What our future holds //tomto...

By im_depressed_help

29.6K 325 263

[REWRITING!] The end began and Tom hated it. He has done many things that the red leader commanded like kill... More

Author's Note!
The Beginning
Greetings and Meetings
Harsh Reality


2.5K 55 110
By im_depressed_help

"done eating Thomas?"

Clearly he haven't eaten that much but lied about it by nodding silently towards him

"yes sir"

The brunet then grabbed his sketchboard for the upcoming meeting they'll attend, not that he cares about it

It's just when he was seen slacking off, the Red leader will nag him about it

"good, now be ready. This meeting will be important"

The horned man said putting his hands on his back as he walk outside his office, Tom followed him copying his posture and movements

Professional and formal

They need that everyday, the brunet always ovethink if he's finally free from this hell. Free to do whatever he wants and finally peace will be brought upon them

They need a hero, a hero that can be a leader. Not that Red leader, he deserves to die.

"Pau, Pat"

The horned man suddenly stops on their track, Tom almost bumped into him out of distraction

He looked around, wondering why they are here on the entrance of the cafeteria

Looking at the table by the left side of their view, that made Tom focused on a certain two. The left and right hand side of the horned man

Pat looked directly at them, almost chocking on his ham sandwich. He quickly wipe his mouth and signalled Pau to stop eating

"it's red leader, come on idiot"

The brows widened his eyes as he gulped his sandwich into one

They headed to the leader as they saluted first before they moved on

"what is it red?"

The soldier said picking his teeth, Tom tried not to comment about it. I mean, those two doesn't care about respect or hygiene even if the horned man's there or not

"I need you two for the meeting, it regards the war from Asia. you two can take charge of the chosen soldiers"

Pau and Pat nodded and saluted in agreement, Pau looked beside of the leader. Noticing a certain brunet by his side

"oh heyo Tom, didn't see ya there"

Then he proceeded on wrapping his arms to the brunet's shoulder like they were some buddies buddies

"nice to see you too Pau"

Tom said in a cold voice, glaring at the soldier

"jeez man you can sprinkle some heat to your sentences? you don't need to be chill about it"

He received a hit on his head by Pat, Pau let go of the brunet to rub the pain on his head while gritting his teeth

"Pau be nice"

Pat apologized at the brunet by slightly bowing while smiling apologetically

"come on now soldiers, we need to go before it started"

The hoe horned man passed them now making his way to the meeting room, Pau and Pat run up to him while Tom walked behind them

It was an deathly silence upon them

What are they going to say? Tom didn't mind though but the two soldiers seems to itch about it

"sooo, Red leader"


Tord is on his back facing their way when he answered the soldier

"about the conversation earlier, what do you mean by
' take care of the chosen soldiers' ?"

The horned man sighed not wanting to answer that right now, the brunet stayed silent. Listening carefully to the conversation

"I promoted you two to become the generals, lead the army to the war. I'll trust you two to take care of this, so don't dissapoint me"

They made it to the meeting room, stopping by the location. The red leader pulled out his ID on the scanner of the door but it beeped red when it won't read his ID

Tom scanned the two as the red leader struggled thinking that they would look disbelief but he's wrong

Pau and Pat looked...happy? why? Because they've been promoted? to a general? leading the army to a fucking death trap? bullcrap



What does they meant by that?

Soon, the door automatically slid open when it finally read the contents of the red leader's ID

The horned man mumbled some unholly things in frustration as they entered

"good morning red leader"

One of the soldiers from the entrance said as he saluted

"at ease soldier, are the headquarters going to join? This will be an important meeting since it's based off on war "

Tord sat on the left, the brunet followed the leader standing by his side while the duo waited at the door, guarding it

"yes sir"

the soldier said, he grabbed a box looking tech and pressed the button to that device, then suddenly a what to appear an screen in front of them revealing a face

A hologram to be exact, only the face and his shoulders. Not the full body though

"why hello red leader, its nice to see you again"

The guy or the higher ups took out his cigar and started lighting it

If that guy is here, he'll probably be dead already because the brunet doesn't want to smell any unhealthy air when he's breathing

The red leader knows that, so he only smokes when he's alone or when Tom's not with him

