Captured Prince

By Little_Penny123

241 23 21

*If anyone knows who made the picture for the cover, please tell me! I found the art on a wallpaper app and I... More

The sun goes down
The Rain In the Storm
All that Counts
Welcome Here
Training with Books
Research Gone Wrong

Time To Try

28 4 0
By Little_Penny123

It has been about three days since george was accepted to be a training guard, The 19th of November, and he has never been as happy.

During the three days he had reread the letter about seventeen times and wrote about three pages full of notes of things about it.
George currently sits at a desk of the shared dorm room: him, Alex and another boy called Karl lives in.
Alex is out doing some work, where as no one knows where Karl goes to - he wasn't even admitted to be a butler nor does he come from

He slouches in the metal chair, drumming the feather quill on the oak desk as he tries to find how to explain the last couple of weeks in a simple form.

Dear Family,
These past weeks have been very adventurous to say the least.
Im sorry for not writing to you sooner,

I hope you are all well, have you guys managed to fix the fence yet?

He didn't know how to finish the rest of the letter, the ink on the page had already dried from how long he had been stalling.

George though about each of the days he had been going around and cleaning things to trying to preparing food for the king and his mysterious son.

I think I have managed a way to solve all our issues, over the weeks I have been gifted a large sum of money and I'm sending it all back to you guys.
And I have a marvelous story to tell you all!

About three days ago I had left to the outer ring with two other males, Named Tom and Toby, to deliver goods to the training.
Along the way of our travel we where ambushed and the horses had ran away with our only sense of cover and Toby unconscious in the back of the cart.

It's still a bit of a blur to me, but Me and Tom had managed to fend of most of the bandents, I had forced Tom to leave me for dead after I was shot in my leg: but Toby had gotten the nearby guards to come to our rescue.

Long story to short, Tom had been Prince Tom visiting with his brother Wilbur.
And thanks to me saving them, I've been allowed a place in the training guards!

I still can't believe it's all real, but it is!

Wishing the family well, see you
in a couple of years.


He rushed his writing, trying to get as much information as he could on the small piece of paper.
It was hard, but he managed to with not alot of the ink smudging.

George double checked the letter, dubbing it as okay to send off and folded it up neatly before placing it inside of a brown envelope. It wasn't as fancy as the ones King Phill had used, but it was good enough.

He scribbled his home address onto the corner of the envelope and his family name in the centre. He sighed, unsure of what else to do.

His real training begins tomorrow, and he doesn't know how to feel.

(Can I time skip to the next day?
If not I just need to this once-)

"Hurry up man!" Tommy's smug voice yelled, "I'm not training with no wussies!"

The training team had been up for hours on end, trying to mentally prepare themselves for how to act and speak. In the end it only caused the boys to be completely exhausted.
The five sat in the said to be meeting area, an abandoned training ground for the Prince Crew.

The ground was in the far land of the ring, the enchanted forest was in sight if you went far enough North.

The captain that was suppose to get them sorted today was a man called Captain Nook.

"I say we just start fighting, screw the old man!" Tommy jumped up from his seat on the floor, waving a bit if a broken french around as if it was a sword.

"I agree Big Man!" Another boy, probably older then Tommy stood up as well. He brushed the grass off his purple sweatshirt and grabbed a long stick off the floor.

The two boys moved a little down from the tiny hill the other three where sat at, it could be assumed they where sitting on an old building or tent due to its random stone blotches and broken wood.

Tommy gave a nod at the other and they proceeded to randomly swing the sticks at eachother, Laughing out loudly.

Toby gave an audible sigh, kneeling in a ball and then flopping over onto his side. George just looked at Toby whilst the other older teen sitting down laughed slightly.

"I'm guessing your George," A very north British accent spoke out, the teen holding his hand out to george. "I'm John, Andrew's brother"

George just nodded, unsure of who andrew was.

"Wait, Andrew the first class?" Toby sat back up, looking at the stawberry-blonde haired teen which nodded in response.

"If you don't mind explaining, but who?" George shrugged, trying to ignore how Tommy fell onto his back next to him.

"Andrew Peef was one of the youngest to join the Prince Crew, that's besides Guard Sapnap" Toby shuffed, like it was simple knowledge.

"The Prince Crew are those who train or are requested to be privileged guards to the prince and king, right?" George nodded at himself.

"I don't get why Sapnap was picked, just because he's the son of a dead ass guard!" John huffed out, clearly Toby accidentally hit a nerve.

George was about to react to his words, when a whilst blew out.

"Hello!" A cheerful, yet monotoned voice spoke. The gold armoured figured walked over to where the boys sat and fought.
Underneath the gold chestplate he wore was a dark green suit-shirt, and on his head was something you'd assume a builder would wear.

