Bad In Common

De prinses1010

501K 21.4K 5.7K

"Everyone has a chapter they don't want to read out loud. Mine just so happens to be a book." Allison Bridge... Mais

Prologue ✔️
Chapter 1 ✔️
Chapter 2 ✔️
Chapter 3 ✔️
Chapter 4 ✔️
Chapter 5 ✔️
Chapter 6 ✔️
Chapter 7 ✔️
Chapter 8 ✔️
Chapter 9 ✔️
Chapter 10 ✔️
Chapter 11 ✔️
Chapter 12 ✔️
Chapter 13 ✔️
Chapter 14 ✔️
Chapter 15 ✔️
Chapter 16 ✔️
Chapter 17 ✔️
Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 19 ✔️
Chapter 20 ✔️
Chapter 21 ✔️
Chapter 22 ✔️
Chapter 23 ✔️
Chapter 24 ✔️
Chapter 25 ✔️
Chapter 26 ✔️
Chapter 27 ✔️
Chapter 28 ✔️
Chapter 29 ✔️
Chapter 30 ✔️
Chapter 31 ✔️
Chapter 32 ✔️
Chapter 33 ✔️
Chapter 34 ✔️
Chapter 35 ✔️
Chapter 36 ✔️
Chapter 37 ✔️
Chapter 38 ✔️
Chapter 39 ✔️
Chapter 40 ✔️
Chapter 41 ✔️
Chapter 42 ✔️
Chapter 43 ✔️
Chapter 44 ✔️
Chapter 45 ✔️
Chapter 46 ✔️
Chapter 47 ✔️
Chapter 48 ✔️
Chapter 49 ✔️
Chapter 50 ✔️
Chapter 51 ✔️
Chapter 52 ✔️
Chapter 53 ✔️
Chapter 54 ✔️
Chapter 55 ✔️
Chapter 56 (Last Chapter) ✔️

Epilogue ✔️

6.7K 297 73
De prinses1010

" Rise and shine! It's my fucking wedding day!"

I crack open one eye and close it as soon as the curtains are ripped open. Looking down at myself I realize that I'm half naked. I quickly pull up the covers to hide my half naked body from Tyler's sister.

" Hayley, what have I done to deserve this kind of punishment?" Tyler groans still half asleep.

She skips around the room all excitedly, picking up random objects in her arms and heads towards the door.

" Downstairs. 5 minutes. You have been warned." she announces before skipping off.

I roll back further into my pillow and groan. I could really use more sleep. Especially with the day ahead.

Hayley is finally getting married to Clark.

" Do I really have to go? " Tyler asks in all hopes of skipping out on the day.

I quirk my left eyebrow and throw the cover aside.

" Yes you do. You know how much this day means to her. Don't ruin it just because you don't agree with it." I warn him as I walk into the en-suit bathroom.

He groans one last time before I hear him throw the cover off from himself and climb out of the bed.

As I turn on the shower I feel him push up behind me. In all his glory.

We're definitely not gonna make that 5 minutes.


After a very steamy shower we managed to pull ourselves down stairs and into the dining room where Hayley and Rachelle are waiting patiently for us.

" You do know that a minute contains 60 seconds which means that you had 300 seconds to get your ass out of bed and downstairs -"

" Hayley that's enough." Rachelle scolds her daughter.

Bridezilla is making an appearance.

Just don't tell Hayley that.

" I'm sorry we're late. We got held up. " Tyler explains awkwardly.

I elbow him in his ribs to keep him from speaking further. I still have a good reputation to hold up here.

" Keep your dick in your pants till after the wedding -"

" Hayley!" Rachelle scolds once more.

I have to stifle a laugh before clearing my throat.

" Right. So, how does our schedule look for the day?"

It's as if a switch flips on in Hayley's head as she immediately forgets about her anger towards us and starts flipping through her diary that is placed on the table.

