Fred and Hermione's love stor...

By crunchie17

380K 8.1K 1.6K

When Hermione comes to stay at the Burrow, what will happen when new feelings emerge, old feelings grow, fami... More

Fred and Hermione's love story (Complete)
Chapter 1 Hermione's arrival
Chapter 3 Dress Fittings
Chapter 4 Weasleys Wizards Weezees
Chapter 5 One tiring day
Chapter 6 Announcement
Chapter 7 Food Fight!
Chapter 8 Showers
Chapter 9 The Golden Trio
Chapter 10 The Camp Out
Chapter 11 Christmas Eve Part 1
Chapter 12 Christmas Eve Part 2
Chapter 13 Christmas Day Part 1
Chapter 14 Christmas Day Part 2
Chapter 15 "Ouch..." "Oops!"
Chapter 16 The Party Ends
Chapter 17 The Prank War Begins
Chapter 18 What The Fuck?!
Chapter 19 The Pranks Just Keep On Coming Don't They?
Chapter 20 Hermione's Greatest Fear
Chapter 21 A Marriage Law?!
Chapter 22 Chloe Carter
Chapter 23 Visiting The Joke Shop
Chapter 24 Meeting The Matches
Chapter 25 You're Hurt?!
Chapter 26 You Want To Meet Him?
Chapter 27 Father In Law
Chapter 28 A Wedding and A Kidnapping
Chapter 29 The Big Day

Chapter 2 Dinner

19.6K 355 36
By crunchie17

OK here's chapter two hope you like it please comment xoxox


After what seemed like an hour of talking, Mrs Weasley shouted us down for dinner. Me and Ginny walked downstairs together and took our seats at the table, not moments after Harry, Ron, Fred and George came downstairs followed by Bill and Charlie. Mr Weasley was sat at the head of the table with Mrs Weasley on one side of him whilst Percy sat on the other, Charlie sat in between Percy and myself. Ginny sat on the other side of me with Harry and Ron next to her. Bill sat in between Mrs Weasley and Fleur, whilst George sat in between Fleur and Fred.

"OK everyone dig in" announced Mrs Weasley .

There was clattering of cutlery as everyone piled Mrs Weasley's delicious food onto their plates. During dinner there was comfortable conversations about Bill and Fleur's upcoming wedding that was taking place on new years eve.

"So, Fleur and myself have everything organised for the wedding, but tomorrow myself, Fleur, Ginny and Hermione are going to be meeting madam Malkins here at the Burrow for the dress fittings. So that means everyone else will stay in their rooms so we can get Fleur's wedding dress and Ginny and Hermione's bridesmaids dresses fitted, in peace" said Mrs Weasley in a stern voice "does everyone understand?".

Mrs Weasley's question was followed by nodding of heads and murmured "yes'".

"Good now everyone's done you can leave the table" said Mrs Weasley then the room was filled with the sound of chairs scraping along the floor and everyone with the exception of Mrs Weasley who was cleaning the dishes everyone made it into the living room. Harry and Ron began a game of wizards chess whilst everyone else had their own conversations.

"So Hermione what did you do during the holidays?" asked Harry.

"Quite a lot actually. Me and my parents went snowboarding at the beginning of the holidays, my mum fell on the slope and dislocated her shoulder and whilst she was in the hospital me and my dad spent some time together and he told me loads of stuff about being a wolfblood. And at one point during that week this guy on my street attacked Luke and I went crazy and attacked him, my dad dragged me away and he said I attacked him because I was being defensive towards Luke, my dad also said my eyes turned silver when I attacked him" I said as I recalled the memory.

"Who's Luke?" asked Charlie.

"Oh, well he's..he's my twin brother, he's been in Australia for the past six years that's why I've never mentioned him before" I said thinking of how much I hated living without my wonderful twin.

"You have a twin brother?" asked Mr Weasley sounding slightly shocked.

"Yeah, I told Harry and Ron in my first year when I was upset about him living with my uncle in Australia and Ginny found out when she found a picture of myself and him so I had to tell her" I replied.

"Well we will have to meet him some time" said Mrs Weasley as she entered the room.

After that the room was full of discussion about the holidays and Hermione also told everyone about her two younger brothers Leo and Liam.


hope you liked it please comment and fan xoxo

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