"I am Captain Nook, Though you can call me Sam Nook" Tommy looked in awe at the man: as if he's found a new father figure, where as the purpled boy saw a challenge for himself.

The other three boys left sitting down stood up and walked towards the man.
The group of five unconsciously stood in a line, giving a clear view of the height difference in them all.
Toby and George came out to be the shortest where as John and Tommy where near the same. The boy who was fighting before ended up being the tallest, maybe 6'3?

"Call me purpled, or Purp!" The sweater boy pointed at himself, smiling.

"I'm Tommy, and this is Toby!" Tommy swung his arm around Toby neck playfully, not giving the smaller a chance to answer for himself.

"The names John Peef!" John smiled, giving off a string stance.

"I'm George" He just rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, it was clear he was the eldest here even if you couldn't tell in height.

"Nice to meet you all. Now time to work" Captain Nook said simply, causing the others to double check their ears to see if they heard him right.

"You two," He pointed at John and Toby, "Go gather some hay bales from the barn" The two nodded and left to the south back to the main road.

"You," He pointed at George, "Go get some better sticks then this" He dropped the two slightly damp sticks that purpled and Tommy where messing with. "You'll find them north"

George nodded, heading off before he heard what Tommy's job was to do. He stepped over the grassy patches and over the broken fences around the abandoned training ground.

He continued in the direction he assumed was north, or at least the direction where Sam Nook had pointed too.
Swiftly, the ground below Georges brown boots had changed from slightly muddy and rock filled to gentle grass and overgrown life. Fresh and untouched.

He continued to walk in between the couple of trees that grew behind the fence, until he came into an actual part of an oak forest. He kicked around, trying to spot out any strong and dry sticks for the captain.

He continued in, and then realised.
He was in a clearing.

On his backside where natural oak trees which where slowly turning a green and brown and Infront of him was something else.
Deep purple bark, yet still smudged with brown, the leaves where high up and stayed different shades of harsh green in the autumn air.

No wonder this side was left untouched, it was the only gap noticeable between the normal oak forest and the enchanted one.

No doupt in Georges mind said he would never come back to this place, instead he was going to use this new found place.

George quickly gathered all the sticks and twigs and other wooden things he found on the ground and left back to the abandoned area his Captain should be waiting in.

"Here are the sticks!" George plopped the arm full of wood into a table that magically appeared whilst he was gone.
In fact, alot had been added to the old place since he left. Surely he hadn't been gone for that long?

A couple of tables had been set in a line, either with bags or stones on the top of them. On the other side facing the tables where stacks of Hay bales on top of eachother, seemingly to be a sort of target.

"Thanks George!" Sam knelt and picked up the sticks, "Go relax with the others, I'll call you all once I've set up" he pointed to the direction of the others.

George nodded, walking over the same area as the five where sat at before.

"Took your time!" Tommy laughed out, "Did you get lost out there?"

George shook his head, taking a seat in the deformed circle the group made.

"I bet he got lost," John laughed out, causing the others to laugh with his harsh and breathy chuckles.

"I'm not that's stupid!" George tried to defend himself.

The group laughed out, and talked about the jobs they had been doing as well as some useless things here and there.

Like George remembered, John and Toby had went to get Hay Bales: to which Toby added how John fell over and got loads of hay stuck to himself.

George ignored to tell the others the fact he saw the enchanted forest as well as the opening, and just stuck with he got lost.

Tommy on the other hand stayed by Sam and got the bags and tables and tidied them up, Tommy not missing a chance to tell them about how he was super strong and able to do so.

Purpled on the other hand just helped flatten and clean up the left over junk.

Another whistle blew out, hushing the conversation and the five was already on their feet walking over to Sam Nook.

"To start we are just going to be throwing rocks at the Hay Bales, try get it close" He instructed and threw a small rock - hitting the centre of one of the top parts of the hay bales.

The rest of the training was near the same, from using rocks to sticks to stabbing the hay bales with small (not real) daggers.
All of the training sessions where near the same format, do something right you advance anything wrong just try again til you've gotten it right.
The castle work on the other hand was a little more challenging.

The king had ordered everyone to get ready for  a grand party, Seemingly for the Not-To-Be-Seen prince's birthday. Yet that was still over a month away, or the 9th of December.

He was ordered about by hardly everyone. Pick up that plate and move it there, clean that cubicle or even dust those rags!
Some of the builders in town where also called in to redesign a chandler in the centre of the main hall.

  This party was incredibly hyped up.

Well, well just have to see how hyped it will be.


Word count : 2058
(Not including this part below)
Thanks for reading this so far!

This and next chapter will be a little bit
of a 'filler' chapter, but it will have more character interaction

Sorry if it's not the best, but I hoped you enjoyed

Ps. If there is any spelling mistakes, feel free to correct them; I can't find or change them all so it helps alot!

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