" We have breakfast in 10 minutes. Then at 9:45 we have to go pick up my dress in town. At 10:20 we have to be back here because the hairdresser and makeup artists will start arriving. At 10:45 Tyler has to go fetch Clark and his groomsmen and show them up to their room where they will be getting ready. At 11:15 the wedding planner will arrive with the cater, all the decorations, the photographers and the entertainment. By 12:00 we'll do a first look with mom and then start taking photos with all the bridesmaids. At 13:30 the guest will start arriving. When the clock hits 15:00 everyone should be seated and so the ceremony will start. " Hayley reads off her list in one quick breath.

No one mutters a word. Everyone is busy taking in the new information.

This day is going to be hectic.

" Breakfast is served. " I'm snapped back to reality as I notice that the table has been filled up by plates containing different breakfast options.

I reach over to the pancakes and pull the plate closer to mine. I'm going to need all the energy for this day.

" Hurry up. We have to leave in-" Hayley pauses as she looks down on her wrist watch, " 15 minutes." she finishes.

I've barley started eating.

I hate it when people rush me, especially when I'm eating.

I glare at Hayley and gulp down a huge chunk of pancake. The pancake travels down my throat slowly before it finally disappears and allows me to breath properly again.

I don't get much time to appreciate the beauty of the food before Hayley literally pulls me away from my chair and rushes me into her car. Rachelle and Tyler stay behind as they aren't allowed to see her dress just yet.

Lucky me.

" We have 5 minutes to get to the boutique." Hayley mumbles to herself before blowing on her horn for the cars in front of us to move faster.

We're not gonna make it to the wedding.

" Hayley just calm-"

" Don't tell me to calm down Ally. I am calm." she spits out before pushing on the accelerater harder to make the car move faster.

Have mercy.

Within minutes we arrive at the boutique. The designer is already waiting outside with the dress. She rushes over to the car and hands the dress over to Hayley. Hayley places the dress down onto the back seat before jumping into the driver's seat again and driving off.

" Why the fuck is there traffic at this hour?" Hayley curses.

I try and keep my cool as Hayley tries everything in her power to get past the on going traffic. Eventually our eyes land on bright colors and people dressed in costumes ranging from princesses to clowns heading towards the line of cars in front of us.

" Shit. I forgot it's the opening of the new fair in town today." Hayley curses as she just so misses a guy dressed as a mermaid by a few inches. The guy looks startled as he slams the side of the car.

We're never going to make it out of this.


By the time we manged to get home it was already past 12. I had to calm Hayley down before she exploded into tears because now her whole schedule is a mess. After what seemed like hours Hayley managed to wipe her tears away and sit still for the makeup artist to start her job and for the hair dresser to do something with the mess of hair on top of her head.

My prayers go out to these people.

While my hair and makeup was getting done I finally had the chance to call Emily. She's meeting Parker's parents this weekend. I'm nervous for her part. She filled me in on all the drama that happened recently like usual before bidding me goodbye.

Hayley placed me on "welcome" duty after my hair and makeup was finished. As soon as a bridesmaid showed up I had to give her a gift bag and take her up to the dressing room where everyone is getting ready for the big day.

Why I have to do this I guess I'll never know.

I'm not a people person.

" Don't you just look breathtaking." I hear Tyler's voice from my left side.

I turn around to face him. I'm stunned by his appearance. He is dressed in a very expensive black silk suit with a red bow breaking the overflowing black colors from his clothes. His chestnut hair is gelled back and I swear his eyebrows are plucked.

And he said he doesn't like to get dressed up.

Tyler notices my gawking figure and suggestivly nods over to bathroom.

My eyes bulge as I almost give in and jump him before even reaching the bathroom but then I remeber that I'm still on duty.

" No can do. I'm on 'welcome' duty." I say with a sigh. Damn, I really wanted a piece of him.

" Fuck the 'welcome' duty. It's my duty to please my girlfriend, isn't it?" he asks as he takes a step forward and wraps his arms around my waist.

I'll never get tired of being called his girlfriend.

" Well if you say it like that -"

" Ally!" Hayley yells from the dressing room.

It must have looked like I was ready to cry because Tyler started laughing.

" You wanted to come to the wedding." he sings as he struds away.


" Lights, camera, action. "

" We're not in a movie you dumb fuck."

" Will you guys please calm down."

