Wraith X Mirage Lovers in Dis...

By ForgottenPheonix

2.8K 73 24


Chapter 1: Experiments
Chapter 2: First Day on the Job
Chapter 3: The New Girl
Chapter 4: My Best Friend
Chapter 5: Bruised Up Feelings
Chapter 6: Wattsons New Crush
Chapter 7: Dating?!
Chapter 8: Death Protection
Chapter 10: That ass tho
Chapter 11: They are perfect together
Chapter 12: I Hate Her Already
Chapter 13: Now You See Me?
Chapter 14: Whoa
Chapter 15: Careful

Chapter 9: Sweaty Electronics

147 4 1
By ForgottenPheonix

*Time skips month and a half*

It's been a little over a month since revenant joined the games. I've hated every moment of it. He makes me so angry. He's been staying away from Mirage knowing I'll hurt him if he gets too close. I've been around Mirage more often to make sure he's safe. I don't know what it is but I just need to make sure he's ok. I'm very protective over him and I hate it. Anyways Wattson and crypto have been getting really close. And touchy.... like they can't keep their hands off of each other and it's weird. Speaking of Wattson on crypto

*POV switch: wattson*

Around 3 am I heard a knock on my door. I open it to see crypto standing there.


I say stuttering. He walks in and closes to door locking it. He then pulls me close and lightly kisses my lips.

"M-may I? D-do you?..."

He asks stuttering. I nod my head.

"Y-yes, you may and yes... I want to"

I say back before he starts kissing me passionately. He puts me down on my bed and removes his shirt. I take off mine and he crawls back on my kissing my stomach and making his way up to my lips giving me one long kiss before taking off his pants. I slowly take off my pants and underwear. He kisses me again slowly putting his fingers deep inside me. I can feel him slowly moving them in and out of me. I can hear his breathing sounding like he's trying to focus. He takes off his underwear and keeps kissing me as he inserts himself in my. I gasp and look at him. He smiles down at me then kisses me. He starts thrusting.


I moan

"Oh fuck yah.."

Crypto says under his breath, my hard starts to flutter hearing him enjoy this

"Oh yeah?.."

I look up at him. He blushes looking at me.

"You feel so good..."

He moans

*POV switch: Wraith:

I wake up to the sounds of squeaking at 3:30 am. I sit up and walk out my room hearing moaning coming from wattsons room. I gasp and run back into my room. Locking my door. God I wish I could be doing that with Mirage right now. I put on some music trying to give them privacy. I sit down on my bed trying to go back to sleep but I can't with all the noise. I'm a light sleeper with noise. I hear a knock at my door. I stand up and open it seeing Mirage

"I can't sleep. Their making too much noise"

He says sleepily walking into my room

"Yah.. I can't sleep either cause of it"

I say watching him walk towards my bed passing out on my bed. I guess he's a light sleeper to sound too. Cute.

"That's.. my bed"

I say

"Cuddle buddies time"

He says drowsy. I'm too tired to argue and head into bed forgetting to close my door. I crawl in bed laying on my back and Mirage lays his head on my chest and wraps his arm around my waist. I put my hand on his head running my fingers through his hair slowly drifting off to sleep. I wake up hearing people giggling. I open my eyes seeing every legend puts it of my room looking at me and Mirage.

"Get out of here! And close my door"

I say not trying to wake up Mirage. Wattson comes in saving the day closing my door. I sigh and cover me and Mirage with a blanket while running my figures through his hair.

"I wish you were mine"

I whisper kissing his forehead. An hour passes by and Mirage wakes up. I feel him panicking getting off the bed quickly. I wake up.

"W-what's going on?"

I ask while my vision is super blurry.

"N-nothing wraithy... go back to sleep"

He says. I throw a pillow at him and roll over passing back out. I feel him move my hair from my face and caress my cheek. I hear him walking out of my room

"Where you going Mr. invisible man"

I ask.

"I'm headed to the games Mrs. Cranky"

He says.

"Imma stay in bed. Goodnight"

I say then pass out.

"Goodnight my love..."

