Bring Him Back; Sequel to Sky...

SaltyBratBell द्वारा

38.7K 1.9K 2K

All of the imprisoned Generals escaped, well, except one. The General of Sky Army is still stuck inside, feel... अधिक

Ch.1: Prologue
Ch.2: Gone
Ch.3: Tortured and Broken
Ch.4: Angry Yet Broken Generals
Ch.5: No!
Ch.6: Not My Friends
Ch. 7: Changed Friends
Ch.8: Prisoners Of War
Ch.9: Illusions
Ch. 10: A Chance
Ch.11: Torture
Ch.12: General Sky?
Ch.13: No!
Ch.14: Hope
Alternate/Requested Ending
Conclusion and Thanks

Ch.15: Happy Again

2.2K 103 139
SaltyBratBell द्वारा


Seto opened his closed eyes and sighed, sitting in the chair we had set up behind him.

"I did the best I could, Ty. It's nothing but a waiting game now," He informed me softly, exhaustion lacing his voice.

I pursed my lips and nodded, watching Sky for any signs of him being alive.

The wounds had closed by themselves and his clothing had stitched itself back together over them, but the blood still tainted his outfit.

"Thank you Seto. Pink, can you help Seto to his room?"

The green and gold haired girl nodded and carefully helped Seto leave.

"Well that was productive," Quentin grumbled, earning a punch to the arm from Ian.

"Don't be negative. It might work."

The girl from earlier seemed to be on the brink of tears once again, the other girl, Arella, next to her ready to help.

"It's okay Hydrangea, he'll be okay." She whispered to her friend.

The other girls who had been changed were standing off a few feet away, occasionally glancing at Hydra and Arella worriedly.

One of those girls, I recognized as one of my own recruits.

"Bella, can I talk to you for a moment?" I called to her.

She perked up, hearing her name, and nodded.

"Mind to tell me who your friends are?"

The recruit nodded and gestured to the group farther away.

"Over there, there's Molly, Sarah, Parker, Hope, Pearl, Hystra, Alexandra, Kit, Alisa, Rosalie, Aaliyah, Z, and I assume you know Tinarris, Crystal Galaxies, and May."

I nodded slowly. "And the two girls by themselves?"

Bella swallowed uneasily. "The one who's about to cry is Hydrangea. The other one who's comforting her is Arella. Both betrayed us and led us to the squids."

"So that's why they're on their own? Because no one trusts them?"

The recruit nodded slowly. "Yes sir. We understand the squids were controlling them before, but we don't feel very safe next to them."

"Alright, thank you."

She nodded before walking over to the other recruits.

"General Deadlox?" Hydrangea asked.


"I-I just want to say I feel horrible for what I did to G-General-"

"It was the squids, Hydrangea. Don't blame yourself."

She gave me a small smile and nodded. "Th-Thank you sir."

I returned her nod and glanced back at Sky.

"Can I have a few moments alone with him?"

Slowly, all of the other people filed out of the room, leaving me alone with my friend.

A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned against the wall, staring at his dead form.

"He's not dead. Seto will bring him back." I muttered under my breath.

Deep down, even I knew those words weren't true.

The squids took the fight out of Sky. If it was up to him to fight to live, he wouldn't fight.

"Notch, Sky. What did those squids put you through?"

"More like what did you put me though." My friend grumbled, weakly glaring at me.

"Sky! You're alive!" I cheered.

"No thanks to you," he spat, slowly sitting up.

"Wh-What do you mean?"

"Don't play innocent with me Deadlox, you and all the other generals were the ones torturing me in that notch dam*ed cell."

I was dumbstruck. "Sky I would never-"

"Save the bullsh*t for someone who'll listen. Why am I in your base?"

"G-General S-Sky?" Hydrangea asked shakily from the doorway.

Sky's eyes widened slightly as he moved away from her. "Oh I see. You all want to torture me again. Gain my trust then kill me all over again like the squid king did! You are all sick!"

"General th-that's not t-true. I-I came to apologize." The recruit stuttered, tears brimming her eyes once more.

"Why does a heartless squid like you want to apologize?!"

"I WAS CORRUPT DAMMIT!" Hydrangea snapped, the first of her tears spilling over her face.

Sky's mouth snapped shut.

"I-I had no control. I-I followed orders, I tortured you for hours, shamelessly. A-And I remember all of it. T-The squid king forced me to put you under so many different illusions, majority of them with someone you care about torturing you. General Sky, I am so, so sorry for all the pain I caused you, but don't be afraid of the other generals, be afraid of me." Hydrangea was sobbing by the time she was done.

Sky's fear immediately was replaced with concern. "I-I..."

"I don't expect you to understand, the illusions I used were enough to make the fake seem real."


The General shook his head, looking down. "Don't Ty. Just, don't. Thank you recruit for explaining to me what the squids had done. I will assure you, though, I am not afraid of you, or the other generals, now because of you."

The shaken up recruit forced a small grin. "Thank you sir."

He nodded and leaned back against the table. "I-I can't believe I thought my friends would torture me like that."

"Hydrangea, can we have a moment?"

The recruit nodded and left without a word.

"Sky it's okay. You had no clue."

He shook his head. "I died believing you guys hated me."

"Sky, stop. It's okay. We'll get our revenge on the squids."

He looked up at me slightly, his eyes locking with mine.

My heart shattered as I realized just how broken he was.

"I don't want revenge, Ty. I just want to be happy again." His voice cracked at the end as he broke down.

Quickly, I made it to his side and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

"You can be happy again. Don't worry Sky, you'll be happy again. I promise."

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