A Man that Summon Monsters (P...

By RWBYKnight4142

68.8K 1.1K 914


Welcome to Beacon
Out on the Town
Poke'mon Eggs and Blake's Dilemma
Dance, Dance Infiltration
Welcome to the World, Little Ones!
Poke'mon Training
Mountain Glenn
No Brakes
No Brakes Pt. 2 & Breach
Round One
Tidal Wave
It's Brawl in the Family
Doubles Round
Rescue/The Battle Begins
The Battle for Beacon
The Turning Point
The Final Battle
In Defense of Kalos
The Crisis of Kalos
Rocking Kalos
Forming A More Perfect Union

First Day at Beacon

5.8K 90 82
By RWBYKnight4142

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *groans* Stupid clock. *reaches around* Shut up. *finally turns off alarm* *YAWN*

      I sit up and stretch then look around and see the room I'm in and remember what's happened over the past couple of days. I try to get out of bed but the room I'm boarding in is a little, crowded. I grab a change of clothes and go to fhe bathroom and clear my Water Types from the bathtub and start a shower. I get dressed into my very uncomfortable school uniform and walk out, I come face to face with Aggron, who has a curious expression.

(Y/n): What's up, buddy?

Aggron: *inquisitive* Aggron?

(Y/n): You want to check this place too?

Aggron: *nods* Gron.

      Aggron and I have always been closer than others, it has saved my hide on countless occassions, we've grown so close that we can use Mega Evolution without a Mega Stone.

(Y/n): Oh alright. But watch where you step, this is a new place we don't know how everything works yet.

      I get everybodies breakfast ready then Aggron picks up my books and we head to our first class which is, somewhere.

(Y/n): Hmm. *sees a student* Excuse me gentlemen, I'm looking for Grimm biology could you- *as he's ignored* I guess not.

Blake: I figured I'd find you lost.

(Y/n): *turns around surprised* Whoa! Blake?!

Blake: Sorry. *stifles a giggle*

(Y/n): Finally a friendly face. Do you know where a Professor Port's classroom is?

Blake: Yeah, it's my first class too. Follow me.

       Aggron and I follow Blake to class and I take a seat next to her while Aggron sits on the floor.

Yang: *awe* Wow, which Poke'mon is that?

(Y/n): Well, I could tell you, or you could use this. *pulls out four Poke'Dex's*

Ruby: *amazed* Whoa! *takes one*

Weiss: What are these? *as she takes one*

(Y/n): On my world, they're called a Poke'Dex. Just point it towards a Poke'mon, the Dex will search for it and then tell you what it is and some facts about it. Go ahead try it.

Weiss: *points Poke'Dex at Aggron* Oh, it's on.

Poke'Dex: Aggron, the Iron Armor Poke'mon, a Steel and Rock Type. Aggron claims an entire mountain as it's home where it searches for iron to eat. It's strong enough to destroy the firmest of bedrock.

RWBY: *disbelief* Whoa.

(Y/n): Aggron is a really good friend, it's never failed to win battles or defend others.

Blake: No kidding, Aggron saved us from that falling shipping container by catching it.

Ruby: *eyes widen with fascination* Wow! So, strong.

Port: Good morning class!

     We all ready ourselves, and I pull out a notebook and pencil, but as class goes on I realize that this teacher is not teaching anything relevant and just tells stories till the end of class. Aggron and I walk out with Team RWBY and through the halls.

Blake: Told you, you didn't need that notebook.

(Y/n): Wow, I've had more amazing adventures than anything he described.

Yang: Yeah, we kinda have to teach ourselves with this class, but the others are not like this.

(Y/n): If you said it was going to be like this all day then I'd be worried.


     I quickly turn around and see Aggron had accidently broken through the doorway because he was too wide to fit.

(Y/n): Oh man. Aggron, you okay?

Aggron: *embarrassed* Aggron.

(Y/n): Sorry, Professor Port!

      Ruby and Yang burst out into laughter as Blake actually helps me get the pieces of door off Aggron. We then head to History with Dr. Oobleck, this guy gives Frogadier a run for it's money in terms of speed, although I think it's due to him being high on whatever he's always drinking. When class started though, Oobleck was much more interested in Aggron than class, taking measurements and actually got his weight written down.

Aggron: *getting irritated* Aggron.

(Y/n): Uh, Professor-

Oobleck: *as he takes Aggron's tail measurement* Dr.

(Y/n): Whatever. Aggron is getting really irritated, could you please stop doing whatever you're doing?

Oobleck: But I-

Aggron: *menacing growl*

Oobleck: I... see your point. Right, moving on! *speeds off*

(Y/n): Sorry about that, bud. *pulls out a slab of iron* Here. Thanks for not smashing the Dr.

Aggron: *nods and starts eating the iron*

Ruby: Whoa! Aggron can eat iron?!

(Y/n): Yeah, that's they're main diet.

Oobleck: Shall we get started?

      History got underway and I took down lots of notes because I wanted to get to know this world as best as I can. Afterwards, is lunch and I head back to my dorm room and decide to let my poke'mon outside to eat and play. As I get lunch ready, I hear a voice behind me.

Blake: Need help?

(Y/n): *turns around surprised* Uh, sure. Here are some instructions for certain poke'mon. Some of my poke'mon are particular.

Blake: Are poke'mon really that varied?

(Y/n): They have just as many personalities and quirks as there are Poke'mon and it's a trainers job to adapt to their poke'mon's needs and likes.

Blake: That's really cool. And you have so many, how do they all fit?