He says back but I don't hear him cause I'm passed the fuck out. Hours pass by and I wake up to my tv on showing Mirage in the top 2 fighting. It's him and caustic against revenant and octane. I watch revenant pull out a kraber aiming at Mirage.


I yell and feel a wave of energy emerge from me.

"Mirage Kraber! To your right!"

I yell hoping he hears me. I see him move on the screen behind a rock right before revenant took the shot. He heard me?!

"I can hear you!"

I hear him scream from the tv. What?! How!

"Mirage you need to focus. Use your decoy escape and appear behind them"

I say. He does exactly what I said to do

"Shoot down revenant first. He's got the kraber"

He shoots rev and rev goes down giving caustic the opportunity to move up to help kill octane. They start shooting. I watch the rest of the game and help him take the win.

"Yes! Go Mirage! Good job!"

I jump up and down and run out to the drop ship waiting for Mirage to come back. He exits and hugs me tightly

"Thank you so much. I heard you"

He says

"I don't know how but you're welcome"

I say back before letting go of him. I give caustic a high five and we walk over to the mess hall. Mirage leaves to go take a shower. I start to not feel so good. I sit up looking at lifeline before blacking out. I wake up seeing lifeline next to me in med bay.

"Why am I hear? What happened"

I ask

"You blacked out Wraith. You have a fever, why didn't you say anything. You're burning up."

She asks

"I-I didn't know... I'm so sorry"

I say back to her. She grabs my hand.

"No more games till this has passed through your system."

She tells me. I nod my head and she helps me walk to my room.

"You'll be getting dinner in bed. Your body is super weak."

She says. I sit up in bed scrolling through my phone. I decided to take a shower to pass time. I slowly scrub my body with a sugar scrub. I finish washing up, I put my hair in a towel then put another towel around my body. I walk out of my bathroom to see everyone on the floor eating.


I scream


I yell more

"Lifeline told us you're too weak to leave your bed so we brought dinner to you. Come join"

Bangalore says. I look up and down my body


I yell at her

"Huh. You are. Get dressed"

She says


I respond with. I walk out grabbing clean pajamas. I head back into the bathroom changing then walk out. I sit down on my bed with Mirage and start eating with everyone else.

"So whos the new legend Bangalore"

I ask. She pulls files from under her ass

"Loba. She's fucking hot"

She says while handing me the files. She does have a pretty face.

"I like her hair"

I point out.

"Jump drive...huh"

I really like that.

"Oooo she's a rick thief. I like it. Just your type Bangalore"

I mock her and continue reading.

"Parents.. dead to r..."

I sit up looking at Bangalore shocked connecting the dots

"You read all of this?!"

I ask. She sighs looking down

"Yah.. yah I did. And yes. I know"

I cover my mouth reading about what happened to her family. She's probably here for revenge. Or what if she's not. What if she's scared off by this stupid robot. I look around the room and obviously revenant is not in here but I notice neither is Wattson and crypto.

"Haha brothers, Wattsons gettin some"

Gibby says. Everyone starts dying of laughter. We can hear the moaning in the other room. I get up knowing I would be so embarrassed about it. I grab one of my speakers and walk out closing my bedroom door and knock on wattsons. 2 minutes pass by and she opens the door with a oversized shirt on and messy hair.

"Wattson. I love you, but please"

I grab out one of my spare speakers.

"Blast music while doing that. I don't want the others making fun of you for having your fun time"

She hugs me

"Thank you, I will do that right now"

"Of course Wattson. Now go have fun."

I say before she smiles at me and closes her door locking it. Then I start hearing blaring music. Good. I walk back into my own room seeing everyone looking at me. I walk over to Mirage. He leans close to me

"You're a great friend, she's so lucky to have you."

He whispers.

"You two aren't off the hook either."

Bangalore says.


I question her

"The cuddling this morning"

I start blushing.

"I-... uhm."

I stutter

"It was nothing Bangalore, I was upset and Wraith comforted me and we ended up falling asleep next to each other. It was an accident. We are just friends"

Mirage says. I look at him kind of upset I'm always friend zoned... he looks down at me seeing me upset.

