The light

由 vanillavannesa22

47.2K 1.1K 2.3K

Life showed no mercy for Xiao. He was always alone and had no one until he meet Venti. Fluff Angst ( mention... 更多

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter ten
update (kinda)
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen

chapter nine

5.2K 134 352
由 vanillavannesa22

Xiao POV

We were currently in the living room drinking our tea. Zhongli had talked to multiple therapist and one agreed. Guizhong was her name. The reviews said that she was a kind-hearted and wise therapist. So we booked a appointment with her next Wednesday. Ganyu was talking about Lumine and Aether. I noticed that Ganyu talked a lot about Lumine. She told me about what happened with Childe which made my hatred towards him grow bigger. So I was thankful that Lumine was there for her. Suddenly I heard a notification, I unlocked my phone to see who it was. It was Venti texting me.

(Venti, 6:32 p.m)
Hey Xiao just wanted to let you know
that the festival was moved to next Friday.

(Xiao, 6:33 p.m)
hmm okay

(Venti, 6:33 p.m)
Well damn it be more sad :(

(Xiao, 6:34 p.m)
why would i be sad?

(Venti, 6:34 p.m)
Cause we're gonna have to wait longer
to go to the festival (๑◕︵◕๑)

(Xiao, 6:35 p.m)

(Venti, 6:36 p.m)
You're no fun 😫

(Venti, 6:36 p.m)
Anyways what're you doing?

I looked up to see Ganyu gushing over Lumine and Zhongli intently listening. There was no way I could tell Venti what had just happened. And I wasn't in the mood to see how he would react. Besides I was ashamed of this whole situation even though Ganyu and Zhongli told me that it was okay.

(Xiao, 6:37 p.m)
just hanging out with Ganyu
and Zhongli

(Venti, 6:37 p.m)
You didn't invite me?! (๑◕︵◕๑)

(Xiao, 6:38 p.m)
you're so annoying

(Venti, 6:39 p.m)
I love you too ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ

I rolled my eyes and put my phone back. I should probably tell Ganyu about the change of plans. "Hey Venti said they moved the festival to next Friday" I said putting my tea mug down. Ganyu's face went from excited to disappointed. "Aw I have to wait longer now" Ganyu said pouting slightly. Zhongli patted her on the back "Don't worry I'm sure the week will pass quickly. Besides you can do other things with Lumine" Zhongli said reassuringly. Ganyu nodded her head. "Oh I know a place to go." She said excitingly. I really didn't want to go anywhere right now.

People annoy me and I don't like crowds. Zhongli nodded his head letting Ganyu continue. "So me and Lumine found a cute beach we could go to. Besides fall is almost starting so we need to go to a beach to enjoy the summer!" Ganyu said softly smiling. The beach will be crowded with people so that's a big no from me. "Nope" I said crossing my arms. "Please Xiao. Oh I know Venti will come" Ganyu said. Maybe I should go."Fine but if I don't like it you're gonna immediately bring me back" I said annoyed. "I'll drive you back" Zhongli said looking at me. I grunted in response. Ganyu got up placing her mug down. "Well I gotta go now. I'll see you guys tomorrow" Ganyu said taking her things. Zhongli got up as well "I'll make sure you get back safely" Zhongli said collecting his things as well. Ganyu came up to me and hugged me. She pulled back and waved bye as she walked out the door. "Call me if anything Xiao" Zhongli said smiling softly at me. I nodded my head and waved bye.

When they left the house I closed the door and went upstairs to my room. Suddenly I realized that if we were going to the beach everyone would see my cuts. To be honest I was ashamed of everything that I had done. I would have to hurt many people. Besides I didn't want to be a burden and have everyone look out for me. Why would I ask someone for help when I have myself? They could go on with their lives and be happy. They wouldn't have to struggle with me. I sat down on my bed and stared at the bandages. The reason I didn't seek help was because I would be a burden. It isn't fair for others to suffer because of me, especially people like Ganyu and Zhongli. I just want people to be happy and to not feel my pain. No one should go through all of this but now Ganyu and Zhongli would suffer. They have to be there in my darkest moments.

