/grandfather figure picked us up. The city is so different than Paris, I just didn't know where to look. Inspiration was just flowing through my veins. Damian, Jagged, and Penny found my awe awe-struck amusing.
. . .

     Alfred pulled into a long driveway, and upon seeing the Manor. I gasped. It was huge. "How the Hell am I supposed to find my way around this place?" I asked my Demon. He looked at me trying to hide his smirk, and said "Practice." I was ready to punch him. When the vehicle stopped and we all clambered out.

       I opened the trunk but was stopped from grabbing my bags by Alfred "I have got them Miss Marinette. Why don't you go inside? To greet the rest of the family." I was about to protest when Damian grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the Manor "It is impossible to win an argument against Alfred. Trust me on this one, Jamila." Damian whispered in my ear. Penny and Jagged followed us inside. Inside, the Wayne's stood in a line ready to greet us.

       It didn't last long. Jason acted first he screamed "PIXIE POP!" I was crushed in a hug. Tim started whining "But I want to hug the Blueberry too." At least Dick wasn't in this fight. He returned with us but went home first. After I gave Tim his hug. I ran to hug Bruce, he was shocked, and it took him a minute to hug me back, but when he did I said "Don't worry Bruce, you get a hug too." He chuckled and said only loud enough for me to hear "Thanks, for not making me ask."

          "Quit stealing my Angel, I have to go introduce her to my animals." My Demon said while grabbing my hand. To lead me, Kwamii knows where. Jason argued "But you had her for like, forever. We want a turn." Tim added "Yeah! She can't be that good at UMS 3." Woah, wrong thing to say to my face. They watched as I turned red and snarled "Say that to my face, Punk! Bring it. I'll beat you into next week!" Jason was laughing "Haha! She is so cute! Just a little ball of fury!" He said through a laughing fit.

      "Keep laughing. Soon it won't just be tears of joy." I said. "Oh my god, Demon Spawn! What did you teach her, she acts like she is intimidating!" Jason chuckled. Damian through me over his shoulder, and started running. I squeaked at his actions. While Tim and Jason yelled, "Hey, what about us?" But it was too late. Damian had us in the outdoor garden. He set me down, and almost immediately I was already toppled over and being . . . Licked?

        I looked up to see a black Great Dane. He is so cute I started cooing at him and petting his soft fur. "His name is Titus, my dog." My Demon said from somewhere above me. All I could see was Titus's large head. "Titus, heel." I heard Damian's voice from somewhere behind me. Then he came and helped me to my feet. I continued to shower attention down upon Titus. Damian cleared his throat, I looked up at him and smiled "Is someone jealous." I cooed.

       He pouted and said "No!" I giggled. "Come on Angel. I have more animals." He stated. Grabbing my hand. It must have been tortuous, he didn't have my attention for the few minutes, I was cooing at Titus. I rose my eyebrows "How many more animals?" I asked curiosity getting the better of me. He smirked "You'll see." the smugness in his tone had me a bit worried. He covered my eyes and after a bit of walking uncovered them to reveal . . . A cow?

        I was so confused "One of your pets is a cow?" I just had to ask. "Yes, it is Jamila, meet Bat-cow. I was 10 when I named her, okay." I laughed and said "Okay." After greeting the cow he introduced me to Jerry the turkey. Then he led me back inside. Through the maze-like halls. Where we are going? I haven't a clue. Till he opened a door and said proudly "This is my room." I looked around his room, he didn't decorate it. Except for one wall, that had a bulletin board full of pictures. On the top left-hand corner, it said, from Jon, and was covered in pictures. Damian pointed to it and said "That would be Jon's doing. Don't tell anyone that I left it up." I chuckled before spotting the cat napping on the bed and gasped.

"Who is this?" I ask while laying next to the beautiful feline to pet its soft fur and pull it into my chest. "That Angel is Alfred Pennyworth the cat. The second to last of my pets, for you to meet. The last one is a secret and lives in the Bat-Cave." I lay there curled around Alfred the cat. Soon my Demon curled around me. We stayed there till someone knocked on the door "Master Damian and Miss Marinette, dinner is ready." Pennyworth said through the door. "Alright. Thank you, Pennyworth." Damian hollered back. We both reluctantly got up and Damian led me to the dining room. We sat down in the two open places that were set up next to each other.

         "So, what were you two doing for so long?" Jagged says. Without missing a beat I say "I was petting Alfred the cat." Jagged turns to Damian, but before he could say anything. Jason does "And what about you, Demon Spawn?" Damian looked a little pink and said "I too, was petting the cat." Tim in all his sleep-deprived glory, states "Wait, then why didn't Blue say we instead of I?" Damian looked even pinker but was insistent upon covering up the fact. That while I was petting Alfred the cat. He was snuggling into me, and said "Because, English is not her first language, and even then grammar mistakes are normal." They dropped it after that, but they had their suspicions.