"no needs for greetings, I already know who you are and you already know who I am. I want to jump on the information that your soldiers gathered"

Tom put out his board and his pen along with it to write the report

The higher ups face turned into a bitter one

"tsk, stubborn as always"

Tord rolled his visible eye at that comment, not caring if he was actually insulted or not

"did you gathered some coordinets from the base of the enemy? if so what are they planning to do"

"why yes actually, they were hidden on part of the China. Some of them are hidden at the part of south or south east of Asia"

Tom wrote it down while the red leader was left into thinking

"sout East Asia..there's 11 countries on that part, it's hard to find the hidden base because of the large place, maybe the others are on the underground, probably some of it are on underwater"

The horned man looked at the brunet who's writing things down, Tom felt the eyes of a troubled person

"yes red leader?"

Tom stopped his notes but not looking at the horned man

"where do you think they are hiding right now?"

Tom looked away from the red leader

how would I know?

"if you think of it, some of the countries can be strong. or some of them are poor, example for the country called the Philippines"

Tom pressed his visor's side, Another hologram appeared in front of them. A picture of the country

"philippines maybe poor from poverty but they are rich on resources, they had Golds. silvers and probably some coppers buried under their land"

Tom switched on a different picture, a man with strictness in his eyes

"the country was also known as the powerful land on the world of Asia when the reign of Ferdinand Mar..cos"

Tom cleared his throat for that simple mistake of hesitation on his reading

"hmm, who's this Marcos guy?"

The horned is now interested at the conversation, completely disregarding the whole meeting

Tom nodded as a sign to continue talking

"Ferdinand Marcos was the President of the Philippines on 1965 to 1986, he died on honolulu, hawaii because of a exile.

They buried him on the heroe's cemetery from Fort Bon..i-fashow? Bonifacio metrow- Metro..Manila"

Tom sighed shaking his head, dissapointed at himself for pronouncing it wrong for the first time

Pau snorted at the brunet who had trouble with the pronunciation of the words, Pat elbowed his waist causing the soldier to wince

Red leader raised his eyebrow

"does he had a allegiance?"

"only one sir, the United States of America"

The soldier who was taking care of the meeting looked at the two, confused on what they are talking about

"mmm, interesting.."

The hologram was now forgotten and he watched as the two discussed on a nonsense information

He cleared his throat but they failed to notice the sound, he done it twice and he finally catched their attention

"oh I forgot we were in a meeting, heh silly me"

Tord turned to the hologram again crossing his legs in an informal way of a leader and putting his robotic hand to his cheeks

"anyways about the location of the bases-"

"say Thomas what is the poorest country on the south east?"

The hologram was rudely interrupted by Tord and it was the last straw of the higher ups

"I won't like to call the countries poor sir"

Tom beat him to it, glaring at the red leader, the higher ups was silence by his chosen of words

The leader laughed

"oh Thomas"

The higher ups knows when you speak against your leader, you'll be executed. He almost felt sorry for this brunet

"you poor poor Thomas, every country is weak and poor!"

The leader smiled showing of his fangs, Tom who's unbothered with this situation. Tends to just not to speak against his permission for now

Or it'll just make the meeting more time consuming

" maybe you're the one who's poor "

That words left Tom's mouth, it was just an accident really. Just some old habit back in the days where he insults Tord and he insults back, and Tom insults back to him again and Tord insults him too

Just the way of their thing but this thing now, is dangerous

"what did you say second in command?"

he horned man look directly at him burning bullets though the brunet's skull

Tom huffed not wanting to answer this dramatic queen

"nothing sir and also I won't recommend you saying that 'every country is poor', the people lived on every country has nothing to do with this"

Tord disagreed shaking his head side to side

"wise words Tom but you will not convince me otherwise"

The horned man stood up from his sitting, he put his hands to his back when he fixed his menacingly posture

"however the cause of the lands are useless, so that's why I conquer them"

The red leader walked up to the brunet, eyeing Tom deep down to his visor

Tom looked at the leader, even his face is half covered. The horned man can tell he's piss off

"do you understand? Second in command?"