They were in pain because of me. I laid back down on my bed. Turning my head to face the window. I stared at the stars twinkling in the darkness. The night sky wasn't as bright as other nights. Suddenly I saw a bright light, blinding me. Next thing I heard was a car turning off its engine. Who's here? I wondered when suddenly I remembered that my parents were returning today. The sound of the car door opening and the scuffling of luggage being carried out flowed through the dark night. It had been a week since they've come home and honestly I didn't care where they went. They could stay there for all I care. It was fine though, I was 15 and can take care of myself. Suddenly I heard knocking on the door. I pulled my phone out to see a message from my mom telling me to open the door. They can live outside right? It's okay if they starve sure I'll go to jail for murder but I really don't want to see them right now. Suddenly my phone starts ringing I knew if I didn't open the door they would just make life harder for me. So I finally got up from my bed and walked down stairs. I reached the door and put my hand on the knob.

I opened the door preparing to get yelled at for taking long. Yay there they are my parents are home. Both of my parents are carrying their bags. "Does it really take that long to open a damn door?" My mom says obviously infuriated with me. "I didn't hear you and my phone was on silent mode."
I said rolling my eyes. My parents weren't physically abusive more like mentally abusive. They never cared for me, they cared about their jobs more than anything. They both ran a business that sold clothes,furniture, and things like that. So they were away to meet up with clients interested in buying things. They were controlling and very strict. I sometimes went with them to meetings but they stopped bringing me. Mostly because they knew I didn't wanna come.

"Why do you have bandages?" My dad asked slightly annoyed. Suddenly it hit me. I forgot to hide my cuts. "It was nothing" I said mentally beating myself up for not being more careful. But I knew my mom wasn't buying my lie. "What happened" My mom said more demanding. Okay they were getting on my nerves. Why can't they just take a hint that I'm obviously not okay. I'm obviously not happy with my life and my parents should realize that. They should've been the first ones to find out. Suddenly they pushed past me and went upstairs to put away their stuff. I was about to go to my room as well when my dad stopped me. "Now tell me. What happened?" My dad said sternly. I looked to the side to see my mom with her arms crossed. They were supposed to be my parents, they should ask me if I'm okay.

Why don't they just ask if I'm okay? I'm obviously not okay they should be able to tell. Snapping me out of my thoughts my mom spoke up "So are you going to just stand there or say whatever it is that happened." She paused to run her hands through her hair "It's not that hard to speak" She said with a hint of annoyance. It's isn't hard?! What part about being alone,trapped and overwhelmed by your emotions is easy? Suddenly I snapped "You tell me what part about being depressed is easy!" I said pushing past them. "You tell me what part about cutting myself every night is easy! What part of hating myself and everyone is so damn easy that you can just sit back and not take notice of your son's feelings!" I said letting every emotion slip out. Both of my parents stood there with shocked expression. I scoffed and ran upstairs to my room. When I reached my room I immediately slammed and locked my door.

I threw myself on my bed. Why didn't they take notice of my pain? I saw the lights of the house go off meaning that they had gone to bed. Must be nice going to bed not scared if you're going to be alive by the end of the week. It was currently 7:32 and the moon was fully out. Tomorrow I could hide from my parents because I'll be at school. I got a text from Ganyu telling me that we would go to the beach Saturday and leave Sunday afternoon. So I wouldn't have to see my parents. Just as I was putting my phone away I got another text. It was that damn brat again.

(Venti, 7:34 p.m)
Are you going to the beach?

(Xiao, 7:34 p.m)

(Venti, 7:35 p.m)
Don't worry if you don't
like it there I'll take you back!