           After supper Bruce suggested, that we all go to bed after all it had been a long day. "Damian lead her to her room, well you?" Was Bruce's last words before we left the dining room. He showed me to my room. Passionately kissed me goodnight, before whispering in my ear "Goodnight, Angel." Leaving me breathlessly staring at his retreating figure.

. . .
. . .

       I woke up to soft lips on my forehead. I opened my eyes to Damian sitting next to me on the bed. "Good morning Jamila." He whispers and kisses my forehead again. Pulling away he spoke softly "Time to get up Angel. I suppose today I have to share you. with my family" I smiled at him only for it to turn into a yawn. He let me get up and watched as I picked out my clothes and went into the bathroom to change. I put on a pair of black ripped jeans and a white shirt with cherry blossoms on it. Then I through on my Pink hoodie that also had some cherry blossoms on it. Looking over my tired reflection I decided on throwing my hair up into twin messy buns. Then I brushed my teeth.

When I exited the bathroom, my Demon cleared his throat trying to control his blushing "The dining room is this way." He stood and walked to the door not looking at me. I smirked getting an idea. I grabbed his hand, before he reached the doorway and he jumped away shocked, his back hit the wall. My smirk grew, putting my hands on either side of him. I looked up and into his eyes, like a foot above mine. He was flustered and started to turn red. I pulled away laughing and started down the hallway leaving the flustered Demon in my room. I kinda remember the way to the way to the dining room from last night.

. . . Damian POV . . .

I couldn't move as she emerged from her bathroom looking so cute it made my breath hitch. As soon as I thought, I was getting used to seeing her cuteness. I cleared my throat trying and failing not to blush "The dining room is this way." I said trying to keep my voice even. I couldn't look at her, she was just too cute, I couldn't do it. Without getting flustered. I Damian, Al-Ghoul Wayne, do not get flustered. She grabbed my hand, and I jumped away from her touch that sent sparks through my veins. My back hit the wall, and not a moment later she had her arms on either side of me. My cheeks were on fire and my heart was in my throat. I couldn't breathe. Upon seeing what she was doing to me. She backed away from me laughing. She left the room heading towards the dining room, remembering the general direction from last night.

       My knees buckled and I slid to the floor, her floor. My cheeks still were red, but at least I could breathe again. My jumping pulse was finally starting to settle along with the heat on my cheeks. What the hell just happened? I think . . . She did that on purpose! Realization hit me hard. I stood and ran in the direction she went. I can see her back. We are two hallways away from the dining room. I stopped dead in my tracks. She turned around, her blue eyes had me in a trance. "Took you long enough." She sang in a happy voice. That was it for me. I growled and lifted her so I had her pinned against the wall at my height. She just smiled at me. She was about to say something in a smug tone, but I wanted to wipe the smugness off her face. I wanted her as a blushing, stuttering mess. I wanted to win this battle. I slammed my lips into hers. Her words whatever they were, were now lost. I was lost in her. Lost to her lips, that opened for me. She tasted like mint. One of her hands was in between my shoulder blades the other in my hair tugging at it. We broke apart. Too soon, but we needed oxygen. She was flushed from the kiss but not flustered. Like I wanted her.

     An idea came to me. I kissed her roughly and took a few steps back letting her stand on her own. Then I turned on my heel and started the correct way to the dining room. She stumbled to keep up with me like I know she would but when she tripped and I caught her I whispered in her ear "Falling for another kiss already are we?" She turned bright red but I could see the challenge in her eyes she whispered right back "You must be desperate if you are catching falling damsels." I turned pink against my will but wasn't going to give up "As if you can call yourself a damsel. When you're an Angel." ; She turned red and stuttered out unwilling to lose "W-well you must be r-really strong to be able to stop an Angel from their decent." I smiled and let her stand on her own feet.

I this won battle. She crossed her arms and started pouting. I kissed her. Not caring that she was pouting I gently bit her lower lip that was still stuck out in her stubbornness to keep pouting. I gently broke away and said quietly "The dining room is this way." She followed silently behind me. That is how our mini-war started.
. . .

      After breakfast. My brothers decided it was time to play video games. Dick arrived shortly after. Mari and Kori were on the field trip to Cali with the other girls. "Get ready to be smashed, Damian!" Angel said. The game started the count down "3." I smirked and looked at her and said "I would love to be smashed by you, Angel." "Go!" The gaming system blasted through the speakers but it was too late. My Angel had dropped her controller, to hide her red face in her hands. Two minutes later the game blasted again "Damian wins!" My imbecile brothers were just looking at me with dropped jaws. I snarled out a "What?" Jason spoke, "That was smooth, even for you Demon Spawn." Dick spoke next "My baby bird is growing up so fast" then proceeded to wipe away imaginary tears. Angel made some incoherent words. I couldn't hide the smugness from my tone "What was that Angel?" She moved her hands her face still beat red. "I want a spar. Now!" She demanded. I felt the color drain from my face.

