The New Crewmate (Male OC Rea...

By RWBYKnight4142

64.3K 1.2K 542


The New Guy
Mom of A Croc
Whale of a Squid
Honey Seekers
Build it Beaver
Poachers?! Pt. 2
Mystery of the Weird looking Walrus
Eel Belts?
Elephant in the Room
Let the Rhinos Roll!
Kickin' it with the Roo's
A Huge Orange Problem
The Food Chain Game
Rescue in The Jungle
Animals On The Loose
Little Howler

Bass Class

2.9K 55 26
By RWBYKnight4142

(Y/n) POV

      The Wild Kratts are hanging out at a North American Lake and we are searching for Bass, and I am really pumped, I love bass. It also appears that we're having a competition.

Martin: *as he gets his Power suit on* Where are you, you fantastic fish?

Chris: Forget it bro. I'll find a bass first.

(Y/n): Not if I find one first!

Martin: No way! I'll find one first because I'm gonna be the bass.

Chris: Well, I'm searching for fish outlines from above. Like an eagle. Then when I spot one. I'll just flip over in the kayak, like this. *flips kayak*

Martin/(Y/n): Whoa! *falls into the water*

(Y/n): *resurfaces* Oh yeah, well I'm going to be like a brown bear and dive down and catch one with my strong paws.

Chris: Alright, you're on.

Martin: Whoever, touches a bass first, wins.

(Y/n): And gets to test the Creature Power Suit's new bass powers.

Aviva: Ugh, are you guys still talking about it, I need to see if my bass programming works. I thought, "hey, what's better at swimming than a fish." *excited* I'm itching to see if I've made some progress on the aqua dynamics. But how long does it take to find a fish?

(Y/n): Depends on if you're going for smallmouth or largemouth bass.

Martin: I'm looking for largemouth.

Chris: Smallmouth in a snap.

(Y/n): Either/or will work for me.

Aviva: Either will do. What's the diff?

(Y/n): *gasp* Aviva, I'm surprised at you. There are quite a few differences between the two.

Chris: Yeah, they're two different species who live in different habitats. The smallmouth bass is smaller with it's jawline ends just under his eye.

Martin: Largemouth Bass are bigger. Their jawline ends behind it's eye for a larger mouth.

Chris: Smallmouth bass live in groups.

Martin: Largemouth's go it alone.

Chris: Smallmouth like rocky areas and love to eat crayfish.

Martin: Largemouth are ambush hunters that attack from the reeds and will eat anything that fits in their mouth.

Aviva: Okay, okay. Whichever one you fancy. Just touch a bass, activate your power suits and test the bass powers.

(Y/n): I'm on it! *dives down*

Chris: Hey!

Martin: No fair! No headstarts! *dives down*

     I start looking around and where the two bass habitats overlap, I keep an eye on the rocks and the weeds for either species. I am also looking for potential-

(Y/n): Whoa!

     My hand suddenly was engulfed by a-

(Y/n): A Largemouth Bass! Wow, and it's a whopper! Sorry girl, my hand is not a chew toy. Hey since I found you, I get to name you. How about,*bass swallows a sunfish* Gulpa, oh geez I'm turning into Martin with names like that. Oh I almost forgot, *touches Gulpa* activate Largemouth Bass Powers!

3rd Person POV

      Chris and Aviva are hanging out on the surface when (Y/n) in his awesome bass power suit launches out of the water and over Chris' head.

(Y/n): Haha! What do you think?

Chris: Ah well, you win some, you lose some. It was fun though.

Aviva: Great work, (Y/n)! *laughs* *calls Martin* Hey Martin, (Y/n) won the race and found a bass.

Martin: Ah man! I thought I was gonna have a shot this time.

(Y/n): *laughs* No hard feelings, right?

Martin: You win this round, but I'll get you next time.

(Y/n): I'll be waiting. *laughs and dives*

Aviva: *over comms* Amazing! How does it handle?

(Y/n): Incredible! I breeze through the water with one twitch of a muscle. So much power packed into the suit yet aerodynamic to reduce drag and conserve energy. Excellent work as always, Aviva.

Aviva: *squeals in excitment* Fish shapes are perfect for sliding through the water.

(Y/n): *sniffs* Hold on. *sniffs* I smell something. *metal jingle* I hear something. *sees a fishing lure* Oh!

Martin: *over comms* Uh-oh. You might've put too much bass power into the suit. (Y/n) is in a bass hunting trance.

