By SonamDiwakar2

313K 7.9K 3.2K

After fight outside animal clinic with Stiles, Scott fails to prove his friendship with him not first but las... More

5. Can I Call Your Dad
6. Unnerving Discoveries
7. Calling Noah
9. Isaac
1. Everything I Did Was For Nothing
10. Lab Buddies
11. We're Not What We Were
12. Thor
13. Scars He Hide
14. Step Toward Hell
15. She Saved Me Again
2. Uncle Phil
16. Survivers Are Left To Suffer
17. Beacon Hills
18. Season Four
19. All The Truth's Out
20. I'm Gonna Kill Them
3. Time To Meet The Avengers Kid
Thank you so much
22. Ah! Old Highschool Drama
23. He's My Son
24. A New Family
25. I'll Be Okay
26. Never Normal
4. What The Hell Heppend In Beacon Hills
27. I'm Not Your Son
28. A Long Day
29. A Long Day (P2)
30. Kyra
31. Web Of Lies
32. We Can't Tell Them
What do you think
33. We Can't Tell Them (P2)
New Book
34. Worthy
35. Stars And Moon
36. All Of Me
37. Mom
38. How It Feels Like
i need to say
39. Safe And Sound
40. Storm

21. Normal

5.7K 184 63
By SonamDiwakar2

Stiles woke up with a protective arm around him. He tries to blink some sleep out of his eyes and lifts his head see that Bucky is the one who have him wrapped in his arms. He smiles a little when he sees how peaceful Bucky looks. His gaze shifts from Bucky to his window and he notices that it's almost noon by the look of sky from his window, he must have slept on becouse of yesterday.

That Single thought brings back so many memories and emotions in him. Biggest of them all is happiness and disbelief, he can't believe that he told everyone about supernatural, getting possessed, Donovan's death and him getting kicked out of pack, he told them everything and still thay want him to stay with them, even Issac is here. That they didn't abandoned him like he have been before and was expecting to be again.

He releases a long breath of relief, then realise that he's still laying in Bucky's arms smiling like a crazy, a genuine and real smile after a long time. He had started to believe that he can't be happy again after everything he had been through but look here he is. He looks at Bucky's face and smiles again, he don't think he can ever thank Bucky for how much he helped him yesterday, not only Bucky but everyone.

He realises that he needs to use bathroom and starts to thinks about how can he get up from his position without Bucky knowing, who is still clutching him like a pillow.

"You know Stiles it's rude to stare at sleeping person." Suddenly Bucky says, his eyes still close. Stiles freezes and his eyes widen, he can feel his face heat up and he's glad Bucky's eyes are shut, otherwise he would have seen his face witch definately is bright red. He quickly recovers and do what he does whenever he's nourves. He speaks.

"Well this sleeping person have me in a death grip, I was just trying to find a way to move, so I can go to bathroom." Bucky's eyes flutter open and he looks at his hands around Stiles wrists with wide eyes. Stiles smirks when he sees same kind of pink on Bucky's face witch was on his a moment before. Bucky slowly moves his arms from around Stiles to allow him to move and thay both sits up. Bucky and Stiles both muttered a little good mornings to each other awkwardly and room goes silent again. Bucky cracks his hands and nack before asking.

"How did you sleep?"

Stiles thinks about it. He don't remember ever sleeping that peaceful, even if wasn't screaming himself awake becouse of Jarvis waking him up every night since he's here, he was still having nightmares. When he told them everything yesterday he was sure his nightmares are going to become worst and haunt him for  months now. But it didn't go like he expected to be, last night he don't remember getting any nightmare not even a bad dream. It was like when he use to sleep before nogitsune. He came out of his thoughts by Bucky calling his name sounding consarned on his sudden quietness. Stiles lookes at him and shakes his head with a smile to reassure him that he's fine.

"It was great, don't worry. I don't remember when was the last time I sleep that peacefully."

Bucky lookes at him for a second to see if Stiles said it genuinely or just to make him feel good. He sighs in relief when he realises Stiles is saying the truth and it's not a front. By his smile, one of those smile witch he love to see on his face, witch reaches his eyes and can lit up anyone's mood. He can't understand how can someone hurt a boy like Stiles so many times in so many ways, and how he still can be this innocent, strong and pure to not hold that against them. But he's sure for one thing that he will not make this mistake, he will make sure nothing will hurt Stiles again.

"That's great. Now go and get fresh, you must be hungry I'm going to make something for breakfast today."

Stiles nods leaves bed and points towards windows as he walks towerd bathroom. "You mean lunch." He says, with a playful smirk on his face and shuts the bathroom door not waiting for Bucky's response. Bucky rolls his eyes but felt overwhelming relief by Stiles's behaviour.

He was worried how Stiles will react after yesterday's events. He was thinking Stiles will be pushed in all those bad memories witch he went through and was bottling in. But it looks like Stiles will never leave any chance to prove him that he's stronger then thay thought. He decides to not mention any of the stuff stiles told them and will make sure no one else do, if that's how Stiles wants it.