. . .

. . . Marinette POV . . .

       I transformed into Ladybug, and kicked my Demon's butt. In at least 3 sparing matches. Which is the reason I now have him hanging upside down by my yo-yo in the training room. With his brothers laughing. My demon was pissed he yelled "This is what I protected you from yesterday! Help me out here!" Tim, Jason, and Dick looked between me and Damian and said "As tempting as it is since you used your manners. It just makes her seem scarier, and we don't want to be in the same situation as you." My Demon's look of disbelief was picture-worthy, but he didn't think so "Please, once you free me. She can't possibly beat all four of us." Damian pleaded. Jason said "Fair point. Pixie Pop you are going down."

All three of them charged at me. I released Damian from my yo-yo, he fell to the floor, and his brothers helped him up. They were right where I wanted them, while they went to get Damian, I jumped into the rafters. I proceeded to wrap my yo-yo around all four of them a trick I learned in one of my many Akuma fights. Jumping down from the other side of the rafter which in turn pulled them into the air. Just like Damian was before, except this time they were right side up instead of swinging upside down. "You were saying Demon Spawn" Jason yelled. "Yeah!" Dick joined in "You said we could beat her!" My Demon didn't know what to do, and decided upon screaming "FATHER!" Tim then whispered to himself "I need more coffee, for this."

. . . Bruce POV . . .

         I was in the living room talking to Penny and Jagged, when they decided to leave, and go shopping for Marinette. As soon as I saw the car leave the driveway I hear Damian scream "Father!" Damian never screams, especially for me. What the hell could be happening to him? I ran toward where his voice came from, but I wasn't able to identify where it came from. Until I heard Jason's voice yelling "This is all your fault Demon Spawn!" Shit! That means they are all in trouble but I was able to identify that it was coming from the training room. Please tell me no one lost any limbs.

  I open the door to see Marinette as Ladybug and all four of my boys, dangling from one of the rafters by the string of her yo-yo. While she just stood there watching them yell at each other, clearly amused. My voice boomed out "I thought one of you lost a limb!" Dick sighed in relief "B save us from baby bird's girlfriend, please!"

        I looked at Ladybug who decided to smirk at me. I shook my head at them before saying "If this was a real emergency. I would jump in to save all of you, but before I do. What did they do Marinette?" She smiled brightly at me before starting "Well my Demon here thought it was funny. It got me flustered enough to drop my controller and hide my face in my hands for the whole round in UMS 3. Then he dared to be smug about it and asked me what was wrong. So I challenged him to a spar. And I had him dangling upside down. Till he dared to say that there was no way once they set him free, for me to beat all four of them. So here we are. I clearly win Though the question remains if you shall show mercy, and help them?"

  I looked between her and the boys and said "Sounds to me, that they underestimated you, and need to pay the price. Just put them down before Alfred gets back." Jason looked horrified about hanging there for longer, and yelled at me "Coward!" I just laughed while heading back to the living room. Damian better not mess this up.
. . .

. . . Marinette POV . . .

It's time for patrol, I can get my first full view of Gotham as a vigilante, well in my case still a superheroine. I asked Tikki if I could change my suit and she told me to go for it. (I'll draw one just give me a few weeks) My new suit had black gloves up to my elbows then it switched to the blood-red with black spots it covered me like my old suit it just looked like gloves. Then the spotted pattern continued to my waist where it turned black that turned into red as it reached my toes and covered most of the spots on my waist was a black corset. I told the Bats to call me Ladybird.

      Soon enough we were off. I was partnered up with Red Hood. As they didn't want me and Robin making out on a rooftop. It was fun I got to see a lot of Gotham, Stop a bank robbery, and a few other petty crimes, before returning to the Batcave for debriefing. Damian led me back to my room and once more kissed me goodnight.

. . .


. . .

      We have to return to Paris today, at noon. Until then we decided to make the most of our last few hours at the Manor. How you might ask. Let me tell you, Truth or Dare. I made Damian play and Jon arrived to spend at least a few hours with us.

     "Truth or Dare Demon Spawn?" Jason yelled. "Tt. Dare, Todd." My demon yelled right back. "I dare you to" Jason smirked "Call Pixie Pops' old parents and tell them they weren't good enough parents, for your Angel. In your own words of course." Damian looked at me. I smiled and sang out "Who's phone are you going to use?" He smirked and said "Mine . . .

     You can imagine how that turned out. We boarded Jagged's private jet and he dropped us off in Paris Dick, Damian, and, me. He then left to start his next big tour. Which would end with him attending the Wayne gala, with my class. As that was the last event planned for our mid-year trip.


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