(Xiao, 7:35 p.m)
you can't even drive

(Venti, 7:36 p.m)
I'll carry you back home 🤧

(Xiao, 7:37 p.m)
cant wait to make you
walk miles and suffer

(Venti, 7:38 p.m)
I'll die for you ¬¬

(Xiao, 7:39 p.m)
fuck you

(Venti, 7:40 p.m)
Don't speak like that to your
savior :'(

(Xiao, 7:41 p.m)
i hate you :)

(Venti, 7:42 p.m)
I hate you too (¬¬)

(Venti, 7:43 p.m)
How do you know Ganyu?

(Xiao, 7:45 p.m)
she's my cousin

(Venti, 7:46 p.m)
Ah okay!

(Venti, 7:46 p.m)
Just asking cause Lumine's really
gay for her- ( ‾̀‾́)σ »

(Xiao, 7:47 p.m)

(Xiao, 7:48 p.m)
yeah ganyu totally likes lumine, i've never
seen her take interest in someone so much.

(Venti, 7:50 p.m)
Aw that's so cute don't you think! (ω )

(Xiao, 7:51 p.m)
i don't care about people's love life

(Venti, 7:52 p.m)
Stfu one day you're gonna find
a nice person you wanna marry.

(Xiao, 7:53 p.m)
nope, besides how do you even feel when you
like someone

Venti has added Aether to the chat

(Aether, 7:54 p.m)

(Venti, 7:56 p.m)
Tell Xiao how it feels to like someone.

(Xiao, 7:57 p.m)
couldn't you just tell me?

(Venti, 7:57 p.m)
Yeah you need someone who's in love
to tell you!

(Aether, 7:58 p.m)
I'm in love? With who?

(Venti, 7:59 p.m)
Ofc you are

(Aether, 8:00 p.m)
I- With who?

(Venti, 8:01 p.m)
You dumbass bitch

(Xiao, 8:01 p.m)

(Aether, 8:02 p.m)
Is it really that obvious?

(Venti, 8:03 p.m)

(Aether, 8:05 p.m)
Well when you like someone you want
to do anything for them. And you care for
them more than anyone else.

(Aether, 8:07 p.m)
Like maybe they're having a bad time, you're
willing to do anything for them. No matter
what you're going through you'll never
push them away.

(Aether, 8:09 p.m)
You also feel like you can trust them with
anything. You'll feel happy when you're with them.

(Venti, 8:10 p.m)
Xiao you better be taking notes.

(Xiao, 8:11 p.m)
everything that aether just said is

(Aether, 8:12 p.m)
Yeah it's complicated

(Aether, 8:12 p.m)
Why are you asking? Do you guys
like anyone?

(Venti, 8:13 p.m)
All of the things you just said
apply to one of my friends.

(Aether, 8:14 p.m)
So do you like them or is it
just a friend thing?

(Venti, 8:15 p.m)
I don't even know anymore.

(Xiao, 8:16 p.m)
don't jump into things, just take it slow

(Xiao, 8:17 p.m)
besides anyone would be lucky to
have someone like you in their life.

(Aether, 8:18 p.m)
I feel like a third wheel.

Aether has left the chat

(Venti, 8:19 p.m)
Hehe thanks Xiao!

(Xiao, 8:21 p.m)

(Venti, 8:24 p.m)
What about you Xiao?

(Venti, 8:25 p.m)
Do you like anyone?

(Xiao, 8:26 p.m)
i can stand a couple of people
but i don't like them like that

(Venti, 8:27 p.m)
Oh? Who!?

(Xiao, 8:28 p.m)
well i can stand ganyu, zhongli, and qiqi.
and i guess i can stand you

(Venti, 8:30 p.m)
I knew you loved me

(Xiao, 8:31 p.m)
i said i is can stand you

(Venti, 8:32 p.m)
Yeah but that's a lot coming
from your depressed ass

(Xiao, 8:33 p.m)

(Venti, 8:34 p.m)
See you tomorrow Xiao. Good night

(Xiao, 8:35 p.m)

I put my phone down on the nightstand beside me. It was as if all my worries went away that night. Falling asleep was easy that night. Slowly I drifted into a deep,calming sleep.

Sorry for not updating i was busy with school and life. But I'm done with school 😮‍💨🤲 so I'll be updating more often


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