(Y/n): *tranced* Shiny! Flashy! Yummy!

      (Y/n) starts chasing after that lure and actually gets himself hooked and starts fighting back. On a nearby dock is the fisher in question.

Gavin: I've got one! I've got a bite! And it's a huge one!

     Aviva and the brothers start making their way to the Wild Kratts kid as (Y/n) leaps out of the water.

(Y/n): Oh, I'm hooked!

Chris: Now that's a bigmouthed bass!

(Y/n): *back underwater* Eugh, I should've looked before I lunched! *strains*

Martin: Keep the line tight!

Chris: Don't lose it!

Gavin: Martin?! Chris?! What are you doing here?!

Martin: You'll find out, just don't lose that fish!

     Gavin and (Y/n) keep fighting for control, until (Y/n) finally lept out of the water and landed flopping on the deck.

(Y/n): Bring it on! I'll take you all on with one fin tied behind my back! You'll never take me alive!

Aviva: *giggles* (Y/n)! It's just a Wild Kratts kid.

      (Y/n) calms down and looks at the kid attached to the fishing pole.

Gavin: Wow! With Bass powers, so cool!

(Y/n): Not bad with your fishing pole skills either. *raises fin*

      Gavin accepts the high five, or fin in this case, and (Y/n) deactivates the suit.

Martin: Nice tackle box, Gavin.

Chris: Yeah, you've got some good stuff here.

(Y/n): That perch lure smelled so good.

Gavin: I caught a really big bass with it once. That's how I got this. *shows off a fishing trophy* It's third place! I've been fishing all summer. Maybe next time, I'll get first.

(Y/n): Take it from a fish you just caught. You can do it!

(Y/n) POV

     We continue talking for a few minutes, when I notice a large boat heading towards us and judging by the color and the plume of smoke, it's Zach.

Gavin: The record Bass weighed 22 lbs! If I can catch one bigger, then I could be in the record books.

(Y/n): Incoming!

    I dive and take Aviva and Gavin to shore as Zach pretty much crashes his boat into the docks, Chris and Martin are knocked back in the water but unharmed.

(Y/n): Are you two okay?

Gavin: I think so.

Aviva: What's the big idea Zach?!

Zach: Ah, I was looking for this. *picks up Gavin's trophy*

Gavin: Hey, that's mine!

Zach: Not anymore. I'm gonna display it at the bottom the lake.

(Y/n): Back off, Zach, before you get into more trouble than your already in. *slams fists together*

Chris: Give Gavin back his trophy.

Martin: If you want one so bad, then try win your own.

Gavin: Do you even like fishing for Bass?

Zach: No, but I like winning. No one knows how to win like me. I win at everything I do.

(Y/n): I can't even count the amount of times the Wild Kratts beat you at building some silly invention that no one cares about.

Zach: Shut up, amateur! I hereby announce the first Varmitech Bass Fishing classic! *zachbot brings out tall trophy* Winner take all! You wanna bite?

Gavin: Alright, I'll take you on! And I'm gonna win too!

Zach: Good luck. Now lets-

Chris: Hold it! If we're having a fishing contest, there's gonna be some rules we all have to follow. Non-negotiable.

Zach: *annoyed* Ugh, fine. What rules?

Chris: Rule #1: Only Bass count.

(Y/n): You can catch either largemouth bass or smallmouth bass.

Zach: A bass is a bass.

Chris: Well, actually-

Zach: I don't care! Next?

Chris: Rule #2: No live bait, only lures.

Zach: *annoyed* Fine.

Chris: Rule #3: Catch and release.

(Y/n): All the fish are kept alive and healthy in aquariums until weigh in. Then we let them go.

Chris: Rule #4: Contest ends at sundown.

(Y/n): Whoever has three fish that weigh the most at the end, wins.

Chris: Rule #5 super important: No fishing in the spawning grounds.

Zach: What's that?

(Y/n): Allow me. *pulls up footage of spawning grounds* Spawning grounds: It's where a female bass lays her eggs, 100,000 of them in a nest. Then, the male bass, the father, stays with the eggs to protect them until they hatch. He's always on guard, because sun fish gang up in packs. You are not allowed to catch a male bass guarding a nest, because if you do the sun fish will eat all the eggs losing an entire generation of bass.

Martin: So, to protect the bass of this lake, spawning grounds are off limits.

Zacg: *annoyed* Alright, enough with the nature show already. Is that it? Let's motor!