" The ceremony is being recorded so that technically makes it a movie -"

" I will rip your fake eyelashes off."

Geez these girl are vicious.

I look around me in search for someone to come help before Hayley's day is yet again ruined by her immature friends.

That's what you get for attending an 18 year old's wedding.

Can't argue with that.

" Flower girls, walk." the wedding planner announces as the backdoor opens and music starts to play.

The two little girls start walking down the red carpet and throws the rose pedals down as they walk.

" Maid of honor, walk."

The maid of honor does as she is told and walks down the same carpet that the little girls were walking down just now.

" Birdesmaids, walk."

I turn around and give Hayley a small smile before I follow the other bridesmaids down the isle.

The ceremony is being held in the Anderson's backyard. They have the space for it so why not take advantage of it? A big white tent covers most of the backyard where the main ceremony is being held. White balloons fill the ceiling of the tent, not leaving space for a needle. Fairy lights cover the sides of the tent as far as the eye can see. With the sun nearly setting its going to look absolutely beautiful. Probably a good thing that the wedding started two hours late. The guest are all placed on white wooden chairs that each have a red ribbon wrapped around it. From what I can see the guest all have red gift bags just like the ones I gave to the bridesmaids.

For an 18 year old she really does know a lot of people.

Don't be intimidated by all the eyes. Just walk.

Don't trip!

Wouldn't that be fun.

As I near the start of the isle my eyes land on Tyler's. How is it even possible for him to look even more sexier than he did an hour ago? I hope this ceremony is quick because I don't know how long I can wait.

The priest asks everyone to stand as Hayley is about to enter.

The famous wedding song starts to play as Hayley takes her first step onto the red carpet. Her left arm is hooked in with Rachelle's arm while her right hand is holding a bouquet of red roses. It breaks my heart to see the tears in Rachelle's eyes as they approach us. I know it must be hard for her to walk her daughter down the isle when it really had to be George. She's doing so well.

They come to a stop a few inches away from where Clark is trying to cover his tears. Damn I'm getting emotional over here.

Rachelle lifts Hayley's veil over her head and places a soft kiss on her cheek. Rachelle makes her way over to an open chair in the front row where some family members are waiting to console her. Hayley walks over to Clark. She's trying to hide the smile that is threatening to tear her face apart as she links her hands with Clark's.

Throughout the ceremony I can't help but think at how everyone reacted when they found out about Hayley and Clark's engagement. I too was shocked but I handled it better than most people did. No one believed that they would actually walk into marriage and here they are, dressed up and ready to tie the knot. Through everyone's judgment Hayley managed to push away the negativity and focus on what is important and that is the bond between her and Clark.

I see a bright future ahead for them.

They couldn't have kissed each other faster as the end of the ceremony approached. I too had to cover a tear as they walked down the isle, hand in hand as everyone congratulates them on their new journey.

I can't help but envy them as I focus my attention on Tyler who looks a little more calm than he was this morning.

Will I have the same experience with him?

I know it's a little early to think about marriage. Heck we've barley been together a few months now.

But I can't help my thoughts drift off to what our special day would look like.

" Don't get any ideas."

I'm brought back to reality when I hear Tyler's voice. I have to swallow my laugh as I notice how pale he is.

I'm not offended at all. It's understandable that marriage is not on the table for us. At least not for now.

" Don't worry mister badass, you've still got a lot of pleasing to do before I even consider being stuck with you for the rest of my life." I chuckle as I link my arm in with his as we start walking down the isle.

" Oh is that so?" he laughs.

I nod my head as an answer as I try to hide my smile.

He said it himself. His duty is to please me. He definitely won't be getting off that one so fast.

" Then we better get to it." he smirks.


The End



What an adventure this book was.

We made it!

Eventually 😂

This book wouldn't be where it is if it weren't for all the support I received from each and every one of you ❤️

Thank you so much for following me throughout this journey. It really has been such a blast!

I just want to put it out there that there won't be a sequel for this book BUT that doesn't mean I'm done with writing 😏 *hint hint*

I really hope you guys enjoyed this book as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Please feel free to ask any questions❤️

Peace out ✌️

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