He left Stiles room and checks Issac's room to see if he's awake or not, he founds that Issac's room is also empty and assume that he and stiles are the last ones to wake up. He makes he way to elevator and stops at his, Steve and Sam's floor and found them also empty, unsuprisingly.

He uses bathroom quickly and arrives at commen floor, where he found everyone like he expected. Phil, Issac, Pepper and Tony are talking about something. Steve is reading a magazine on another sofa, Sam and Clint are in kitchen with Natasha making something for breakfasts or he can say lunch. He can see all of them have left their beds not even a hour ago.

He walks inside approaching phil, and everyone turns to look at him. "Where is Thor? I thought he will be here?" He asks not finding his on floor.

"He was here when we came but he left somewhere saying he's going to meet someone, who can teach Stiles about his powers. Speaking of, is he still asleep?" Phil says, accepting the cup of coffee Natasha gave him.

He's was in bathroom when I left." Bucky answers simple sitting on a armchair.

"How was his mood when he woke up?" Isaac asks, sipping his coffee. looking grumpy about something witch was making him look two years younger adorable puppy.

Bucky smiles indicating that it's nothing to worry about. "He is in good mood actually considering all the things he said yesterday. When he woke up, he was was joking.... and also said he sleep well. I don't think any of us should mention anything. He mean it when he said yesterday that he don't want to think about past things." Everyone slump in their seats relaxing.

"Well.... his mood will be ruined after everyone's dicision." Issac grumbles from his seat. Bucky raises an eyebrow in questioning manner, everyone else just chuckled.

"Um...what was that for?" Bucky asks, no one in particular. Clint sighs with a smile before speaking.

"Phil decided that it will be good for Stiles and issac to complete their graduation."

"That's good.... I guess." Bucky said looking at Issac. Issac looks up at him and rolls his eyes before saying.

"I would prefer to choke on wolfsbane instead of going back to hell Called highschool." Thay all Laugh at his words making him glayer.

"How were you completing your graduation in France then?" Natasha asks her face red from laughing.


"What about paper work?" Bucky questions Phil.

Phil points at Tony. "He have everything done, I was going to tell them yesterday but Thor arrived and you know what heppend then."

"So Stiles and Issac are going school from tomorrow and Stiles will also start training for his magic thing." Bucky says, and thay all nods in agreement except Issac. "That means we can cool-off about all going back to Beacon Hills drama for atleast a week."

Everyone's face fall on name of Beacon Hills. Thay all want nothing more then to go in that Town, give some peace of mind to pack and his dad. Find Theo and Scott to kill them both, but thay know that Stiles will not let them hurt his pack and dad. Theo and Scott however are still on top of their targets and no one can save both boys if any of them ever find them.

Thay all were too much drown in their thoughts that thay didn't notice Stiles entering the common floor. Stiles walk towerd evryone, thay all looked like thay were deciding hen came first or egg. He chuckles a little at his own thought, he don't know how but he's feeling so much lite and relieved since he told them everything and thay still accepted him. He just want to be normal and happy again like thay thay want him to be, and somewhere he too have started to believe that he deserves all their love.

They all looked up apon hearing someone chuckle and found Stiles halfway in living area, just standing and thinking about something with a small smile on his face. Phil places his coffee mug on table, stands and walks towerd his naphew.


Stiles looks at him and smile. " Good morning uncle Phil....and everyone." He says looking at all of them as phil wraps his arms around him just like he did with Issac this morning but more tightly. Stiles dissolves in hug, making Issac smile when he cought just pure happiness in his chemo singles. Stiles was released from Phil's arms after a whole minute just to be held by Tony and then Clint.

"What were you guys talking about?, you all looked pretty serious." Stiles asks, walking inside the room with others.

"We'll talk about it. Let's have breakfast first." Pepper says, Thay all gethared around table where Clint, Natasha and Sam have all the food settled.

Thay all eat as thay talk about normal things. Stiles also asked where Thor was, after knowing where he went stiles seemed exited about learning how to use his magic. Almost all the food was eaten when stiles asked again about what thay were talking about.

Everyone just looked at each other to speak, but none of them did. Thay were not sure how Stiles will react in going to school again, where he have to meet and interact with so many new peaple. Phil took a deep breath and said.

"I was thinking that you should....starttheschoolagain." phil rubs his neck nervously. Stiles lookes at him confuced not getting his last part of his sentance.


Phil sighs and looks at Clint for help. who just avoids his eyes and looks at Issac. Issac stands from his seat and went to sit on sofa. Stiles looks at him and then back at phil.

"I was thinking you should start the school again and complete your graduation." He says, slowly this time and looks up to see Stiles, who's looking at him wide eyed.

"S -School... Why do I have to go to school." Stiles shutters nervously.