Gavin: But, he's got a boat and I don't.

Aviva: Oh yeah you do. Feast your eyes on the Bassy Chassis 3000! And it comes with a driver. Moi.

(Y/n): Nice one Aviva!

Aviva: Thanks.

Martin: Cool!

Gavin: Neat-o!

Chris: Oh yeah. One more thing. One Zachbot may help Zach, and Martin can help Gavin.

Gavin: *excited* You can be my coach!

Martin: Makes some new shelf space for that trophy.

Chris: The helpers can observe fish, even swim underwater to learn about them. And give clues. However, the helper cannot hold the fishing pole.

(Y/n): And I'll go on Zach's boat as an observer. To make sure you don't cheat.

Zach: Aw, that's not fair.

(Y/n): A zachbot will be a observer on the Bassy Chassis too. Wild Kratts always play fair.

Chris: And I'll act as referee.

     I board Zach's aweful looking boat, Aviva looks at me a little worried, and I simply shoot her a wink and she nodded back. I set up a lawn chair on the deck and start strumming a guitar.

Chris: Alright, take your places! On your marks!.... Get set!.....GO!

     Both boats speed off and Zach's first plan is to go to the middle of the lake and cast the biggest lure I've ever seen.

Zach: To catch the biggest fish, you need a big lure.

(Y/n): *mockingly* Oh, if only the bass were the size of school buses. *chuckles*

Zach: We'll see if you're still laughing when I win this contest.

(Y/n): Hmph! Whatever. *plays tune on the guitar*

After a little while of watching Zach try and fail to use live bait, move to different places causing the fish to scatter. Chris then contacts me.

Chris: Hey, I think Zach is up to something, his Zachbot just churned the water and scared the fish away. Keep an eye on him.

(Y/n): Understood. *sets down guitar and approaches Zach* Hey! Your Zachbot just scared all the fish away! You're cheating, nerd!

Zach: I'm not cheating. I'm winning. *shows fish*

(Y/n): *facepalms* Do you think I'm blind?! That is obviously a dead sea bass you picked up from the market! You're busted, loser!

Zach: *frustrated* Ugh, throw him overboard!

     Three Zachbots grab me and toss me over the side of the boat.

(Y/n): Hey! Rule #7: No throwing anybody overboard! *splashes in the water*

Zac: Rule #1: Zach doesn't care! To the "schpawning" grounds!

    Zach's boat takes off and I call the gang.

(Y/n): Bad news, guys! Zach's heading to the spawning grounds!

Aviva: We'll come and help!

(Y/n): No, you stay with Gavin and win this fair and square. Chris, Martin I need you to stop his boat, I'm going to protect the nests.

Chris/Martin: We're on our way!

Chris/Martin/(Y/n): To the creature rescue!

     I touch a passing largemouth bass and reactivate my creature power suit and race towards the spawning grounds, I see one male bass already being caught by Zach but I'll let Chris and Martin handle him. I rush to the unguarded nest and start keeping the sunfish at bay.

Chris & Martin POV

        The Kratt brothers make their way to Zach's boat and sneak aboard the ship while Zach and a Zachbot struggle with the male bass. They sneak into the helm of the boat and get the boat moving as Chris reiterates.

Chris: Rule #5: No fishing in the spawning grounds!

Martin: Later Zach!

     The brothers jump off as the boat speeds off causing Zach to drop the male bass back into the water.

Zach: So what? Rule #1-A: I've got a better idea to win.

(Y/n) POV

      Back at the nest, I am barely holding out against the swarm of sunfish. Finally, I see the real father bass come racing back and driving the sunfish away.

(Y/n): All yours, Big Daddy Bass.

      I swim back to the surface and meet up with the brothers.

(Y/n): Bass back on the nest.

Chris: Spawning grounds secure.

Martin: Great job, team. Now, let's help Gavin win this thing.

     We all go back to the Bassy Chassis and I take a break from all the swimming I've been doing. It is starting to get late and Gavin only has two smallmouth bass.

Aviva: *looks at watch* Only 8 minutes until sunset.

Chris: *resurfaces* Zach is gonna cheat, and there's nothing we can do about it.

Martin: What we can do is think like the bass, be the bass.

(Y/n): And I know just where to find a lunker Largemouth Bass, Gulpa! Take us over that way towards the shore Aviva.

     We creep in a little ways away from the weeds.

(Y/n): Okay Gavin, cast your line at the edge of reeds.