(Y/n): Well, I had my Steelix bore a hole to lead outside to a enclosed greenhouse kind of place.

Blake: *looks around* Which one is Steelix?

(Y/n): The big metal snake like one outside.

      Blake looks outside and her eyes widen at how big Steelix is and pulls out her Poke'Dex.

Poke'Dex: Steelix, the Iron Snake Poke'mon. A Steel and Ground type. The pressure of digging deep underground has made Steelix's body harder than metal.

Blake: That's incredible.

(Y/n): I thought so too at first.

Blake: So you mentioned you were not from around here?

(Y/n): Oh yeah. Uhm, well do you know what a wormhole is?

Blake: Yes?

(Y/n): Well, I came through one from another world because I was told I was needed to help. With what, I don't know?

Blake: Wow, I'm the first person to meet a person from another world. Interesting.

(Y/n): Yeah. Strange for me too. *checks time* Oh, we'd better eat before we have to go back to classes.

Blake: Yeah.

     Blake and I continue to talk and I begin to understand her a bit more and how things work here. She then mentions something called Aura, but before she can get into detail, we need to head to combat class with Professor Goodwitch. Weiss then explains what Aura is and how all living things can manifest one, before I can ask how though...

Goodwitch: Okay class, we have time for one more match, who would like to volunteer?

      A guy with short reddish brown hair and a full suit of armor raised his hand.

Goodwitch: Mr. Winchester, pick your opponent.

Cardin: I choose, the newbie.

Goodwitch: I.. don't think that is wise, Mr. (L/n) hasn't unlocked his Aura yet.

(Y/n): It's alright, Professor. I can fight.

Goodwitch: If you insist.

Aggron: *concerned* Aggron.

(Y/n): Don't worry you're coming too.

       Aggron followed me down to the ring and we see Cardin have a confidant smirk on his face.

Cardin: My way of saying welcome is whooping your ass.

(Y/n): We'll see if you can get that far.

Ruby: Go (Y/n)!

Yang: Knock 'em dead!

Blake: Fight well, (Y/n)!

Goodwitch: Ready.... GO!

(Y/n): Aggron, use Fire Punch!

      Aggron charges towards Cardin and reels his fist back as it catches fire, Cardin surprisingly dodges and charges me, I ready myself but Aggron's reflexes are quick as he swipe his tail like the arm of a crane sending Cardin across the floor and out of the arena. It's here I notice a monitor keeping track of Cardin's Aura level. I refocus on the battle as Cardin gets back on his feet...

(Y/n): Stealth Rocks!

       Aggron sets up the rocks in the arena, Cardin rushes back in and the Stealth Rocks activate and dig into Cardin's Aura.

(Y/n): Now, Heavy Slam!

       Aggron jumps into the air and slams down on Cardin destroying his remaining Aura.

Goodwitch: *surprised* The match is over. The winner is Mr. (L/n).

RWBY: *cheers*

     Aggron gets up and I walk over to Cardin and give him a helping hand but he was apparently fine and smacked my hand away as he got up.

Cardin: You just got lucky, you don't have the stones to take me on yourself, you just let your, monsters do the work for you.

Goodwitch: Cardin, that will do. Get back to your seat.

      Cardin bumped me with his shoulder but Aggron moved his tail to make Cardin trip, we went back to our seats. Team RWBY, minus Weiss, congratulate me and Aggron, I sit down next to Blake and start by asking.

(Y/n): So, how does Aura work again?

Blake: As Weiss stated earlier, Aura is a manifistation of one's soul, even animals can make one.

(Y/n): And those black creatures?

Blake: Grimm? No, those monsters lack a soul and therefore cannot generate an Aura. Aura can protect you from attacks and heal minor wounds rapidly.

(Y/n): Kinda like a personal forcefield?

Blake: If you want to look at it that way, then yes. Here.

     Blake reaches up and touches her hand to my cheek.

Blake: Close your eyes and concentrate.

(Y/n): *light blush* Ok?

       At first I don't feel anything, but then I feel a surge of warm energy flow in my soul, Blake's hand pulls away and I open my eyes and see she's a little winded.

(Y/n): You ok?

Blake: Yeah. I just used a bit of my Aura to activate yours.

(Y/n): Are you sure that was okay?

Blake: Yes. The energy that protects you now is yours and yours alone. Mine will regenerate after a few minutes.

(Y/n): Wow, thanks.

     Blake cracks a smile as class ends and Ruby wanted to study in my room, but I think she's using it as an excuse to play with my Poke'mon. Honestly though, I didn't mind with everyone hanging out. It soon got late and team RWBY returned to their dorm for the night, Blake lingered at the door for a few moments.

Blake: I hope you don't mind the new craziness around here, it can get pretty wild around here.

(Y/n): As long as I've got you and your friends around, I think I'll manage. *raises fist*

    Blake returns the fistbump with a hopeful smile and she returns to her dorm and I get my poke'mon's dinner ready then head to bed myself. I am quite enjoying my new surroundings, especially with Blake and her friends to help me figure things out.

Blake POV

       Why is my heart racing everytime I interact with (Y/n), is it because I like him? No, that can't be it, right? I mean he is handsome but he always has a smile on his face, he's hopeful and confident in himself and his Poke'mon. I should take a queue.

(A/N): Alright, Cut! Great work everyone. Take lunch and we'll get back to it.

Hey, all you really wild readers out there, have you ever wondered? How powerful are Poke'mon in the world of Remnant? Well the answer is ahead, so hang on!

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