"Becouse it's important and you have only some months left in completing your graduation." Clint says. Stiles lookes at Issac as if asking 'did you know about it'.

"Don't look at me. Thay are making me go too with you." Issac defended himself. Stiles sighs and thay all wait for his answer.

"What about press and media?" Stiles protest, he know about media trying to know about who is living with avengers and is getting their so much time and attention.

"You will go with happy everyday. He will drop and pick you from school everyday, no one will know that you're coming to school from Avengers tower." Natasha  answers calmly.

"What about pepar work?" He tries again.

"I took care of all that. You just have to join from tomorrow." Tony says, smugly, getting a look from Stiles.

"I'm not going." Stiles says, like a kid leaving table and sitting with Issac on sofa, his arms crossed on his chest. Both teens lookes like angry kids who are protesting against something, they knows they have to agree to do.

"Stiles you know you have to... Issac will also not agree if you denied." Buck tries to reason with him. Following him in living room with Steve and Phil on his tail.

"Don't use my name on him." Issac says, quickly. Stiles thinks for a moment before saying.

"I will go and Issac too, only if Tony will make lunch for us himself." Stiles says, smirking. Knowing that Tony don't like to cook.

"Why me!" Tony is looking at everyone in room. Some of them just chuckles and some sigh knowing too well why stiles put that condition

"Becouse you did all the pepar work." Stiles mimics Tony's voice.

Tony realises what he's doing and looks at him challenged. "Ok. I will make lunch for you and Issac every morning, without cheating."

Everyone smiles on Tony's words, thay know he will do something get away from cooking. Stiles and Issac looks at him mouths open. Thay both exchange a glance and sigh.

"So... School from tomorrow?" He says, defeated.

"Yes. School from tomorrow." Phil said with a smile.

"Witch school we are going to bytheway?" Stiles asks.

"Yah. and what about textbooks and stationary and all." Issac adds.

"You're going to Midtown High and I have all of your textbooks. About everything else... ask papper." Phil answers. He choose that school becouse he know Stiles can easily make friends with Peter, Ned and Mj there. Stiles know about Peter and and have met him once with Issac, when Peter cam to meet Tony once. He also know about his secret but Peter have no idea how insane and dangerous Stiles and Issac's life's are, he wants them to be friends and bond by themselves like normal teenager' much they can after how their life's are. He looks at Pepper to answer next.

"We're going for shopping with Bruce and Natasha this time." Pepper said, happily. Pepper is so different from normal women's but her obsession with shopping is any other girl.

Stiles and Issac were about to protest but Bruce beat them it.

"What! Why me. What I'm going to do there." He says, shifting in his seat,where he was sitting without making any noise since morning.

"Becouse I can't remember when was the last time you leave that tower." Pepper said, simply. She wants to get. Bruce out a little becouse he was spending all his time in tower avoiding normal people, witch wasn't good.

"Even I have ben out atleast two times since I'm living here." Stiles said. Completely forgetting about his disagreement and now ready to go.

"But I'm good I don't have to go today....I can go any other time." Bruce says.

"You're coming Bruce and its decided." Natasha said, and silenced his any protest with her eyes.

That was one of the longest day for Stiles. Pepper and Natasha took them to atleast 6 different stores, after buying bags and stationery she took him and Issac to buy clothes, shoes and anything she think thay need. Bruce was just kept following them everywhere awkwardly. she wasn't holding back this time, saying that 'first time I didn't know you and was trying not to intrude. Now you both our like family members and I can buy whatever I think you need for you and you can't stop me.' Stiles and Issac were overwhelmed by her words. Thay looks at each other and decided not to stop her and let her do whatever she wants do to show her love.

But when thay decided not to stop her, thay never thought that thay will be carrying countless bags to the tower in the evening. When thay reached home, thay went straight to their floor where Stiles collapsed on bed not caring to unpack. Issac somehow was able to do due to his Werewolf straight.

Dinner at night was fun with everyone with so much to talk about after a long day. How pepper dragged them whole day store to store and shut their all protests with her looks. Thor came back after dinner just to say that he have talked to one person in New York and stiles can meet him after couple of days. Thor left after that to meet Jane and was going to stay with her for some time. After dinner Bucky offered to help Stiles in unpacking, witch he gladly accepted. When Stiles and Bucky were done with unpacking, so Stiles will be all set for school next morning.

Stiles hesitantly asked Bucky that if he can sleep with him like last night. Stiles was sure he will definately have nightmares and he don't want to wake to start his school again like he use to in Beacon Hills. Bucky just smiled and said that it's not only Stiles who slept peacefully last night. Stiles was first to sleep because of shopping all day, Bucky also drift off looking at Stiles with a smile just like he woke up in the morning.

My brain is full of ideas right now and I'm just so exited to write all of them but I have to settle my story and make a ground for story.

But I'm just too tired to do anything nowadays I'm just scrolling through my phone or sleeping all the time. I hate that feeling😩

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