Omni God Izuku

By sam_no_bap

5.1K 56 12

In order to save the universe from destruction the Dragon ball world with all the dragon balls fused and deci... More

The Beginning

Training/UA Entrance Exam/First day in UA

1.5K 20 6
By sam_no_bap

Mitsuki: So where are we going to train

Izuku; Grab on to me

Mitsuki: Ok if you say so

*Teleports to Zeno World*

Mitsuki: Where are we???

Izuku: Were I'm going to be training you


itsuki: I'm not even surprised by you anymore

Izuku: 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅. Let's start your training for 300 years

Mitsuki: 300 years ????? I'm going to be dead by then

Izuku: I forgot to mention time moves differently here 300 years in here is a 3 hours on earth and you don't age.

Mitsuki: Let's start training

Izuku: Right

Narrator Pov

100 years- Izuku has been training her in close hand to hand combat and to build up her physical body.

200 years- Izuku gave her a lightning mulplation quirk. He started to train her how to use her quirks with her fighting style. She learned a lot from Izuku. Izuku loved Mitsuki but never took it easy on her when he's training her.

400 years- Izuku trained her to master everything he's thought her. Mitsuki is now on the level of a G.O.D without having Destroyer KI.

Izuku: Your done training for now

Mitsuki: Thank you for training me

Izuku: No Problem. Let's go home

Mitsuki: Right.

Izuku: Your getting a treat when we get home

Mitsuki: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Izuku: Your face is priceless

Mitsuki: Shut up

On the Day of the entrance exam

Mitsuki: Zuzu wake up

Izuku: Morning Babe

Mitsuki: We have to get ready for the entrance exam

Izuku: Right

*At the Entrance exam*

Izuku: Ready

Mitsuki: Ready

Narrator POV

I'm going to skip through this Izuku and Mitsuki easily passed the test we move on to the practical exam. Mic explains the robots. Izuku and Mitsuki ran in and start's destroying robots but leaving some for the other kids.

Izuku: Seems like the released thebzero pointer.

????: Help

Izuku: *See's a girl stuck* I have to save her *Ran and punched the Zero pointer destroying it* Are you ok

????: Yea thank you

Izuku: Your welcome.

*First Day in UA*

Izuku/Mitsuki: *Walks in the class*

Lida/Bakugo: *Shouting at eachother*

Izuku: This is going to be a long year

Mitsuki: You don't have to tell me twice

????: Hey thank you for saving me

Izuku: No problem

????: I'm ochakoo Uraraka

Izuku: Izuku Shimura

Uraraka: Nice to meet you

Izuku: You to.We should sit down the teacher is waiting for us.

Uraraka: Where???

Mitsuki: You didn't see the yellow sleeping bag when you came in

Uraraka: Nope

Aizawa: If your here to make friends you can leave

Class: *Shut up and Sat down*

Aizawa: Get your gym clothes and meet me outside

Uraraka: What about orientation

Izuku: He doesn't care. He expelled his entire class last year because he didn't think they were worthy enough to be Hero's

Aizawa: You know your stuff kid

Izuku: Thanks.

*At the testing site*

*Trows the ball to Izuku*

Aizawa: What's your score in middle school without your quirk

Izuku: 90

Bakugo: Stop lying Nerd you got 600

Class 1A: How Is that possible

Aizawa:What's your quirk

Izuku: Ki

Aizawa: What's that

Izuku The mulplation of life energy around me.I can do anything with it like fly and make attacks with it.

Aizawa: Does it improve your strength

Izuku: Depends on which one you use

Aizawa: There multiple???

Izuku: Yea 5 I total

Aizawa: Meet me after class to talk about this

Izuku: Ok

Aizawa: Trow it

Izuku: *Trows it without trying*

Aizawa: Well you got infinity

Izuku: Nice

Bakugo: Tch I could do better

Aizawa: Ok go ahead

Bakugo: *Trows it*

Aizawa: 500 meters

Bakugo: Tch Damn Nerd

After all the test
1. Izuku Shimura
2. Mitsuki Ozai
3. Katsuki Bakugo
4. Shoto Todoroki
Last. Mineta

Mineta: No!!!!!!!

Aizawa: It was all a lie

Class 1a: What!!!!!!

Izuku: It wasn't a lie. The reason he didn't expel you is because he doesn't want to do paper work

Aizawa: Nothing get's pass you does it

Izuku: Nope.

Aizawa: Ok go back to class and introduce yourself I'll have a chat with Shimura

Class 1A- Yes Sir *They Left expect Izuku*

Aizawa: Ok I know your secret

Izuku: What do you mean

Aizawa: That your actually quirkless

Izuku: How did you know

Aizawa: Because before quirks they was KI and It's not something passed down in your DNA.

Izuku: True

Aizawa: You knowing they are more than one type of Ki means you have Omni Ki

Izuku: Right on point

Aizawa: So that means you rule over us

Izuku: Yea but don't call me lord or anything I don't like it

Aizawa: Ok favorite Child

Izuku: Om Dadzawa

Aizawa: Where did that come from

Izuku: I know you've been seeing my mom

Aizawa: 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

Izuku: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. Don't worry I accept your relationship but break her heart and I break you. *Says in a calm scary tone*

Aizawa: G-g-got it

Izuku: Let's go back to class

Aizawa: Ok Favorite Child.

*In class*

Aizawa: Ok class Introduce your self

Mitsuki: Hi my name is Mitsuki Ozai my quirk is Lightning and fire

Bakugo: (Is that the old hag) Hey Old Hag

Mina: Who are you talking to

Bakugo: Her *Points at Mitsuki*

Mitsuki: Me. I'm not old

Bakugo: Yes you are

Aizawa: What are you talking about Bakugo

Bakugo: She has the same name as my mom

Izuku: Doesn't mean she's your mom

Bakugo: Shut up damn extra before I kill you

Izuku: Try Me I dare you

Bakugo: *Charges at Izuku witb explosions*

Izuku: *Kicks him to the wall* Ass hole

Class 1A: Note to self don't mess with him

Narrator: Everyone Introduce there self and there quirks.

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