Leaves In A Storm (Canceled)

By Blue_Hazard

2.5K 32 30

Sloth, after being orphaned he finds himself falling for one of his newer friends, Midori More

Update pt2


513 7 8
By Blue_Hazard

The morning sun shone in the stadium as a shadow ball flung into the side of a Luxray which groaned from impact but recovered quickly. The Umbreon who used shadow ball jumped up and used Iron Tail on the Luxrays head. The Luxray flung the Umbreon in the air and caught it with a thunderbolt. While Spectators cheered the Luxray on the ones who were for the Umbreon were quieting. The Umbreon fell to the floor unable to move, the Luxray got cocky and walked over with proud strides. The Umbreon growled at the Luxray and twitched as electricity coursed over its body.

The Luxray smirked and pressed a paw on the Umbreons back and electrocuted it. The umbreon shrieked and fainted.

The Luxray roared in victory "wow..." a eevee in the crowd mumbled, "that was so cooool!" He said excitedly. "you like the tournament, Sloth?" An older Vaporeon with purple eyes asked. "Yes, I want to be just as strong as that Luxray when I grow up!" Sloth sat in his seat and cheered excited. "hehehe, I'm sure you will, Sloth. I'm sure you will" The vaporeon smiled. "Well, there are two more rounds to determine if the champion can keep his title. Or this newcomer will be the new champion."

"Luxray can win this!"

The next opponent was the 2nd champion a Torterra, the ref a Mr. Mime cut downward in the air and the battle began. Luxray used quick attack and headbutt the Torterra. It threw him off and used bite on his tail. He shrieked and desperately tried to get free. The Torterra did not let go and started to spin with the Luxray. It started speeding up and then threw the Luxray. He hit a wall making the cement turning it into ruble. Luxray got up and used swift on Torterra. Torterra tanked the hits and activated Solar beam. It began charging up its power on the sunny day which would take at least 5 seconds. Luxray used a quick attack breaking its focus and hopped on its back and used thunderbolt engulfing him and the Torterra in a yellow light. The Spectators cheered and some booed, then something bumped his shoulder. He turned away from the battle to see another eevee. "Sorry" She apologized, and Sloth noticed her blue bow on her ear.

Cute...AHH what am I thinking!

Sloth blushed lightly "It's fine" Sloth managed. "hehehe your face is turning red." She giggled. "huh?!" Sloth covered his face. "it's not, but uhm... what's your name?" "My name is Glacier." "you want to be a Glaceon?" Sloth asked. "Yep!" she smiled. Suddenly the crowd cheered and when Sloth turned around Luxray had beaten the 2nd champion. Sloth turned back to the Glacier. "what's your name?" She asked. "My name is Sloth." "cute name" She giggled and Sloth blushed. "I-uhm..."

"I'm just saying it's a cute name." She gasped suddenly and pointed to the ring.

The Luxray was healing up when the final champion walked out. The Tyrantrum champion. Luxray shook his fur and yellow electric currents flowed through his body. Tyrantrum roared and Luxray hit its leg with quick attack. It knocked it off balance for a second before it regained its balance and kicked the Luxray away.

He got his footing and ran at the Champion using thunder wave. The energy rocked Tyrantrum and he spun, sending his tail into Luxrays face. "WOOO!!!" Sloth cheered with the crowd. His mom giggled at his cheering.

Luxray used quick attack and kept his tail on the ground flinging dust into the air. After two quick attacks the ring was impossible to see. Suddenly yellow light came from the cloud showing the outlines of the battlers. Then a red light from a flamethrower. Next thing was heard was a loud thump...

The crowd watched as the dust started to clear and Luxray was on top of the fainted champion. "LUXRAY!!!" He shouted in triumph. "YEAH!!" Sloth smiled. He felt someone poke his shoulder, he turned and saw Glacier. "I was wondering if you'd like to hang out later today..." "sure" "Yay, meet by the water tower?" Sloth nodded.

after the tournament

"mom, can I go play with a new friend?" "hm? What's their name?" "Glacier, she wants to be a Glaceon and we are going to meet at the water tower" "Sure... just be careful" She said. "Thanks mom" He ran off and saw Glacier playing with a pichu. She noticed Sloth. "Hi!" She waved and was knocked off her feet when the Pichu knocked her over. "hehehehe, gotcha" she laughed. Sloth walked over and helped Glacier up, "thanks" Sloth smiled "no problem" The Pichu walked back and looked at them in awe "are you two dating?!" she said, her eyes starry eyed.