Aviva: Here, use this. A lure with a magnetic clamp. It's safer for the fish and no hooks.

(Y/n): Awesome! *attaches new lure* Now, cast it over there on the edge of the reeds. That's Gulpa's hangout.

Aviva: Three minutes.

     Gavin casts the lure and starts jingleing the lure in front of the reeds.

(Y/n): That's it. That's it.

Aviva: Two minutes.

Chris: There's still a chance.

Martin: Largemouth's are hungriest at sundown.

      Suddenly, Gavin feels a hard tug and the struggle begins.

Gavin: I've got a bite!

(Y/n): Alright, take it easy.

Aviva: One minute till sundown. Hurry!

(Y/n): Take it easy. Too fast and the line will snap. *Gulpa leaps* It's Gulpa!

Gavin: *struggling* It's.... Too.... Strong!

Aviva: Help him!

Chris: We can't touch the pole!

(Y/n): Focus. You can do this, Gavin.

    Finally, Gavin pulls in Gulpa and with seconds to spare.

(Y/n): Yeah! Way to go Gavin!

Chris: And time is up. Let's get back to shore and weigh in.

      We all get back to the docks and put the fish on the scale.

Zach: Let the weigh in begin!

        Gavin's catch goes first and weighs in at 30 lbs total, while Zach's weighs in at...... 31 lbs total. Damn, pardon my french.

Zach: Whoo hoo! V for victory! *mockingly* You wish you could fish! Hahahaha!

(Y/n): Bah, that's okay. You did really well Gavin. And hey, you caught a bigger fish than I've ever caught.

Gavin: Yeah, it was fun, but I still wish I could've won.

Chris: Hey, even when you lose, playing by the rules and trying your best makes you the real winner.

(Y/n): Oh yeah, about that.

Aviva: What is it, (Y/n)?

     I walk towards Zach's tank and pull out a small device from my pants pocket.

Aviva: What's that?

(Y/n): EMP, Electrical Magnetic Pulse.

     I activate the device and drop it into Zach's tank with his fish, the EMP detonates and exposes that Zac disguised three Zach-bots as bass.

(Y/n): Caught red-handed. And that means-

Martin: Gavin wins!

     I lift Gavin onto my shoulders and we all cheer as Zach leaves like the sore loser he is.

Zach: Ugh! I hate fishing! And fish, they make me lose, I never lose! I'll get you next time Wild Ratts!

Gavin: That's Wild Kratts.

      We all laugh and cheered for Gavin until Koki and Jimmy, who had been on a grocery run the entire day, come back.

Koki: Hey guys. What's going on?

Jimmy: *notices trophy* Nice trophy. Did we miss something?

Aviva: It's a long story.

Martin: But you're just in time to set the fish free.

Chris: Rule #3: Catch and Release.

Aviva: Everybody grab a bass.

     Aviva, Chris and myself grab a bass and set them in the water.

(Y/n): Keep on growing, Gulpa. *Gulpa swims away*

Martin: Off they go.

Chris: Living free and in the wild.

Later that night

       We all decided to eat marshmellows around a campfire, Zach tossed my guitar from his boat when he left, so I fixed it and pulled it back out. Aviva sat next to me on the log and handed me a S'more.

(Y/n): Oh thanks.

Aviva: We did good today, I think.

(Y/n): You were woeried for a few moments there though.

Aviva: Well, you're a good friend, and I know how ruthless Zach can be.

(Y/n): No nerd like Zach Varmitech is going to take me down.

Aviva: Well, here's to save creatures and good friends being safe.

      We both tap our S'mores together and chow down.

Gavin: Hey (Y/n), can you play for us? *indicating the guitar*

Chris: Yeah!

Martin: Come on, play one for us.

Aviva: Pretty please?

(Y/n): *chuckles* Alright, alright.

     I gobble down the last of my s'more and grab my guitar and think of a tune to play.


(A/N): And CUT! Great work everyone. Take lunch and we'll start filming again tomorrow.

     Hey! All you really wild readers out there! Thanks for bearing with me through this, the next few chapters I will take more liberties with the plot. It may take my longer to write than others so please be patient and don't pressure me please. I love all of you that read my stories and I want to provide entertaining, and in this case informative, stories but being asked when another chapter is coming eventually makes me lose interest in writing. I will continue, some chapters take longer than others. I'm not trying to be mean but please just be patient and I will keep on providing great adventures like this. Love you all, and I'll see you next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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