Tord slowly closing in the threatening space between the brunet, the Red leader looks scary as ever.

for the soldier of course, for Tom. He just looks stupid


Tom he looked away from the horned man, Tord closed smiled

"good! now you've shut up"

The leader looked at the hologram, like his outburst doesn't even happened

"is there any more to discuss?"

The norwegian sat back down to his chair, being on the same pose he was earlier

"nothing more red leader"

The man scoffed but was confused on how Tom is still alive

"well then! you are all dismissed! Pau, Pat"

The leader glamced at the door where the soldiers head were peeking at the door

They suddenly scrumbled to their proper standing and saluted

"you two can get started at the army, spend some time to them so they can be comfortable with the new general"

The duo grinned, thinking that they can have all the free time

"by training with them"

The two soldiers smiles immediately dropped and replaced by annoyance, Tom was about to exit

"not you Thomas, we need to talk"

The red leader said in demand, that made the others alerted by his aura, Tom just stared at him. Pissed off that he gets no time to go to his room

"u-Umm, may I excuse us red leader but we need to go"

Pat said saluting and sprinting off with Pau who already left

"m-me too re-red leader"

The soldier on the room saluted and run off leaving the two behind

Tom's digital eyes focused on his board, writing somethings and informations he missed. Of course he didn't missed anything

He just doesn't want to spend this useless argument to him

he heard some footsteps coming his way, the sounds stopped infront of him. the board was pushed down harshly but slowly

"don't you ignore me Thomas, you were a little stubborn while on the meeting"

Tord closely whispered to the brunet's ear, really and too close for his personal space

He wants to push him off but it will be a death sentence for him

"you deserve a punishment Tom, so I can teach you to behave"

Tom swear his breath hitched, why did he do that? Tord's lips almost reached his ear but not too close to fully touch it

"what do you mean by punishment?"

Tom backed away from the leader even though Tom knows what will happen when the horned man said 'punishment', of course its torture

"meet me at my office later"

The leader demanded on his strict voice. He made his way to the door

"make sure to obey me Thomas, I won't be pleased if you don't show up"

Tord presume, now exiting the meeting hall. Tom is the only person that's left, debating whether to lock himself at his room or go for it. little pain will be worth it right?

Tom shooed his head and exited the room, he was pretty hungry though

time for lunch..wait..

Tom stopped walking, shit. another meeting Tom groaned

Why did he forgot about it?

Now he's going to see that commie bastard again, the brunet really wanted to punch that annoying bitch. he scratched the back of his hair in frustration

this is going to be a long day


Tom finished eating his food but he can't shake the feeling of being talk about and stared

the brunet checked the time [11:49] might as well prepared

The brunet thought about the another meeting, what's so special about this? he was told no information about this. what's the situation or even regards about it, Tom is irritated about this. he hated it

He was bored out of his mind, no Matt around or even to observe something interesting. He just sat on the table just waiting

Tom shrugged and headed to the meeting room again, the brunet usually knock on the red leader's door first but he has no mood to see Tord's face today

The door automatically open as he step inside, the room was full of colors. Tom widened his eyes

the leaders are...here?!

Is he dreaming??

Tord smiled at the frozen brunet, Tom straightened his posture and steadied his breathing. too many peoples are in a room

It's overwhelming him

The brunet usually came to meetings, seeing a hologram figure at the table but today. Real peoples are here, many of them in one sitting

"hey blue leader!"

he snapped at his gaze at the leaders, how long has his been observing the room? it must be embarrassing

Tom went to Tord's side, just a bit far to him and took his board and sketchpad out incase he has no space for writing

The meeting hall has the leaders brown, black, white, yellow, violet and blue with their guards or second in commands

Someone clap their hand, getting the attention of many

"meeting is about to start, please be quiet while meeting is unfinished"

the black leader said, the others nodded and quiet down. Tom also notice that he's the only one who is noticeable at the meeting

Wearing a gadget for his health, digital green eyes scanned the room one by one

The other leaders are suspicious about him, others are cautious about it. thinking that they will trapped them dead

They glared at the brunet tension reached the air, until someone clears its throat

"how about we start the meeting?"

Stay hydrated and alive!
-me (im_depressed_help)

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