Sloth and Glacier blushed "NO!!" They shouted in unison. Glacier covered her face. "Awww, sorry do you want to play tag?" they said. "sure" "mkay, your it...What's your name?" The Pichu asked Sloth. "It's Sloth." "huh not sure what you would want to evolve into since you named yourself that." The Pichu said and jumped, tagged Sloth, and ran off by the stalls and buildings.

"You are it!!" She shouted while running into the crowd. Sloth turned to where Glacier was, but when he looked, she was gone. He sighed and counted to 20.

Sloth walked into the crowd and saw a tiny little Pichu tail coming from under a stall's cloth cover. He sneakily walked over, grabbed their tail and pulled them out "MEEP!!!" She squealed. Sloth laughed and the Pichu fake pouted.

"You'll never find Glacier, though." She said and crossed her arms. Sloth laughed and without looking pointed to an aqua blue stall that was draped in Cyan cloth. "I bet she's in there." Sloth said. The Pichu looked at him then the stall and scoffed. "Watch me," Sloth ran over, careful to not get stepped on. Sloth went under the cover quietly and it was dark under the thick cloth. But the light that did shine was a nice river blue color. He looked around under the spacious table and saw a eevee shaped figure out. He approached and poked their right shoulder. "dang it you found me-"Sloth slid to her left so she couldn't see him. "what?" she turned and saw Sloth "well you found me" she sighed, "what gave it away?" "You want to be a Glaceon and this looks like a stall that is manned by a Vaporeon which is the representation of water which is before ice."

"oh, I was just thinking the stalls were pretty..." Sloth ears drooped "all that thinking for nothing" "Well you found me." She said and used her front paws and lifted his ears up. She giggled. Sloth was blushing from her touch and hoped she didn't see.

He moved his head forward and Glacier trying to avoid his soft headbutt fell backwards. They both laughed. Glacier got up too fast and hit her head on the table. "owie!" she whined and rubbed her head. Sloth giggled and rubbed her head. She froze in place and mumbled something, but Sloth didn't hear. "what's wrong?" He asked "n-nothing"

Awww, she's so cute...AGH!! STOP IT SLOTH STOP IT!

Sloth shook his head and stopped rubbing her head, "c'mon I'm sure your friend is waiting for us."

Glacier nodded and walked out from under the table first. Sloth followed and spotted them talking by the water tower. He ran over and smiled at them. "HI!!" He shouted, Pichu and Glacier giggled. "Hi!" Glacier responded "SLOTH! It's time to go home!" His mom shouted.

"Coming!" He responded, he looked back at Glacier and Pichu. "Bye, see you all tomorrow?" Glacier nodded. "Bye" She said. Sloth ran off and joined his mother's side down the street.

"Mom?" "Yes, dear?" "Can we stop and grab some lunch? I'm a bit hungry ''''Sure" Sloth's mom walked him over to a berry shop and they bought some Nanab Berries from a Scraggy operating the stall. "Thanks Mom" Sloth praised cheerfully. His mom chuckled all right let us go home."

Once they got home Sloth's mom was tackled by another eevee "mommy!" their mom laughed, "How are you, Bubble?" "I'm doing good, Daddy is upstairs napping." "yep, expected that." Then Sloth's mom picked up Bubble by her nape and carried her upstairs. "C'mon Sloth." Bubble called. Their mom brought them to their room in the treehouse. "Alright I think it's time everyone has a nap."

"YES!" Sloth said and jumped to his bed. "watch me!" He then stood on his hind legs and flopped onto the pillow. "Brother's funny," Bubble said laughing. Sloth started snoring "well that's your brother" mom put Bubble on her bed. "alrighty Sleep well." Their mom turned and walked out, "night momma" Bubble said and rolled under the covers and fell asleep.

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