"Friends my ass"

Pathfinder say. Everyone gasps shocked at what he said

"Friends. I can see there is love in the air"

He says, thank you buddy, for lifting my spirits but sadly he does not feel that way about me. I sigh and look around my room. After we all finish eating I get up grabbing everyone plates trying to take them back to the kitchen. Mirage grabs the plates from me

"No no no. I spoke with lifeline. You need to stay in Bed."

He takes the plates and cups out. Bangalore leaves to help him wash dishes then they both come back after washing all the dishes for us to keep talking. My mind starts to wander. Thinking about why he doesn't look at me the way I look at him. Am I not enough? Omg what if I'm not pretty. I start to panic and I get up leaving my room. I head down to the exercise room, i know I'm sick but I need to distract my head before I explode because when I explode my abilities go everywhere and I can't control it after that super emotional strain. I put in headphones blaring music and running on the treadmill. 30 mins later I feel a tap on my shoulder. It's Wattson. I remove an earbud

"What's up Wattson?"

I ask still running.

"Aren't you sick? They told me you just up and left and I figured you be here. Is everything alright"

She asks. I pause the treadmill and get off looking at her. Tears start to form and she hugs me.

"Im fine. I can play the games too. I just wish he liked me. I like him so fucking much... why can't he see me...."

I feel light headed as I walk towards wattson. I start sobbing in her arms.

"I know. I'm so sorry Wraith. One day you'll find a guy who will see you. One day I'm going to see you happy. I can't wait for that day"

She starts to cry herself.

"I just... I want to be loved"

*POV switch: mirage*

I walk towards the exercise room overhearing Wraith talking to Wattson. She sounds like she's crying. I get worried and right before I open the door I hear

"I just... I want to be loved"

Oh Wraith... you are... by me.. I just can't let you know. You don't feel the same way and I'd end up losing you. I'll do my best to be a better friend for you I promise. You deserve the world. I head back to her room before I could walk inside Bangalore pulls me aside

"Why don't you tell Wraith how you feel?"

She asks me

"She doesn't feel the same way, it would ruin our friendship"

I say looking down at the ground

"Mirage, you'll never know till you tell her"

She lets me know

"You have a point but I can't risk that"

I tell her

"Do it before she finds someone who will"

She says before walking back to wraiths room. I can't tell her she doesn't feel the same way. God just forget it I'm going back to my room and going to bed. I walk in and lay down looking at the ceiling. Falling asleep.

*POV switch: wraith*

"He's so fucking stupid. A rock could hit him in the head and he wouldn't know"

I tell Wattson before I stop hugging her. She rubs my back as we walk back to my room

"I know. But you chose the moron remember that"

I laugh a bit

"I just hope that moron eventually develops feelings for me"

We get to my room and when I walk in I don't see Mirage there anymore.

"Where is he?"

I ask

"He went to bed"

Bangalore says

"Without saying goodnight?..."

I look down at the ground

"I'm sorry Wraith."

Everyone says. I shrug it off. Everyone stands up to leave and I give them all hugs and say goodnight before they all leave.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"Goodnight Wraith"

Octane says. I wave my hand and he walks away. I close my door and lock it once everyone leave. I grab my phone to text Eliot

"Rude not saying Goodnight mr. goodnight dummy"

I send the message and put my phone on the charger before crawling in bed and falling asleep. I just hope tomorrow is better than today. I hate crying, I hate showing emotion. I hate everything. I just want to sleep.


Hey guys. A chapter a day has been taking a lot out of me, thank you for being patient while I try to write the best chapters I can give you. It means a lot. I want to try to finish it by the start of the new season so within the next week I should have finished the last 8 more chapters that I need to do. This book will continue as the seasons of apex continues. I don't know when I'll end it. It may be late to finish considering I am 2 chapters behind then what I should be so I apologize for that. Things will get juicy between wraith and Mirage  I promise. I have a whole thing planned out for them but I need this backstory out before I can give you their relationship. Kool aid man

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